
Template OC WIP - Roxanne

Jun 23rd, 2014
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  1. Name: Roxanne Rolls
  2. Age: Unknown, looks around 20
  3. Gender: Female
  4. Classification: Human
  5. Occupation: Teenage Punk Rock Star
  6. Height: 5’4”
  7. Weight: 137 Lbs.
  8. Eyes: Green
  9. Hair: Blonde (dyed neon blue)
  10. Appearance:
  11. Roxanne wears a pink zip-up hoodie, with a black logo looking like a shooting star on the back of the hoodie. She wears the hoodie only zipped halfway up; underneath, she wears a blue bikini with a shooting star pattern, and one can see she has a fairly curvy figure. She wears denim hot pants and a fairly large black leather belt with a golden star-shaped belt buckle, and has torn black stockings that cover all of her legs. On her feet, she wears large, black combat boots, while on her hands, she wears white fingerless gloves with golden stars on her knuckles. Her hair is swept to one side, covering the right side of her face, and she has earrings that have small, stylized stars on them. She wears fairly heavy eye shadow, and has somewhat thick, bright purple lips.
  13. Powers and Abilities:
  14. - Voice Manipulation
  15. Roxanne is very gifted musically, and just by using her voice, she can be loud enough to fill a stadium filled with fans. This is only the beginning, however – Roxanne can make her voice even louder, or focus it, allowing her to use soundwaves in combat to get around various common forms of defense. Her voice can even shatter non-physical defenses, such as barriers, if made loud enough, but this requires a lot of breath to even pull off, or on the other end of the spectrum, she can use it like a bat uses echolocation, allowing her to use sound to create a mental map of an area, such as a large cave, factory, or forest. She can also manipulate her voice besides changing the volume – she can imitate anyone after hearing them for a while, being able to even nail accent and verbal ticks with more exposure to a voice. She can also create a barrier of sound around herself & allies, allowing her to protect them from many incoming attacks. And in the event of not being able to use her own voice, she also has sound-based weapons she can control, or in a pinch and with a bit of preparation, she can even use someone else’s voice.
  17. - Temporal Mixtape
  18. Using the weapon Basket Case, Roxanne can actually have some control on time. Basket Case has four buttons, each of which affect time for anyone in audible range* except herself: Play, Stop, Fast Forward, and Rewind. It’s important to note that the weapon is mentally connected to her, meaning that just knocking it out of her hands isn’t necessarily enough to stop her from using it. However, it is possible to damage Basket Case enough that it cannot be used for quite a while.
  19. ~ Play will start playing whatever tape/CD is in the device, allowing her to perform the other actions available to her, and also acts as how she uses the railgun at either end of the boom box (which end is the player’s choice, but it can’t be both at the same time).
  20. Roxanne can also press Play twice to fire missiles from Basket Case. This launches around twenty small missiles, which home in on nearby enemies, from her speakers – it’s important to remember where they come from, unless you want to personally eat missile!
  21. ~ Fast Forward and Rewind are where the time manipulation comes into play; Fast Forward will speed up any character of Roxanne’s choice, including herself, to around double their speed, for two turns before the button releases itself. Similarly, Rewind will slow down time for any character of Roxanne’s choice, including herself, by half their speed for up to three turns. Speeding up time can also allow a move that requires windup to be performed much more quickly or for a character to move across the battlefield at a much faster pace, while slowing down time can give a character more time to react, letting them dodge attacks or perform an effective counter-attack.
  22. However, in both button’s cases, after use they get stuck. While they’re stuck like this, they will be unable to be used for two turns.
  23. ~ As an extension of the abilities present to Fast Forward & Rewind, pressing either button twice will cause any one character, including Roxanne, to move either to where they would be next turn, or to where they were the prior turn. This ability will actually move time for that character, meaning that while you can potentially buy yourself more space, you could also undo any damage dealt over the previous turn. When Roxanne uses this ability, she will always have a three turn unsticking period on whichever button was used, meaning that she cannot immediately speed up a character after moving them forwards, for example. However, you can move a character forwards and then slow them down, or vice versa.
  24. ~ Pause has an especially powerful effect. By holding Stop successfully for two turns, Roxanne can then release to create a timestop effect for all enemies in audible range for two turns. After those turns are up, Stop will be stuck, much like Fast Forward or Rewind, and cannot be held for use again for three turns afterwards. Attempts to hold Stop while it’s unsticking will not count towards the charge time.
  25. Interestingly, you can speed up or slow down the period of time during which the time stop is active, using Fast Forward or Rewind. This affects both the startup time and the actual active period of the ability; therefore, while using Fast Forward will decrease your charge time to one turn, it will also make time stop work for only one turn. Both buttons will have a cooldown period afterwards, as one would expect.
  26. * “In audible range” means that basically any character who can hear the music being played by Roxanne can be affected. Therefore, while deaf characters are immune to the effects of Basket Case, characters with sensitive hearing simply take more damage from her sound-based attacks.
  28. - Acrobatics
  29. Shockingly, Roxanne is incredibly acrobatic. She’s decently fast, and can combine this with very effective jumps and some pretty useful parkour skills. For example, Roxanne can run up a wall for a few feet before jumping off, or jump between close-enough walls to get to an area. She also uses these skills for effective dodging abilities, meaning she’s than capable of moving herself out of the way, even without her Temporal Mixtape.
  31. Stats:
  32. -Strength: ***
  33. -Projection: ****
  34. -Toughness: ***
  35. -Attack Type: Impact, Puncture
  36. -Resistances: Toxin (-1)
  37. -Endurance: ***
  38. -Stamina: ***
  39. -Speed: ****
  41. Standard Equipment:
  42. Basket Case – A boom box that Roxanne carries around with her, which almost always and only plays music made by her. While she claims she carries it to make fights more entertaining, it serves many more purposes – the soundwaves can be used by her as a weapon, it fires homing rockets from the speakers, and from either end it can fire bullets like a railgun. But, more importantly, it’s connected mentally to her, and allows her to use her second ability, “Temporal Mixtape”.
  44. NOTES:
  45. A turn refers to essentially the length of a post, starting with when the player posts and lasting until they must post again. As a result, in larger RPs it’s possible for these effects to last longer, or for cooldowns to take longer.
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