
I don't even know

Dec 3rd, 2015
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  1. lVlarinelVlakarov has joined the chat
  2. Guest_Whiteblademax has joined the chat
  3. Virus has joined the chat
  4. AlexPowerFull has joined the chat
  5. GirlyPianist has joined the chat
  6. Zehn has joined the chat
  7. Guest_ruzuereef has joined the chat
  8. Virus: and worng o.O
  9. GirlyPianist: Sup Makarov
  10. Guest_Whiteblademax: No
  11. lVlarinelVlakarov: Hey
  12. Guest_Whiteblademax: I am not left
  13. GirlyPianist: Still marine? :)
  14. linklsd has joined the chat
  15. Virus: lol
  16. Virus: OMG
  17. Virus: LINKERS
  18. lVlarinelVlakarov: Always, but not on here.
  20. lVlarinelVlakarov: So this is where you hang?
  21. Virus: HEY :D <3
  22. Guest_Whiteblademax: and not being left i am not encouraged to such other men's cocks.
  23. AlexPowerFull: brb
  25. GirlyPianist: Haha it's my first time here
  26. GirlyPianist: Tyt
  27. linklsd: me 2
  28. linklsd: lol
  29. Guest_Whiteblademax: I do
  30. Virus: LOL
  31. AlexPowerFull has left the chat
  32. Virus: stfu
  33. linklsd: is it safe is trish here?
  34. Virus: nah she aint here
  35. lVlarinelVlakarov: Hm
  36. lVlarinelVlakarov: How ya been?
  37. Guest_Whiteblademax: and its my right as a hetrosexual.
  38. linklsd: ok
  39. GirlyPianist: Christmas break soon so grrrreeaattt :)
  40. linklsd: um
  41. GirlyPianist: How have you been?
  42. linklsd: deanna
  43. Virus: yus?
  44. linklsd: i ditched the flight today
  45. linklsd: lol
  46. Virus: WOT
  47. Virus: WHY
  48. linklsd: aint got time for relationship shit
  49. linklsd: lol
  50. lVlarinelVlakarov: Been cool
  51. Virus: u were gunna go for a girl?
  52. AshlaSnow: omg hello kitty
  53. linklsd: well
  54. linklsd: first
  55. linklsd: flight was
  56. lVlarinelVlakarov: Got out the military on here and joined a Mafia.
  57. linklsd: lol
  58. linklsd: hi snow
  59. Virus: lol
  60. GirlyPianist: Ouu can I join as well?
  61. linklsd: whats ur name girl
  62. Guest_younggirlbad has joined the chat
  63. AshlaSnow: Ash
  64. lVlarinelVlakarov: If you want to
  65. lVlarinelVlakarov: Sure
  66. linklsd: oh ok
  67. linklsd: u got a man/
  68. GirlyPianist: Yer, why not
  69. linklsd: ?
  70. linklsd: lol
  71. Guest_Whiteblademax: nor to i have a desire to do so
  72. AshlaSnow: yes XD
  73. GirlyPianist: ^Doesn't waste time
  74. lVlarinelVlakarov: Ok
  75. linklsd: shit
  76. linklsd: i dont got a man
  77. linklsd: lol
  78. Guest_Whiteblademax: nor do i have a desire to do so.
  79. linklsd: um
  80. AshlaSnow: XD
  81. Virus: niqqa u still on about this?
  82. linklsd: how tall are you how much do u wiegh
  83. linklsd: and
  84. linklsd: when we gonna hook up bb
  85. GirlyPianist: Haha
  86. AshlaSnow: how about no XD
  87. linklsd: oh ok
  88. Guest_DavidHerrmann has joined the chat
  89. Virus: LOL
  90. lVlarinelVlakarov: Bored.
  91. GirlyPianist: Makarov?
  92. GirlyPianist: Ah
  93. lVlarinelVlakarov: Huh
  94. GirlyPianist: Sshh it's contagious. Don't say you're bored near me again
  95. AzazelMagnus has joined the chat
  96. lVlarinelVlakarov: oh..
  97. linklsd: hold up ash
  98. lVlarinelVlakarov: ..Didn't know that..
  99. Guest_Whiteblademax: I hate negros
  100. linklsd: gonna get a new gf
  101. GirlyPianist: Where do you usually hang?
  102. lVlarinelVlakarov: My house
  103. lVlarinelVlakarov: xD
  104. GirlyPianist: Take me there then
  105. AshlaSnow: XD have fun?
  106. lVlarinelVlakarov: Hm i dont know
  107. linklsd: s1
  108. GirlyPianist: Don't misunderstand
  109. Guest_DavidHerrmann has left the chat
  110. lVlarinelVlakarov: i didnt
  111. lVlarinelVlakarov: Sure, i'll invite you
  112. Virus: why r u following me >.>
  113. GirlyPianist: Mkay :)
  114. Guest_Whiteblademax: Anybody else here hate negros
  115. Virus: im a fag negro
  116. Virus: better back off
  117. linklsd: pianist
  118. GirlyPianist: Ye?
  119. linklsd: hello darling
  120. linklsd: lol
  121. AshlaSnow: XD
  122. lVlarinelVlakarov: Oh dear.
  123. GirlyPianist: Your bag is fabulous
  124. lVlarinelVlakarov: Wanna poof this place?
  125. AshlaSnow: trolls all the trolls in dis room
  126. linklsd: ty love but the only fabulous one is you
  127. GirlyPianist: Erm sure
  128. AzazelMagnus: Hello Ash my love
  129. lVlarinelVlakarov: Ok
  130. GirlyPianist: Aww :') Nice meeting you guys
  131. lVlarinelVlakarov has left the chat
  132. AshlaSnow: Herro
  133. GirlyPianist: Byeee!
  134. linklsd: dont go painist
  135. GirlyPianist has left the chat
  136. linklsd: we getting to know each other phase
  137. linklsd: lol
  138. Guest_Whiteblademax: I shit out negros the other day.
  139. linklsd: damn
  140. Guest_younggirlbad has left the chat
  141. AzazelMagnus: So who has been messing with my wife
  142. linklsd: me
  143. AshlaSnow: dude why you racist
  144. Virus: LOL
  145. AshlaSnow: XD why just why
  146. Guest_Whiteblademax: Who
  147. linklsd: cause u got that kitty i want
  148. Guest_Whiteblademax: Being racist
  149. linklsd: lemmo say hello to ur kitty ash
  150. AshlaSnow: you are XD
  151. AshlaSnow: XD oh noz
  152. linklsd: oh yea bb
  153. Guest_Whiteblademax: I was talking about black beans.
  154. AshlaSnow: XD
  155. linklsd: darth vader wanna be aint got nothing on captain save a hoe
  156. kanaofhalo has joined the chat
  157. AshlaSnow: oh my god
  158. Guest_luceleaf has joined the chat
  159. linklsd: s2
  160. AzazelMagnus: id watch your tounge dumass
  161. AzazelMagnus has left the chat
  162. linklsd: ill watch ur wifes tongue
  163. linklsd: lol
  164. linklsd: s3
  165. linklsd: thats ur husband ash?
  166. kanaofhalo: wow did i enter at a bad time?
  167. AshlaSnow: yeah financee
  168. kanaofhalo: lol
  169. linklsd: you need a real man like me
  170. linklsd: lol
  171. Guest_KylanDeadMau5 has joined the chat
  172. AshlaSnow: XD
  173. Virus: oh harris lol
  174. linklsdlinklsd Whisper: lol
  175. Guest_WhiteblademaxGuest_Whiteblademax WhisperAdd Friend: Since when did real men wear pink
  176. linklsd: i saw it on vogue magazine
  177. Guest_WhiteblademaxGuest_Whiteblademax WhisperAdd Friend: White lion did go through a pink tights phase
  178. linklsd: lol oh
  179. linklsdlinklsd Whisper: ash
  180. linklsd: bb
  181. linklsdlinklsd Whisper: wink
  182. AshlaSnow: XD
  183. linklsdlinklsd Whisper: y u so cute
  184. AshlaSnow: cuz
  185. Guest_WhiteblademaxGuest_Whiteblademax WhisperAdd Friend: the leader finally stop wearing pink and dyed his hair brown.
  186. linklsd: cuz
  187. linklsdlinklsd Whisper: ur my gf
  188. Guest_Whiteblademax: singer
  189. linklsd: thats why
  190. linklsd: wink
  191. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: Yo baby, let me count your freckles
  192. linklsd: add me ash
  193. linklsd: <3
  194. linklsd: lol
  195. Guest_Whiteblademax: You must of heard the song road to valhalla
  196. AshlaSnowAshlaSnow : XD
  197. kanaofhalo has left the chat
  198. linklsdlinklsd Whisper: wink
  199. linklsd: wink
  200. Guest_WhiteblademaxGuest_Whiteblademax WhisperAdd Friend: A young mans dream of becoming a viking
  201. linklsd: wink
  202. linklsdlinklsd Whisper: ♥
  203. AshlaSnowAshlaSnow : XD
  204. linklsd: u ever been in love with a thug
  205. linklsd: lol
  206. linklsd: ash
  207. AshlaSnow: no XD
  208. linklsd: me either
  209. Guest_Whiteblademax:
  210. linklsd: but
  211. linklsd: um
  212. linklsd: love me?
  213. linklsd: one day
  214. AshlaSnow: XD maybe
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