
CognitiveWeasel being a slapnuts

Jun 30th, 2013
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  1. [17:06:11] <Nala> Azzleflux: Will o' the Wisp (rating: +21, 9 revisions) -
  2. [17:06:11] <Roget> [17:02:24] <nyehcat> Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
  3. [17:06:14] <salmander> Loving is a bannable offence, tuomey
  4. [17:06:17] <Smapti> .y that's a paddling
  5. [17:06:18] <Nala> Smapti: thats a paddlin by scudmissile369 (18 s) - - published Wed Mar 25, 2009 - 4.96/5.00 (10474.0, +10373/-101), 1,695,723 views
  6. [17:06:18] <Vince|Mobile> Tuomey, it's practically a meme here
  7. [17:06:31] <Roget> Vince
  8. [17:06:32] <CognitiveWeasel> That's a grammatically correct statement though, Roget...
  9. [17:06:35] <Tuomey> To be fair Roget we were talking about how English is weird
  10. [17:06:41] <Roget> Ooooh
  11. [17:06:44] <nyehcat> Roget: That wasn't being dumb. That was demonstrating the weirdness of the english language.
  12. [17:06:44] <CognitiveWeasel> And it was relevant to the conversation
  13. [17:06:44] <Roget> my apologies nyehcat
  14. [17:06:52] <nyehcat> no problem.
  15. [17:07:03] <Roget> I assumed with all the stupid around here that was part of the retard jambouree
  16. [17:07:11] <Smapti> .w Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
  17. [17:07:12] <Nala> Smapti: (Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo ... - Wikipedia) "Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo" is a grammatically correct sentence in American English, used as an example of how homonyms ...
  18. [17:07:20] <Vince|Mobile> Yes, Roget?
  19. [17:07:32] <CognitiveWeasel> And how was I being dumb, Roget?
  20. [17:07:42] <Smapti> "Buffalo from Buffalo that buffalo buffalo from Buffalo, are themselves buffaloed by buffalo from Buffalo".
  21. [17:07:57] <Roget> CognitibeWeasel every word that passes into your keyboard is dripping with retardation
  22. [17:07:59] <DrUnderwood> Site19's tone was polished a bit today.
  23. [17:08:23] <salmander> are we still talking about buffalo
  24. [17:08:23] <CognitiveWeasel> That's actually fairly rude, Oget :I
  25. [17:08:26] <CognitiveWeasel> *Roget
  26. [17:08:30] <Tox|Laptop> CognitiveWeasel: Accurate, though.
  27. [17:08:34] <CognitiveWeasel> Hardly.
  28. [17:08:41] <Tox|Laptop> Well, perhaps not *every* word
  29. [17:08:49] <CognitiveWeasel> And I'm not retarded.
  30. [17:08:58] <Azzleflux> Man, it's like the ops /dont/ have the final say in chat matters
  31. [17:09:01] <Tox|Laptop> He didn't say you were, note.
  32. [17:09:11] <Roget> CognitiveWeasel it's rude for you to dispute an op on a matter of your behavior
  33. [17:09:19] <salmander> azzle: say it ain't so
  34. [17:09:21] <Tox|Laptop> At least, in that manner,.
  35. [17:09:22] <Roget> if you keep it up, well, it's not like we have a limit for bans on op sassing
  36. [17:09:25] <Smapti> Similarly, there exists the sentence "James while John had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacher."
  37. [17:09:28] <Azzleflux> I will not go
  38. [17:09:34] <Azzleflux> turn the lights off, carry me home
  39. [17:09:35] <CognitiveWeasel> Roget - I was merely pointing out I had no part of the conversation for a good give minutes
  40. [17:09:36] <Echo> Smapti: lolwat
  41. [17:09:52] <DragonDePlatino> *sigh* Mod actions have completely killed the chat here. Going to go watch paint dry or something, now.
  42. [17:09:55] * DragonDePlatino has left
  43. [17:09:59] <Roget> hahahahahahahahahahaha
  44. [17:10:05] <Tox|Laptop> Echo: James, while John had had "had", had had "had had"; "had had" had had a better effect on the teacher.
  45. [17:10:08] <Vince|Mobile> Easy on the "retard" stuff plz.
  46. [17:10:09] <salmander> shut up Oget
  47. [17:10:10] <Smapti> Echo; "James, while John had had 'had', had had 'had had'; 'had had' had had a better effect on the teacher."
  48. [17:10:12] <FlameShirt> And nothing of value was lost.
  49. [17:10:16] <Tox|Laptop> Smapti: BAM.
  50. [17:10:24] <Roget> Vince|Mobile is "dumbshit" better?
  51. [17:10:36] <Vince|Mobile> Infinitely
  52. [17:11:00] <Roget> kk
  53. [17:11:18] <Tuomey> That's still offensive, most of my family are complete shits
  54. [17:11:31] <Roget> CognitiveWeasel you are saying a lot of dumbshit stuff, sir, and if you continue to dispute this I will be forced to kickban you for a day
  55. [17:11:34] <Tuomey> (clearly joking)
  56. [17:11:36] <CognitiveWeasel> Roget - for the record I was only offended by the nature of your use of the word "retardation" and not the fact you were insulting me
  57. [17:11:40] * ZombieRaptor has quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -
  58. [17:11:49] <DrUnderwood> ...
  59. [17:11:58] <Echo> We don't care about retards here.
  60. [17:12:09] <Echo> Take that bullshit to tumblr.
  61. [17:12:09] <CognitiveWeasel> Retard is a verb, Echo.
  62. [17:12:09] <Vince|Mobile> -_-"
  63. [17:12:15] <Smapti> "The example refers to two students, James and John, who are required by an English test to describe a man who, in the past, had suffered from a cold. John writes "The man had a cold" which the teacher marks as being incorrect, while James writes the correct "The man had had a cold." Since James' answer was right, it had had a better effect on the teacher."
  64. [17:12:24] <Echo> Retard describes someone who's retarded, or who's acting like one.
  65. [17:12:24] <Tox|Laptop> CognitiveWeasel: Retard is also a noun
  66. [17:12:29] <Roget> CognitiveWeasel for the record, this is a 24 hour ban for being a dumbass and sassing the ops
  67. [17:12:30] <Tox|Laptop> :|
  68. [17:12:32] <Tox|Laptop> Jackass.
  69. [17:12:36] * Roget sets ban on *!*Cognitive@*
  70. [17:12:36] * Roget has kicked CognitiveWeasel from #site19 (Roget)
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