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Jul 1st, 2016
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  1. [22:45:01] <Pryan> im fired
  2. [22:45:07] <Pryan> thank you guys
  3. [22:45:13] <Pryan> i lost all my work
  4. [22:45:27] <Pryan> i have lost my DC
  5. [22:45:36] <Pryan> and now probably my company
  6. [22:45:42] <Pryan> thanks
  7. [22:46:18] <JoeMerit> you are welcome
  8. [22:46:27] <JoeMerit> cheers
  9. [22:46:35] <Pryan> whyyyyy ?
  10. [22:46:42] <Pryan> why yo do thaty ?
  11. [22:46:45] <Pryan> that
  12. [22:46:49] <JoeMerit> i didnt do anything
  13. [22:47:01] <Pryan> i think you are great
  14. [22:47:05] <JoeMerit> you made some bad decisions
  15. [22:47:06] <Pryan> every of you
  16. [22:47:48] jback [] se ha marchado del IRC: Remote host closed the connection
  17. [22:47:50] <scv> what happened
  18. [22:47:51] <scv> lol
  19. [22:48:15] <Pryan> DDOS
  20. [22:48:42] <JoeMerit> you were warned
  21. [22:48:55] jback [] ha entrado a #lowendbox
  22. [22:48:58] <JoeMerit> I asked you last week if you were able to deal with it
  23. [22:49:01] <JoeMerit> oh well
  24. [22:51:26] <Pryan> I VE LOST EVERYTHING !
  25. [22:51:31] <Pryan> all !
  26. [22:53:04] <JoeMerit> FIRED
  27. [22:53:16] <JoeMerit> now you are just trolling
  28. [22:53:44] <pailaps> aye, ddos can throw a wrench to anyones plans
  29. [22:55:56] <IThinkUFailed> I mean
  30. [22:56:01] <IThinkUFailed> you posted the IP yourself on LET
  31. [22:56:01] <pailaps> JoeMerit, nah i think hes right, jazztel probably terminated the contract
  32. [22:56:08] <IThinkUFailed> I edited the log lmao
  33. [22:56:11] <IThinkUFailed> and removed it.
  34. [22:56:59] <JoeMerit> i wonder what premium routing equipment he was using
  35. [22:57:01] <JoeMerit> D-Link ?
  36. [22:57:18] <HarryCross> nah JoeMerit - a RasPi with a gigabit USB
  37. [22:57:38] jback [] se ha marchado del IRC: Ping timeout: 240 seconds
  38. [22:57:40] <Pryan> please stop !
  39. [22:57:46] <Pryan> you are heartless
  40. [22:58:05] jback [] ha entrado a #lowendbox
  41. [22:58:30] <IThinkUFailed> none of us are doing anything
  42. [22:58:33] <IThinkUFailed> please stop falsely accusing us
  43. [22:59:15] <pailaps>
  44. [22:59:22] <pailaps> JUST STOP
  45. [23:00:51] <daily> lolw
  46. [23:00:53] <daily> wait
  47. [23:00:56] <daily> what is going on
  48. [23:01:05] <HarryCross> the worlds shorted summerhost just fell over
  49. [23:01:12] <IThinkUFailed> apparrently his summerhost is being ddos'd
  50. [23:01:29] <daily> don't tell me I can't get my extremely cheap KVM residential IP now
  51. [23:01:30] <HarryCross> and hes been fired somehow
  52. [23:01:35] <daily> you guys break everything.
  53. [23:02:08] <daily> Someone reported him to jazztel maybe.
  54. [23:02:09] <daily> lol
  55. [23:02:51] <IThinkUFailed> probably lol
  56. [23:02:52] <IThinkUFailed> i mean
  57. [23:02:57] <IThinkUFailed> he posted his IP on LET
  58. [23:03:11] <daily> "The people whom i rented the DC have broken the contract, im without anything. thanks."
  59. [23:03:56] <daily> Aw and he left..
  60. [23:04:06] <HarryCross> Pryan, hes still here
  61. [23:04:11] <daily> No he didn't, my client is acting up.
  62. [23:04:14] <trvz> 22:57:42 <Pryan> you are heartless
  63. [23:04:17] <HarryCross> Pryan, thanks for the drama this evening
  64. [23:04:19] <daily> Pryan, what happened exactly?
  65. [23:04:20] <trvz> I had to unignore for that comedy
  66. [23:04:24] <daily> What did they tell you?
  67. [23:04:32] <pailaps> trvz, no , thats dramedy
  68. [23:04:35] <pailaps> you are mistaken
  69. [23:05:05] <pailaps> Pryan will rise as a phoenix from ashes of his previous endeavor
  70. [23:05:13] <pailaps> using leased equipment and premium DC
  71. [23:05:20] <pailaps> !plan
  72. [23:05:21] <Pryan> its something stupid
  73. [23:05:30] <Pryan> but my work was my life
  74. [23:05:31] <daily> what did they say
  75. [23:05:41] <daily> why did they end the contract with you
  76. [23:05:41] <Pryan> i dont have anything but my work
  77. [23:05:50] <Pryan> dont home, dont car
  78. [23:05:58] <Pryan> only my company
  79. [23:06:08] <daily> .. Pyran listen.
  80. [23:06:12] <daily> What did your DC say to you?
  81. [23:06:17] <daily> Why are they ending your relationship?
  82. [23:06:27] <Pryan> i got 15 days to go out
  83. [23:06:29] <HarryCross> take some deep breaths
  84. [23:06:34] <Pryan> with 10 machines
  85. [23:06:38] <daily> But why Pyran?
  86. [23:06:41] <daily> Why are they kicking you out?
  87. [23:06:44] <Pryan> for DDOS
  88. [23:06:44] <pailaps> Pryan, atleast you now have 200€ insurance money for beer and beaches
  89. [23:06:48] <trvz> 10 heavy, old, useless machines
  90. [23:06:56] <daily> You're getting kicked for DDOS?
  91. [23:06:58] <Pryan> pailaps: no funny
  92. [23:07:02] <pailaps> shit i could life in Spain in a cardboad box
  93. [23:07:16] <daily> pailaps: yeah but how would you car
  94. [23:07:22] <pailaps> btw i thought of retirement there
  95. [23:07:34] <Pryan> retirement ?
  96. [23:07:41] <Pryan> i was military
  97. [23:07:48] <trvz> pailaps is a rich guy, maybe pryan can sleep on his sofa then
  98. [23:07:50] <trvz> *couch
  99. [23:07:56] <Pryan> do you know how i get from military ?
  100. [23:07:56] <pailaps> daily, you can buy a toyota corolla for 50 euros
  101. [23:08:05] <Pryan> a kick in my ass
  102. [23:08:17] <trvz> Pryan: that's all you deserve for being military
  103. [23:08:23] <Pryan> yes !
  104. [23:08:30] <Pryan> and my company was mine
  105. [23:08:34] <pailaps> sometimes you need to lose everything to gain experience
  106. [23:08:41] <Pryan> now i dont have anything
  107. [23:08:47] <JoeMerit> just migrate your 2 customers to an OVH server
  108. [23:08:49] <pailaps> my first five companies went down the shitter
  109. [23:08:52] <JoeMerit> and keep on going
  110. [23:08:56] <pailaps> yea
  111. [23:09:15] <Pryan> no idea
  112. [23:09:25] <daily> do what JoeMerit says
  113. [23:09:29] <IThinkUFailed> he said OVH was bad JoeMerit
  114. [23:09:34] <daily> he has run 5 successful VPS companies
  115. [23:09:40] <daily> I've had VPSs with all five
  116. [23:09:43] <daily> great time
  117. [23:09:44] <HarryCross> Pryan, I thought you said you had anti-ddos from Jazztel?
  118. [23:09:55] <Pryan> not until monday
  119. [23:09:55] <trvz> Pryan: how many customers did you have?
  120. [23:09:57] <pailaps> that activates manually in 5 minutes
  121. [23:10:05] <Pryan> trvz: 20
  122. [23:10:07] <pailaps> probably a simple nullroute applied via noc
  123. [23:10:21] <pailaps> 20x3=60
  124. [23:10:22] <Pryan> pailaps: jazztel was ok
  125. [23:10:26] <pailaps> ok ill give it a 100
  126. [23:10:31] <HarryCross> so why didnt you start on Monday??? You know what happens to let hosts, or would if you had a) a braincell and b) looked at LET before
  127. [23:10:32] <trvz> let's B A I L him O U T
  128. [23:10:36] <trvz> with a kickstarter
  129. [23:10:38] <Pryan> its a company wich i have rented the C
  130. [23:10:38] <pailaps> Pryan, yea i know they are
  131. [23:10:40] <Pryan> DC
  132. [23:10:43] <daily> GoFundMe for Pyran
  133. [23:10:48] <pailaps> trvz, everybody give him a dollar
  134. [23:11:10] <Pryan> i thought you are legal
  135. [23:11:15] <Pryan> you dont
  136. [23:11:24] <linuxthefish> 200 euros for a datacenter is good price
  137. [23:11:24] <Pryan> and JoeMerit advice me
  138. [23:11:38] <daily> linuxthefish, can you start reselling datacenters?
  139. [23:11:41] <daily> I'll buy.
  140. [23:11:50] <linuxthefish> yes good idea
  141. [23:11:51] <pailaps> daily, i actually had one for sale
  142. [23:11:57] <Pryan> linuxthefish: i cannot pay more !
  143. [23:11:57] <pailaps> 9900 euros
  144. [23:12:05] <Pryan> 200 is for all
  145. [23:12:13] <Pryan> i earn 700
  146. [23:12:21] <Pryan> so 25% is for my job
  147. [23:12:24] <linuxthefish> Pryan you have business insurance?
  148. [23:12:30] <Pryan> nope
  149. [23:12:34] <linuxthefish> should have just gone with OVH tbh
  150. [23:12:41] <linuxthefish> oh well you always have next month :D
  151. [23:12:59] <daily> Pryan, invest more into your company
  152. [23:13:01] <HarryCross> linuxthefish, nah. next summer
  153. [23:13:07] <daily> so maybe 40% your company 60% you
  154. [23:13:43] <Pryan> i cant
  155. [23:14:02] <daily> You need to build up funds
  156. [23:14:07] <daily> so you can successfully run a company
  157. [23:14:13] <daily> 200 euro a month is nothing.
  158. [23:14:14] <JoeMerit> you are getting ddos protection on monday? why didnt you just wait
  159. [23:14:16] <JoeMerit> till then
  160. [23:14:19] <JoeMerit> to post on LET
  161. [23:14:41] <trvz> we'll put together 20 yogurts for him if he throws out that old hardware
  162. [23:14:42] <Pryan> i dont mind this happens
  163. [23:14:56] <Pryan> i hope a community
  164. [23:15:03] <Pryan> not a pile of lamers
  165. [23:15:18] <daily> Pryan, what were the hardware specs
  166. [23:15:21] <daily> you were running on'
  167. [23:15:25] <pailaps> dell poweredge 1950
  168. [23:15:32] <JoeMerit> from 2007
  169. [23:15:32] <pailaps> those had E5430s innit
  170. [23:15:51] <Pryan> the VPS machine was 2950
  171. [23:16:08] <scv> lol
  172. [23:16:09] <Pryan> i buy it in ebay
  173. [23:16:16] <Pryan> no more money for more
  174. [23:16:22] <scv> you want some c1100s m8
  175. [23:16:26] <JoeMerit> NO MORE
  176. [23:16:32] <JoeMerit> just move to another DC
  177. [23:16:38] <JoeMerit> GINERNET
  178. [23:16:42] <trvz> Pryan: we're looking to invest in you to help you keep continuing, but need some photos of the DC
  179. [23:17:06] <Pryan> its a room with servers and UPS
  180. [23:17:13] <IThinkUFailed> soooo
  181. [23:17:14] <Pryan> we havent racks
  182. [23:17:21] <IThinkUFailed> it was a residential isp?
  183. [23:17:25] <Pryan> nope
  184. [23:17:32] <trvz> it's not servers without racks
  185. [23:17:38] <Pryan> i havent money for a rack
  186. [23:17:55] <trvz> tomorrow, go there and take a few pictures
  187. [23:17:58] <scv> isnt jazztel like
  188. [23:18:00] <scv> spanish dsl
  189. [23:18:23] <HarryCross> yes
  190. [23:18:35] <Pryan> jazztel has contracts with companies
  191. [23:18:42] <Pryan> they have 2 networks
  192. [23:18:46] <Pryan> one for home
  193. [23:18:49] <scv> so does comcast
  194. [23:18:56] <scv> doesnt really make them any better
  195. [23:18:58] <Pryan> other for companies
  196. [23:19:41] <daily> Who can provide me with a dedicated ISDN?
  197. [23:19:53] <scv> what year is it??
  198. [23:20:00] <daily> 2005?
  199. [23:20:05] <scv> oh okay
  200. [23:20:37] <Pryan> i lost everything
  201. [23:20:42] <Pryan> thanks
  202. [23:20:50] <daily> for what
  203. [23:20:50] <IThinkUFailed> I mean
  204. [23:20:54] <IThinkUFailed> you have noone to blame but yourself
  205. [23:20:57] <scv> if your dc kicks you out for getting packeted once
  206. [23:21:02] <scv> they were shitty to start with
  207. [23:21:06] <IThinkUFailed> I removed your IP from what I posted, it was never posted in my post at all.
  208. [23:21:07] <JoeMerit> sue them
  209. [23:21:09] <IThinkUFailed> You posted it yourself.
  210. [23:21:17] <pailaps> daily, uhm, sorry, the last ISDN i had was terminated 30 june
  211. [23:21:18] <Pryan> i know IThinkUFailed
  212. [23:21:25] <daily> pailaps, shit
  213. [23:21:28] <pailaps> now we have VOIP-ISDN
  214. [23:21:33] <Pryan> i only wanna provide an ip for testing purpouses
  215. [23:21:36] <daily> You know what scares me the most?
  216. [23:21:46] <IThinkUFailed> then you need protection
  217. [23:21:47] <daily> Pryan wasn't even connected to IRC via bouncer through his own IP space
  218. [23:21:48] <daily> or anything
  219. [23:21:59] <daily> Hes connected via his home connection right now I think.
  220. [23:22:01] <IThinkUFailed> daily
  221. [23:22:04] <IThinkUFailed> he posted it in irc lol
  222. [23:22:04] <JoeMerit> fuck
  223. [23:22:06] <Pryan> it doesnt servers in my home !!!!
  224. [23:22:08] <JoeMerit> paypal receipt
  225. [23:22:13] <JoeMerit> 10.99 euros charged
  226. [23:22:17] <Pryan> i tell you i have DC !!
  227. [23:22:22] <IThinkUFailed> okay
  228. [23:22:23] <pailaps> daily, well parents always said wear a condom while browsing the internet
  229. [23:22:29] <scv>
  230. [23:22:31] <trvz> Pryan: photo
  231. [23:22:37] <IThinkUFailed> it's not a datacenter Pryan
  232. [23:22:40] <Pryan> yes, this is my ip
  233. [23:22:45] <IThinkUFailed> if it's just a room with a router and a few servers
  234. [23:22:46] <Pryan> geoIP
  235. [23:22:48] <IThinkUFailed> it's just a server room lol
  236. [23:22:49] <Pryan> the 2 ips
  237. [23:22:51] <IThinkUFailed> it's not a data center
  238. [23:22:52] <Pryan> look
  239. [23:22:52] <daily> Wow I've never used this service
  240. [23:22:54] <daily> nice design..
  241. [23:23:04] <Pryan> the datacenter is 200Km at south
  242. [23:23:41] Conexión con el servidor perdida
  243. [23:24:15] Pryan [] ha entrado a #lowendbox
  244. [23:24:15] El tema del canal es: Welcome to #lowendbox | Tech and hosting related discussion | Rules:
  245. [23:24:15] El tema fue puesto por Ishaq el sáb mar 26 19:08:11 2016
  246. [23:24:15] El sitio web del canal es
  247. [23:24:19] <daily> Hes back!
  248. [23:24:22] [*@*] ha puesto el modo de canal +Ccnt
  249. [23:24:22] El canal fue creado el sáb jul 31 17:18:07 2010
  250. [23:24:24] Canal sincronizado en 9.0 segundos
  251. [23:24:26] <HarryCross> RUN!
  252. [23:24:36] <pailaps> it was 1ms from my own spanish node
  253. [23:24:39] <Pryan> in my home i get ONO ( VODAFONE )
  254. [23:24:45] <HarryCross> no shit
  255. [23:24:47] <Pryan> in mi DC we got jazztel
  256. [23:24:51] <HarryCross> we can see that from your IRC
  257. [23:24:53] <pailaps> you can factor in the speed of light
  258. [23:24:59] <pailaps> it doesnt equate 200km
  259. [23:25:08] <Pryan> yes !
  260. [23:25:18] <Pryan> GeoIP
  261. [23:25:29] <Pryan> look the location of both
  262. [23:25:40] <Pryan> and keep in mind what you do !
  263. [23:25:44] <Pryan> im fired !
  264. [23:25:47] <pailaps> your test ip pinged less than 1ms
  265. [23:25:50] <JoeMerit> F I R E D
  266. [23:26:03] <JoeMerit> you have 15 days to sell 1000 vpses
  267. [23:26:10] <JoeMerit> and then you can move
  268. [23:26:15] <Pryan> yes !!
  269. [23:26:17] <pailaps> taking that into account your "dc" was within city limits of Madrid
  270. [23:26:19] <Pryan> i need customers
  271. [23:26:26] <Pryan> to pay my own DC
  272. [23:26:27] <trvz> pailaps: perhaps your own node is secretly 200km south of madrid, too!
  273. [23:26:32] <HarryCross> you need a fucking new DC first
  274. [23:26:40] <HarryCross> plonk
  275. [23:26:40] <pailaps> trvz, yea, sure :)
  276. [23:26:43] <IThinkUFailed> first you need to actually have a dc
  277. [23:26:53] <Pryan> yes !
  278. [23:27:18] <Pryan> im in burgos
  279. [23:27:25] <Pryan> a city in the north
  280. [23:27:34] <Pryan> and the DC is 200 km at south
  281. [23:27:54] <daily> why can't I find anything related to Jazztel's business plans?
  282. [23:28:11] <daily> "
  283. [23:28:11] <daily> Fibre Optic 200 Mb
  284. [23:28:11] <daily> Up to 200 Mb broadband,"
  285. [23:28:16] <daily> I find that, which fits your deal
  286. [23:28:21] <daily> but nothing more than residential.
  287. [23:28:40] <Pryan> https:/
  288. [23:28:45] <Pryan> maybe that ?
  289. [23:28:55] <Pryan>
  290. [23:29:15] <IThinkUFailed> still dunno why you advertise it as 1gbps if it's 200Mbps
  291. [23:29:36] <HarryCross> Its prob 1Gbps internal, and 200Mbps out
  292. [23:29:44] <Pryan> because we have 1Gbps network
  293. [23:29:45] <IThinkUFailed> yeah but he's saying it's 1Gbps
  294. [23:29:56] <Pryan> yeah, we plan to upgrade
  295. [23:29:58] <JoeMerit> 1gbps network isnt even worth mentioning
  296. [23:30:01] <daily> Question is why would you ever need to know it was 1Gbps internally? lol
  297. [23:30:05] <IThinkUFailed> "In AureAWorld all our servers have GigaBit network and external connection GigaBit"
  298. [23:30:06] <JoeMerit> but you are FIRED now
  299. [23:30:13] <JoeMerit> so you have no network
  300. [23:30:22] <Pryan> certainly JoeMerit
  301. [23:30:30] <Pryan> now i have 0Gbps
  302. [23:30:35] <Pryan> unmetered
  303. [23:30:35] <daily> LOL
  304. [23:30:37] <JoeMerit> go pick up your servers right now
  305. [23:30:51] <HarryCross> and dont let the door hit your backside on the way out
  306. [23:30:58] <daily> What a painful 2 hourish drive
  307. [23:31:10] <Pryan> yes
  308. [23:31:17] <Pryan> 2 hours driving
  309. [23:32:10] <daily> - /ignore *!* ALL
  310. [23:32:15] <daily> for all of you on XChat
  311. [23:32:18] <IThinkUFailed> i'll be honest though
  312. [23:32:28] <IThinkUFailed> you'd of had a better time if hiya wasn't praising your services
  313. [23:32:35] <IThinkUFailed> I'd probably of picked something up had he said you were awful
  314. [23:32:38] <JoeMerit> it probably is hiya
  315. [23:32:40] <JoeMerit> trolling
  316. [23:32:49] <JoeMerit> mrtesty
  317. [23:32:53] <IThinkUFailed> premium mrtesty
  318. [23:33:00] <HarryCross> its like his vpns
  319. [23:33:04] <daily> what was the mrtesty thing about
  320. [23:33:12] <IThinkUFailed> that was his old name
  321. [23:33:15] <daily> ah
  322. [23:33:22] <IThinkUFailed> and then he denied all knowledge of it
  323. [23:33:28] <HarryCross> hiya = mrtesty = Pryan ?
  324. [23:33:31] <daily> I can see why he changed his name..
  325. [23:33:46] <Pryan> with 3 dedis i can refund my company
  326. [23:33:58] <daily> If we somehow shutdown hiya's operation
  327. [23:34:01] <daily> I couldn't do anything but smile
  328. [23:34:05] <IThinkUFailed> ^
  329. [23:34:12] <IThinkUFailed> PREMIUM HIYA
  330. [23:34:21] <daily> PREM 1.2 TLS ENFORCED BNC
  331. [23:34:21] <daily> LOL
  332. [23:35:29] <pailaps> keep the money under the matress
  333. [23:35:31] <pailaps>
  334. [23:35:50] <daily> those look like mice traps
  335. [23:36:02] <IThinkUFailed>
  336. [23:36:18] vincent_c [] se ha marchado del IRC: Quit: Coyote finally caught me
  337. [23:36:22] <daily> Pryan, are you hiya?
  338. [23:36:27] <Pryan> nope
  339. [23:36:35] <IThinkUFailed> I mean
  340. [23:36:37] <Pryan> hiya are great
  341. [23:36:43] <IThinkUFailed> at least you got fatima back you up Pryan
  342. [23:36:44] <Pryan> good person
  343. [23:36:44] <Limebyte> IS
  344. [23:36:47] <daily> how is he great
  345. [23:36:48] <Limebyte> such engrish
  346. [23:36:50] <scv> so yeah then
  347. [23:36:54] vincent_c [] ha entrado a #lowendbox
  348. [23:36:57] <IThinkUFailed>
  349. [23:37:23] <Pryan> yes
  350. [23:37:25] <daily> "For years I know the company"
  351. [23:37:26] <Pryan> IThinkUFailed:
  352. [23:37:30] <daily> how long have you been open
  353. [23:37:42] <Pryan> 2 years, but in the DC half year
  354. [23:38:01] <Pryan> before i rent vps and dedis and resell em
  355. [23:38:19] <pailaps> and you didnt make money off that
  356. [23:38:19] <Pryan> now i got a great walk, my own machines
  357. [23:38:26] <Pryan> in my own dc
  358. [23:38:40] <Pryan> i was covering billss
  359. [23:38:43] <Pryan> bills
  360. [23:38:50] <pailaps> dolla?
  361. [23:38:58] <Pryan> 180 cost vs 200 beneffits
  362. [23:39:06] <Pryan> nope
  363. [23:39:14] <Pryan> the company maintains
  364. [23:39:22] <Pryan> everything was ok
  365. [23:39:31] <Pryan> i only want to sell more
  366. [23:39:38] <Pryan> to get a better company
  367. [23:39:57] <pailaps> do you want to kno the sekrit ?
  368. [23:40:04] <Pryan> tellme
  369. [23:40:10] <daily> Aureaworld has been around before 2010 or around it right?
  370. [23:40:19] <Pryan> nope
  371. [23:40:25] <daily> not even the domain?
  372. [23:40:38] <pailaps> never ever use outdated hardware, if it breaks down, there are no spare parts, nor assets to cover your loss #1
  373. [23:40:54] <daily> Because from what I'm getting at
  374. [23:41:03] <daily> AureAWorld has been around since 2010.
  375. [23:41:09] <daily> You had an IRC server.
  376. [23:41:25] <pailaps> have also a fucking ironclad contract with your datacentre or landlord that they cant wiggle out without punitive damages #2
  377. [23:41:31] <Pryan> Fecha de Alta 03-07-2014
  378. [23:41:37] <Pryan> this is my domain
  379. [23:41:44] <Pryan> i was in
  380. [23:41:49] <Pryan> before .es
  381. [23:41:51] <daily>
  382. [23:41:55] <Pryan> but my company is .es
  383. [23:41:58] <daily> "19 Mar 21:58 2010"
  384. [23:42:14] <pailaps> last but not least, dont take it personally #3
  385. [23:42:17] <Pryan> .org is from jaime
  386. [23:42:24] <pailaps> i have spoken
  387. [23:42:28] <pailaps> live long and prosper
  388. [23:42:34] <Pryan> im not bad people !!!
  389. [23:42:40] <pailaps> i kno
  390. [23:42:44] <Pryan> i dont want to stole your money
  391. [23:42:47] <pailaps> but you are fucking moron
  392. [23:42:48] <Pryan> i dont lie
  393. [23:42:50] <pailaps> sorry
  394. [23:42:56] <pailaps> no lies there
  395. [23:42:59] <pailaps> :(
  396. [23:43:00] <Pryan> i lied 6 times in my life
  397. [23:43:03] <Pryan> no more
  398. [23:43:56] <Pryan> i can lie in internet ( i doesnt )
  399. [23:44:07] <Pryan> i can lie in the real life ( i doesnt )
  400. [23:44:19] <JoeMerit> NO LIES
  401. [23:44:22] <Pryan> i can lie in my blog ( i doesnt )
  402. [23:44:31] <Pryan> THERE IS NO LIES
  403. [23:44:31] <daily> Pryan so you own a IRC network?
  404. [23:44:42] <Pryan> it was owned by me yes
  405. [23:44:54] <Pryan> but i separate the proyect
  406. [23:45:08] <daily> but you own it yeah
  407. [23:45:16] <Pryan> yes
  408. [23:45:27] <Pryan> totally free
  409. [23:45:38] <Pryan> we dont ask for money never
  410. [23:45:43] <Pryan> .org was free
  411. [23:45:49] <Pryan> .es is my company
  412. [23:45:58] <Pryan> its other way
  413. [23:47:34] <daily> would it help if we called your DC
  414. [23:47:36] <daily> and complained
  415. [23:47:51] <Pryan> i will complicate more
  416. [23:48:01] <Pryan> i hope they think tonight
  417. [23:48:19] <Pryan> it will complicate more
  418. [23:48:25] <Pryan> i hope ...
  419. [23:48:43] <Pryan> so i dunno what to do
  420. [23:49:06] riz_ [~riz@] ha entrado a #lowendbox
  421. [23:53:14] Conexión con el servidor perdida
  422. [23:57:08] Pryan [] ha entrado a #lowendbox
  423. [23:57:08] El tema del canal es: Welcome to #lowendbox | Tech and hosting related discussion | Rules:
  424. [23:57:08] El tema fue puesto por Ishaq el sáb mar 26 19:08:11 2016
  425. [23:57:08] El sitio web del canal es
  426. [23:57:08] [*@*] ha puesto el modo de canal +Ccnt
  427. [23:57:08] El canal fue creado el sáb jul 31 17:18:07 2010
  428. [23:57:10] Canal sincronizado en 2.0 segundos
  429. [23:57:21] <daily> Pryan are you getting DDOSd
  430. [23:57:29] <Pryan> yes
  431. [23:57:33] oliau [~oli@] se ha marchado del IRC: Ping timeout: 260 seconds
  432. [23:57:51] <Pryan> i dont lie never ever
  433. [23:57:57] <Pryan> more ask ?
  434. [23:58:02] <daily> no more questions
  435. [23:58:05] <daily> good luck next time
  436. [23:58:11] <daily> fund more money into your projects
  437. [23:58:14] <daily> "i can't" isn't an answer
  438. [23:59:09] oliau [~oli@] ha entrado a #lowendbox
  439. [23:59:33] Alphard [] ha entrado a #lowendbox
  440. [23:59:33] Alphard [] se ha marchado del IRC: Changing host
  441. [23:59:33] Alphard [alphard@unaffiliated/baronawesome] ha entrado a #lowendbox
  442. [23:59:55] <Pryan> daily: please ask
  443. [23:59:58] <Pryan> look
  444. [00:00:08] <Pryan> i got an ill
  445. [00:00:16] <Pryan> enfermedad in spanish
  446. [00:00:23] <Pryan> disease i think
  447. [00:00:37] <Pryan> i hit my brain when i was in act of service
  448. [00:00:43] <daily> Pryan: We're done. Don't you have some planning to do?
  449. [00:00:45] <Pryan> i get crazy
  450. [00:00:55] <Pryan> military dont pay
  451. [00:01:17] <Pryan> i got some money from social segurity
  452. [00:01:31] <Pryan> after my mother rounds about 20 hospitals
  453. [00:01:48] <Pryan> i earn 700
  454. [00:01:58] <Pryan> and spend 200 in my company
  455. [00:02:14] <Pryan> this week i plan to launch cloud
  456. [00:02:22] <Pryan> 2 servers get off
  457. [00:02:26] <Pryan> this is one
  458. [00:02:33] <Pryan> the last week
  459. [00:02:42] <Pryan> i lost my router/firewall config
  460. [00:02:49] <Pryan> for a reinstallation
  461. [00:02:52] <Pryan> update
  462. [00:03:00] <Pryan> for an update
  463. [00:03:06] <Pryan> and now DDOS
  464. [00:03:16] <Pryan> this is why my DC has fired me
  465. [00:03:24] <Pryan> has been a terrible week
  466. [00:03:35] <Pryan> and the DDOS was the colm
  467. [00:03:36] <t0xic> whatever man
  468. [00:03:38] <Jack007> TERRIBLE
  469. [00:03:41] <Jack007> TERRIBLE WEEK
  470. [00:03:44] <Pryan> el colmo in spanish
  471. [00:03:55] <Jack007> shut up you nugget
  472. [00:04:14] <t0xic> calm down
  473. [00:04:16] <Jack007> WHAT IS BACKUPS
  474. [00:04:28] <Pryan> i havent backups
  475. [00:04:32] <scv> he's had since 2008 at least
  476. [00:04:33] <Jack007> WHAT ARE THEY
  477. [00:04:35] <Pryan> 2 days restoring config
  478. [00:04:36] <Jack007> WHAT ARE BACKUPS
  479. [00:04:49] <Pryan> i didnt make a backup of the firewall
  480. [00:04:52] <Jack007> WHAT ARE THEY
  481. [00:05:02] <Pryan> ¿?
  482. [00:05:08] <t0xic> dude click the caps lock
  483. [00:05:14] <Jack007> U WOT
  484. [00:05:22] <Jack007> BACKUPS
  485. [00:05:30] <Pryan> i havent a backup
  486. [00:05:45] <Pryan> not in my mind an update will crash
  487. [00:05:52] <Pryan> i use pfsense
  488. [00:06:02] <Pryan> in a machine with 4 nics
  489. [00:06:08] <Pryan> 1 for wan
  490. [00:06:12] <Pryan> 3 for lans
  491. [00:06:14] <t0xic> ok, fix your shit
  492. [00:06:25] <Pryan> cannot pay more
  493. [00:06:29] <Pryan> SORRY
  494. [00:06:45] <kcaj> noobs
  495. [00:06:51] <Pryan> this month i got an extra money
  496. [00:06:52] <kcaj> t0xic: is a nob ed
  497. [00:06:58] <t0xic> chat is not going to fix your shit
  498. [00:06:59] <Pryan> so i buy new equipment
  499. [00:07:07] <Pryan> for what !
  500. [00:07:16] <Pryan> now i didnt have dc
  501. [00:07:28] <t0xic> kcaj, you are my n00b
  502. [00:07:37] <t0xic> define dc
  503. [00:07:43] <Pryan> datacenter
  504. [00:07:44] <t0xic> your full of crap
  505. [00:08:24] <t0xic> how many servers does this datacenter have?
  506. [00:08:24] <daily> t0xic how is yours and hiya's company
  507. [00:08:42] <Pryan> arround 10 mine
  508. [00:09:39] <t0xic> daily, hiya is no longer working with me, I had enough of his irresponsible shit
  509. [00:10:01] <t0xic> old news too
  510. [00:10:13] <t0xic> 10 servers is a rack dude
  511. [00:10:29] <Pryan> yes
  512. [00:10:32] <t0xic> datacenter is probably tons of racks
  513. [00:10:49] <Pryan> we are starting
  514. [00:10:51] <daily> t0xic: you and him seemed like a dream couple
  515. [00:10:59] <Pryan> i am half a year with my own machines
  516. [00:11:19] <Pryan> daily: no jokes
  517. [00:11:21] <t0xic> you are starting what ?
  518. [00:11:29] <Pryan> my life is not a joke
  519. [00:11:39] <Pryan> and you are welcome
  520. [00:11:45] <Pryan> look good person
  521. [00:11:50] <Pryan> but no jokes
  522. [00:11:58] <Pryan> im tired of jokes
  523. [00:12:08] <t0xic> is your company registered ?
  524. [00:12:23] <Pryan> no
  525. [00:12:26] <Jack007> BACKUPS
  526. [00:12:28] <t0xic> which country it's registered on
  527. [00:12:31] <Jack007> WHAT IS BACKUPS
  528. [00:12:39] <Jack007> PFSENSE
  529. [00:12:41] <Jack007> FOR A DC ROUTER
  530. [00:12:45] <Jack007> ARE YOU FUCKING HIGH
  531. [00:12:55] <Jack007> I understand that India doesnt have like Tbps of bandwidth
  532. [00:12:56] <Jack007> but lol
  533. [00:13:03] <t0xic> Pryan, you have no chance to sell vps without registered company
  534. [00:13:18] <Jack007> y lying 4 t0xic
  535. [00:13:37] <Pryan> no jokes
  536. [00:13:42] <Pryan> i explained before
  537. [00:13:56] <t0xic> explained what
  538. [00:14:05] <Pryan> its like a infinite while
  539. [00:14:12] <Jack007> MATE
  540. [00:14:14] <Jack007> PFSENSE
  541. [00:14:14] <t0xic> you can register a uk ltd
  542. [00:14:20] <Jack007> BACKUPS
  543. [00:14:22] <Pryan> while (1) { goto explain; }
  544. [00:14:47] <t0xic> Jack007 , troll
  545. [00:14:59] <Jack007> MATE
  546. [00:15:00] <Jack007> BACKUPS
  547. [00:15:02] <daily> don't make fun of pfsense
  548. [00:15:05] <daily> love me some pfsense
  549. [00:15:09] <Jack007> nooooo
  550. [00:15:15] <Jack007> only noobs use pfsense
  551. [00:15:15] <Pryan> JoeMerit: are you arround ?
  552. [00:15:22] <daily> Jack007, and why is that?>
  553. [00:15:34] <Jack007> cos GUI
  554. [00:15:35] <Jack007> noobs
  555. [00:15:50] <Pryan> not because this
  556. [00:16:04] <Pryan> look, i explain one more time
  557. [00:16:11] <Pryan> call your people
  558. [00:16:14] <daily> Jack007, jesus do I need to add you to ignore too
  559. [00:16:23] <Pryan> tomorrow i will leave LET and LEB
  560. [00:16:29] <Pryan> and of course #lowendbox
  561. [00:16:46] <daily> why tomorrow
  562. [00:16:57] <t0xic> yes why leaving man
  563. [00:17:07] <Pryan> im TIRED
  564. [00:17:08] <JoeMerit> ran out of trolling material?
  565. [00:17:13] <t0xic> this business is tough
  566. [00:17:16] <Pryan> JoeMerit: -.-
  567. [00:17:17] <HarryCross2> Jack007: it's not a DC. It's a 200Mbps line in a shed
  568. [00:17:27] <Pryan> was you listening ?
  569. [00:17:43] <t0xic> you need to put your shit together
  570. [00:18:00] <Pryan> LOOK, im in burgos and the datacenter was in valladolid
  571. [00:18:16] <Pryan> its so creepy i know
  572. [00:18:18] <HarryCross2> No. One. Cares.
  573. [00:18:23] <Pryan> but no more money
  574. [00:18:36] <t0xic> sell your hardware and go do another business dude
  575. [00:18:55] <HarryCross2> Now just run along, with your tail between your legs
  576. [00:19:02] <t0xic> you will fail here and everywherew
  577. [00:19:14] <Jack007> 200MBPS
  578. [00:19:16] <Pryan> t0xic: thanks
  579. [00:19:20] <scv> what year is it
  580. [00:19:21] <Jack007> mate
  581. [00:19:22] <Jack007> learn to DC
  582. [00:19:33] <Jack007> kcaj buddy
  583. [00:19:34] <scv> i hope you mean your 200gbps dc
  584. [00:19:34] <Jack007> how do dc
  585. [00:19:36] <scv> right
  586. [00:19:46] <Jack007> reboot UPS for giggle to start with right
  587. [00:19:47] <t0xic> Pryan, I am not joking
  588. [00:20:09] <Jack007> then reboot both of your core routers (Having them as a redunant pair) this works out best
  589. [00:20:11] <Pryan> mine not too
  590. [00:20:16] <t0xic> sorry for saying the truth but you will just waste your money and time
  591. [00:20:17] <Pryan> you have arruined me
  592. [00:20:20] <Jack007> INTERNET FIXED
  593. [00:20:21] <scv> the other redundant pair will take over Jack007
  594. [00:20:22] <Jack007> WHAT IS BACKUPS
  595. [00:20:26] <Jack007> na
  596. [00:20:29] <Jack007> just single router
  597. [00:20:31] <Jack007> A + B
  598. [00:20:32] <Pryan> wait
  599. [00:20:32] <scv> o
  600. [00:20:36] <Jack007> pair as in
  601. [00:20:37] <Jack007> A + B
  602. [00:20:41] <Jack007> not 2 A + 2 B
  603. [00:20:42] <Pryan> ill put the entire conversation
  604. [00:20:47] <Jack007> PFSENSE
  605. [00:20:51] <Jack007> IS CORE ROUTING
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