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May 2nd, 2015
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  1. Simple Scripting
  3. this is what not being a script kiddie is all about..
  4. Actually writing your own scripts and telling the computer what to do.
  5. these are all scripts you can make with notepad or wordpad.
  6. Writing your own programs is key to becoming a hacker, or cracker,
  7. and its just plain fun.......
  9. Just copy and paste text in notepad or wordpad
  12. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  13. Batch FIle : Save As Filename.bat (makes a text logfile of all ip connections every time you click)
  14. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  15. mode con: cols=28 lines=20
  16. color b
  17. TITLE Ip Log
  18. echo off
  19. cls
  20. echo.
  21. echo "IP LOG"
  22. echo log all your connections
  23. echo with one click
  24. echo.
  25. echo ____________________________
  26. echo Your Ip Info
  27. ipconfig /all | find "Host Name"
  28. ipconfig | find "IPv4 Address"
  29. echo ____________________________
  30. echo Connections Being Logged
  31. netstat -f>>log.txt
  32. echo ____________________________
  33. echo Opening Log Info
  34. netstat -n>>log.txt
  35. echo %time%>>log.txt
  36. echo %date%>>log.txt
  37. notepad log.txt
  38. echo ____________________________
  40. echo To exit
  41. pause
  42. exit
  45. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  46. Visual Basic : Save As Filename.vbs (Message box to type what you want the computer to say)
  47. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  48. Dim message, sapi
  49. message=InputBox(" Type what you want the computer to say?","Type 2 Talk")
  50. Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
  51. sapi.Speak message
  54. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  55. HTML Application: Save as Filename.hta (Encrypt and Decrypt Private Messages)
  56. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  57. <html><head><title>Encrypt/Decrypt</title>
  59. APPLICATIONNAME="Encrypt/Decrypt "
  60. ID="Encrypt/Decrypt"
  61. VERSION="1.0"
  63. SCROLL="no"/></head>
  64. <style> td { color: black; }
  65. caption { color: yellow; }
  66. body { font-family: Arial; background-color: #9069090; color: #808080; }
  67. input { background-color: #202020; color: #808080; }
  68. textarea { background-color: #202020; color: #808080; }
  69. </style>
  70. <script language="VBScript">
  71. Sub Window_OnLoad
  72. Dim width,height
  73. width=700
  74. height=430
  75. self.ResizeTo width,height
  76. End Sub
  77. Function Validate(ID)
  78. On Error Resume Next
  79. Key = Int(pass.value)
  80. If (pass.value = "") Then
  81. X = MsgBox("Please enter your password", 48, "Error")
  82. Else If (tamsg.value = "") Then
  83. X = MsgBox("Enter the text to encrypt or decrypt", 48, "ERROR!")
  84. Else
  85. Junk = SetTimeOut(KEYS(ID), 1)
  86. End If
  87. End If
  88. End Function
  89. Function KEYS(ID)
  90. text = pass.value
  91. code = 0
  92. Do Until text = ""
  93. code = ((Asc(Left(text, 1)))+code)
  94. text = Replace(text, Left(text, 1), "", "1", "1")
  95. Loop
  96. code = code Mod 255
  97. akey.value = code
  98. Junk = SetTimeOut(ID, 1)
  99. End Function
  100. Function Encrypt
  101. Alpha = Array("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z")
  102. text = tamsg.value
  103. code = ""
  104. key = Int(akey.value)
  105. Do Until text = ""
  106. cnum = Asc(Left(text, 1))
  107. cnum = (cnum+key) Mod 255
  108. num = cnum Mod 26
  109. count = 0
  110. tst = num
  111. Do Until tst = cnum
  112. tst = tst+26
  113. count = count+1
  114. Loop
  115. code = code & Alpha(num) & count
  116. text = Replace(text, Left(text, 1), "", "1", "1")
  117. Loop
  118. tamsg.value = code
  119. End Function
  120. Function Decrypt
  121. Alpha = Array("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z")
  122. text = tamsg.value
  123. code = ""
  124. key = Int(akey.value)
  125. Do Until text = ""
  126. lttr = Left(text, 2)
  127. num = Asc(Left(lttr, 1))-65
  128. chk = Right(lttr, 1)
  129. count = 0
  130. Do Until count = Int(chk)
  131. num = num+26
  132. count = count+1
  133. Loop
  134. num = num-key
  135. Do While num <= 0
  136. num = num+255
  137. Loop
  138. Code = code & Chr(num)
  139. text = Replace(text, Left(text, 2), "", "1", "1")
  140. Loop
  141. tamsg.value = code
  142. End Function
  143. </script>
  144. <body bgcolor="pink"> <input type="hidden" id="akey"> <span title=""> <span title="encrypt/decrypt">
  145. <caption style="font-family:Book Antiqua; font-size:20;"><hr color="black"><b>Message Encrypter-Decrypter</b><hr color="black"></caption>
  146. <tr> <td align="center"><span title="Enter Message "><textarea id="tamsg" cols="80" rows="15"></textarea></span></td> </tr>
  147. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <td color="black" style="font-family: Book Antiqua; font-size:18;"><hr color="black"> Password &nbsp;<span title="Enter Password ">
  148. <input type="password" id="pass"></span> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
  149. <span title="Click To Encrypt Message"> <input style="width: 170px; height:23px; color: white; background-color: #203040; font-family:Book Antiqua;" type="button" Value="Encrypt" id="btnenc" onClick="Validate('Encrypt')" onmouseover="'#102030'" onmouseout="'#203040'"> </span> <span title="Click to Decrypt your Message"> <input style="width: 170px; height:23px; color: white; background-color: #203040; font-family: Book Antiqua; font-size:13;" type="button" Value="Decrypt" id="btndec" onClick="Validate('Decrypt')" onmouseover="'#102030'" onmouseout="'#203040'"> </span></td>
  150. </tr> <tr> <td align="right"><hr color="black"><span title="encrypt/decrypt" </html>
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