
It's a Moon Thing - Chapter 2

Jun 25th, 2012
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  1. Chapter 2
  3. >The two of you lay there, staring in confusion.
  4. >Luna seems she’s most taken back.
  5. >She closes her eyes.
  6. >Then she leans in closer, for another contact.
  7. >You immediately NOPE and pull away.
  8. >She stops where you are supposed to be, and realizes that you aren’t there.
  9. >She pauses, and opens her eyes again.
  10. >She grunts, and flares her wings.
  11. >Then she flies off quickly.
  12. >You’re just left there, wondering what just happened.
  13. >Left alone in the woods, you do the only reasonable thing.
  14. >Go home.
  15. >…
  17. >What else?
  19. >God, your head is killing you.
  20. >You’ll hate trees forever.
  21. >You finally reach to cobblestone path.
  22. >Good, back in Ponyville.
  23. >Amazing you made it back pretty quick.
  24. >Nightmare Night is still on.
  25. >And there is that colt.
  26. >And soon-to-be-filly.
  27. >You slowly sneak up behind Featherweight, who is still being a total ass by taking pictures.
  28. >You get ready to punt that fucker, after all this time.
  29. >But of course, the universe has other plans for you.
  30. >Which has no relation to connecting your accelerated foot to the tiny, fragile bottom of that useless colt.
  31. >But you do it anyway.
  32. >As you run up to make your offense, something strikes you down.
  33. >You recognize that ebony coat anywhere.
  34. >It’s-
  35. >”WE LIKE YOU”
  40. >You push the evil alicorn off your body and run like hell.
  41. >What is wrong with this day, seriously.
  42. >You then spot your very own abode, your fort of safety.
  43. >Your house.
  44. >You sprint faster, while searching for the keys in your pocket.
  45. >Your running isn’t helping, and the keys jiggle around like shit.
  46. >You don’t even know why you carry around your phone anymore.
  47. >You finally grab hold of it.
  48. >You look behind, trying to eye your offender’s progress.
  49. >You wish you hadn’t.
  50. >With a shout, she lunges at you, and you duck.
  51. >You still maintain your speed, no way in hell you are going to stop.
  52. >She misses you completely, and stumbles to a tree.
  53. >You can’t spare any capacity to laugh.
  54. >You finally reach you brown door, and hastily insert your keys.
  56. >Nightmare finally got out of the branches.
  57. >She gracefully landed on her hooves, and stared at the human.
  58. >He was already by the door!
  59. >He inserts the key, and turns it.
  60. >He turns to her, and shoots a victorious grin.
  61. ”Ha!” He shouts, smiling.
  62. >And then he turns the doorknob.
  63. >And turns it again.
  64. >His face turns pale, as he slowly tries his lock again.
  65. “Ha?” He shoots finger pistols, before making a mad dash to the other side of his house.
  66. >What will he do break through the-
  67. >Nightmare hears glass shattering.
  68. >He just did.
  69. >She shrugs, and turns into her shadow form, and slips away.
  71. >You pant.
  72. >But you are happy.
  73. >You made it.
  74. >The broken glass cut you everywhere, but hey, better than that evil demon.
  75. >What was she screaming into your face?
  76. >Not sure.
  77. >You don’t even know why she was trying to kill you.
  78. >You don’t even notice the darkness swirling over you.
  79. >And suddenly, dark mist.
  80. >You blow it off, laughing at how it formed.
  81. >You must have damaged your brain or something.
  82. >Wait a minute.
  83. >Dark mist in your house?
  84. >OH SHI-
  85. >Tentacles of pure darkness wrap around each of your limb, and lift you up.
  86. >Oh no.
  87. >All those hentai you watched, IT’S HAPPENING
  89. >From the form the mass of darkness, the alicorn reveals herself.
  90. >You are half-relieved to see the pony; at least it’s better than a sex-hungry monster.
  91. >Your anus will never recover from that.
  92. >You struggle against the bonds, but it is pointless.
  93. >She lets out her evil laugh, as she slowly comes up to you.
  94. >”That was an interesting chase, human.”
  95. >You gulp down the spit in your mouth.
  96. >”It was… cute.”
  97. >She is just an inch away from you now.
  98. >You can’t help to wince as her breath touches your face.
  99. >There was a reason you freaked out when you landed in a land of horses.
  100. >Her reptilian eyes slowly scan over your face, then to your body.
  101. >You can’t help feeling violated.
  102. >She chuckles, before looking into your eyes.
  103. >You look away.
  104. >”It is so good that you invited us to your house, we can have some-“
  105. >She leans closer, whispering to your ear.
  106. >”Privacy.”
  108. >And with that, you are off.
  109. >The darkness slowly drags you to upstairs, to your bedroom.
  110. >You try to catch anything that might slow down the inevitable.
  111. >Your fingers can only lightly grasp at the tips of the stairs, only to be defeated by superior strength.
  112. >You clench your teeth, you are screwed now.
  113. >Literally.
  114. >You are flung to your bed, and you land with a-
  115. >POMF
  116. >No, you saw this somewhere too.
  117. >The alicorn slowly mounts you, and licks her teeth.
  118. >You now notice the sharp canines.
  119. >Wait, ponies don’t have canines.
  120. >Canines are dogs!
  121. >Then again, we have Wiona.
  122. >Goddamn puns going everywhere.
  123. “Wait!” You shout out, as the pony lowered to you.
  124. >”What is it now?” she asks, annoyed.
  125. “Who are you, and what do you want with me?”
  126. >Her expression contorts into anger, as she dismounts.
  127. >Whew, a reprieve.
  129. >Ouch, your ears.
  131. >Uh huh.
  132. “Nope, doesn’t ring a bell.”
  133. >”Evil enchantress who wants to stop the sun?”
  134. “Errr, no clue.”
  135. >”Eternal night?”
  136. “Nothing.”
  137. >She sighs, and the darkness envelops her.
  138. >When it goes away, you spy a smaller alicorn, standing there.
  139. “Luna?”
  140. >”Anonymous? What is-“
  141. >The darkness covers her again.
  142. >And there stands Nightmare again.
  143. >”There, that’s enough.”
  144. >She quickly dissolves into the shadows-thing and rushes over you.
  145. >Well, back to square one.
  146. >It was a good run, penis.
  147. >Thanks for the memories, Anon.
  148. >I hope we can stay in touch.
  149. >And in a blink of an eye, Nightmare is over you again.
  150. >Maybe it was a good idea to get that blunt weapon set Flim offered you a week ago.
  151. >Universe must love irony.
  152. >”Don’t worry…” She chuckles.
  153. >You can see the evil grin on her face.
  154. >”You won’t feel a thing.”
  155. >And then, darkness.
  156. >No really, her magicy shit went to your head.
  157. >And you were out.
  159. >You slowly open your eyes.
  160. >What the hell happened last night?
  161. >You can see the rays of sunlight coming from the window right above your bed, lighting the dark room.
  162. >You stare into the ceiling, trying to recall what happened.
  163. >Your breathing becomes harder, ohmygod, you’re freaking out.
  164. >When you were about to lose your mind, you feel something soft on your cheek.
  165. >You lift whatever it is with your fingers, and crank your head to examine it.
  166. >You know that color anywhere.
  167. >You eyes lose focus from the mane strands, and make out what is beyond your hand.
  168. >You can hear her soft breath, which slowly blew out some loose mane.
  169. >She had a peaceful expression on her face, as her head rested on the unused section of your pillow.
  170. >Then you realize why your breathing is hard.
  171. >Luna is sleeping on you, her body crossing through your chest and torso.
  172. >She doesn’t weigh much, but still it was quite a burden on you.
  173. >You could say she was weighing you down.
  174. >Wait, where did these sunglasses come from?
  175. >You shake them off, and turn to Luna again.
  176. >Your arm is still up, awkwardly erected in place.
  177. >You can’t even feel your other arm.
  178. >You can slowly make out the details on her face-
  179. >Her mouth, curled into a smile.
  180. >Her eyes were closed in a peaceful trance.
  181. >Your forearm blocks the view.
  182. >You notice her nose, gently rising and falling.
  183. >Then you see the cyan irises, staring back at you.
  184. >You freeze.
  185. >Luna slowly lifts her head, and looks to you.
  186. >She blinks once, taking in the situation.
  187. >She raises a hoof to lower your arm, and slides it back to its position.
  188. >She doesn’t even have fingers, how the fuck?
  189. >She smiles to you, before leaning in for a quick peck on the lips.
  190. >Still paralyzed in shock, you let her have her way.
  191. >She then sighs contently, and nuzzles at your cheek.
  192. >All of your what.
  193. >And after a few minutes, your brain kicks in.
  195. >You kick your blankets over, and try to stand up.
  196. >Well, at least you still have your clothes on.
  197. >Luna shoots up and pins you back to the bed, her forelegs crushing each of your shoulders.
  198. >”Where do you think you’re going?”
  199. >You squirm under her hold, and then look to her pleadingly.
  201. “Can we talk about this?”
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