
Aberrant intro

Oct 21st, 2015
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  1. [19:27:42] <Aberrant> The scarce rays of sunlight piercing through the heavily obscured, broken windows of the room served as my wakeup call this morning, I pulled myself up off of the cold, thin blankets that I had been lying on, walking groggily over to the window to adjust the makeshift curtains slightly so that the room was once more totally bathed in darkness. I started to stretch myself out, waking myself up without the benefit of the light boring straight into my eyes, and going through my own mental priority list, buy breakfast, meet with, or, at least, try and find Gatling or Alibi, maybe steal a couple tens or hundreds of dollars while I'm out, and get back home. Simple. I take a hundred or two out of the pouch containing all of my savings, pocketing the money before descending the stairs of my building, forgoing the costume as I wasn't particularly worried about my civilian identity being found out, as if I had much of one to begin with, besides, it's not like anyone actually knows about my powers to begin with, right?
  2. [19:47:25] <Aberrant> I took down the piece of wood that was keeping the door jammed shut, and pulled it slowly open, giving me time to adjust my eyes to the bright, early morning light as it flooded into the nearly pitch-black stairwell. I stepped out of the building, shutting the door behind me and putting up one of my hands to shield my eyes from the light, my vision ironically hampered by the luminesence, I walked to a nearby coffee shop, nearly empty aside from one or two employees what with how early it was, I made a note of the lack of the familiar ring from the electronic bell that had usually gone off whenever someone was to walk in. I looked up to the teen standing at the counter, his expression was confused, and his eyes seemed to bore right through me, as if I was some incorporeal being that he was looking straight thr- Oh, right. I concentrated for a moment on my power, willing it away from me, the boy's expression turned from mystified confusion to wide-eyed shock as, as far as he knew, a small, introverted girl materialized in front of him with wisps of darkness dissipating around her. Real subtle, I thought to myself. Walking up to the counter nonchalantly, trying to look like nothing had happened. I looked up to the cashier. "Um. Hi." I said awkwardly. Same story every day.
  3. [19:48:28] <Cashier> "Uh... hi. Did you just... ?"
  4. [19:49:50] <Aberrant> "...N..o?" I suggested hesitantly.
  5. [19:50:14] <Cashier> The boy backs away slightly
  6. [19:51:41] <Aberrant> "Could you just get me a coffee... Please?" I withdraw one of the bills from my pocket.
  7. [19:52:05] <Cashier> "Y-yeah, I'll just..."
  8. [19:52:10] <Cashier> He does so
  9. [19:52:45] <Aberrant> "T-thanks." I give him the bill, and take the coffee, not bothering to wait for him to make any change, slinking out of the building.
  10. [19:55:06] <Cashier> He stares at the $100 bill in shock, but by the time he looks back up at you you've gone
  11. [19:56:36] <Aberrant> I make a mental note to steal that money back later today after I've met with Gatling or Alibi, if I manage to find them, that is.
  12. [19:59:56] <Aberrant> Speaking of which, I take my coffee, and start wandering nigh-aimlessly through the part of town I met the two of them in last time, Alibi first, since they were the closest that I can remember, sipping my coffee slowly as I walk around the grounds.
  13. [20:01:05] — Alibi , a young girl, runs up to you and gives you a quick hug
  14. [20:02:26] <Aberrant> I look down at her with a brief expression of confusion. "Um... Hi."
  15. [20:02:45] <Alibi> "Hi!"
  16. [20:03:44] <Aberrant> "Are you...?" I start, my voice trailing off.
  17. [20:04:14] <Alibi> "Yep!"
  18. [20:04:17] — Alibi beams
  19. [20:05:32] <Aberrant> "Wow... I can't say I was really expecting someone so..." Young? Cute? Small? Unthreatening? I couldnt' decide on exactly what it was I was trying to say.
  20. [20:06:54] <Alibi> "I know, I know, everyone expects a big grown-up to be the super Rogue."
  21. [20:08:33] <Aberrant> I stared down at her, still at somewhat of a loss for words. "Er..."
  22. [20:11:03] — Alibi pouts
  23. [20:11:10] <Alibi> "It's Alibi."
  24. [20:11:21] <Alibi> "I KNOW you were looking for me."
  25. [20:12:29] <Aberrant> "...Really? How?" I wonder briefly if precognition is one of her powers, or if It's just so obvious what I'm doing because I'm never outside otherwise.
  26. [20:14:24] <Alibi> "I have ways~!"
  27. [20:15:03] <Aberrant> "Well... I kind of wanted to know what your power is... Y'know, so I can uh... Know if I ever need you..."
  28. [20:17:28] <Alibi> "Well... if you ever wanna be in two places at once, I can do that!"
  29. [20:18:29] <Aberrant> "Can you... Duplicate me or something...?"
  30. [20:18:44] <Alibi> "Yup!"
  31. [20:19:16] <Aberrant> "Oh, wow."
  32. [20:19:31] <Aberrant> "Um... If I ever did need you, how much would it uh... Cost?"
  33. [20:21:36] <Alibi> "Well..."
  34. [20:21:48] — Alibi beams again
  35. [20:22:04] <Alibi> "Half whatever you earn from it, of course!"
  36. [20:23:11] <Aberrant> "Oh." Wow, I expected it to be a lot more than that. Huh.
  37. [20:23:38] <Alibi> "You're the one doing all the work!"
  38. [20:24:13] <Alibi> "Double your capability, but you aren't really losing any money."
  39. [20:24:39] <Alibi> "Twice as much at half the earnings is the same, right?"
  40. [20:25:42] <Aberrant> "Yea... I can see how you must be a pretty popular cape. I'm surprised no-ones ever tried recruiting you before."
  41. [20:26:31] <Alibi> "Oh, they do. But a bunch of them are violent about it, so I don't like working for them."
  42. [20:28:00] <Alibi> "So I don't!"
  43. [20:28:32] <Aberrant> "Jeeze..." I remark noncomitally, as if being even more turned off about joining a team was possible.
  44. [20:30:08] <Alibi> "Ugh, I know!"
  45. [20:31:36] <Alibi> "Bunch of gangs think "Twice as much shooting" and decide if I don't wanna, they can make me."
  46. [20:33:04] <Aberrant> "I guess that hasn't worked yet, huh?" I make a mental note that I should probably stop trying to make smalltalk with superheroes. Or anyone, for that matter.
  47. [20:34:23] <Alibi> "Nope! And it's not gunna!"
  48. [20:34:40] — Alibi has a proud look on her face
  49. [20:35:37] <Aberrant> "How come? Can you just... Duplicate yourself a bunch of times?"
  50. [20:37:15] <Alibi> "Nah, they just keep on shooting at the duplicates."
  51. [20:38:14] <Alibi> "Nobody wants to shoot their boss."
  52. [20:38:32] <Aberrant> "Oh."
  53. [20:39:32] <Alibi> "Yup!"
  54. [20:39:33] <Aberrant> "Well... I... I guess I should be going now... Will I be able to find you here again...?"
  55. [20:43:08] <Alibi> "Sometimes."
  56. [20:43:38] <Alibi> "Unless someone is busy."
  57. [20:43:54] <Aberrant> "Busy?"
  58. [20:44:28] <Alibi> "Getting copied, silly!"
  59. [20:44:46] <Aberrant> "Oh, right."
  60. [20:44:55] <Aberrant> "Is it something you can do instantly, or is their a process or something."
  61. [20:45:01] <Aberrant> "Uh... Sorry for asking so many questions."
  62. [20:46:26] <Alibi> "Pretty much whenever I want."
  63. [20:49:06] <Alibi> "What about you?"
  64. [20:49:27] <Aberrant> "Huh?"
  65. [20:49:37] <Aberrant> "W-What about me?"
  66. [20:51:12] <Alibi> "Your power!"
  67. [20:54:13] <Aberrant> "O-Oh. Of course, sorry. I can uh... Mess with darkness and move through it and stuff. It's not all that remarkable..." I look around to find any sort of darkness in the morning light, not particularly eager to drop the ball on my first meeting with someone.
  68. [20:56:24] <Alibi> "Cool! Can I see?"
  69. [20:58:17] <Aberrant> "Well... We are kind of standing outside in the middle of daylight." I shrug.
  70. [20:58:58] <Alibi> "Oh yeah..."
  71. [20:59:37] <Aberrant> "Sorry." I said hastily.
  72. [21:00:28] <Alibi> "Nah, don't worry! I guess I'll find out if you ever hire me."
  73. [21:02:26] <Aberrant> "Yea, I think I'll probably hire you a lot if I ever decide to be a real criminal, um... In case you uh, couldn't tell, I like being alone."
  74. [21:02:41] — Alibi stifles a giggle
  75. [21:02:50] <Alibi> "You won't even know I'm there!"
  76. [21:03:31] <Aberrant> "Literally speaking, huh?"
  77. [21:05:10] <Alibi> "Yup!"
  78. [21:07:09] <Aberrant> "Well... It was nice meeting you... Which is actually kind of surprising, but I'm not sure if it's really a good idea for us to be standing out here talking like this in broad daylight for much longer, I'm uh... Trying to keep sort of a low profile for now, so I think I should go."
  79. [21:07:43] <Alibi> "Oh. Yeah, okay."
  80. [21:07:53] <Alibi> "Bye!"
  81. [21:09:02] — Alibi waves and turns to wander away
  82. [21:09:06] <Aberrant> "Bye." I give her a nervous wave, and turn around, before starting off back to my apartment.
  83. [21:09:35] <Aberrant> "my" apartment
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