
Q/A @ earnSurfer (Dec 16)

Dec 15th, 2012
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  1. Dalmatians are born without a spots?
  2. - True
  3. What does ISP mean to a dial-up web-surfer?
  4. - Internet Service Provider
  5. Who got married the 7th time on Michael Jackson's ranch in '91?
  6. - Elizabeth Taylor
  7. Chancellor Helmut Kohl led which country in the 80s and 90s?
  8. - Germany
  9. There are 120 flavors of Pringels throughout the world;
  10. - False
  11. Is Floccinaucinihilipilification the longest word in english?
  12. - No
  13. What is the capital city of Qatar?
  14. - Doha
  15. 1st NBA team that recruited Chris Webber;
  16. - Orlando Magic
  17. What is the last name of pop artist, Rihanna?
  18. - Fenty
  19. Which driver won his fourth Indy 500 in 1991?
  20. - Rick Mears
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