
Rise of Aegis

Apr 21st, 2015
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  1. 18:48 Wells Laughter and applause was all but existent during Aegis' first ever, in a really fucking long time, induction ceremony. Those believing in their ability to help those in need stepped forth, to pursue a path of reigning justice down upon those who would threaten the well being of the great Neon City and it's residents. The Barrier Building's auditorium room was as silent as a villain beaten...
  2. 18:48 Wells a near death state, as the new recruits awaited the words of the Director, who had yet to show his face. A hologram of a orange girl stood at attention next to the microphone podium, looking a bit like a secretary of some sort.
  3. 18:52 Symbol had come in a far more formal uniform rather than one of a superhero. Lo Hu was his name, but those around the harbor knew him far better as Symbol, the master of the Four Paths reformed triad. Mysticism and martial arts allowed these men to stand up to even meta threats in their neighborhood while protecting the lives there from crime and exploitation.
  4. 18:53 Symbol found it only natural that he would align by Aegis. In the days of corruption and villainy plaguing the city, there must always be a force to bring a balance.
  5. 18:55 Frostbyte me was in his usual clothes, because the super outfit is the only one he has. He was saved from a living hell, and this was the best way to repay one of the men who freed him. And he needed a place to stay in this alternate universe
  6. 18:55 Frostbyte was in his usual clothes, because the super outfit is the only one he has. He was saved from a living hell, and this was the best way to repay one of the men who freed him. And he needed a place to stay in this alternate universe
  7. 18:57 Frostbyte "So, why are you joining?"
  8. 18:59 Symbol "I would ask the same of you. I think I was already doing work like theirs before I contacted them, I see no reason why I wouldn't make it official"
  9. 18:59 Flareburst notices the two new persons talking and zips over to them
  10. 18:59 AnnaClaskovic was having the time of her life. She had dreamed of always coming to Neon, not having to wear layers apon layers of clothing just to hide the fact that your skin glows and your hands can burn through steel. She was looking around barely staying in her chair, excited to see other metahumans normally sitting around.
  11. 19:00 Wells peeked an eye out of the curtains, remaining unseen. "Holy shit, someone actually read the flier...."
  12. 19:00 Flareburst HEY! you must be the new members I've heard about!
  13. 19:00 Flareburst welcome!
  14. 19:02 Frostbyte "Oh, its you from the bar"
  15. 19:02 Flareburst oh, right. Didn't know you were joining us
  16. 19:02 Symbol put out his hand to shake to Flare as he comes close, smiling. "I am glad to be here. I did not expect such a big ceremony for us"
  17. 19:02 Frostbyte "I could use a home" He laughs a bit
  18. 19:03 Flareburst takes the newcomer's hand in both of his vigorously
  19. 19:03 Flareburst nice to mettcha
  20. 19:03 Symbol looked over to Anna, a grin still on his face. "And, you?"
  21. 19:03 Flareburst this is the best home I could ask for, im sure you guys 'll love it here
  22. 19:03 Flareburst we do good stuff
  23. 19:03 Frostbyte extends the armored hand, so cold Flares hand would stick
  24. 19:04 Database_ "stood" there on stage, waiting patiently for her father to show his face. She eyed the newcomers. She whispered to herself, "Poor fools actually found the flier..."
  25. 19:05 AnnaClaskovic "Oh, Umm, I'm Anna, very nice to meet you." She suddenly notices her excitement catched some attention. "So, are you new here as well?" She looks for something to continue the conversation with awkwardly.
  26. 19:05 Frostbyte looked at Database. "Impressive Hologram tech. Oh? Yeah, new to this city and much more"
  27. 19:05 Symbol nodded softly. He looked to be a man very, very in control of himself. "To Aegis? Yes. Neon? Well, still only a few years I've been here"
  28. 19:07 AnnaClaskovic "Oh, well, I've only been in Neon for a few weeks, so I'm pretty new to all of this." She puts her hands on her laps whilst talking to Symbol. She didn't want to seem childish.
  29. 19:08 Flareburst I'm sure you guys are going to fit right in here
  30. 19:08 Flareburst plesnty to do, too
  31. 19:09 Frostbyte looked around. "So, is the man in charge not good at advertisement? I was lucky to find a flier"
  32. 19:10 Flareburst you could say that
  33. 19:10 Symbol held himself much older than he looked. By a glance he couldn't be much older than early 20's. "Not an easy city to settle in, but you'll fit right in. Especially here"
  34. 19:11 Frostbyte "That Hologram, any info on it?"
  35. 19:11 Database_ could hear everything, given she was synced with the building itself, not that they knew yet. She whispered to herself. "Hologram now. I'll be wearing 'flesh' soo enough." She clenched her nonexistent fist, and at that moment the lights of the entire auditorium faded. She projected her voice. "Now introducing Director Sainthill of the Aegis Organization." She squinted at Frostbyte.
  36. 19:13 Symbol looked out towards where this Director must be, pausing his conversation
  37. 19:14 Frostbyte sits up straight, occasionally glancing at DB
  38. 19:14 Flareburst excitedly hops into an empty seat near the newcomers
  39. 19:16 Wells stumbled out from behind the curtains upon the announcing of his name and caught himself from falling. He was a deer in headlights as he slowly fixed his composure and and walked up to the microphone podium. He impulsively makes commentary while eying the newcomers, straight into the mic, "Geez, quite the full house..."
  40. 19:17 Frostbyte whispers "Some better then None"
  41. 19:18 Wells "I-I mean. Aegis that is! This is Aegis. Yes."
  42. 19:19 Symbol didn't show any complete disappointment in Wells as the natural reaction may be to his immediate flub, seeming to be a much more patient sort.
  43. 19:23 Wells points to himself. "I am Aegis, wait shit, no. I'm Thadeus. Thadeus Sainthill. Current director.....of Aegis." He was beginning to sweat, just a little.
  44. 19:24 Frostbyte thought to himself 'This is the man who help free me?'
  45. 19:24 Database_ eases next to Wells, maintaining her proper posture. She whispers, "The mantra...."
  46. 19:24 Wells "Right!"
  47. 19:25 Wells "Penny, penny, easily spent, Copper brown and worth one cent."
  48. 19:25 Frostbyte "..."
  49. 19:25 Wells "Nickle, nickle, thick and fat, You're worth five, I know that."
  50. 19:25 Wells began to calm down a bit
  51. 19:26 Symbol ....
  52. 19:26 Wells "Dime, dime, little and thin, I remember, you're worth ten"
  53. 19:26 Wells "Quarter, quarter, big and bold, You're worth twenty-five, I am told."
  54. 19:26 Wells "ALL RIGHT!"
  55. 19:27 Wells "Let's get this show started...."
  56. 19:27 AnnaClaskovic looks up at Wells utterly confused.
  57. 19:27 Frostbyte "I am starting to regret coming here"
  58. 19:27 Flareburst leans over to the icemen
  59. 19:28 Flareburst don't worry, we're just weird at first
  60. 19:28 Wells smiles at the little people sitting in front of him. "I'm glad you all took the initiative to come on over here and put yourself to the test."
  61. 19:29 Symbol cleared his throat. "I am quite happy I am able to attend"
  62. 19:30 Frostbyte "I owe you one, this is the least I can do"
  63. 19:31 Wells "And I'm glad as well. This is Aegis, named for it's purpose. To be a shield. Something capable of protecting this city. You might think this a dime a dozen organization" He giggles, "But stick with us and you'll see more to it than another factory of crime fighters. I want people to genuinely appreciate the work we do for this city. And if they don't. So be it. A shield doesn't question...
  64. 19:31 Wells's purpose. It serves it's purpose."
  65. 19:34 AnnaClaskovic suddenly starts clapping and repeatedly looking over at the others with a proud smile.
  66. 19:35 Symbol gave a little clap as well, seeing that his patience was well used
  67. 19:35 Flareburst joins the clapping
  68. 19:35 Flareburst makes little pyrotechnics around Wells
  69. 19:35 Frostbyte joins in, the iron gloves making a irritating noise, stopping prematurely, giving a thumbs up
  70. 19:36 Database_ widens her eyes in surprise. She whispers, "Somewhere out there, someone is winning a bet..."
  71. 19:37 Wells gives a small cough. "I'm Thadeus Sainthill. AKA: Wishing Well. I'm not expecting any of you to remember that though. I wouldn't if I was a civilian....Haha....ha......" He goes quiet for a bit. "B-But that's besides the point!"
  72. 19:38 Wells "I look forward to working with the lot of you. Any questions will be answered if there are any. A lot of stuff must be running through my-YOUR, minds...haha."
  73. 19:38 Wells coughs nervously
  74. 19:39 Symbol gave a smile as he stood up respectfully. "I would like to speak, please"
  75. 19:40 Database_ "Permission granted"
  76. 19:43 Symbol stepped forward, adjusting his tie as he came to the podium. "Aegis. I thank you for your welcomes and hospitality you have offered me, and the privilege to work at your side to keep innocent safe within the city. I wish to formally introduce myself, and those that I bring with me to join you"
  77. 19:45 Wells raises an eyebrow. "Those? As in more than one?"
  78. 19:45 Database_ trades confused glances with Wells
  79. 19:45 Symbol "My name is Lo Hu, and I am the leader of the Four Paths Monastery. Few of us are metahumans, in fact most are average people living among our neighborhood, but for the last few years under my guidance I have taught them my own style of mystic fighting, and we have wiped out much of the crime and threat in our portion of the city"
  80. 19:46 Symbol "Today, it will not only be me swearing loyalty to the cause of Aegis. I hereby declare that the Four Paths as a whole will work in full with your organization"
  81. 19:47 Symbol "Should you ever require our help, we will be there"
  82. 19:48 Symbol took in a soft breath, and as he exhaled four shades, copies of him, seemed to appear at his sides, two to each side. The first azure, the second red, the third white, the final black. All at once they made a bow.
  83. 19:49 Flareburst applauds and cheers
  84. 19:49 Frostbyte "...Whoa"
  85. 19:51 Wells "(Holyshitareyouafuckingninja!?) I uh, (Monasteries!) Wow. (Mystic Fighting!) Holy wow. Dude, that's pretty fucking super! I-I mean. It's an honor to work with you. Knowing you've been been doing your own thing for a while is pretty awesome. Welcome on board. People like you (Ninjas) would be a great contribution."
  86. 19:52 Wells "So uh...."
  87. 19:52 Wells "Are you like.......5 people?"
  88. 19:52 AnnaClaskovic "Wait, how'd you do that?" She asked. She didn't take into account what the Mystic Arts were. She looked at Symbol in amazement.
  89. 19:53 Symbol called the four shades back into himself, then gave a little chuckle as he relaxed. "A few dozen. Many are still learning, many are still new to our ranks"
  90. 19:53 Symbol "You'll find it amazing what one is capable of when they are taught right"
  91. 19:54 Flareburst no kidding
  92. 19:54 Symbol smiled to Anna as he took back to his seat, leaving that as the only answer for now.
  93. 19:54 Wells rubs his chin in amazement. "I ought to look that up, I can't fight formally for shit...."
  94. 19:54 Frostbyte "A team within a team, there a word for that?"
  95. 19:55 Flareburst squad?
  96. 19:55 Database_ "Faction. Subsidiary. Sect."
  97. 19:55 Frostbyte "Thank you"
  98. 19:55 Database_ "Any other questions?"
  99. 19:55 Symbol didn't seem adverse to the idea as he looked to Wells. "I wouldn't mind a new student"
  100. 19:55 Flareburst where could one get that kind of training?
  101. 19:56 Frostbyte "Who made you? I would love to see how your holotech and, AI mind was made"
  102. 19:56 Symbol internally laments that he didn't bring business cards with him.
  103. 19:57 AnnaClaskovic took a minute to think about what Symbol had said.
  104. 19:57 Wells widened his glistening eyes like one of his Japanese Animes. "Ballin...."
  105. 19:57 Symbol hopes that with the information sent to Database she'l be able to lead them to him if they wished to learn.
  106. 19:57 *** AnnaClaskovic quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  107. 19:57 Frostbyte "...Guess she had some stuff to think about"
  108. 19:58 Database_ "Questions pertaining to Aegis and induction into said group. My schematics are not topuc related, thank you."
  109. 20:00 Frostbyte walks up to Wells
  110. 20:00 Wells "Yo"
  111. 20:01 Frostbyte "Thank you, for freeing me, It will be an honor to work with you"
  112. 20:02 Frostbyte "My name is Frostbyte, I hope to make up what ever that blasted Verraad did"
  113. 20:02 Wells gives Frostbyte a good pat in the back and an awkward, "Don't.....don't get possessed by demons..."
  114. 20:02 Wells [awkward smile*]
  115. 20:02 Frostbyte "Dont need to say that twice"
  116. 20:05 Frostbyte {less so but still a bit awkward smile}
  117. 20:05 Flareburst goes to the little group conversation
  118. 20:06 Flareburst It's so nice to finally have new members, and such cool ones too!
  119. 20:08 Wells "Quite. The others have been here and there. Saint probably in the cathedral. Others in their rooms, or patrolling. They all work on their own time. Not showing up doesn't mean they don't care."
  120. 20:13 Wells "Unless anyone has any last questions, I ought to wrap up this shindig. If you plan on moving in consult my daughter. She's in charge of.......most......things."
  121. 20:14 Frostbyte "Oh, uuuhh, do we get rooms? I'm currently....homeless"
  122. 20:17 Database_ gave Frostbyte a cold sharp stare. "I'm arranging for your room as we speak. We provide food and housing. But everything you must acquire on your own."
  123. 20:17 Database_ "So in short"
  124. 20:17 Database_ "Get a job"
  125. 20:18 Frostbyte "food and housing is all I need."
  126. 20:18 Flareburst im in the same boat, friend
  127. 20:19 Frostbyte "Itll be weird to live a relatively normal life after...soooo hows the food here?"
  128. 20:19 Flareburst not bad, but it's worth buying your own
  129. 20:29 Database_ shrugs off the food question as she dissapates away. As if she would know.
  130. 20:30 Frostbyte "So, Wells, from the suit and 'daughter' I take it you're a man of science?"
  131. 20:31 *** Symbol quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  132. 20:31 Wells jumps off the stage and frantically tries run out the auditorium, "Shit, no! I can't handle these guys without y- Eh?
  133. 20:31 Wells "
  134. 20:32 Flareburst if money is science, then yes
  135. 20:32 Flareburst quickly slides in between Wells and Frostbyte
  136. 20:32 Flareburst by the way, never got your name?
  137. 20:32 Frostbyte "I believe you once knew me as Verraad, but
  138. 20:32 Wells "You know my name Fla-Oh."
  139. 20:33 Frostbyte "I believe you once knew me as Verraad, but I am the human, Call me Frostbyte"
  140. 20:33 Flareburst oh
  141. 20:33 Flareburst okay then, nice to meetcha. I'm Flareburst, but you can just call me Flare
  142. 20:33 Flareburst extends a hand to shake
  143. 20:34 Frostbyte shakes his hand, still wearing the armored gloves
  144. 20:35 Flareburst Oh, uh, do you have issues with heat?
  145. 20:35 Frostbyte "More like absent of heat"
  146. 20:36 Flareburst I mean, if it gets hot will you melt like Frosty or something?
  147. 20:37 Frostbyte removes a glove, it opening and ganging shape to be bigger, his arm is nearly blue, and his finger tips are black, mist coming from the entire arm
  148. 20:38 Frostbyte "I doubt what ever did, this, is in this universe. I lost feeling in my hands but can now control ice, so, take some you lose some"
  149. 20:39 Flareburst cautiously taps the arm
  150. 20:39 Flareburst that's really coll (heh) but will you get hurt by heat?
  151. 20:40 Flareburst like, more so that what would be expected?
  152. 20:40 Flareburst observes the arm closely
  153. 20:42 Frostbyte moves away before he touches it, placing the iron glove back on. "I wouldn't touch it bare, freezes anything it touches, me and my dad made the gloves to be inhibitors. I control and make ice from water, but no one dies from freezing"
  154. 20:43 Frostbyte "Ana no, heat doesn't hurt me"
  155. 20:43 Flareburst okay, good
  156. 20:43 Flareburst sighs relief
  157. 20:44 Flareburst see, I use heat sometimes because of my powers and didn't want to melt you or something
  158. 20:45 Wells has already gone in search of the security blanket that is his daughter
  159. 20:45 Frostbyte "Trust me, I tried to de-freeze my hands a lot of times"
  160. 20:47 Flareburst Well, uh, I guess talk to the robot about a room, ima retire to mine
  161. 20:47 Flareburst welcome to Aegis, by the way
  162. 20:50 Frostbyte "Thank you Flare"
  163. 20:50 Flareburst ye
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