
#obama chat

Feb 13th, 2018
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  1. 17:26 *** Cataphati joined #obama
  2. mongo`> new summer sport in 2 years: "WALL leaping"
  3. Topic set by AndroidUS!~AndroidUS@ on Mon Feb 12 2018 02:53:22 GMT-0800 (PST)
  4. 17:27 dez_
  5. 17:27 RoboTurmp [ Claustrofobia - Peste (Full Album) - YouTube ] -
  6. 17:28 dk56 this is dumb music
  7. 17:28 dez_ Start at 10 mins
  8. 17:28 dez_ Its not
  9. 17:28 dez_ Its pretty good
  10. 17:28 Cataphati What genre.
  11. 17:28 dez_ Death/thrash
  12. 17:29 dez_ And i hate death and dislike thrash. I only like doom or stoner metal.
  13. 17:29 Cataphati I dislike that genre, generally.
  14. 17:29 dk56 stupid
  15. 17:29 dez_ In the metal genre
  16. 17:29 laceless Raindonna alert
  17. 17:29 Cataphati Electronica is the superlative genre.
  18. 17:29 Cataphati Contend?
  19. 17:29 dez_ Nope
  20. 17:29 dez_ Although i like house
  21. 17:30 dk56 my favorite south american band is - attaque 77
  22. 17:30 dk56 you heard of them dez ?
  23. 17:30 dez_ Drum n bass and electro swing
  24. 17:30 dez_ Yes
  25. 17:30 dk56 argentinian i think
  26. 17:30 dez_ Yes, theyre good
  27. 17:30 dk56 older stuff is better
  28. 17:30 u-ou everything sucks
  29. 17:30 dez_ Brazil doesnt have good punk
  30. 17:30 Cataphati You're probably wondering what a good electronica song is.
  31. 17:31 Cataphati Show YouTube video (
  32. 17:31 dez_ But we have os mutantes
  33. 17:31 RoboTurmp [ Blackmill Feat. Veela - Let It Be (Full Version) - YouTube ] -
  34. 17:31 dez_ Cant listen
  35. 17:31 dk56 mexico has pretty decent punk scene
  36. 17:31 dez_ At a restaurant
  37. 17:31 Joey it's a once a day thing laceless.
  38. 17:31 dez_ We have a scene, but no bands. Some hardcore.
  39. 17:32 Cataphati I generally do like Hispanic music.
  40. 17:32 Cataphati don't*
  41. 17:32 dez_ Brazil isnt hispanic
  42. 17:32 dk56 its latino
  43. 17:33 Cataphati How does Brasil relate to this conversation?
  44. 17:33 Cataphati Oh. You mentioned Brasilian punk.
  45. 17:33 Cataphati I was responding to "mexico has pretty [sic] decent punk scene".
  46. 17:34 laceless why the [sic] ?
  47. 17:35 Popper hey u-ou you told us you're depressed, I have just the thing for you
  48. 17:36 Popper u-ou, ever heard of a show called "knight rider"?
  49. 17:36 u-ou yeah
  50. 17:37 Popper u-ou, 80s show with david hasselhoff and a talking car
  51. 17:37 Popper what more do you need?
  52. 17:37 u-ou my own home lol
  53. 17:37 Cataphati This topic seems irrelevant.
  54. 17:37 BigKerm i know it is irrelevant
  55. 17:38 Cataphati Recommendation: Immediate abandonment.
  56. 17:38 dk56 snowboarding is up
  57. 17:38 dk56 laceless likes chest hair and alcoholism
  58. 17:39 u-ou KR is a good show but I don’t think it would help me
  59. 17:39 u-ou I need to go back to school
  60. 17:40 Popper u-ou, well get your degree, get a job and you'll get your own home
  61. 17:40 Cataphati Show YouTube video (
  62. 17:40 RoboTurmp [ Röyksopp - Sordid Affair (Maceo Plex Remix) - YouTube ] -
  63. 17:40 Cataphati This song is of high quality.
  64. 17:40 Popper u-ou, you have a goal no-n, no need to be depressed
  65. 17:40 Cataphati You are advised to listen.
  66. 17:40 u-ou thanks Popper
  67. 17:40 Popper dk56, chest hair and alcoholism?
  68. 17:40 Popper that's my middle name
  69. 17:40 u-ou oh nice
  70. 17:41 u-ou is it much different?
  71. 17:41 u-ou to the second edition?
  72. 17:41 u-ou I think the introduction lists the changes
  73. 17:42 u-ou or preface or whatever
  74. 17:42 Cataphati It's probably true that Royksopp is the greatest band of all time.
  75. 17:42 u-ou cool, laceless
  76. 17:43 u-ou I have the Knight Rider theme in my head
  77. 17:43 u-ou since Popper mentioned it
  78. 17:44 Popper good
  79. 17:45 Popper and I have that book you two are talking about, I don't remember which edition but the cover is all red
  80. 17:45 u-ou I didn’t know you were an algorithms man
  81. 17:46 Popper most of what I do is write algorithms
  82. 17:46 Popper well
  83. 17:46 u-ou mine is light blue with red leaves
  84. 17:46 Popper 50% writing stuff to call the algorithms
  85. 17:46 Popper the other 50% the algorithms themselves
  86. 17:46 Cataphati I am well-versed in data science/machine learning.
  87. 17:47 Popper I think I learned memoization and greedy algorithms from that book
  88. 17:47 Cataphati My current primary interest is generative adversarial networks.
  89. 17:47 Popper memoization is a simple concept you'll use forever
  90. 17:47 *** mavo joined #obama
  91. 17:47 Popper Cataphati, what is that?
  92. 17:48 Popper you mean those neural networks that learn from competing with each other?
  93. 17:48 Cataphati Poppe, A generative adversarial framework in which the models are neural networks.
  94. 17:48 Cataphati Yes.
  95. 17:48 Cataphati Popper*
  96. 17:48 Popper I've been messing with machine learning lately and
  97. 17:48 Popper so far all neural network models perform far worse than boosted decision trees
  98. 17:49 Popper I haven't dealt with any deep learning stuff though
  99. 17:49 Popper but for reasonably big amounts of data, support vector machines, neural networks, naive bayes, etc.. all perform far worse than boosted decision trees
  100. 17:50 Popper and I'm talking millions of entries, with over 100 features
  101. 17:50 *** z999 joined #obama
  102. 17:50 Cataphati My understanding is that boosted decision trees do perform very well, but neural networks are SOTA for many important problem domains.
  103. 17:51 Cataphati Like language translation, image recognition, and generating text descriptions of pictures.
  104. 17:51 mongo` cataphati: our conversation is finished. I have put you on /ignore
  105. 17:51 u-ou what’s SOTA
  106. 17:52 u-ou oh
  107. 17:52 u-ou state of the art
  108. 17:52 Popper yeah I am aware, I just never dealt with one of these problems where neural networks actually outperform boosted decision trees
  109. 17:52 Popper I know they exist
  110. 17:52 dk56 SHAWN WHITE UP
  111. 17:53 Popper woops
  112. 17:53 BigKerm woops
  113. 17:53 Popper gotta watch that dk56
  114. 17:53 dk56 looooooooooool
  115. 17:53 dk56 TAKE THAT AUSTRALIA!
  116. 17:54 Cataphati Many people on the right dislike it when you have views that differ from their own.
  118. 17:54 Cataphati They desire safe spaces with politically correct speech.
  119. 17:54 Cataphati This is true, to a lesser degree, of many on the right.
  120. 17:54 BigKerm so excited about trannies won't be politically correct anymore
  121. 17:54 Cataphati left*
  122. 17:54 *** mavo quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
  123. 17:55 Cataphati Cognitive variation is primary to political variation.
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