
Lydia backstories

Feb 10th, 2015
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  1. ==Lost==
  3. It was just a simple presentation.
  5. Just a simple android. Designed to be the replacement of the Buffers, being as efficient as possible on tackling normal and metahuman threats while saving human lives. I was the head of the AI developer. That moment, it was one of my masterpiece. Countless lines of codes running simultaneously and harmoniously, almost like a painting in 0s and 1s. It's as if I have a child.
  6. I—We thought nothing could happen. Everything went as expected, he demonstrated almost everything nicely, even beyond our expectations. It was a near-perfect run, even he is amazed. The boss, watching over us, smiles so slightly at us. I know
  8. And then it all unfolds.
  10. Coming out of nowhere, it attacks me.
  12. Torn my left hand and right leg off. Shot at a nearby building, destroying it, some of the debris caught in my right eye and damaged it beyond repair.
  14. Maybe he did further damage to me. I don't exactly remember, but I do remember seeing my colleagues rushing to me as I fell down and creating my own private blood pool.
  16. I was in a deep coma from maybe, 6 months? But I can recall hearing sounds. Voices of my mother. My brother. My boyfriend (we were not engaged yet at that point). My father. And more disorted ones, saying things like "replacements" and "cybernetics".
  18. One day I woke up, greeted by sounds of numerous life supporting devices. My family are standing outside, with my friends back there at Machina. I can see a faint reflection of myself on the window.
  20. I'm not me anymore.
  22. Apparently one of the researchers at Machina thought "Hey, why we can't test our new limb augmentations by doing it to Lydia?". They have a good intention of keeping me alive. Well, if thgey haven't did it maybe I'll just be a worthless piece of meat walking between living and dying. Being a doll.
  24. But can't they ask me first? Jesus motherfucking Christ.
  26. First few weeks hit me hard. Kinda went into katatonic, refusing to do anything beside being a worthless piece of shit.
  28. Then they explained everything,a few months later when I was out from the hospital. Yes, they augmented me to keep me alive. Yes, they did it without even trying to ask me. That day I lashed out at my family. I, not knowing my increased powers, broke half of the house. And after that I cried and cried and cried until my vocal chords are sore and my tears are dry and I fell asleep, in the middle of the broken part of the house, crying.
  31. ==Biography==
  32. Soo, welcome to Lydia's Saturday Speak!
  34. Today I'm gonna show yall my life. I got the board here (stolen borrowed from work) and a plethora of markers. Soo, let's just start this thing!
  36. ==
  37. I was born in a very diverse family. My dad, is an average caucasian, married my mom, which is an Asian born and raised in Indonesia, here. I'm the last children of two, and my brother, Randy, is always very protective on me. My full name is "Lydia Wijayakusuma Webber" but for certain reasons they just write "Lydia Webber" on anything non-formal. (FYI, it's pronounced more or less 'Wee-JA-Ya-Ku-Su-Maa'.
  39. We both grew up, and onbe day when I was 4 or so, my mom (who is an artist and draw many illustrations for books and the like) showed me her works. And then I was "Hooly crap this thing is awesoome!" and began to pick up a pencil and draws. But, my older brother, introduced me to games! We both were like "oooh awesoome" and played games whenever our daily tasks are done. Occassionally, my dad who is a computer man, allowed me to clickity-clackity stuffs on his computer. and I, who is always curious about stuffs, is amazed by it.
  41. I'm in an triangle between art, and computer, so I then come up with a very radical idea! Why not both? So, with that, I learned more about art from mom, while I try to get formal education on those techie stuffs. I got grades, graduated with one of the best grades in the school, and moved to Neon City to enter the university there. I took Computer sciences at that time, and being one of those rare girl in the class, I always got a.. disturbing looks. I had several boyfriends, and each of them just ends in utter annihilation. There's one time, when I thought all has ended, I just sat on a corner of a diner crying. Then there's this guy who comes up and gave me a cup of coffee. He asked me if I'm ok, and there it all began.
  43. His name is Jonathan. He studies maths and planning to become a teacher. We both started to meet up at the same diner every weekend, then everyday, and one time he asked me to go on a date. Naturally, anyone would say yes. I said that too..
  45. Our relationship grew as good as our studies. My brother, Randy, graduated uni and worked at the largest company here, Xenon. I followed him too, worked in Xenon, and were happy. Then one day, my mom called me. My dad is sick, real sick. He got lung cancer.
  47. At that point the world is no longer colorful. All the life in me is drained. I was not paying attention to my work that I almost got fired. My boyfriend, still there, always helped me, comforted me on the nights, hugged me, and all sorts of things. My brother and I tried th best to get our dad back. But it was too late. His desease had spreaded so much he is literally beyond saving point.
  48. One autumn night, we're in the hospital, dad is already on the verge of death, yet still smiles. He grabbed my hand, and said, "Never give up, Lydia." A few minutes later he passed away. I scrramed. I can't.. I can't believe it. My bf just, weep with me. He comforted me, all the way to the funeral. At this point the people on Xenon knew about it. They realized all of my former 'incompetence' is just a result of my stress. They helped too.
  50. A few weeks later, I got a task to built an AI. I scrambled through all the programmers and software engineers I could find in Machina, formed a team, and get right into it. We finished it in about a year or so. It was installed into a robot made by my fellow researcher, Lloyd. We tested it, and somehow the robot went on a rampage.
  52. It attacked me. Teared off my left hand and right feet. He alkso manages to dig half of my left eye out before shutted down for good. I fell into a coma for six months. And at that time, my family and the researchers at Machina made an agreement. They gave me a set of newly-designed augmentations in turn of a lot of buckjs. I din't know why, but they agreed.
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