
FillyAnon/Thunderlane/Rumble [IN PROGRESS]

May 31st, 2016
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  1. >You are Thunderlane.
  3. >You're cruising along a decent enough current to lazily glide into the vicinity of Ponyville's (one and only) schoolhouse shortly after your shift as a weatherpony to pick up your younger brother and head home.
  5. >You do this fairly often out of habit rather than any sort of necessity. Rumble can find his way home, and 'pick up' wasn't literal as that home just happens to be groundside. It's something you used to do as a responsibility when he was younger and less familiar with the town, and something you just do now. It's pretty straightforward - you stop at the school, wave to his hot teacher, then walk with the little queerbate as you both shoot the shit about how Blossomforth is cute but dumb as hell when it comes to cloudbusting or something, and he complains that recess isn't long enough.
  7. >Today's a little different. You know this because when you land on your hooves and walk into the playground, Rumble runs up to you with this big ol' grin, wings fluttering on his back like that one orange kid he's usually hanging with.
  9. >"Thunder! Hey Thunder, can I uh -" He stops short of running into you, backpedalling so he lands and ends up sitting on his haunches. "Can I bring a friend home today?" Rumble blurts, big-eyed.
  11. "Hmm. I dunno.."
  13. >You appraise his hopeful look and rub a hoof along your chin. Do you want to be a cool big brother but clean up after Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb, or do neither of these things? As if he can see the gears turn in your mind, he quickly adds, "It isn't Snips or Snails."
  15. "It ain't? Who is it?"
  17. >Rumble turns and waves one of his forelegs. Instead of what you expect, like that one squirt with the propeller beanie and the games or something, a lime green filly trots up to Rumble's summons. She's got this raven black hair that's curled around her head, and she's wiping this sour look off of her face as she brightens up, peering up at you with genuine interest.
  19. "Well hey there, kid. What's your name?"
  21. >The green filly marches right up to you, stopping next to Rumble and looking you up and down. You get the strangest feeling that you're being sized up by a foal, of all things. "Green Hornet," She answers curtly.
  23. >Your eyes pan over her. No wings to speak of. Even though it's not your usual scene, it's an unspoken rule to watch the tone and just generally be nicer to kids. "Mind if I chat up your mom, see if it's okay for you to hang out?"
  25. >That sour face comes back again, but she brightens almost immediately. "Nah, it's cool. Twilight won't mind if I come home a little late," She assures you with a few bobs of her head.
  27. "Huh. If you say so, ki.. Wait, Twilight? Twilight Sparkle? You're her niece or something?"
  29. >The second-newest princess wasn't getting laid, and even if she was, you're fairly certain alicorns don't pop foals out overnight. Hornet beams at you.
  31. >"Yup! Hit the nail on the head. So, can we go? If I spend one more minute at this damn school, I'm gon.." She catches your look of surprise at hearing just 'damn', ".. *darn* school, I'm going to lose my *freaking* mind. Ha ha!"
  33. ".. Oookay."
  35. >It is not your job to investigate the weirdness of foals. You had enough hell of a time trying to figure out why Rumble still couldn't sleep without his teddy bear after he grew out of diapers.
  37. >Shortly, the three of you are pacing down a similar path that kind of matches the general one you glided from earlier. As if you weren't sold on your brother's new weird friend, he keeps telling you about Hornet while she looks mostly indifferent, though smugness shines through from time to time.
  39. >".. And she hopped in the air, spun, and *slammed* the ball right in Snips' face! It was so awesome!"
  41. >"Heh, yeah, I'm pretty great." Hornet's chest swells with pride. It seems that your brother will definitely have a thing for tomboys when he gets older.
  43. As you come up to your bachelor pad (minus your gaylord brother's coltish influence over the place), you nod your assent politely. You push the door open, stepping inside.
  45. >Like you said, it's a mostly bachelor pad, and you weren't expecting company either - but you're not a slob. It's vaccuumed well enough, there's only a dish in the sink, and all that's left out is a magazi-
  47. "Ah, shit!"
  49. >You dive inside, hooves scrambling to scoop up the magazine and stuff it behind your back. You turn to shield it between your body and the foals, and you find yourself chest to face with Green Hornet grinning slyly.
  51. >"Is that the Summer issue? You definitely strike me as a Summer kind of guy." Hornet wiggles her eyebrows at you, and clutches a hoof at her muzzle with a giggle as you're struck dumb.
  53. "Uh.. Yeah. Yeah, it's the.. Summer models. Advertising.. beach balls."
  55. >You are a bad liar. Green Hornet sees right through your shit, giving you the most deadpan response. "They're sure working those balls, buddy."
  57. >Okay, what the fuck? You scrunch your muzzle as the filly brushes right past you, your perpetually clueless brother hot on her heels.
  59. >"Let me show you my room!"
  61. >You watch the pair step into Rumble's room, and you shake your head. Rumble being weird and kids tripping you out is nothing new to you. You open the drawer to your living room table, and stuff the magazine in haphazardly. Now that your main living area is decidedly worksafe, you pace over and in the same movement of turning and shifting your balance, you scoop up your training checklist for the rest of today. If you're going to make it into the Wonderbolts, you're gonna have to be good enough to best the dime a dozen passing scores. You're gonna have to git gud, Thunderlane. So, you head on over to your dumbells while flicking your ears, trying to eavesdrop.
  63. >"Oh shit dude, you've got an airplane bed?"
  65. >"I know! It's super cool, huh?"
  67. >"Best I ever had was a racecar."
  69. >You are Rumble. You watch as Green Hornet hops up onto your super awesome bed, splaying out on her tummy and playing with the toy flightstick at the end of the bed. Thunderlane said this kind of bed was for little colts, but what does he know? All he does in his bed is sleep and wrestle with Cloudchaser and Flitter. As cool as your big brother can be, you are confident that you are way cooler.
  71. >Hornet seems to think so too, you bet! She gets this weird look on her face when she's playing with that toy, batting it with her hooves back and forth. She finds you staring at her, and she waves you over. So, you hop on the bed too, scooching right up to your new friend.
  73. >You have no idea why some of the colts are going on about fillies having cooties. Scootaloo and her friends are always doing something fun that you want to be a part of, and now this awesome filly just shows up today out of the blue - acing all of Miss Cheerilee's tests, being good at sports and saying bad words that only adults are allowed to say sometimes. As you mull that one over, Hornet pushes a hoof on your chest to sit herself up. She moves so that she's carefully crawling.. on top of you?
  75. >You blink as she frowns a little, her hind legs closing around one of yours.
  77. "Uhh.. Hornet, what're you doing?"
  79. "Shut up a second. How am I gonna.. Maybe if I turned around? No, this'll work for now.." She mumbles, her legs squeezing around that one. She puts both hooves on your chest as you stay quiet like a good friend. You're staring up at her face, her mane falling over and hiding a good portion of it. Hornet looks like she's thinking really hard while she starts to bounce on your hindleg.
  81. >Your leg feels kind of wet. You glance down at Hornet's thighs clenching around that wet spot, then up at her determined expression. You feel mortified.
  83. "A-are you peeing on me?"
  85. >"What? No, shh." She peers at the door to your bedroom with concern, before looking back down at you with that grouchy face she gets.
  87. "Then why is it wet?"
  89. >"Because when you're horny, you get.." She pauses at your look of incomprehension, then just reaches down with one of her hooves and prods between your legs. You jolt, and feel a burning come to your face - she just booped on your weenie - and not just at any time, but at a time when it's stuck up. That's even more embarrassing, because even you don't know why that happens. It just does when you're walking around town, or thinking about hanging out with Scootaloo.
  91. >Fortunately for you, Green Hornet is there to explain. "When you touch somebody, things start happening to your body and theirs. You get hard, and I get.. wet now, apparently." For somepony who knows a lot, she seems surprised to say that. She crawls up from hugging your leg with both of hers so that she sits right on your chest, and both of her green legs sit their hooves on either side of your head.
  93. >... Hm.
  95. >That burning in your face is perpetual, but it's outmatched by your absolute fascination. Her legs were a lot like yours except softer, and where they met in the center.. You've seen mares around town and their smooth parts instead of colts who stuck out between their legs like a sore thumb. This was the first time you get to look at a filly your age up close. You feel kind of weird at the thought of looking *inside* another pony, but you feel a rush of excitement when between that smooth, plump spot between her legs is a sliver of pink. Your hoof cups under her tail and pulls her closer by her butt - you want to see her up close.
  97. >Green Hornet has her eyes shut tight as Rumble flails for a second, then tries setting his hooves back on her rump. You can't see what Rumble's motions are from this angle, but you see the filly's mouth hang open, the wrinkle of her brow. Pleasure is cracking through her outer shell with ease, written all over her face.
  99. >"Hoh my God, yeah.. k-keep.. keep doing what you're do*i*ng," When her voice cracks, you feel warmth surge through your cock as a line of cum shoots from it, far enough to span across the entire doorway. Panic reaches you distantly, but the worry that either foal saw that is far from your mind as your hoof hurriedly tilts your shaft upward. The following three bursts from your tip don't have nearly as much force, painting your belly and chest with cum as orgasmic haze passes through your mind.
  101. >When you settle down, you still hear Hornet panting and a very faint squishing of flesh. You chance another peek inside. You see the filly's hoof on Rumble's head, their bodies in a slightly different position with her sitting up but pelvis still poised in front of him. His mouth is held open with her other hoof. You see her face, eyes lidded and lips slightly parted as fluid oozes from those lower lips into your brother's upper ones.
  103. >You feel your dick stiffen immediately once more, but you don't plan on sticking around for a second one. No, you need to clean yourself up. You scoop your hoof across the carpet as you walk past hastily to get to the bathroom, scraping up most of your cum on the way. You get to the restroom without further complication, and a-showerin' you go.
  105. --
  107. "Mmmh.. Yeah. That hit the spot."
  109. >You ease up your grip on Rumble, and he pulls his head back slowly. He's still flushed as when you started, and you find your insides tingling when you see lines of fluid connecting Rumble's face to your cooch. You savor the image - it's not one you imagined you would ever like - before wiping his face with a blanket.
  111. >Every pony you have met is cute, even if you don't like to admit it. Purpleshit, all of her dumb friends, the little ponies, they're all cute - even when you're hating their guts (see Purpleshit) it's an established fact that they are cute, which makes it hard to take them seriously and incredibly easy to perturb them with being even mildly offputting. It's what causes a majority of problems with your interactions with the horses.
  113. >Rumble is pretty cute, for example. He closes his eyes and does that wrinkle-face thing again as you dab your cum off of his lips and cheeks. When he looks presentable again, you lean in and - no homo - give him a kiss. You taste yourself on his lips, and his breath when he gasps sharply. You pull away, and Rumble stares wide-eyed at you.
  115. >"My.. My first.."
  117. >You grin cheekily. Rumble averts his gaze, fidgeting with his hooves while flushed once again. It's quiet for a few seconds before Rumble scratches the side of his head with a hoof. "So.. So uh.. Do you wanna p-play anything else?"
  119. >You toy with the idea of 'playing' again as your ears swivel. The shower is on. Seeing as the coast is clear, you adjust yourself on top of the colt who watches you intently. Your green gaze is on his purple ones as you push your schnozz/snoopleboop/sniffer against his shaft, and he gasps again. Man, he's too easy.
  121. >"You're lucky. I'm actually really good at this," You explain, words travelling up his body through body contact of mouth-against-cock alone. He shivers, but you have his attention. You drag your soft filly face up his boyishly musky cock, stopping when his tip is pressed against your lips.
  123. "D'ya know why..?"
  124. >You whisper huskily, your hooves settling on his hips.
  126. >"Haaah.. N-no.. Why..?"
  128. "I'm OP."
  130. >"Wh- ah!"
  131. >You don't give him any time to even try to process a joke that would only be funny to you. You shove him in your mouth, and press your tongue against his cock.
  133. >You see Rumble's eyes bulge, and his face goes kind of shock still while your tongue lays flush against the breadth of his length. He's not big compared to a stallion, but he's decent, proportionately. You're trying to place a number to his length while you push him into your throat, then back. It's now that his hooves gently rest on your head, and he moans.
  135. >You feel pretty gay for being turned on by it, but whatever. It's not a feeling you're unused to, by this point. You begin pushing your head down, then lifting up, trying different combinations of flicking and pressing with your tongue. It's actually fun sucking his cock, in a weird way. Rumble seems to love it, arching his back and letting out more sounds until you lift off of him with a small pop. One look at him, and you have his complete attention again.
  137. "Shush. You have to be quiet when we do this, okay?"
  139. >"O-okay, Hornet.. Sorry.."
  141. >You keep the look as you lower yourself back down. You don't take him back in your mouth, but you do begin licking up the entire length, then alternating to do it on the sides. You see him bite his lip and purse them occasionally, trying to be as silent as possible as his cock twitches from the attention. One of your hooves wander between your thighs, pressing the hard edge against your soft, sensitive folds. It reminds you of when you first started masturbating, everything felt so new and wonderful.. Combining that sensation with what you know feels good to you is simply spectacular. You kiss at the colt's tip.
  143. "Mmmm. You're so yummy, Rumble. Do all the girls do this for you?"
  145. >That snaps him out of his blissful stare at the ceiling. "Huh? N-no.. Just, um, you.."
  147. >"Well, at least I don't have to share."
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