
Deadmeat Chronicles: Sissy part 2

Jun 17th, 2012
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  1. >You have a new friend that seems to hang around you.
  2. >You have made other friends of course but you go your separate ways.
  3. >That or they die.
  4. >You aren’t sure how to react to this new fluffy.
  5. >She is nice and plays with you.
  6. >But you are used to doing things on your own and having a partner is something new.
  7. >She calls you her nummie friend.
  8. >You can find food when she gets hungry.
  9. >Today though, you are angry with her.
  10. >She has just poopied under the bush you use to hide.
  12. >You are huffing looking at the pile.
  13. >”But Sissy haf to go poopies. Sissy sowwy.” She has tears in her face.
  14. >”Deadmeat no sweep in poopie! Yuu bad fwuffy! Nu poopie hewe!”
  15. >She looks at the fresh pile, “Yuu fault! Yuu make fwen yeww Sissy!”
  16. >She starts to cry.
  17. >You stomp about for a minute, “Deadmeat haf nu sweepy pwace!”
  18. >You walk out from under your bush.
  19. >She follows, “Nuuu, dun weave Sissy! Sissy wub nummie fwen!”
  20. >”Yoo bad fwuffy!” You start to look for another place to sleep.
  21. >”Daddeh? Daddeh!”
  22. >You turn and see her running to a two legged monster.
  23. >You stop and yell at her, “Nuu! Too wegged munsta bad! Stay way!”
  24. >She ignores you and still runs up to the man.
  25. >”Daddeh! Take Sissy and nummie fwen home now.” She says with a big smile on her face.
  26. >The man ignored her and walks on.
  27. >She runs in front of him, “Why daddeh no get Sissy?” She tries to block his path.
  28. >He looks down, “I ain’t your daddy.”
  29. >He kicks her out of his way.
  30. >She rolls several feet before she stops.
  31. >She has tried this with several monsters.
  32. >Always the same, she wasn’t hurt on this one, but she has shed boo boo juice before.
  33. >She jumps up and runs over to you, “Dat no daddeh! He meanie hooman!”
  34. >She stands in front of you, “Sissy nee huggies! Sissy wan feel betteh!”
  35. >You boop her on the nose.
  36. >You are infuriated at her right now.
  37. >She sits down looking at you like her entire world was shattered.
  38. >She burst out crying, “Waaahhhhhh! Nummie fwen hewt Sissy!”
  39. >”Yoo make bad poopies, yoo wun to munstas, yoo bad fwuffy!”
  40. >”Sissy no wan be bad fwuffy! Waaahhhhh!” Her tears free flow from her face.
  41. >You turn to walk away, you still need a place to sleep.
  42. >You hear her start to follow, “Why nummie fwen boop Sissy…”
  43. >”Deadmeat no wan fwen dead.” You don’t look back.
  44. >”Wha dea? Why yoo no wan Sissy dea?”
  45. >You stop and look back, “Dat bad ting, two wegged munsta hewt fwuffy bad. Dat why Deadmeat boop.”
  46. >You start your search again.
  47. >”Nuuu! Hoomin goo, hoomin daddeh!”
  48. >”Two wegged munsta bad, Deadmeat stay way two wegged munsta.”
  49. >”But yoo haf daddeh…. Why yoo no wike daddeh…”
  50. >”Deadmeat haf no daddeh.”
  51. >She stops with a confused look on her face.
  52. >You see a good sized bush away from where the two legged monsters roam.
  53. >You run over to it and look under it, it seems no other fluffies have seen this one.
  54. >”Yoo haf no daddeh? Den who gif nummie fwen nummies?” She has followed you into the bush.
  55. >”Deadmeat fin nummies.” Low leaves!
  56. >You start to eat.
  57. >”Yay! Nummie fwen fin mo nummies!” She runs next to you and starts to eat as well.
  58. >You both eat your fill on the bounty you found.
  59. >”Yoo mad Sissy?” she asks after a while.
  60. >”Yoo do bad poopies. Yoo no do bad poopies hewe.” You look at her sternly.
  61. >”Sissy no make bad poopies.” She hangs her head down. “Yoo smawteh dan Sissy… yoo smawty fwen…”
  62. >”Me Deadmeat, no smawty.” You start to push leaves together to soften your sleep area.
  63. >The yellow Pegasus runs up to you hugging you.
  64. >”Yoo hewp Sissy. Yoo Sissy smawteh fwen!”
  65. >She lets go and looks around.
  66. >She sees two men walking, “Daddeh!”
  67. >You cut her off and boop her nose.
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