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Dec 30th, 2014
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  1. >>>Spiritualist Updates
  2. Updates: Here are the official changes to the class:
  4. Class Features
  5. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The spiritualist is proficient in all simple weapons not light weapons.
  6. First Level Spells Per Day: At first level ignore the 1/day in the 1st level slot, the spiritualist has a base of 1 1st-level spell per day at 1st level, and no 2nd-level spells at that level.
  7. Bonded Manifestation: The first sentence in the 3rd paragraph should begin "At 8th level, and every 5 levels thereafter..."
  9. Spells
  10. Haste and slow should be on the the 3rd-level spiritualist spell list, not the 2nd-level list.
  11. Tongues is on both the 3rd- and 4th-level spiritualist spell list, it should only be on the 3rd-level list.
  13. Phantoms
  14. Armor Bonus: The first sentence should read, "The number noted here is the increase to the phantom's natural armor bonus when manifested as an ectoplasmic creature, and its deflection bonus when manifested as an incorporeal creature."
  15. Phantom Starting Statistics: Add, "Type: Outsider (phantom)" to the beginning of the stat block and change AC to, "AC +2 dodge (in incorporeal form) or +2 natural armor (in ectoplasmic form)"
  18. >>Updates
  19. One of the foci we are looking at adding is called "devotion." I think that might be the one you want.
  21. Halfway-Hagan wrote:
  22. Also what all kinds of feats can you get for the phantom? Regular Player feats? Monster Feats? Both?
  23. >Regular play feats and monster feat if your GM or campaign allows.
  25. xebeche wrote:
  26. Is Knowledge (all) planned to stay? I'm on the fence as to whether it feels appropriate. I have arguments for both sides.
  27. >It will likely stay. We would like this class to have the ability to be very knowledgeable if it wants to be, often gaining its insight from its Phantom and other sources beyond the pale.
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