
Ch3 - Unfinished

Oct 12th, 2014
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  1. They had done it. Their first day. Em strode beneath the light tree cover looking for anything useful, berries, kindling, whatever. In all honesty, she didn't really care. She was just happy her parents not only agreed to let he travel with Matt, but actually let her leave on the agreed date.
  3. Em turned around at the sound of a branch cracking. She hadn't brought Greninja with her. “Hello, Lucario.”
  5. Mat's blue-furred pokemon approached through the trees, his eyes not quite meeting hers. Lucario didn't say anything, but hugged her firmly against his soft chest, careful to avoid injuring her. His large paws cradled her back, pulling the two of them flush.
  7. Em giggled. “It's nice to see you too.” She slipped her arms around Lucario in return. Her fingers slid through his silky fur. After a brief pause, she pulled back, but the pokemon still gripped her tightly. “Lucario?”
  9. He shifted against her, and something pressed against her belly. A small spot of damp warmth seeped into her shirt where the object pressed against her stomach. Em squirmed in an attempt to look down before realizing what it must be.
  11. Embarrassment burned her cheeks. “L-Lucario? I don't think-” Her voice probably didn't even carry to Lucario's ears. She trembled in the pokemon's tight embrace, her faltering mind attempting to sort through the shock, embarrassment, and unacknowledged curiosity.
  13. She managed to whimper something unintelligible, and Lucario must have taken her lack of protest as a sign of consent.
  15. His large paws held her firmly against him, and he began to grind himself against her. Em could feel the tip of his cock pressing into her through her shirt. The bulge grew, and with one of his slow thrusts, Lucario found the break in Em's clothing where her shirt and skirt met.
  17. Em gasped at the feeling of Lucario's warm shaft directly against her. He slid himself against her belly, a continual flow of pre-cum coating her skin and allowing Lucario to easily grind himself against her.
  19. She clung to him, her nails digging into his steely hide. She could feel the pokemon's strange anatomy against her skin. His pointed tip jabbed her, while every thrust brought a thick bulge near his base against her skin. She couldn't not imagine what that would be like had he dipped a few inches lower.
  21. Lucario rest his head on her shoulder, muzzle parted to pant lightly in her ear. His thrusts began to pick up an erratic pace, and she could feel his length pulsing against her. Pre-cum coated her belly, and she could hear the wet shlick of Lucario moving against her, just as if he were truly mating her, about to fill her.
  23. Em didn't even have the presence of mind to care that anyone could walk by and see her. She hung breathily to Lucario, her cheek pressed against the pokemon's broad chest. With one last powerful jerk, Lucario locked up around her after sliding himself as far beneath her shirt as he could.
  25. Lucario grunted in her ear, his cock twitching against her belly. Every jet of the pokemon's heavy cum sprayed upwards, forcing a path between her shirt and belly towards her breasts. His hot seed slowly trickled back downwards in search of a more suitable destination. Lucario drenched the front of her shirt before he gave one final shudder and let his arms fall free of her back.
  27. Em stumbled back, eyes glued to Lucario's sex as the pink and red shaft fell free of her shirt. It twitched freely before him, The large knot at his base slowly shrank to allow it back inside his sheath. Her shirt clung heavily to her.
  29. Lucario watched her, as if waiting for a reaction.
  31. Her eyes darted about, searching for an excuse to leave. “I, um, have to – go.” Not her best. She spun and walked quickly towards the tent.
  33. Her mind raced, her heart raced, and she needed to change before another living thing saw- Greninja popped up beside her. Em stifled a scream.
  35. “I- Now isn't a good time. I'll get back to you in a moment.” She took a breath to calm her nerves before starting off towards the tent.
  37. “Oh, there you are. I was-” Mat appeared from around a stone outcrop. “What happened to your shirt?”
  39. There wasn't enough makeup in the world that could have hid her blush, but she didn't give Mat the time to think. “Greninja accidentally got me wet, gotta go change, back in a second.” She grabbed Greninja by the arm and thrust her towards the tent, quickly ducking inside. If Mat ever found out what just happened...
  41. Once inside, Em dropped to her knees, letting out a held breath. She could smell Lucario's release on her. As carefully as she could, she removed the top, avoiding her hair, but her cheek brushed the garment, his cooling seed leaving a sheen on her skin.
  43. She let the garment fall heavily to the floor before examining herself. She did her best to wipe the cum from her belly, but his seed had soaked the top of her skirt, and she herself had soaked-
  45. Em batted Greninja away from her ruined shirt, her pokemon sniffing the discarded garment curiously. “You should probably just leave it,” Em mumbled, pretending not to notice the color that flooded into her cheeks once again.
  47. Greninja looked up at her curiously before approaching and sniffing the trainer's smooth stomach. Em jerked back from the ticklish nose, but Greninja tasted the human's skin with her long tongue.
  49. “Greninja!” Ema hissed. Her face burned. If Matt walked in right now, she would literally die. Panicking wasn't helping. A clarity fell over her, and she jumped into action. She had a bag somewhere among her things. She threw Matt's crap aside and – aha! She pulled a plastic bag out and threw the sodden shirt inside. She stripped completely and threw her garments into the bag before hiding it among her things and pulling out a fresh change of clothes.
  51. A few spritz of perfume later and Em turned to Greninja. “Not a word to anyone.” Her pokemon only grinned mischievously before the pair exited the tent.
  53. Outside, Matt raised an eyebrow. “That's new.” He eyed her outfit.
  55. It was the first time she'd worn one of her new trainer's outfits. Her purple-banded skirt didn't reach quite as low as academy uniforms, and her plain blouse breathed comfortably in the day's gentle breeze.
  57. Em gave a judgmental assessment herself. “It's nice, isn't it? Besides, the other skirt wouldn't have matched, dolt.”
  59. Matt shook his head but returned to finishing a small fire-pit. They hadn't made much headway, but both had agreed that they were in no rush to get anywhere. Besides, if something happened their first night, they'd be close to town.
  61. Em breathed her first true relieved breath took a seat under the shade of a nearby tree. Lucario had returned, but his abashed gaze never fell on her while she was looking. She could still feel his hardness digging into her belly, his hot- Three days to the next town, at this rate. Em forced her mind elsewhere before she had to change again.
  63. Greninja sat to Em's left, and the pair relaxed for a moment, glad to not be walking or training for the time being. After a time, Em noticed Greninja staring out into the distance towards the next town. Em looked in the direction and noticed a lone figure traveling down the road.
  65. The figure became a woman, maybe in her early twenties. She wore a similar outfit to what Em now wore, but with more natural greens compared to Em's academy colors.
  67. The stranger waved cheerily from a distance, and Em waved back with a smile. “We have company, Matt.”
  69. Matt looked up from his now smoking fire, but the newcomer spoke first.
  71. “Well well, don't tell me you two are just getting started.” The woman smiled, nothing but a simple pack slung over her shoulder.
  73. “Are we that obvious?” Em moved to stand besides Matt, and their two pokemon joined as well.
  75. “Full-size tent, stopped before dark? I'd say so.” The woman beamed warmly at them. “I'm Claire.” She had short brown hair that framed a thin face and knowing eyes. While she didn't have a pokemon out that Em could see, the trainer held herself confidently.
  77. Em had a hard time telling if the woman was serious of flippant, but she felt at ease in the newcomer's presence. “My name is Emily, but call me Em. He's Matt. This is actually our first day traveling.”
  79. Claire let her pack plop carelessly to the ground and took a seat near the unlit fire. “Well? I don't want to have to invite you to sit at your own camp.” She dug into her pack, and by the time Em and Matt had sat down opposed her, the fire sprung to life.
  81. “So,” Matt spoke up as Clair returned whatever had started the fire, “are you a new trainer also?”
  83. Claire giggled. “Not really. I saw you two camped on the side of the road in a peculiar spot, and figured your journey could use a few veteran tips.” As the woman closed her bag, Em had spied a trainer's belt with six tiny red and white spheres attached.
  85. Em gasped. “You have a full team!”
  87. Claire smiled and returned the belt to her waist. “I do.” She adjusted the belt with a caring precision. “And you four are camped on the side of the road curiously close to that.” Claire pointed towards an oddly dense gathering of trees just on the other side of the path.
  89. “It's a hidden grotto, and the best place to camp if you can find an unoccupied one. They're very pretty, and offer some much needed privacy on the road.” Clair looked at Em with twinkling eyes. “I'm assuming that one is occupied then?”
  91. Matt cleared his throat, not meeting Claire's eyes. “Well, probably if they're so great...”
  93. Claire laughed warmly. “Em, you come with me. I'll show you how to check these places out.” She pointed to the others. “You three watch over my stuff. I'll be back in a moment.”
  95. Apprehension tickled the insides of Em's belly, but the other three nodded solemnly at their assigned duty, and Claire's wide smile beckoned Em to get up and follow.
  97. Before they left, Claire turned to Greninja. “Keep an eye on those two.” She smiled and lead Em towards the hidden grotto.
  99. Em followed meekly behind Claire. The stand of trees had caught her eyes earlier, but she hadn't thought anything of it. Claire on the other hand walked directly towards a shadowed trunk.
  101. As they approached, it almost seemed if you could just get through the wall of thickets and branches you might-
  103. “There!” Claire ran towards a trunk and was gone.
  105. Em stopped. In the fading light she could barely make out what looked like- She forced herself through a narrow break in the trees and found herself somewhere else. She could still see the path through the sliver of sunlight that made it inside, but the trees now surrounded her like some building made from the forest itself.
  107. The opening widened immediately into a large vaulted pathway, vibrant leaves wider than her hand fanned out above them. A short ways down the path, the trees broke into an opening, the perfect size to set up a tent and fire...
  109. “It's beautiful,” Em whispered, circling in place to take it in.
  111. “Isn't it?” Claire walked further towards the clearing. A soft, spongy grass grew along the loamy floor, offering a plush comfortable carpeting. “But it's not the only thing I wanted to show you.” She picked something off the ground, a large blanket, and she unfurled it across the soft ground, taking a seat on a corner. “Please, sit.”
  113. Em hesitantly took a seat, but Claire's smile put her back at ease.
  115. “It looks like you have some wonderful friends already, I'm sure you would have figured things out.” Claire pulled a tiny pokeball from her waist and enlarged the sphere. “This is Espeon, a long time friend of mine.”
  117. A red flash released a pink-furred Espeon onto the blanket. A large gem gleamed at the center of its forehead, and those ghostly, glowing eyes seemed to look right through Em. The pokemon smoothly took its place beside Claire, forked tail curling around the side of its body.
  119. “What do you think of him?” Claire asked, stroking the pokemon's head affectionately.
  121. “He's beautiful.” Em watched the pokemon watch her. She felt slightly cowed by the small pokemon. Its eyes held too much knowledge, and just at the corners of its eyes, Em could almost see the lighthearted mirth of an old man. She shook her head. This grotto or whatever played strange tricks. It felt too surreal.
  123. “I do not wish to leave your friends to worry too long. I think Espeon might be able to better explain what I wanted to say. Besides, I think I should talk to that boy of yours.”
  125. Em spluttered. “He is not mine.”
  127. “Oh not him, I was speaking of that Lucario whose eye you caught.” Claire winked but didn't wait for Em to finish blushing before she stood. “Return with Espeon when you're ready.” With a quick turn, Claire disappeared from the grotto.
  129. “Um, hi,” Em said awkwardly in the silence.
  131. Espeon cocked its head but otherwise remained still, eyes unblinking. They sat for a silent moment longer.
  133. “You are timid,” the Espeon said matter of factly.
  135. “Incredible,” Em whispered. She hadn't heard where the voice had come from, almost as if it didn't come from any direction in particular, as if the voice merely happened to exist.
  137. Espeon rose gracefully, powerfully muscled limbs gave the pokemon a lithe grace. Em watched his swaying gait, transfixed. He rubbed the side of his face against her shoulder, continuing to let his side brush against her. He returned to stand before her. Sitting as she were, he stood at eye-level with her.
  139. The pokemon looked serious for a moment, glowing white pupils looking completely through her. “Pokemon do not see the world as you humans do. Trust us.”
  141. A powerful calm spread throughout Em's body. She felt every unpleasant emotion swept away, the uncomfortable heat of embarrassment, the dragging weariness in her limbs, the heavy fear of discovery. She found herself wanting to lie down on the blanket. The dense loam and strange grass made for a comfortable bed.
  143. Em lay down, and Espeon joined her, his warm curling up perfectly against her chest, his fur like a warm silk comforter. A peace unlike anything she'd felt before dulled every bit of negativity from her. She could float off to oblivion curled up with this small pokemon in her arms.
  145. “Claire likes to coddle the young. Trust your friends and you will do fine. A pokemon who trusts in you might not communicate like I can, but they will be honest with you. You will grow to understand each other out of necessity. It will happen.”
  147. Em didn't remember putting her arms around Claire's pokemon, but she now hugged Espeon to her chest. Even if she told Matt what happened, he'd only make fun of her. They had been friends since she could remember. Espeon was right.
  149. “Thank you,” she whispered against the back of the pokemon's head.
  151. “Thank Claire. She taught me the odd things you humans fear.” Espeon rose to stand over her, and Claire rolled onto her back to look up at Espeon's face. In the fading daylight, the pokemon's ghostly eyes illuminated his pink face in a gentle glow.
  153. “Take pride in yourself. You aren't as lost as you think.” Espeon leaned down to lick her forehead with a rough tongue.
  155. Em giggled. “A cat telling me to be more prideful?”
  157. Espeon smiled. “False humility can be just as tiresome, little human.”
  159. Em grunted as Espeon stepped onto her stomach before curling up atop her. He didn't really fit, but she didn't protest.
  161. “What if Greninja needed your help, would you assist her?” the pokemon asked.
  163. Em didn't hesitate. “Of course. I'd do anything for her.”
  165. “And if she had the urge to mate, would you help her take care of that?”
  167. Em opened her mouth but nothing came out. Did a pokemon just aske her if-
  169. “I can feel your heart race, the heat in your cheeks.”
  171. Hearing that only deepened her embarrassment. “I-” she stuttered but the pokemon silenced.
  173. “We all live in different worlds. One day you will walk comfortably in all of them if that is what you wish.” Espeon's low purr rumbled against Em's chest.
  175. “How?” Even Em wasn't sure if the sound had made it out of her mouth. It was a meek sound, almost inaudible, but she wanted what this pokemon spoke of. The disarming comfort that Espeon carried.
  177. The pokemon smiled. “You might want to ask Greninja that question.” But Espeon once again rose. “Take off your clothing.”
  179. “What!” Her startled shout echoed within the impenetrable forest wall that surrounded them.
  181. Espeon grinned. “I am naked and it doesn't seem to make you uncomfortable.”
  183. “That's different,” she mumbled, not quite meeting his eyes.
  185. Espeon lay on the blanket a short distance from her and rolled onto his back, exposing his pink belly and stretching out his long limbs. “If it makes you more comfortable, you can examine my body as closely as you wish.”
  187. Her eyes already ran along the pokemon's graceful body before decency overrode curiosity. Again, slight embarrassment colored her cheeks.
  189. “You won't even scratch my stomach?” His eyes gleamed teasingly, but she could still hear the sincerity in his strange, sourceless voice.
  191. Em begrudgingly move towards the pokemon and gently rubbed the pokemon's belly. Espeon purred contentedly, allowing his head to fall back and legs relax. Em made sure to keep a respectful distance from the pokemon's clearly visible sheath. Nothing more than a tuft of pink fur hid his sex from her eyes. And just below, his large furry balls hung close to his body between his legs.
  193. Em shook her head and quickly jerked her attention away from the pokemon's nethers and checked if he had caught her moment of weakness.
  195. Large, pale eyes met hers. “You are curious, even now.”
  197. Em almost died. She took a deep breath to try and calm her shaking hands before the same force as before whisked away her embarrassment.
  199. “An admirable trait. One psychic types find very important in a partner.” Espeon tilted his head. “I will not push you any further.” He rose, no longer displaying his body for her, and walked towards her, rubbing his face against her neck before once more curling up against her chest. Em relaxed against him again, taking comfort in his soft body.
  201. “Fear danger, human, but learn to not fear the ones who you choose to spend your journeys with. I have shown you where to start, but you can walk that path at your pace.”
  203. How could this pokemon, one she met no more than an hour ago put her at ease so quickly? Em closed her eyes and once again hugged Espeon against her chest, fingers gently scratching the pokemon's throat. He purred against her.
  205. They lay like that for a time. “Sorry if you and Claire are in a hurry.”
  207. Espeon chuckled. “You'll soon learn just how much time a pokemon trainer has. Do not concern yourself about me. You will grow hungry and return long before I need to.”
  209. Em grew quiet again, moving her fingers while Espeon wiggled his head to get just the right spots. Espeon's words echoed with what happened earlier. She couldn't talk with either of her other pokemon friends, not like she could this psychic-type.
  211. “Espeon?”
  213. “Claire can tell what kind of person someone is without even speaking with them. It's truly incredible. I trust her with my life, and if she chooses to leave me with another human, then I have full confidence that I will be safe. Claire would not leave me with anyone she doesn't trust completely.” Speaking of his trainer made the pokemon's telepathic voice even friendlier. “You do not have to ask.”
  215. Stupid pokemon and its psychic abilities. Not that she really minded his near-omniscience. Still, the bond this pokemon and Claire seemed to share – she wanted that. She wanted it more than anything else. She could hold this Espeon in her arms forever.
  217. And this pokemon offered to help her understand,a veteran trainer, one who seemed to casually keep a full team of pokemon.
  219. As they were, Em was the big spoon, curled up on the blanket Claire somehow had. It smelled freshly laundered. Her right arm curled underneath Espeon's front paw to scratch his throat. She slowed and began to slowly feel the pokemon's throat, moving down his chest. She could feel his heart thump lightly below her fingers, each bump noticeable through the constant gentle rumbling purr. His deep slow breaths almost made her think he was sleeping.
  221. She had asked and he did say yes. So why did she hesitate? But she didn't completely stop either. Her hand moved across his warm chest and belly. Em had her eyes squeezed shut as Buterfree pummeled her belly. She hadn't been so nervous since the academy finals.
  223. She felt blindly along the pokmeon's belly before her hand bumped against his hind leg, which on his side as he lay, covered the final stretch of his underside.
  225. At her touch, Espeon smoothly twisted against her chest, resuming the position he took earlier, belly up with limbs hanging languorously to the side. One of his powerful hind legs came to rest against her own leg. She let her nervous fingers continue exploring.
  227. The tough hide beneath Espeon's fur grew warmer and softer beneath her fingertips, and then-! A furious blush shot into her cheeks. Her pinky bumped against what could only be the pokemon's sheath. In truth, she barely touched more than the fur that covered him, but she could feel it there, waiting.
  229. She quickly peeked at the pokemon, but he had his head back, eyes closed gently, his mouth slightly parted, but curved in a contented smile.
  231. Em held her breath, and did it. She moved her hand to feel along the pokemon's hiding sex. It felt hard beneath the protective skin and fur, but even her gentle touch made out the minute contours of his sex.
  233. She felt him, felt his heavy balls, and was the bulge in his sheath slightly larger? Her curiosity began to take hold, and she let herself look upon him as well. She moved a quaking finger to probe the entrance to his sheath, to see what he really looked like. The memory of Lucario's strange organ flitted through her mind.
  235. Em jerked her hand away, staring at the drop of fluid on her finger. Hot and slimy, and it formed a clingy strand between two of her fingers.
  237. She looked down at Espeon, cheeks flush more with a new kind of heat, one much more pleasant than embarrassment. Her voice wavered, but she spoke clearly and softly in their natural suite. “W-What now?”
  239. Espeon lazily opened his eyes. “What do you mean? You can satisfy as much of your curiosity as you wish.”
  241. Em spoke in barely a whisper. “B-But I want you to feel good.”
  243. “What makes you think I don't already?” The Espeon looked up warmly at her, purring insistently as if to make a point.
  245. “But you're not, you know...” she trailed off, still unsure of exactly how to go about asking for help. Should she come right out and just say it? Espeon seemed to be able to get his meaning across so well while skirting the issue entirely.
  247. Espeon smiled up at her. “There's no need to rush.”
  249. “But I want to.” Em blinked, only realizing what she said after the words left her mouth.
  251. Espeon rolled and got up to sit on his hind legs beside Em, looking down at her. “Let me know when you wish me to stop.”
  253. Em looked up at him in confusion when the top button of her shirt popped undone. She looked down, startled as the second popped open as well, followed by a third. She watched as each button came undone as if of its own will until her blouse hung closed out of habit rather than anything the buttons currently did. Espeon merely watched.
  255. Her fingers trembled, but she removed the garment, folding it quickly and placing it off to the side before shrinking beneath the pokemon's gaze. She had never let another boy see her in just a bra before. She waited for the pokemon to speak, but he didn't.
  257. Instead, the zipper of her skirt slid open with a metallic hiss, leaving the waist of black skirt loose. Again, she silently resigned herself, lifting her hips off the blanket to slip the garment off her body, leaving her pale skin bare in the cool evening air. She lay, more bare than any but her parents had ever seen her.
  259. Only her simple bra and panties covered any skin. She didn't even have the modest fur Espeon had to cover herself. When she looked, Espeon's eyes locked with hers, but she couldn't hold his intense gaze. She looked down.
  261. Espeon stepped over and draped his body over hers, not as if to mount her almost naked body, but to cover it with his. “Whoever you chose as a mate will be blessed with a selfless lover one day, but you must be comfortable with yourself first.”
  263. His fur covered her, softer than the finest fabric she'd ever worn, warm and protective. She felt safe beneath him.
  265. “You've never let a male see you bare, have you.” Espeon lay his head in the crook of her neck.
  267. Em shook her head. She even felt a little uncomfortable with Greninja seeing her naked, but that was somewhat unavoidable, living so closely together. And now she lived even closer, and with Matt and Lucario...
  269. “I'll let you make that choice then.” He licked her neck, sending a soft tingle through Em's body.
  271. Emotion whirled through Em's head, a tempest since meeting Claire's curious pokemon. Curiosity, fear, safety, and something unfamiliar, a wild playfulness, a fire. She could feel the hard length of the pokemon's shaft press against her bare thigh, exciting and unknown.
  273. “Would you, um, I mean, could you maybe go back to laying next to me, like before?” Em sopke into the empty air , not quite directing her words at the pokemon, but he stood from her. In that moment, when Espeon stood at full height above her, she admired his body.
  275. And beneath, she could see his manhood hanging proudly between his legs. He must have caught her looking, because he paused for a moment before plopping down beside her, belly up.
  277. Em stood. She cringed slightly at the pokemon's curious eyes, roaming across her body. The pokemon probably did it just to make her uncomfortable.
  279. Slowly, she moved her hands behind her and undid the simple clasp behind her back. The straps of her bra fell about her arms, and she pulled the garment away from her chest, letting it fall beside her previously discarded shirt.
  281. Only one item separated her from baring herself completely. She removed her panties like an old band-aid, hoping it was quick and painless. She breathed as she stepped from the cloth.
  283. Em didn't feel much different exactly. The cool air felt good across her pale skin. She looked around the darkening forest. Anyone could be watching from out there from the enshrouding treeline.
  285. Her milky white skin almost made her glow even in the fading light, emphasizing the small pink nipples that topped her small breasts. Only a small growth of hair gave their useless protection against inquisitive glances.
  287. She sank back to her knees beside Espeon.
  289. “Well?” he asked.
  291. “You talk a lot, but you have all that fur to hide behind,” Em grumbled, feeling just as naked as she was.
  293. Espeon chuckled but said nothing more as he lay, still splayed out at her request. She glanced over him again. Having been so caught up in her own thoughts of baring herself, she hadn't noticed her new friend. Among his cotton-candy belly, a different shade of pink poked from his sheath.
  295. The pink tip of Espeon's sex poked out between the fur and skin of his sheath, a large bead of liquid crowning the top.
  297. “You're pretty,” Espeon said quietly, following her gaze.
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