
Relational Data Executive Summary

Nov 3rd, 2014
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  3. Write a two-page executive summary for your boss explaining how a relational data solution can be applied to a current business problem or area for improvement. Assume that your boss knows nothing about relational database theory. The goal of this summary is to obtain your boss’s approval to proceed with your stated project. Focus on how the information will be captured, manipulated, managed, and shared, and the value the database brings to the organization. Include some suggested RDBMS solutions and potential costs associated with the implementation. Your paper must follow all APA Style Guide requirements. All sources must be properly cited using APA guidelines. Include an APA title page and an APA References page. Thes title page and References pages are in addition to the minimum of 2 pages of body text for your executive summary. In your summary you must include an introduction section with a heading, body text topic sections as apprporiate with headings, and a conclusion section with a heading. Note that APA requires 12 point Times Roman font throughout and 1″ margins.
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