
Anon's Christmas Secret

Dec 26th, 2013
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  1. >Celestia tilts her head slightly, “No, I am quite serious. I’ve never heard of Christmas.”
  2. >Your jaw hangs, catching falling bits of snow in the morning breeze.
  3. >It was winter, and by your best estimate, nearing the time of year every man, child, and manchild adores: Christmas
  4.’s the most important holiday of the year!
  5. >”I’m sorry Anonymous, but that holiday just simply does not exist!”
  6. >Of course you were being braindead, there was no way they would have a holiday or even an equivalent one. That would just be silly.
  7. >Celestia gives you a warm smile, common for when you two are in each other’s company, but nonetheless it still gave you goosebumps every time
  8. >”I am willing to listen and participate, since it seems to be very important to your people.”
  9. >Sexy and logical, you could never resist that flank
  10. Well….
  11. >Technically it /wasn’t/ important...but…
  12. Alright then. I guess I should start at the beginning.
  13. >You begin to walk around the grounds of the castle, Celestia easily keeping in pace
  14. So Christmas is….
  15. >Huh...where EXACTLY should you begin?
  16. >You pause not only in voice but in motion as well, Celestia looks at your curiously, but waits in silence
  17. Christmas originally started...well at least the earliest thing I can remember is an old folk tale of this twisted monster. He looked half-human and half….er...wendigo I think.
  18. >Celestia reeled her back in surprise
  19. >You wave off the thought,
  20. Anyway, he would sneak into everybody’s house at about this time of the year and take away naughty boys and girls, stealing them away from their homes to take them away and torture them.
  21. >Her mane seems to stop shimmering for a moment, her eyes wide, “I was unaware it was such a holiday…”
  22. >You shake your head,
  23. No no, thats just how it started...Its really about the spirit of giving and family! I promise!
  24. >As the both of you continue on, you try to gather yourself and your thoughts
  25. We recognize a different being now: Santa Claus. He’s based off a real guy, St. Nicolas who went around giving money and presents to those in need.
  26. >You laugh
  27. Actually, I think he originally gave money to poor fathers so their daughters wouldn’t become prostitutes or something.
  28. >Celestia gives you -the look- and you clear your throat
  29. But I digress, these days we cut down a pine tree, put it in our house, decorate it and give all of our friends and family presents; taking the time to be thankful for how wonderful everyone is. Also eggnog.
  30. >You give her a smirk and waggle your eyebrows,
  31. Actually I’ve already gotten YOU a very special present.
  32. >Her eyes widen and her white face is stained with a tinge of pink, “Y-you have? Really?” At your nod and ‘Yuuuuup!’ her eyes trail to the ground, but you can still see the curling corners of her lips. “But...I haven’t gotten you anything!”
  33. Oh thats alright, I’m sure you’ll think of something~
  34. >Her hoof hits the ground loudly, the clack echoing throughout the stiff air. “That does it, I will inform everyone of this wonderful holiday and it shall be in two days time!”
  35. >You roll your eyes
  36. Yeah, like you can get an entire nation to celebrate a new… holi...Oh…
  37. >Right, you forgot you were in the presence of a demi-god essentially.
  38. Well...I’m looking forward to it!
  40. >If the influence of a god-queen wasn’t obvious enough before, you certainly could see it now
  41. >Strung up among all of Canterlot were lights and trees, snow constantly falling thanks to Cloudsdale, and presents were being exchanged left and right
  42. >And the ‘nog.
  43. >Eggnog stands were everywhere, free handouts at every street corner, ponies both mares and stallions were drunkenly stumbling from stand to stand, spilling more than drinking but laughing and enjoying it all the same
  44. >”Is this how you remember it, Anonymous?” Celestia silently slipped to your side, surprising you with her slyness. Her cheeks had a light pink tinge to them.
  45. Oh...I…
  46. >You glance out to the streets again, a white furred, elder mare was offering a young colt some of the wonderful drink
  47. ...Yep. Exactly as I remember it.
  48. >She gives you a hearty pat on the back, making you stumble forward, catching yourself even when the Princess leans her weight on you
  49. >”Excellent! I just wanted to keep you...I mean I wanted you to feel right at home.”
  50. Thanks that’s really sweet…
  51. >She gives a small snort, paired with an airy laughter that still seemed to reverberate the night
  52. >”Think of it as my uh...Christmas present to you!”
  53. >You laugh, starting to lead her back to the castle, which is when it dawns on you: the smell
  54. >No not her smell, she smelled the same: like morning dew with a hint of musk that all ponies had.
  55. >But her breath, it smelled of sugar, milk, and rum.
  56. >Eggnog.
  57. Well, I’ve had this present made for you specifically, Celestia, and I hope you enjoy it.
  58. >She stomps the ground happily, “Oh my! How grand!”
  59. >Before long, the two of you were standing in her room, a large white present sealed with a purple bow resting on her bed. “Oooh I can’t wait!”
  60. >She dashes over to the bed, scratching at the paper with her hooves. Your expert wrapping skill was no match for her fingerless forearms.
  61. Here. Let me help.
  62. >You chuckle, tearing a bit open, much to her chagrin. “I would’ve gotten it eventually!”
  63. Of course you would’ve. Now, then…
  64. >You motion to the present, her tipsy attention easily getting re-distracted by the prospect of a gift.
  65. >The box opens
  66. >Her eyes widen
  67. >Out comes a very suggestive set of silk lingerie, quite appropriately Christmas themed. A fur lined green corset was the first article of clothing to come out, topped with a red bow.
  68. >Coming out next was a pair red lace panties, perfectly accentuated with two candy-cane striped stockings, alternating red, green and white, connected with a garter belt jingling with tiny bells.
  69. >”Oh my! This...these are so beautiful!”
  70. >You silently motion for her to continue, a smile plastered on your face.
  71. There’s more, go on. Go on.
  72. >The pony princess was giddy, giving back into the box to pull out the final pieces of the set: matching arm-stockings (or would they be called hoof-stockings?) and a long, feathery shaw.
  73. >”This is so beautiful Anonymous! I’ve never...this is such an festive attire!”
  74. I made it specifically for you; well not me specifically, Rarity was the expert in that regard.
  75. >The drunken pony fumbled with the clothing, eager to put it on.
  76. >You had half-hoped she would leave the room to do that, a sort of show for you, but judging by her inaccurate movements you doubt she would be able to get them all on in a timely manner.
  77. Here… let me help you.
  78. >You chuckle, sliding the smooth silk along her slender form while silently admiring the form fitting attire.
  79. >Finally the outfit was complete and god damn… Celestia was….
  80. >You let out a low whistle, tonight was going to be fun, it certainly helped that she was playing out your number one fetish.
  81. Now then…
  82. >You unbutton your pants, dropping them immediately to produce your pitched tent.
  83. >”I ABSOLUTELY must show everybody!”
  84. Yeah I….Wait, what?
  85. >You blink in confusion, what the hell was she talking about?
  86. Celestia?
  87. >But the ecstatic pony was already gone, the open door and rushing air the only remnants that she was here.
  88. Celestia! Come on!
  89. >You chase after her, dashing past guards and other late night staff, catching glimpses of a shimmering tail around distant corners, always just out of sight.
  90. >Down the hall, out the front gate and back into the town.
  91. >”Everypony, I have an official announcement to uh...announce!” Celestia cleared her throat, standing upright on all four hooves, “These garments were entrusted to me as official holiday.. as the official Christmas clothing.”
  92. >Your face flushes sanguine; oh dear lord your fetish on display for all to see.
  93. >”And I...hold on…” Celestia takes a few steps toward an eggnog stand, the drink disappearing almost instantly, “I decree that you all must...admire the handiwork….admire me I mean!”
  94. >Her slurred speech was lost amongst the ponies, as they had already begun to crowd in ‘Ooohs’ and ‘Aaahs,’ touching the fabric and complementing their god-queen.
  95. >”Hey there ‘Nonny! Thats such a splendiferious gift you got Celestia! She’s so pretty and sleek, almost like a superhero!” Pinkie Pie put her head resting on your shoulder, grinning from ear to ear. “I love this new holiday you brought over, there’s lights and drinks and best of all, presents!”
  96. Yeah...its wonderful…
  97. >You follow suit of your ruler, grabbing a glass of eggnog for yourself and downing it quickly.
  98. >”Oooh is THIS also a holiday tradition?” Pinkie Pie pulls the tent of your boxers down with a hoof, releasing it to make it spring back up suddenly, repeating it over and over.
  99. >You grab a second drink.
  101. >You roll out of bed, groaning as your nurse your headache. Why did the sunlight have to be so...sunny?
  102. >Kitchen.
  103. >No coffee. No food.
  104. >You trudge outside, shielding the afternoon light with a hand. You had to go get something to wake you up.
  105. >Destination: Sugarcube Corner.
  106. >You sit yourself down at a table while an all-too joyful Pinkie greets you, “Afternoon ‘Nonnabus! You want your standard pick-me-up?”
  107. >You rake your eyes away from the table
  108. Yeah that would be gr-
  109. >You freeze; staring at an all too familiar corset-stocking combo on one: Pinkie Pie.
  110. >”Coming right out!” She bounces to the back, leaving you in shock.
  111. >What the fuck happened last night?
  112. >”Your coffee, black, and I’ll get your prairie oyster right out, okay?”
  113. >You take a long draw from the mug, trying not to stare at your friend.
  114. So Pinkie…where exactly did you get that…
  115. >Your lips meet the mug again, motioning with your free hand toward her clothes. She looks down, grinning and rolling her eyes. “Oh you know silly billy, Rarity had this whole line of clothes made since you and Celestia were such a hit last night!”
  116. A hit?
  117. >Your eyebrow raises, Pinkie nods furiously, “Duh! After Celestia was dancing in them and then YOU showcased how much you can groove in them, everybody couldn’t wait!”
  118. >Drunken women’s fetish clothes.
  119. >You close your eyes. acknowledging her with a small nod.
  120. Thanks…
  121. >But who all was actually ‘everybody?’
  122. >Your answer came shortly after you left, everybody was fucking everybody.
  123. >Cheerliee, Mayor Mare, and even fucking Scootaloo were all dressed in silk fetish outfit.
  124. >But oh it didn’t stop there.
  125. >Stallions were also wearing them.
  126. >Corset and stockings and all. Except the males had a looser corset and five hoof stockings.
  127. >Today was a globalized fetish sort of day.
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