

May 26th, 2015
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  1. ------------------------------------------------------------[[ Nill ]]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. script.Name = "Ni".."ll"
  3. script.Parent = nil
  4. --Config--
  6. local ChatTime = 5 -- How long do you want your chat to last?
  7. local ChatColor = "Really red" -- Color when you chat
  8. local OutputColor = "Really red" -- Output Color
  9. local Name = "Cl".."oc".."k".." :"..")" -- Your character name
  10. local EnableGuiChat = true -- Cool Gui chat but it's in Beta mode
  11. local JumpForce = 5800 -- How High you jump
  12. local Walkspeed = 35 -- How much walkspeed you want your character to have, keep 16 if you want it normal
  13. local AntiChat = true -- if Anything or Anybody chats with the chat service becides you then it will get removed
  15. --Stuff you don't touch below--
  17. local Start = false -- Only active when you say startup
  18. local Character = nil
  19. local Mouse = nil
  20. local Me = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
  21. local LocalName = Me.Name
  22. local BaseOn = false
  23. local Base = nil
  25. Me.Character.Archivable = true
  26. local Clone = Me.Character:Clone()
  27. Clone.Archivable = true
  28. Me.Character.Archivable = false
  30. function BecomeCharacter()
  31. wait()
  32. local TorsoPos =,20,0)
  33. if Character ~= nil then
  34. TorsoPos = Character.Torso.Position +,2.5,0)
  35. wait()
  36. Character:Destroy()
  37. end
  38. wait()
  39. Character = nil
  40. wait()
  41. for _,Get in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace"):GetChildren()) do
  42. if Get.Name == Name then
  43. Get:Destroy()
  44. end
  45. end
  46. wait(0.1)
  47. local ObjectRaw = game:service("InsertService"):LoadAsset(68452456)
  48. local Health = game:service("InsertService"):LoadAsset(11911558)
  49. ObjectRaw.Parent = game.Workspace
  50. Character = ObjectRaw:GetChildren()[1]
  51. for _,Get in pairs(Health:GetChildren()) do
  52. Get.Parent = Character
  53. end
  54. Character:MoveTo(TorsoPos)
  55. Character.Name = Name
  56. Me.Character = nil
  57. wait()
  58. Me.Character = Character
  59. Workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = Character.Humanoid
  60. Workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraType = "Custom"
  61. BC = Clone["Body Colors"]:Clone()
  62. BC.Parent = Character
  63. Character.Torso.roblox.Texture = Clone.Torso.roblox.Texture
  64. Character.Head.face.Texture = Clone.Head.face.Texture
  65. coroutine.wrap(function() while wait() do Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = Walkspeed end end)()
  66. for _,Get in pairs(Clone:GetChildren()) do
  67. if Get:IsA("CharacterMesh") or Get:IsA("Accoutrement") then
  68. local PartClone = Get:Clone()
  69. PartClone.Parent = Character
  70. end
  71. end
  72. Character.Humanoid.Died:connect(function()
  73. wait()
  74. BecomeCharacter()
  75. end)
  76. wait()
  77. for _,Get in pairs(Workspace:GetChildren()) do
  78. if Get.Name == Name then
  79. if Get == Character then
  80. Get:Destroy()
  81. end
  82. end
  83. end
  84. end
  86. function Output(Message, Type)
  87. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  88. if Me.Character ~= nil then
  89. local Gui = {}
  90. local PreText = ""
  91. local HEAD = nil
  92. local MESSAGE = Message
  93. if pcall(function() HEAD = Me.Character.Head end) then else HEAD = game.Workspace end
  94. for _,Get in pairs(HEAD:GetChildren()) do
  95. if Get.Name == "Nill Gui" then
  96. table.insert(Gui, Get)
  97. end
  98. end
  99. local Billboard ="BillboardGui")
  100. Billboard.Name = "Nill Gui"
  101. Billboard.Parent = HEAD
  102. Billboard.Adornee = HEAD
  103. Billboard.Enabled = true
  104. Billboard.Active = true
  105. Billboard.Size =, 0, 1, 0)
  106. Billboard.ExtentsOffset =, (#Gui * 5) + 5, 0)
  107. local Text ="TextLabel", Billboard)
  108. Text.Name = "Text"
  109. Text.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  110. Text.Size =, 0, 1, 0)
  111. Text.FontSize = "Size24"
  112. Text.Font = "ArialBold"
  113. Text.Text = "Loading Text..."
  114. Text.TextStrokeTransparency = 0
  115. Text.TextStrokeColor3 =,0,0)
  116. if Type == 1 then
  117. Text.TextColor3 =
  118. PreText = Name
  119. elseif Type == 2 then
  120. Text.TextColor3 =
  121. PreText = "n".."i".."l".."l"
  122. end
  123. if #Message > 100 and #Message<= 200 then
  124. Text.FontSize = "Size18"
  125. end
  126. if #MESSAGE > 200 then
  127. Text.FontSize = "Size24"
  128. MESSAGE = string.sub(Message,1,50).."..."
  129. end
  130. for i = 1,#PreText + #MESSAGE + 2 do
  131. Text.Text = string.sub(PreText.."~ "..MESSAGE, 1, i)
  132. wait()
  133. end
  134. wait(ChatTime)
  135. Text:TweenPosition(, 0, 0, 0))
  136. wait(2)
  137. Text:remove()
  138. Billboard:remove()
  139. end
  140. end))
  141. end
  143. function Scan(PlayerName)
  144. local Return
  145. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  146. if string.lower(string.sub(v.Name,1,#PlayerName)) == string.lower(PlayerName) then
  147. Return = v
  148. elseif string.lower(PlayerName) == "me" then
  149. Return = Me
  150. end
  151. end
  152. return Return
  153. end
  155. function HotKey(GetMouse)
  156. GetMouse.KeyDown:connect(function(Key)
  157. if Key == "b" then
  158. BecomeCharacter()
  159. wait() wait()
  160. Output("Character made manually with hoykey | Position: Spawn", 2)
  161. elseif Key == "n" then
  162. BecomeCharacter()
  163. Character:MoveTo(Mouse.Hit.p +,2.5,0))
  164. wait() wait()
  165. Output("Character made manually with hoykey | Position: Mouse", 2)
  166. elseif Key == "m" then
  167. BecomeCharacter()
  168. Character:MoveTo(game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.p +,2.5,0))
  169. wait() wait()
  170. Output("Character made manually with hoykey | Position: Camera", 2)
  171. elseif Key == "r" then
  172. game:GetService("TeleportService"):Teleport(game.PlaceId)
  173. elseif Key == string.char(32) then
  174. Character.Humanoid.Jump = true
  175. end
  176. end)
  177. end
  179. function Die()
  180. print("DIE!!!")
  181. while wait() do
  182. FindSource = nil
  183. FindOwner = nil
  184. Filter = nil
  185. HotKey = nil
  186. MatchPlayer = nil
  187. DivideMessage = nil
  188. Chat = nil
  189. GetHats = nil
  190. OrganiseTable = nil
  191. Output = nil
  192. Character = nil
  193. Message = nil
  194. EnableGuiChat = nil
  195. AntiChat = nil
  196. script.Disabled = true
  197. script:Destroy()
  198. end
  199. end
  201. function OrganiseTable(Array)
  202. local List = ""
  203. if #Array == 0 then
  204. List = "Nothing"
  205. else
  206. for Num,Get in pairs(Array) do
  207. if (#Array == 1) then
  208. List = Get.."."
  209. elseif (Num == #Array) then
  210. List = List.." And "..Get.."."
  211. elseif (Num == 1) then
  212. List = Get
  213. else
  214. List = List..", "..Get
  215. end
  216. end
  217. end
  218. return List
  219. end
  221. function MakeBase()
  222. for _,Child in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace"):GetChildren()) do
  223. if Child.Name == "Base" then
  224. Child:Destroy()
  225. end
  226. end
  227. wait()
  228. BaseOn = true
  229. Base ="Part", Workspace)
  230. Base.Anchored = true
  231. Base.Name = "Base"
  232. Base.Size =,1,5000)
  233. Base.CFrame =,0.5,0)
  234. Base.BrickColor ="Dark green")
  235. Base.Locked = true
  236. end
  238. function FindConnections()
  239. local Return = nil
  240. local NotIn = {}
  241. for _,C in pairs(game:GetService("NetworkServer"):GetChildren()) do
  242. local IsIn = false
  243. for _,P in pairs (game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren()) do
  244. if C:GetPlayer().Name == P.Name or C:GetPlayer().Name == LocalName then
  245. IsIn = true
  246. end
  247. end
  248. if IsIn == false then
  249. table.insert(NotIn, C:GetPlayer().Name)
  250. end
  251. end
  252. if #NotIn == 0 then
  253. Return = "There are are no nils is the server besides you."
  254. else
  255. Return = "There are "..#NotIn.." nils in the server not incliding you: "..OrganiseTable(NotIn)
  256. end
  257. return Return
  258. end
  260. function FindSource(Obj)
  261. local Check1 = Obj:FindFirstChild("Source",true)
  262. local Check2 = Obj:FindFirstChild("DSource",true)
  263. local Check3 = Obj:FindFirstChild("source",true)
  264. local SourceType = Check1 or Check2 or Check3
  265. return SourceType
  266. end
  268. function FindOwner(Obj)
  269. local Check1 = Obj:FindFirstChild("Owner",true)
  270. local Check2 = Obj:FindFirstChild("user",true)
  271. local SourceType = Check1 or Check2
  272. return SourceType
  273. end
  275. function Filter(Script)
  276. wait()
  277. if not FindSource(Script) then return end
  278. print("1")
  279. if not FindOwner(Script) then return end
  280. print("2")
  281. if FindOwner(Script).Value ~= "ImmenseTechnicality" then
  282. print("3")
  283. Script.Disabled = true
  284. SS = FindSource(Script)
  285. local Source = SS.Value
  286. Source = [[assert (false, "Cannot insert LocalScript")]]
  287. Script.Disabled = false
  288. end
  289. end
  291. function Chat(Message)
  292. local Command = string.lower(Message)
  293. if Start == true then
  294. if Command == "spawn" or Command == "reset" or Command == "respawn" then
  295. BecomeCharacter()
  296. wait() wait()
  297. Output("Character made manually with command | Position: Spawn", 2)
  298. elseif string.sub(Command,1,4) == "name" then
  299. Name = string.sub(Message, 6)
  300. Character = nil
  301. wait()
  302. BecomeCharacter()
  303. wait()
  304. Output("Name changed to "..Name, 2)
  305. elseif string.sub(Command,1,9) == "walkspeed" then
  306. Walkspeed = string.sub(Message, 11)
  307. Output("Walkspeed changed to "..Walkspeed, 2)
  308. elseif string.sub(Command,1,2) == "c/" or string.sub(Command,1,2) == "d/" then
  309. local Ran,Correction = ypcall(function() loadstring(string.sub(Message,3))() end)
  310. if Ran == false then
  311. Output("SCRIPT ERROR; "..Correction,2)
  312. elseif Ran == true then
  313. Output("Ran script successfully", 2)
  314. end
  315. elseif Command == "die" then
  316. print("Die?")
  317. Die()
  318. elseif Command == "clean" or Command == "clear" then
  319. Character = nil
  320. wait(0.1)
  321. for _,Child in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace"):GetChildren()) do
  322. local Remove = true
  323. if Child.Name == "Base" then
  324. Remove = false
  325. end
  326. if game:GetService("Players"):FindFirstChild(Child.Name) then
  327. Remove = false
  328. end
  329. if Child:IsA("Terrain") then
  330. Remove = false
  331. end
  332. if Remove == true then
  333. Child:Destroy()
  334. end
  335. end
  336. wait(0.1)
  337. BecomeCharacter()
  338. elseif Command == "base" then
  339. MakeBase()
  340. elseif Command == "rejoin" then
  341. game:GetService("TeleportService"):Teleport(game.PlaceId)
  342. elseif string.sub(Command,1,6) == "toggle" then
  343. if string.sub(Command, 8) == "chat" then
  344. if EnableGuiChat == true then
  345. EnableGuiChat = false
  346. Output("Chating through GUI is off",2)
  347. elseif EnableGuiChat == false then
  348. EnableGuiChat = true
  349. Output("Chating through GUI is on",2)
  350. end
  351. elseif string.sub(Command, 8) == "antichat" then
  352. if AntiChat == true then
  353. AntiChat = false
  354. Output("Anti chat is now off",2)
  355. elseif AntiChat == false then
  356. AntiChat = true
  357. Output("Anti chat is now on",2)
  358. end
  359. end
  360. elseif string.sub(Command,1,4) == "kill" then
  361. local Player = Scan(string.sub(Command,6))
  362. if Player ~= nil then
  363. Player.Character:BreakJoints()
  364. Output("Killed "..Player.Name,2)
  365. end
  366. elseif string.sub(Command,1,4) == "kick" then
  367. local Player = Scan(string.sub(Command,6))
  368. if Player ~= nil then
  369. Player:Destroy()
  370. Output("Kicked "..Player.Name,2)
  371. end
  372. else
  373. if EnableGuiChat == true then
  374. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() pcall(function()
  375. Output(tostring(Message), 1)
  376. end) end))
  377. elseif EnableGuiChat == false then
  378. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  379. pcall(function() game:GetService("Chat"):Chat(Character.Head,tostring(Message), Enum.ChatColor.Blue) end)
  380. end))
  381. end
  382. end
  383. elseif Command == "start up" or Command == "boot up" or Command == "bootup" or Command == "startup" then
  384. print("Starting up null...")
  385. Mouse = Me:GetMouse()
  386. Start = true
  387. HotKey(Mouse)
  388. Me:remove()
  389. BecomeCharacter()
  390. elseif Command == "die" then
  391. Die()
  392. end
  393. end
  395. Me.Chatted:connect(Chat)
  397. game:GetService("Chat").Chatted:connect(function(Object, String)
  398. if AntiChat == true then
  399. if Object ~= Me.Character.Head then
  400. if Object.Parent == game:GetService("Workspace") then
  401. Object:Destroy()
  402. print(Object.Name.." has been removed for saying "..String)
  403. else
  404. Object.Parent:Destroy()
  405. print(Object.Parent.Name.." has been removed for saying "..String)
  406. end
  407. end
  408. end
  409. end)
  411. coroutine.wrap(function() -----[[ COROUTINES ]]-------
  413. end)()
  415. Me.DescendantAdded:connect(function(Obj)
  416. if Obj:IsA("BaseScript") and Obj.Name ~= "UB".."ER".."nil" or Obj.Name ~= "n".."i".."L" then
  417. Filter(Obj)
  418. end
  419. end)
  420. print("Loaded null") ---hitler
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