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Dec 15th, 2012
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  1. [9:23pm] ChanServ: [#bwf] The official channel for Better With Forge (BWF). Feel free to ping Andrew2448 at any time for help
  2. [9:26pm] vidplace7 left the chat room. (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
  3. [9:34pm] Noir: <crickets>
  4. [9:35pm] Andrew2448: you can feel free to leave
  5. [9:35pm] Noir: I'm just wondering why nobody wants to talk about it?
  6. [9:35pm] Andrew2448: well i know exactly who you are
  7. [9:36pm] Andrew2448: i watch #btw you know
  8. [9:36pm] Andrew2448: so you can feel free to escort yourself out
  9. [9:38pm] Noir: I'll just wait. A two line ban would be the most amusing thing I've seen all day, though with this I suppose it would be three.
  10. [9:38pm] Andrew2448: I have no reason to ban you
  11. [9:38pm] AdamRidley left the chat room. (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  12. [9:39pm] Andrew2448: only if you start acting as ridiculous as he who you love
  13. [9:39pm] Noir: Care to explain the "escort yourself out" in that case? I'm curious as to what reason I would have to want to leave.
  14. [9:39pm] Andrew2448: By your actions and words in #btw, you clearly have no desire to support BWF or look forward to the future success of BWF
  15. [9:40pm] Andrew2448: If you want to sit here and spy on BWF then feel free, but you wont figure out much
  16. [9:40pm] Andrew2448: We dont do our real discussions in public irc channels
  17. [9:41pm] Noir: Does that mean I'm here to stir up trouble by default? I'm just here to observe and chime in when something catches my interest; I've got no desire to cause a ruckus.
  18. [9:41pm] Andrew2448: Then fair enough, and I hope it stays like that for both sides
  19. [9:42pm] Andrew2448: Which, when minecraft modding is involved, it normally doesn't.
  20. [9:42pm] Xizzzy joined the chat room.
  21. [9:43pm] Noir: Were you watching on wednesday?
  22. [9:43pm] Noir: You should know by now, that line has already been crossed and trampled.
  23. [9:43pm] Andrew2448: I only watched during both trollfests
  24. [9:44pm] briman0094 left the chat room. (Quit: Leaving)
  25. [9:44pm] Andrew2448: those filled with drunken statements and ridiculous accusations
  26. [9:44pm] Noir: Definite "trollfest"
  27. [9:44pm] Noir: define*
  28. [9:44pm] Andrew2448: monday night: FC runs into #minecraft forge and insults everyone, and last night, same thing again but instead directed again slowpoke
  29. [9:44pm] Andrew2448: against*
  30. [9:45pm] Noir: You're not being very transparent in this issue, are you now?
  31. [9:45pm] Andrew2448: I try to keep an unbiased view on it.
  32. [9:45pm] Andrew2448: But when FC refuses to even acknowledge the statement of the other side it kinda bothers me
  33. [9:45pm] Noir: Let me ask you something, what do you cherish most in your life, that is of things you have made?
  34. [9:46pm] Andrew2448: You could say as much
  35. [9:47pm] Noir: But what is it?
  36. [9:47pm] Andrew2448: I have no problem with his desire for BWF to not exist, nor even for his desire to stay away from forge. It is his actions against others that bother me
  37. [9:47pm] Andrew2448: It would help his cause a lot if he were to havent his arguments while sober
  38. [9:47pm] Noir: Do you understand the concept of consequence?
  39. [9:48pm] Andrew2448: Depends on the situation
  40. [9:48pm] Noir: As a general term, what does it mean to you?
  41. [9:49pm] Andrew2448: Punishment or bad happening caused by the actions of wrongdoing
  42. [9:49pm] Noir: In that case, from where I stand, I see an action made by forge, and it's subsequent consequence coming from FC.
  43. [9:49pm] Andrew2448: I do hope you realize that the forge team has nothing to do with BWF
  44. [9:49pm] Azeryuu left the chat room.
  45. [9:49pm] TheDrunkenHobo: Now now...
  46. [9:50pm] Andrew2448: TheDrunkenHobo: we are having a civilized conversation, dont ruin it
  47. [9:50pm] Noir: I'd like to ask why it is called "better with forge" if the forge team has nothing to do with it?
  48. [9:50pm] TheDrunkenHobo: Righto.
  49. [9:50pm] Andrew2448: It was a play at the name at BTW
  50. [9:50pm] Andrew2448: a piece of amusement by its author
  51. [9:50pm] You were granted voice by Andrew2448.
  52. [9:50pm] Andrew2448 made this room moderated for normal users.
  53. [9:50pm] vidplace7 joined the chat room.
  54. [9:51pm] Noir: So I'd like to ask you another question, in terms of morality, do you not find it wrong to take from someone that which they cherish more than anything else in life?
  55. [9:52pm] Andrew2448: He is not taking it from him. FC still has full possesion. He is simply adapting the ideas to another standard
  56. [9:52pm] Noir: And going back to similar questions, what does it mean to when someone "takes" something?
  57. [9:53pm] Andrew2448: Removes from the possesion of another
  58. [9:55pm] Noir: Then I suppose you would be right, at least in your understanding; however, I see this far differently. I see this as an act of totalitarianism. As so many have phrased it "it's your way or the highway" FC did not receive a choice, in any form or fashion. I find that not only intrusive and upsetting, but outright disturbing.
  59. [9:55pm] Andrew2448: That is quite true
  60. [9:55pm] Andrew2448: No one with sense will deny it
  61. [9:55pm] Andrew2448: But, as I have stated before
  62. [9:56pm] Andrew2448: if FC were to formulate a sensible argument rather than throwing cuss words at everyone and insulting them 24/7, then I myself would stop supporting BWF
  63. [9:56pm] Andrew2448: as would many others
  64. [9:56pm] Noir: Then shall I be the one to stop the fire here?
  65. [9:56pm] Andrew2448: To most people, the problem people have with BTW is FC himself
  66. [9:57pm] Andrew2448: Maybe you should become his spokesperson
  67. [9:57pm] Andrew2448: Because so long as he continues to act as he does now, he will not rejoin those who have left
  68. [9:58pm] Noir: Who in specific are you referring to?
  69. [9:58pm] Andrew2448: oops, change rejoin to regain
  70. [9:58pm] Andrew2448: and the he is FC
  71. [9:58pm] Noir: "he will not regain those who have left"
  72. [9:59pm] Noir: My question is "who" not "he"
  73. [9:59pm] Andrew2448: The people who at one time supported him but then began to instead support the BWF project
  74. [9:59pm] Noir: Care to form a list?
  75. [9:59pm] Andrew2448: I would rather not
  76. [9:59pm] Andrew2448: That would take quite a while
  77. [10:00pm] StGermain joined the chat room.
  78. [10:00pm] Noir: Then in that case, I feel we've hit a bit of a dead point in this arc of conversation, so let me ask another question: How do you see the BTW community in all of this?
  79. [10:00pm] Havvy joined the chat room.
  80. [10:01pm] Pichugames joined the chat room.
  81. [10:01pm] Andrew2448: The majority of them come off as "religious zealots" so to say, who will believe in anything that FC says
  82. [10:01pm] Andrew2448: not all, but a lot do
  83. [10:01pm] ShinyRay joined the chat room.
  84. [10:03pm] Noir: I'd like to know where you get that from, what makes you think we are some sort of cult group?
  85. [10:03pm] Andrew2448: It is common word among places outside of BTW, you could ask others if you would like
  86. [10:03pm] Andrew2448: especially those who act like he is "kicking ass" in his trollfests in #mineforge
  87. [10:04pm] Noir: That is, to put it lightly, a gross misconception.
  88. [10:04pm] Andrew2448: Btw to all the non-voices in here, this channel is +m, she cant see what you are saying
  89. [10:04pm] Andrew2448: I wouldnt doubt it
  90. [10:05pm] Pichugames is now known as Pichugames[A].
  91. [10:05pm] Andrew2448: There is a reason I'm not letting the rest of you talk. You simply fight with anger and thats not how dicussions roll along nicely
  92. [10:06pm] Noir: For the most part in the BTW community, people respect FC, people understand where he comes from, and people connect with him. As a result it would only be natural that there would be those who want to "take a side." Though I would like to have it be known that there are a large many people in the BTW community that take no issue with forge itself, this being the largest exception.
  93. [10:06pm] Andrew2448: That i could quite understand as well
  94. [10:06pm] Jay joined the chat room.
  95. [10:07pm] Noir: One of the operators in the BTW irc is a fan of both BTW and of many forge mods.
  96. [10:07pm] Andrew2448: Phrost shut up, she cant see what you are saying
  97. [10:07pm] Andrew2448: As are many people
  98. [10:07pm] Pichugames[A] is now known as Pichugames.
  99. [10:08pm] Andrew2448: which is simply why most people want them to work together
  100. [10:09pm] Noir: I can understand that, in fact to some extent I would agree with it, though knowing it is hindering FC in his endeavors, I cannot simply sit and nod my head in agreement.
  101. [10:09pm] Sentenryu joined the chat room.
  102. [10:09pm] Metathiax joined the chat room.
  103. [10:09pm] Andrew2448: I myself don't see how it hinders his endeavors in any way.
  104. [10:10pm] Andrew2448: Please explain
  105. [10:10pm] Noir: I'd like to direct you to this thread
  106. [10:11pm] Noir: and more specifically this post.
  107. [10:12pm] Andrew2448: He could have simply ignored it all along and nothing negative would have come to either himself or BTW
  108. [10:12pm] Andrew2448: But instead he decided to declare a "war" which cant be won by either side
  109. [10:13pm] Andrew2448: No matter what either side does or says, they cant stop the other side from developing their mod
  110. [10:13pm] Andrew2448: And because there are no broken laws or such, this can never be truly ended
  111. [10:13pm] Noir: I'd like to bring up an earlier point I made about that which is cherished above all else in life, and what it would feel like to have it being snatched up, copied, mutilated, or whatever you wish to call this.
  112. [10:13pm] Noir: Would you be willing to take it on the chin?
  113. [10:14pm] Andrew2448: Who knows, it has never happened to me
  114. [10:14pm] Noir: Then why do you feel the right to pass judgement?
  115. [10:14pm] Andrew2448: How can you agree with it if it has never happened. You have no idea how you would feel so you take neither side
  116. [10:16pm] Noir: But you've obviously taken a side, and things are not cut and dry black and white, there are more sides than just "stop making bwf" and "stop trying to make people stop making bwf"
  117. [10:16pm] Andrew2448: and what are these other sides?
  118. [10:18pm] Noir: People like myself, people who wish for both sides to find an equal opportunity resolution, make a mechanical automation mod like BTW in forge, it would be great for the community, but don't try to leech off of one that is already developed and in its final stages.
  119. [10:18pm] Andrew2448: That has been attempted multiple times. (BTB) Each time though, FC has refused to do such things.
  120. [10:19pm] Andrew2448: For some unknown reason, he has a vehement anger against forge that most of us dont understand
  121. [10:19pm] Noir: Better than buildcraft was better than wolves.
  122. [10:20pm] Noir: Better than wolves was originally a forgemod.
  123. [10:20pm] Andrew2448: <Noir> I'm already doing something stupid
  124. [10:20pm] Andrew2448: <Noir> It's something I'm passionate about though so fuck it
  125. [10:20pm] Andrew2448: if you dont want to do this, then you dont need to
  126. [10:21pm] Andrew2448: I feel that we are actually having a civilized conversation for once
  127. [10:21pm] Noir: I do want to do it, otherwise I wouldn't be here.
  128. [10:21pm] Andrew2448: And back to the point, yes indeed BTW was a forgemod
  129. [10:21pm] Andrew2448: and for reasons that everyone I have talked to doesnt find valid, FC decided to remove forge compatiblity
  130. [10:22pm] Noir: I'm here of my own accord, and with that said there is a very long history behind why FC is so spiteful towards the forge community.
  131. [10:22pm] Andrew2448: Has he been public about it
  132. [10:22pm] Andrew2448: The "real" reason why
  133. [10:22pm] Noir: Then what is your point here, do you find that to be so obsurd?
  134. [10:23pm] Jay left the chat room.
  135. [10:24pm] Andrew2448: Why did he remove compatiblity? what is so bad about forge?
  136. [10:24pm] Andrew2448: hundreds of other mods seem to think it has the right idea, so whats wrong with it?
  137. [10:24pm] Noir: Nothing is bad about forge, and you didn't bother to correct me either, FC is, in fact, not hateful towards forge as a whole.
  138. [10:24pm] Andrew2448: If both sides want a middle ground compatibility, then why doesnt FC go back to forge?
  139. [10:25pm] Andrew2448: Because you cant go the other way around
  140. [10:25pm] Andrew2448: Forge is willing to work with Fc, but not vice versa
  141. [10:25pm] Noir: I'll play devils advocate on this one, why would an abused child go back to their abusive parent?
  142. [10:25pm] Andrew2448: an abused child...are you kidding me?
  143. [10:25pm] Andrew2448: FC is in no way an abused child
  144. [10:25pm] TheAJGman: lol
  145. [10:25pm] Andrew2448: he was mad that elo was adding things to forge that only she wanted, and so he quit
  146. [10:26pm] Andrew2448: if anything, he was a teenager mid puberty that cant control his actions
  147. [10:26pm] Andrew2448: and eventually, those teenagers grow up
  148. [10:26pm] Noir: Or maybe just someone who wanted to have something of their own independent of the actions of others.
  149. [10:27pm] ezekielelin was granted voice by MineBot.
  150. [10:27pm] Andrew2448: "people who wish for both sides to find an equal opportunity resolution, make a mechanical automation mod like BTW in forge, it would be great for the community, but don't try to leech off of one that is already developed and in its final stages."
  151. [10:27pm] Andrew2448: if everyone wants a middle ground
  152. [10:27pm] Noir: Don't get BTW involved in it then
  153. [10:27pm] Andrew2448: then why are you supporting FC when he refuses to do so
  154. [10:28pm] Noir: make a mechanical automation mod like BTW in forge, it would be great for the community, but don't try to leech off of one that is already developed and in its final stages.
  155. [10:28pm] Noir: like ≠ the same as
  156. [10:28pm] Noir: He doesn't need to have any involvement in it
  157. [10:28pm] Andrew2448: But everyone wants BTW, not some mod with a similar idea
  158. [10:29pm] Andrew2448: No he sure doesnt
  159. [10:29pm] Noir: Then they should play BTW
  160. [10:29pm] Andrew2448: which returns to my point of how he should have just ignored it in the first place and both side live happily ever after
  161. [10:29pm] Andrew2448: But they want both
  162. [10:29pm] Andrew2448: Forge mods AND BTW
  163. [10:29pm] Andrew2448: because thats what they find most fun
  164. [10:29pm] Andrew2448: and so why should they be denied this?
  165. [10:29pm] Noir: So you're now the spoiled child who takes what he wants despite being told no.
  166. [10:30pm] Andrew2448: If you insist then sure
  167. [10:30pm] Andrew2448: Saying that wont change anything
  168. [10:30pm] Noir: Because they should respect the wishes of others, it's morally reprehensible not to.
  169. [10:30pm] StGermain left the chat room. (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  170. [10:31pm] Andrew2448: Wouldnt you say its also morally wrong to hold that which would be simple to release?
  171. [10:32pm] Noir: Not in the slightest.
  172. [10:32pm] Andrew2448: Makeing everyone angry because its "yours" and you dont want to share it with others
  173. [10:32pm] Andrew2448: When then there is the definite seperation between the forge and BTW communities
  174. [10:32pm] Andrew2448: Well*
  175. [10:33pm] Noir: I've heard what I came here to hear, I'll escorting myself out now.
  176. [10:33pm] Andrew2448: And it makes conversations like this pointless, because both people are definitely not going to change the viewpoints of others
  177. [10:33pm] Andrew2448: As have I
  178. [10:33pm] Noir: It was refreshing to have a civil conversation rather than what has become the norm, and I thank you.
  179. [10:34pm] Andrew2448: Same to you
  180. [10:34pm] TheAJGman: likewise
  181. [10:34pm] Noir: Good night.
  182. [10:34pm] You left the room.
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