
Matrix is a fucking dumbass with "7 proxies"

Jun 25th, 2012
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  1. <Ozone> Thats useful
  2. <Ozone> SEing
  3. <Ozone> etc
  4. <Matrix> its funny that such a answer you wrote there indicates a lack of confidence and denying
  5. <Matrix> You are thinking about making group
  6. <Matrix> you just simply wont tell me
  7. <Ozone> Because I know the people I would associate with you would hate
  8. <Ozone> Hint
  9. <Ozone> Its not Nexus
  10. <Matrix> so
  11. <Matrix> you are lying to me then
  12. <Ozone> No
  13. <Matrix> <Ozone> Maybe its for someone else
  14. <Matrix> <Ozone> Who knows
  15. <Ozone> Im not making a group
  16. <Ozone> Im thinking
  17. <Matrix> so then
  18. <Ozone> ok?
  19. <Matrix> if you are making a group
  20. <Matrix> how the fuck would you even manage to do anything usefull?
  21. <Ozone> :)
  22. <Matrix> even if you got a shell i doubt you know how to use it
  23. <Ozone> Matrix
  24. <Ozone> I will show you
  25. <Ozone> ok?
  26. <Matrix> doubt it
  27. <Ozone> Alright
  28. <Matrix> how would you kill a prosess using the terminal?
  29. <Ozone> Have fun being negative
  30. <Matrix> also, how would you find it
  31. <Ozone> Matrix
  32. <Matrix> answer me
  33. <Ozone> We are done
  34. <Ozone> No
  35. <Matrix> answer me
  36. <Ozone> We are done
  37. <Matrix> dont know?
  38. <Ozone> I dont need you
  39. <Ozone> mkay?
  40. <Matrix> som you dont know?
  41. <Ozone> I have nothing to prove
  42. <Ozone> ctr C?
  43. <Ozone> For killing a terminal?
  44. <Ozone> Dude no shit
  45. <Matrix> a prosess
  46. <Matrix> not the terminal
  47. <Matrix> say you wanna kill off apache
  48. <Ozone> Apache Stop
  49. <Ozone> lol
  50. <Matrix> nope
  51. <Matrix> the prosess, not the service
  52. <Ozone> What?
  53. * Ozone opens apache
  54. <Matrix> /etc/init.d/apache start
  55. <Matrix> starts the service
  56. <Matrix> but the service is a prosess
  57. <Matrix> how would you kill the prosess?
  58. <Ozone> ctr C
  59. <Ozone> lmao
  60. <Matrix> Ozone
  61. <Ozone> Matrix
  62. <Ozone> Im done
  63. <Matrix> that wont help you
  64. <Ozone> I will see you when Im rooting servers
  65. <Ozone> TRUST ME
  66. <Ozone> It will happen
  67. <Matrix> before or after you get v&?
  68. <Ozone> You dont know ANYTHING about me Matrix
  69. <Matrix> i do
  70. <Ozone> What if I'm not 14?
  71. <Matrix> heh
  72. <Ozone> What if I've been playing everyone
  73. <Matrix> then explain to me some high school math
  74. <Ozone> What if I'm a fed
  75. <Matrix> then i pity your stupidity
  76. <Ozone> :)
  77. <Ozone> So much doubt and negativity
  78. <Ozone> Its makes me upset
  79. <Ozone> Because nothing bothers a real Hacker/Programmer
  80. <Matrix> you have yet to explain to me how to kill a prosess
  81. <Ozone> Matrix
  82. <Ozone> Why does it matter what I prove to you?
  83. <Ozone> Do you want to keep fighting?
  84. <Matrix> I am not fightin
  85. <Matrix> i am preparing to humiliate you
  86. <Matrix> thats all
  87. * Ozone laughs
  88. <Matrix> now wanna be less humiliated?
  89. <Ozone> <Matrix> I am not fightin
  90. <Ozone> <Matrix> i am preparing to humiliate you
  91. <Ozone> <Matrix> thats all
  92. <Ozone> Just.. Stop :'D
  93. <Ozone> rofl
  94. <Ozone> Matrix
  95. <Ozone> I simply
  96. <Ozone> dont care
  97. <Ozone> Read about Dennis Ritchie
  98. <Matrix> ahh
  99. <Matrix> Dennis
  100. <Ozone> He died around the same time as Steve Jobs
  101. <Ozone> Nobody cared
  102. <Ozone> But
  103. <Matrix> Wow
  104. <Matrix> you don't say
  105. <Ozone> Hes way more important
  106. <Ozone> He created C
  107. <Matrix> have you even red The Programnming Langauge C?
  108. <Ozone> Without C
  109. <Ozone> No Unix
  110. <Matrix> The book by Dennis?
  111. <Ozone> Yes
  112. <Ozone> A little
  113. <Ozone> Its on his page
  114. <Ozone> Bell Labs
  115. <Matrix> ylol
  116. <Ozone> You dont sound like a dennis ritchie matrix
  117. <Ozone> You sound like a Bill Gates
  118. <Matrix> you speak of him as a good person, yet you disrespect him by not buying the book
  119. <Matrix> sad
  120. <Ozone> LOOOOL
  121. <Ozone> He believed in Open Source
  122. <Matrix> You should go read about Alan Turing
  123. <Ozone> As did Richard, Linus
  124. <Matrix> Guido is a genious
  125. <Ozone> You should go read about Bill Gates
  126. <Matrix> you got Bjarne Stroustrup
  127. <Ozone> Because you act a lot like him
  128. <Ozone> Getting upset at people who want to achieve something great, for everyone else
  129. <Ozone> Instead of getting mad at a 14 year old
  130. <Ozone> Who can already hack
  131. <Matrix> What about Stallman?
  132. <Ozone> And is expanding
  133. <Ozone> and learning
  134. <Ozone> every day
  135. <Ozone> you want to say shit about pioneering?
  136. <Matrix> aha
  137. <Ozone> Stallman?
  138. <Matrix> and yet for 2 week you didnt know how to run a python script
  139. <Matrix> weeks*
  140. <Ozone> Stallman was a philosopher
  141. <Ozone> Linus was the engineer
  142. <Matrix> you had problems with a zip file
  143. <Ozone> Stallman created GNU
  144. <Ozone> MATRIX
  145. <Ozone> IDGAF
  146. <Ozone> THATS THE PAST
  147. <Ozone> LMAO
  148. <Matrix> ah
  149. <Matrix> so past is 2 weeks?
  150. <Matrix> then you either are joking or are reading lots
  151. <Ozone> That wasent 2 weeks ago?
  152. <Ozone> wtf
  153. <Matrix> ofc it wasnt
  154. <Ozone> Dennis MacAlistair Ritchie, was an American computer scientist who "helped shape the digital era." He created the C programming language and, with long-time colleague Ken Thompson, the Unix operating system.
  155. <Ozone>
  156. <Matrix> wow
  157. <Ozone> wow
  158. <Matrix> everyone can quote
  159. <Matrix> less people know
  160. <Ozone> Amazing how you are a negative fuck
  161. <Ozone> Mr Bill Gates
  162. <Matrix> its funny how you claim to be soemoen you aint
  163. <Matrix> someone*
  164. <Matrix> so Ozone
  165. <Ozone> Do you remember when Bill wrote that letter to Stallman?
  166. <Matrix> if you actually did anything
  167. <Matrix> why was your whitepaper about a website i gave you 2-3 months ago?
  168. <Ozone> Criticizing GNU
  169. <Ozone> STFU
  170. <Ozone> omg
  171. <Matrix> M8, i contribute to opensource
  172. <Matrix> so please
  173. <Matrix> shut up
  174. * Ozone rofl's
  175. <Ozone> no
  176. <Ozone> You stfu
  177. <Ozone> Matrix> M8, i contribute to opensource
  178. <Ozone> :O
  179. <Ozone> I wonder what hacker doesnt
  180. <Ozone> Lets see
  181. <Ozone> Maybe
  182. <Ozone> like 5?
  183. <Matrix> hah, great guess
  184. <Ozone> Im going to go work on my project
  185. <Matrix> great
  186. <Ozone> And contribute to Open Source
  187. <Matrix> i cant wait to see
  188. <Ozone> lol
  189. <Ozone> Hint: Dont stay in Anonops for too long
  190. <Matrix> ohh, don't worry
  191. <Matrix> this guy is behind 7 procies
  192. <Matrix> proxies*
  193. <Ozone> LOOOL
  196. <Ozone> I really hope that was sarcasm
  197. <Ozone> Like
  198. <Ozone> really
  199. <Matrix> nope it was not
  200. <Ozone> Oh jesus
  201. <Ozone> Have fun Matrix
  202. <Ozone> bye now
  203. <Ozone> :>
  204. <Matrix> byebye
  205. <Matrix> i cant wait to see your work
  206. <Ozone> Who said you could get it?
  207. <Matrix> sure
  208. <Matrix> GL getting v&
  209. <Ozone> Thanks
  210. <Ozone> GL becoming Bill Gates
  211. <Matrix> thanks
  212. <Ozone> np
  213. <Ozone> Note to self: Dont get mad at 14 year olds
  214. <Matrix> Have fun Mitnick
  215. <Ozone> rofl
  216. <Ozone> Fucking mitnick
  217. <Ozone> Barely a hacker
  218. <Ozone> SEing and phreaking?
  219. <Ozone> Yes
  220. <Ozone> lrn2study
  221. <Matrix> More then you wil ever become ;)
  222. <Ozone> <----14
  223. <Ozone> Man, you are retarded
  224. <Ozone> Too much ADHD in your orange juice?
  225. <Matrix> well
  226. <Matrix> wanna know something fun?
  227. <Matrix> 14 year olds dont got a developed brain to figure out what the results of their actions are
  228. <Ozone> Sure
  229. <Matrix> also, stop using the excuse that you are 14
  230. <Ozone> lmao
  231. <Ozone> No
  232. <Matrix> shows how much you value youself and how stupid you are
  233. <Ozone> I can use it
  234. <Ozone> Because you are retarded, for arguing a teenager
  235. <Matrix> ah
  236. <Matrix> so i am the retarded one
  237. <Matrix> perfect sense
  238. <Ozone> >Claims hes way better, in his 20's
  239. <Ozone> >Clearly more experience
  240. <Ozone> smh
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