
TSW 13

May 27th, 2016
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  1. <IcePickLobotomy> Time: July 1st, 7:43am. Location: Layer 8, Medical Wing, Clean Room 3 Observation Deck.
  2. <IcePickLobotomy> Kasra, Reagan, Arina: Finding Mary isn't hard. She's in one of the clean rooms, a team of doctors and nurses hover around her in HazMat gear down below. Dr Vernbeck is watching from the observation deck above it. A notepad in hand as he talks to the team below via the intercom.
  3. <IcePickLobotomy> He turns and motions for you to come over to him.
  4. <Kasra> "Hello, doctor."
  5. <IcePickLobotomy> "Kasra, good to see you. I was planning on speaking to you soon enough."
  6. <Reagan> "How is everything?"
  7. <Kasra> "Well, Reagan and I wanted to check on Mary." Something about his emphasis seems strange.
  8. <IcePickLobotomy> "Miss Sinclair, good to see you as well." He gestures to the girl down below, past the glass. "She is stable now, and physically we expect her to make a full recovery within the month."
  9. * Reagan looking down at Mary. "Stable, huh? What seemed to be the problem?"
  10. <IcePickLobotomy> "Well, we're not sure. Her actions were. . . completely unprecedented. I was actually hoping that Kasra could shed some light on what she did excatly."
  11. * Arina hums. "Something with the AT field then?"
  12. <IcePickLobotomy> Verbeck rubs his eyes. "Miss Alkaeva as well? Hmm, I think I need to get my eyes checked, I didn't notice you."
  13. * JohnH silently wonders if he has been noticed
  14. <Kasra> "I think I'd prefer to speak with her and yourself in private before."
  15. <IcePickLobotomy> "I see. Fair enough."
  16. <IcePickLobotomy> "Well, our primary concern is the after effects of whatever it was that she did. We noticed odd syncro-readings from her unit after she was knocked out." He looks you all over "Any of you familiar with the phrase "Memetic Info-Hazard" ?"
  17. * Arina nods. "To an extent."
  18. <Reagan> "I can't say the same for myself.." She turns and looks at John. "Or everyone else."
  19. * Kasra nods.
  20. * JohnH shurgs
  21. * Arina holds out a hand. "I wouldn't consider myself expert enough to explain it. Doctor?"
  22. <IcePickLobotomy> He nods "Not surprised, it's a rather niche danger. In short it's a self-reinforcing idea or concept that enters the mind of a person. It usually causes dangerous changes in behavior, psychological trauma, or even death. Moreover they are capable of being spread from person to person by coming into contact with the," he hurms a moment, looking for the right word "The carrier of the idea....
  23. <IcePickLobotomy> ...Which can take the form of a phrase, sounds, image, though usually a combination of those three. Very hard to detect before it becomes symptomatic."
  24. * Reagan says flatly, "Now are you talking about a disease."
  25. <IcePickLobotomy> "There are many similarities between a virus and this."
  26. <Arina> "Mm. Basically a 'disease' comprised of information rather than cells, conceptually."
  27. <Reagan> "I don't really see how that makes a lick a' sense."
  28. <IcePickLobotomy> "Exactly, however we do have a test to determine with a fair degree of accuracy if someone is infected." He looks to Kasra " One developed by your mother and Dr. Stuart before you were born."
  29. * Kasra beams for a moment, before looking to the ground.
  30. * Reagan nudges him with her elbow, smiling slightly.
  31. * Arina hums. "Good work on their part, then."
  32. <IcePickLobotomy> "A remarkable woman, and his father was just as impressive. He helped found the field of MetaBiology as a matter of fact."
  33. <Reagan> "I don't even know what that means," she says, an impressed lilt to her voice.
  34. <Kasra> "It means doctors Nariman helped found the basis for the outriders and METI."
  35. <IcePickLobotomy> "Correct. MetaBiology is the study of the AT Field and it's applications."
  36. <Reagan> "Ah."
  37. <IcePickLobotomy> "Which," he gesture to Mary "As you can see, forms a critical pillar in our work here."
  38. * Arina nods. "They're the reason humanity has any chance at all - I didn't know it was the Narimans, though."
  39. <IcePickLobotomy> "They were key members in the initial studies of the AT Field. I myself learned everything I know from Javed."
  40. * Arina whistles. "I see."
  41. <Reagan> "So is there any chance of talkin to Mary today?"
  42. <IcePickLobotomy> "When she wakes up and after we've administered the Nariman-Stuart test. I will make sure you are all made aware when you can visit as soon as we are able to."
  43. * Arina nods. "Hopefully that's soon..."
  44. <IcePickLobotomy> "As do I. Were there any other questions?"
  45. * Arina looks out the window at Mary, frowning slightly. "How is she physically?"
  46. <IcePickLobotomy> "Broken ribs, bruised lung and a concussion. But stable, and we have no reason to expect her to worsen."
  47. <Arina> "Mm. All told, considering what she did..."
  48. * Mary looks small and lost in the void of hospital white around her...
  49. <IcePickLobotomy> "Mentally, we have no idea what her status is. Though she is . . . still there, dreaming though."
  50. <Arina> "So no clear idea when she'll wake."
  51. <IcePickLobotomy> He shakes his head. "I am afraid not. This is new territory for us."
  52. * Arina nods. "... Well."
  53. <IcePickLobotomy> "I'll make sure you are alerted as soon as she is awake and able to take visitors.
  54. <Arina> "Thank you, Doctor."
  55. <IcePickLobotomy> -------------
  56. <IcePickLobotomy> Time: July 6st, 3:31 pm. Location: Layer 8, Medical Wing.
  57. <IcePickLobotomy> Mary: The tests start as soon as you wake up. You are asked about associations between words and images, interpreting fractal patters, and asked to divine melodies and tunes out of random seeming series of notes. Whatever they were looking for, you seem to pass, and are allowed visitors.
  58. * Mary accepted that regime of testing without comments and is currently sitting half propped up in the bed
  59. * JohnH elbows Kasra in the side "Go in and say something"
  60. * Arina smiles slightly, stepping into the room. "Welcome back to the land of the living, Mary."
  61. <Kasra> Mary can here a hushed but belligerent conversation before Kasra half stumbles into the room before regaining his poise and standing perfectly straight. "Mary?
  62. * JohnH walks in quietly behind Kasra and smiles "welcome back to the land of the living"
  63. * RobinE comes in after the others, she waves to Mary "lookin' good."
  64. <IcePickLobotomy> Walker is hanging near the back of the others. She gives you a small wave. Artyom has his hands full with a large box.
  65. * Mary smiles weakly " so they let you finally in after they are sure that i am sane?
  66. * Reagan shrugs. "Well after that last stunt, we still aren't sure."
  67. <Kasra> "Nope. John and I had to fight them off. We probably have about 15 minutes." He smiles weakly.
  68. * Arina deadpans, "Please help us before we're overrun by security."
  69. * JohnH looks enthusastic about the idea of fighting off security
  70. <IcePickLobotomy> "The box has the spare ammo, but I got the wrong rounds." Artyom adds in a deadpan
  71. <Kasra> "Also, we couldn't procure the Outriders. This was a poorly conceived strategy in retrospect."
  72. <Arina> "They wouldn't fit very well in the hallways, though."
  73. <JohnH> "They're also kind of loud"
  74. * Mary winces " I kind of deserve that .and i can hide one of you under my bed with only the dustmites as company
  75. <IcePickLobotomy> Artyom sets the box down next to the bed. He opens it, revealing a large collection of get well cards and packages. "You have fans it seems." Walker explains.
  76. <Kasra> "One of my oldest childhood friends was a dustmite."
  77. <Kasra> "I called him Mighty Mite."
  78. * Reagan coughs to cover up laughter.
  79. <Mary> fans? more likely that most of them did it as obligation from the teachers...
  80. <Kasra> "Well, one of them is mine, so no."
  81. * Mary laughs even if it seems a bit painfull
  82. <Arina> "Though speaking of the teachers I think you have one from Miss Yang... the package might be a soccer ball."
  83. <IcePickLobotomy> "More like a bowling ball." Artyom grouses
  84. <JohnH> "probably a dodgeball, since Mary hasn't had the privelege of getting hit recently"
  85. <RobinE> "heh," Robin lets a small laugh out before catching herself.
  86. <Mary> "noooooo! is there no escape from her evil?"
  87. <IcePickLobotomy> Artyom romoves a dodgeball from the box, it has "Get well soon! I look forward to seeing you on the track field as soon as you are well" scrawled on it in marker.
  88. <Mary> and she is just sad that it was not her that put me in here
  89. <Mary> "ahhhhhh! a threat!"
  90. <IcePickLobotomy> Walker blinks owlishly behind her glasses.
  91. * RobinE 's smile fades when she sees the ball, " wait she actually sent one?'
  92. <Kasra> "She is /very/ dedicated to her craft."
  93. <JohnH> "Mary, if you like, I could throw it at you."
  94. <Arina> "I think we can give her a break for now."
  95. <JohnH> "You don't get better by laying around, Arina. You gotta work for it. That's why I run."
  96. <Mary> help i need a hero! to save me from the evil ball!"
  97. * Arina turns to Mary. "Seriously though. No suicide plays. If this happens again I'm not stopping him."
  98. <IcePickLobotomy> Artyom looks confused. "But it is a ball. You. . . play with it? Why is it scary?"
  99. <Kasra> "Sorry, John is the resident hero."
  100. <JohnH> "I mean, I did just murder a giant flying alien"
  101. <RobinE> "Artyom," Robin stares at him deadpan, "its not the ball its the person that sent it."
  102. <IcePickLobotomy> Artyom looks at the ball, then to Mary. "Is this a person I need to be giving a night-time surprise visit?"
  103. <JohnH> "Gross Artyom" John snickers
  104. <IcePickLobotomy> Walker blinks again. "Artyom that uhh. . ."
  105. <IcePickLobotomy> He facepalms "I mean is this someone I should be threatening!"
  106. * Arina giggles slightly. "Just a gym teacher, Artyom."
  107. * Kasra gives a very covert punch to John's arm and gestures strongly to the females in the room. "/C'mon./"
  108. <Arina> "... Though she may not mind."
  109. <Mary> i fear you would not survive this man eater...
  110. * JohnH incspicuously kicks Kasra back "...whoops"
  111. <Mary> and i had not planed to die arina
  112. <IcePickLobotomy> Walker clears her throat with a sound suspiciously close to a laugh. "Mary, we can discharge you today if you'd like. Hanan and Meagan are waiting for you."
  113. <Arina> "Well no exploding yourself anyway."
  114. <Arina> "It's against the rules."
  115. <JohnH> "You need to get back out there and start running. It's good for you"
  116. <IcePickLobotomy> "Not with a concussion. She needs to take it easy for the next few weeks at least."
  117. <Mary> I would like that... and hey the explosion was not the problem... tge cave in was
  118. <Kasra> "We can take walks. Fresh air and light exercise are an important step to recovery."
  119. <JohnH> "yes. walking. As long as its a mile in under 9 minutes"
  120. * Arina coughs. "Let's stick within her comfort zone, boys, she's just going to hate it if you make her overdo it."
  121. <Kasra> "John didn't mean it, and we know better."
  122. <Mary> ...can i get someone to save me from john again?
  123. * JohnH looks down, dejected
  124. * Mary asks with pleading eyes
  125. * Kasra pats John on the back. "I don't think you need anyone to save you right now."
  126. <IcePickLobotomy> Artyom pulls a wheelchair out from the hallways. "I don't think they boys are mean enough to make you run once you have your sister in your lap." Walker says as she helps Mary into the chair.
  127. * Arina chuckles. "That works well enough."
  128. <Mary> thanks you are a dear."
  129. <IcePickLobotomy> It doesn't take you too long to get back to the apartment. A stack of hot pizza's await you, and more important to Mary, a rather fussy Meagan resting in Hanan's arm. The woman gives you all a wave when you enter. "Mary! it's good to see you back and well. The little one missed you."
  130. <Mary> " and i am sorry for making you worried..
  131. <IcePickLobotomy> "Oh, it's nothing to be sorry about." She stands up and gently passes Meagan over to her older sister. "I don't think you wanted to get hospitalized."
  132. <Mary> "heey come here princess"
  133. * Arina smiles slightly at the reunion.
  134. <IcePickLobotomy> Meagan giggles happily, nestling against Mary.
  135. * Mary tries to hold her against her chest and kissing meagans forehead
  136. * RobinE heads over to the pizzas to get some food.
  137. * Arina joins Robin, leaving the sisters to their reunion.
  138. <IcePickLobotomy> Walker puts on a movie and grabs a plate of pizza.
  139. * Mary engages in some baby babling and then asks how scared/behaved Megan was.
  140. <IcePickLobotomy> "She was pretty fussy," Hanan explains "She knew everyone was worried about you. No, your a smart baby, arn't you?" Hanan pokes Meagan's belly, who giggles in response.
  141. <mary> "whooo is a good smart girl..yes who is.."
  142. <IcePickLobotomy> There's a knock on the door.
  143. <Kasra> "I can get that."
  144. * Kasra heads for the door.
  145. <IcePickLobotomy> Kasra: You are greeted by a tall older gentleman in a tweed jacket, and a crop of short grey hair. He's fair skinned, if somewhat rather tan, and has a pair of thin glasses. "Ah, hello. Is Reagan about?" He asks.
  146. <IcePickLobotomy> Reagan: You recognize that voice. Doctor Jack Hartford, a long time friend of you uncle, and the family as a whole.
  147. * Reagan stands up and hurries to the door.
  148. <Kasra> "I believe so. Reagan! A man here to see you. What was your name?"
  149. <Reagan> "Well I'll be darned! Is that my Jack?"
  150. * Kasra very visibly smiles, stands down and backs away from the door.
  151. <IcePickLobotomy> "Jack Hartman." he holds his hand out for a shake with a friendly smile. "Reagan! It's good to hear you in person again."
  152. <Reagan> "Oh the pleasure's all mine! How've you been you old so-and-so!" She asks laughingly.
  153. * Arina waves slightly, and refrains from intruding on the meeting.
  154. <IcePickLobotomy> "Well, I'll say I picked a hell of a time to fly in. Plane hadn't even come to a stop when that giant monster comes outa the ocean. Damn near gave me a stroke."
  155. <Kasra> "Good to meet you."
  156. <IcePickLobotomy> Kasra: He has a firm friendly handshake.
  157. <IcePickLobotomy> "A pleasure to you met as well young man, you have a name or shall I be left in suspense?"
  158. <Reagan> "Thank god you arrived alright! I can't believe you waited so long to drop by, why didn't you tell me you were comin'? I'd'a at least /tried/ to welcome you at the airport!"
  159. * mary drives a bit closer
  160. <IcePickLobotomy> "I had some business to take care of before pleasure I'm afraid, the confrence got pushed back and I had a few people I needed to meet with." He scratches the back of his head "I meant to say something when I got here, but in all the excitement it slipped my mind. Forgive a old man and his ailing memory?"
  161. * Reagan playfully slaps his forearm. "Never!"
  162. * IcePickLobotomy turns to the rest of the group. "See what I have to put up with? No respect I tell you." he shakes his head ruefully "So Reagan, mind introducing me to your friends?"
  163. <IcePickLobotomy> *He
  164. <JohnH> "Don't do it Reagan, its a trap"
  165. <Reagan> "Well this one here is our infamous Mr. John Hunter." She says dryly.
  166. * Arina curtsies to him. "Arina Alkaeva, it's a pleasure to meet you."
  167. * Kasra whispers sharply. "Arina, we're /being/ introduced."
  168. <IcePickLobotomy> He bows in return to Arina "And a pleasure to meet you as well Miss Alkaeva." He chuckles a moment before offering his hand to John. "And a pleasure to meet you as well Mr. Hunter."
  169. * JohnH returns the handshake, firmly
  170. <Reagan> "And this is Mary Robinson, from our very own United States."
  171. <IcePickLobotomy> "Hello Miss Robinson, it's good to meet you."
  172. <mary> "Please excuse the lack of a curtesy and me stsbding up,doctors orders i am afraid to say and even from tje same statein the union
  173. * Reagan Reagan goes through introducing the rest of the people in the room, smiling broadly. When she finishes she asks if Hartman would like to come in for something to drink.
  174. <IcePickLobotomy> "No no, no excuse need. I'd rather my patients listen to my orders as well as you seem to be, and a baby tends to make such actions a tad tricky."
  175. <mary> please excuse the lack of manners here, doctors orders and a toodlet sister as you can see
  176. <IcePickLobotomy> "Reagan, you wouldn't mind if I borrowed you for the evening? I was hoping to catch up."
  177. <Reagan> "No not at all, if it wouldn't be rude a' me to step out tonight." She turns and smiles bashfully at Walker.
  178. <IcePickLobotomy> Walker shakes her head. "No go ahead if you'd like."
  179. * Arina hums, stepping back a pace and glancing at Hartmanford.
  180. <Mary> go and have fun we can catch up later ,I ain't running away
  181. <IcePickLobotomy> Arina: He glances back and gives you a small nod and a look.
  182. * Arina hums.
  183. <IcePickLobotomy> "Reagan? Shall we?" Gestures out to the hallway "I haven't had much of a chance to sample the local cuisine, so I'll have to ask you for guidance there."
  184. <JohnH> "You should try the rocky mountain oysters! They're a local delicacy!"
  185. <JohnH> "Imported from the states, anyway"
  186. <Reagan> "Just let me get my coat!" She hurries to and from her room, returning with a light jacket. She does not reply to John's comment about goat testicles. "Now what would you say to some French quisine?"
  187. * Arina blinks, glancing at John. "They are? Hm, I've never heard of those."
  188. <IcePickLobotomy> He chuckles. "I've fallen for that one years ago son, you'll have to try a bit harder than that I'm afraid." he nods to Reagan "Sounds wonderful."
  189. <Reagan> She offers her hand to him as she walks out the door. "Bye all!"
  190. <RobinE> "bye" Robin waves without looking away from the movie.
  191. * JohnH says to Kasra "it was worth a shot"
  192. <Kasra> "Well they're not bad."
  193. <JohnH> "You like Balls, eh Kasra"
  194. <Kasra> "I mean, they just taste like any other meat, but when pre-you're making fun of me again."
  195. * Arina blinks. "Er...?"
  196. <IcePickLobotomy> Walker tries very hard to not choke on her drink. She fails.
  197. <JohnH> "Only a little."
  198. <IcePickLobotomy> "Arina, rocky mountain oysters are deep fried goat testicles."
  199. <Kasra> "Go eat your balls, John."
  200. * Arina blinkblinks. "Ah. I see."
  201. * Arina nods. "Okay, that last bit of conversation makes much more sense now."
  202. <JohnH> "You a fan, Arina?"
  203. <mary> boyss....
  204. <Arina> "Can't say I've ever tried them, no, though I'm aware that they exist in a few cuisines."
  205. <Kasra> "They really actually are pretty good though. Rocky mountain oysters, specifically. Not balls. I haven't uh...never mind."
  206. <IcePickLobotomy> Walker blinks, and then smiles, leaning back in the couch with a small dangerous looking grin.
  207. <Arina> "... I thought rocky mountain oysters were testicles?"
  208. <Kasra> "Well, yeah, but...John's being...nevermind. Just...John, talk to her about balls, I can't do this, I..."
  209. <JohnH> "Arina, Kasra wants me to talk to you about balls."
  210. * Kasra appears to have lost a few years off his life and retreats to a chair in the corner to die.
  211. * Arina turns to John. "Ah, you've eaten a lot of them, then?"
  212. <IcePickLobotomy> Hanan leans over and covers Meagan's ears with a exaggerated disproving look.
  213. <mary> what happens in the lock ro right john?
  214. <mary> lockeroom
  215. * JohnH looks suddenly flustered ", not really. Not a fan"
  216. * mary smirks
  217. * Arina humhums. "Fair enough."
  218. <mary> am i the only one that had aword feeling with him
  219. <RobinE> "who, that Hartford guy?"
  220. * Arina taps her cheek. "Mm."
  221. <RobinE> "seemed fine to me."
  222. <mary> hmhnn kinda skevyy
  223. <mary> ""
  224. <RobinE> "Well, Reagan seemed to trust him. Since she is the only one that knows him, I'm going with her judgement."
  225. * mary mumbles and then nods
  226. * Arina hums.
  227. <mary> so.....
  228. <IcePickLobotomy> "I wouldn't worry about it too much Mary. Doctor Jack Hartford, Doctorates in Psychology with a minor in Memetic Theory. Close personal friend to Senator Sinclair and along time family friend. Godfather to Reagan Sinclair" Walker recites from memory "Honestly I trust him with Reagan more than I do her Uncle."
  229. <Arina> "Mm. He seems interested in her well-being, at least."
  230. <mary> "well considering what he does...."
  231. <Kasra> "Is he here for Mary too then?"
  232. <RobinE> "Probably not, he said he was done with business didn't he?"
  233. * Arina blinkblinks. "... Why would he be? I imagine there's more than one Texan psychiatrist."
  234. <IcePickLobotomy> "No, he isn't affiliated with METI< though he was here for a Applied Memetics Theory conference we hosted."
  235. <mary> "her ubcle imean that isnot too surprising. and what do you mean kasra?
  236. <Kasra> "Interesting opportunity if he's interested in Memetic Theory."
  237. <Kasra> "Just thought given a family connection, maybe he was interested."
  238. <Arina> "Ahhh, yes, I see."
  239. <mary> what is memetic theory then?
  240. <IcePickLobotomy> "Not that I am aware of, though I'm not following his activities too closely."
  241. <IcePickLobotomy> "Not too sure myself," Walker lets her thoughts drift "Something to do with the study of how ideas propagate and spread between people and how they effect someone."
  242. <mary> "ah like believe or propaganda."
  243. * Arina nods. "And advertising."
  244. <Kasra> "A bit more...mechanical than that. More about the fundamentals of it."
  245. <mary> "Ah
  246. <mary> ..."
  247. * RobinE gets up and goes to her room, returning shortly after with a notebook. She takes a seat and begins writing."
  248. * Kasra gravitates towards her.
  249. * Arina hums, glancing at Robin's work a little curiously.
  250. * RobinE notices everyone focus on her, she closes the notebook, "yes?"
  251. <Arina> "Ah, sorry. Didn't mean to disturb you, just curious what you were working on."
  252. * mary smiles as she sees that.
  253. <Kasra> "Sorry, Robin, didn't mean to draw the horde."
  254. <RobinE> "Its, well nothing really. Just practicing for class."
  255. <mary> urgh... a week of homework..
  256. * Arina chuckles, patting Mary's shoulder. "My sympathies."
  257. <Kasra> "You'll be fine! And if you need help catching up, let me know, okay?"
  258. <mary> well i am still catching up on chemistry...
  259. * RobinE opens her notebook to continue.
  260. <Kasra> "I mean, you're probably as good as me at that, but if there's any way I can help, let me know."
  261. * Arina moves back to a side table and picks up a book she left there earlier, curling up in the chair and opening it to read.
  262. <mary> "nah you are better there, at least it is notbiology or...PE…
  263. <Arina> "At least you don't have PE homework," she points out.
  264. <Kasra> "John and I'd love to help you practice for PE outside of school! We'll take it at your pace and John can circle us if he wants."
  265. <RobinE> "I can't believe Mary actually got sent a get well dodgeball."
  266. <mary> "Arina.. can you break my leg to save me?"
  267. <IcePickLobotomy> Walker looks away from the movie. "No! No self harm for playing hookie. If you want to skive off classes do it the old fashioned way!"
  268. <Kasra> "John, she wants her leg broken."
  269. * Arina blinks. "Ah, if you're going to exercise her, do it a bit later at human hours and join me."
  270. <RobinE> "Is that permission to skip, as long as we do it the 'old fashioned way'."
  271. <IcePickLobotomy> "That's permission to not get /caught/ ."
  272. <IcePickLobotomy> "But really, if any of you feel like you need a day off or something let me know. You're all under a lot of pressure as it is."
  273. <JohnH> "Leg breaking it is"
  274. <mary> Why does everyone wants to make me sweat and run around?
  275. <Arina> "No leg breaking. But let's start her off easy."
  276. <Kasra> "Because if you sweat and run around, soon you can run around without sweating!"
  277. <Kasra> "Hey, it was just an offer, nothing mandatory."
  278. * mary looks down "okay the answer for the boys is easy"
  279. <RobinE> "hey I'm not tellin you to do anything Mary."
  280. <mary> "But as usual i am blaming john"
  281. <JohnH> "For what?"
  282. * JohnH is totally paying attention
  283. <Arina> "The trials and torments of making her run."
  284. <JohnH> "But she isn't even going to run"
  285. <Arina> "Yes but she's claiming the prize of being able to blame you anyway."
  286. <mary> "See also your fault"
  287. <Kasra> "Sorry, John, this isn't what I meant to happen."
  288. * mary giggles even if it pains her
  289. * JohnH is slightly dejected again
  290. <Arina> "Which means, of course, that since she's claimed the reward, you're free to exact your own price now."
  291. * Arina smiles slightly.
  292. <Kasra> "Want to go for a victory lap, John?"
  293. * RobinE sets her notebook down and goes to the kitchen.
  294. <Arina> "You'll have to wait until Mary can stand so she can go on the victory lap with us, you know."
  295. <mary> "nonono "she panics"if arina thinks you dwserve a price she should give it to you herself.
  296. <JohnH> "I think its time for a lap"
  297. <Arina> "Let's wait until she's out of the wheelchair, unless you want to just push her along?"
  298. <Kasra> "Oh, I wasn't even thinking about you guys. Just thought John and I'd go for a run."
  299. <JohnH> "Don't worry Kasra, I got what you meant"
  300. <JohnH> "Lets go for a victory lap."
  301. * Arina chuckles, standing up. "Give me a bit and I'll come with you, since you're jogging at human hours for once."
  302. <JohnH> "Oh no, this isnt a jog. It's a victory lap"
  303. <Arina> "Victory lapping at human hours."
  304. <Arina> "My apologies."
  305. <Kasra> "Yeah! This'll be fun! Anyone else?"
  306. * Arina slips out to her room for a bit, before coming back in better-suited-for-running clothes.
  307. * RobinE comes back from the kitchen with a cup of hot chocolate, "I'll stay here."
  308. <Kasra> "That's fair. Lead on." The speed with which Kasra has changed into his sweats seems to imply that velcro is a part of his wardrobe.
  309. * JohnH doesn't need to change. He's always reayd
  310. <Mary> "but I am happy to let you run out there"
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