
Rainbro the shitty one with a terrible ending

Mar 17th, 2012
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  1. >It's Hearts and Hooves day. You understand it's roughly equivalent to Valentine's Day, but it still confuses you.
  2. >Hearts and Hooves? What does that even mean?
  3. >Lost in your oh-so-important thoughts, you aren't watching where you're going.
  4. >You bump into something purple and fall on your ass.
  5. >"Oh, hi Anon. Sorry about that."
  6. >"Nah, my fault Twilight. I should've been paying more attention."
  7. >Twilight smiles at you.
  8. >"So, what's up?"
  9. >She blushes a little.
  10. >"Do you know what day it is today, Anon?"
  11. >"The day a bunch of ponies all fuck, right? You got a stallion in mind?"
  12. >Her blush deepens before her expression blanks and she zones out.
  13. >You wave your hand in front of her face, but she doesn't respond.
  14. >You shrug and turn to leave.
  15. >She snaps out of it.
  16. >"Wait, Anon..."
  17. >You look back at her.
  18. >"Do you want to... maybe... have you considered... um..."
  19. >Twilight awkwardly stumbles over a few dozen more sentence fragments while a strange whistling noise grows louder and louder.
  21. >The sound is actually a little unnerving now. What the hell IS that noise?
  22. >You look around, trying to discern the source of it, but can't figure it out.
  23. >You look up into a blurry rainbow streak shooting straight toward Twilight.
  24. >You take a step back.
  25. >Twilight doesn't notice. She's still doing a lot of staring at the ground and shuffling her hooves.
  26. >You wince at the sound of the impact. That could NOT have felt good.
  27. >Your best bro Dash jumps to her hooves, wobbles a little, and shakes the dizziness out of her head.
  28. >She's sweating and panting and having a hard time catching her breath.
  29. >"Hey Anon... Wh-what's up? Doin' anything today?"
  30. >"...No?"
  31. >She looks back at Twilight and then smiles awkwardly.
  32. >"Cool, cool. You wanna play paintball or something?"
  33. >"Why not?"
  34. >"Awesome. Meet me at the usual spot in like, ten minutes?"
  35. >"Alright."
  36. >She BOLTS out of there like something's on fire.
  37. >Twilight opens her eyes.
  38. >"What... what just happened?"
  39. >You feel a little bad that you just let her get hit like that.
  40. >You step over and help her up.
  41. >"Dash wrecked you."
  42. >Twilight squints and surveys her surroundings, then mumbles something quietly to herself.
  43. >She looks back at you.
  44. >"So um... are you busy today?"
  45. >"Oh, sorry. Just made plans with Dash."
  46. >She frowns at this. She looks disappointed, but also a little... angry?
  48. >This is it.
  49. >This is IT.
  50. >You're fucking dead and you know it.
  51. >You whip your head all around, desperate to find even one sign of-
  52. >JESUS FUCK that hurts.
  53. >The back of your neck is green. You'll never get used to their paintball guns. You don't know if they've got heavier paint or something because of how colorful they are or maybe just stronger shots because they're more resistant to pain, but whatever it is you're not sure why you keep agreeing to play this game.
  54. >You swear, there's no good reason for you to play with her. It's not even CLOSE to fair with her able to fly and hide in the clouds.
  55. >She lands in front of you and poses.
  56. >"You gotta step your game up, Anon."
  57. >You rub the welt on your neck and roll your eyes.
  58. >"So, whaddaya wanna do now? The sun's not even down yet, so we've got basically forever."
  59. >"...Movies and booze?"
  60. >She nods.
  61. >"Movies and booze."
  62. >The two of you pick up your gear and start walking back to your place.
  63. >What's Twilight doing still wandering around town?
  64. >She spots you and Dash and starts heading for you.
  65. >For some reason, Dash steps closer to you.
  66. >Twilight doesn't look particularly happy.
  67. >"Oh, hello again Anon. Hello Rainbow."
  68. >She flips from happy chirps to acidic snarls when she turns to acknowledge your bro. Guess she's still pissed about the orbital bro cannon earlier.
  69. >"So, now that you're done PLAYING with Rainbow, is the rest of your evening free?"
  70. >"Sorry, Twilight. Dash and I aren't done."
  71. >At this, she steps even closer to you. She's practically pressed against you now.
  72. >"Oh... well okay then. I hope you and your BRO have a good time."
  73. >Your bro is scowling now. Maybe there's more going on here. Some long standing beef you don't know about.
  75. >"Thanks Twilight, I'm sure we'll have a great night. I hope you enjoy reading. Alone."
  76. >Twilight leaves in a huff.
  77. >"Bro, something I should know about?"
  78. >"Don't worry. I've got it covered."
  79. >"You sure? She seems to really have it out for you."
  80. >"She just hates it when her plans get messed up."
  81. >"You thwartin' her plans?"
  82. >"I guess? I don't know what that word means."
  83. >"Are you stopping her from getting what she wants?"
  84. >"Oh. Yeah, TOTALLY. But if you're gonna be an egghead throwing out words noone uses anymore, maybe I shouldn't be."
  85. >You quirk an eyebrow.
  86. >"She wants YOU."
  87. >You point at yourself in confusion.
  88. >"Yeah. It's Hearts and Hooves day and she's all alone, as usual."
  89. >You frown.
  90. >"Well that sucks."
  91. >"Not as much as what'll happen if she gets you."
  92. >"And that would be?"
  93. >"She'll never let you go! She'll cling to you day and night and you'll never get to go out and have any fun!"
  94. >You reel back in mock horror.
  95. >"I KNOW! Trust me, you don't wanna be tied down by her."
  96. >"Hey, you don't know my fetishes. Maybe I'm into that."
  97. >Her wings shoot up. Ponies are weird.
  98. >"But yeah, I see your point. I'd probably get to hang with you a lot less, and that'd be totally fuckin' lame."
  99. >She smiles.
  100. >"But why me?"
  101. >"Huh?"
  102. >"Why is she after ME? I'm not even a pony!"
  103. >Now she's blushing. Aw gross, you probably gave her a mental image she'll never fully scrub out. Sorry, bro.
  105. >"I... I dunno, she probably thinks it'll be easy. Since there are no other humans around, she probably thinks you're just as desperate and lonely as her."
  106. >You sigh.
  107. >"I guess it does get a little lonely, being the only one of my kind. If I think too much about it, it's kindof a bummer that I'm going to be forever alone."
  108. >She looks sad. Probably feeling sorry for you. Don't push your problems on her, bro.
  109. >"But it's not all bad. I've got you."
  110. >Her face lights up.
  111. >There you go. That's your bro.
  112. >"And besides, I'm not desperate. I'm doing fine. Putting my dick in a horse is pretty far down on my list of priorities right now."
  113. >She's blushing REAL hard. You're obviously making her uncomfortable talking about interspecies erotica.
  114. >You make a mental note to steer clear of the topic in front of your bro. It's not her thing, and you don't wanna gross her out.
  115. >"So. I believe we were on our way to booze and movies?"
  116. >She shakes her head.
  117. >"Nope. Movies and booze."
  118. >"Of course. I'm such a dumbass. What would I do without you?"
  119. >"Date Twilight."
  120. >You're about to crack a joke about doing a lot more than just dating her, but you stop yourself.
  121. >"Let's forget about her."
  122. >Your bro is beaming, obviously very pleased with your decision.
  123. >On your way back, you shiver a little. Kinda cold out tonight.
  124. >Dash sees you shaking and puts a wing around you like.
  125. >"Thanks, bro."
  126. >She nods and doesn't say anything.
  128. >You've had... one, two, three... a lot. You've had a LOT of drinks.
  129. >But it fuckin'... it's all good. You're great. You feel GREAT!
  130. >You and your bro are having a great time.
  131. >She's pretty fucked up too. Had at least as many drinks as you. Maybe even more.
  132. >Like, she's playin' a drinking game or something. Pretty much every time you say the word bro she takes a shot.
  133. >She usually doesn't look very happy about it. You can sympathize. Cheap tequila is AWFUL.
  134. >"So bro-"
  135. >She downs another shot of the not-so-good stuff.
  136. >"What about you?"
  137. >"Yeah, what ABOUT me?"
  138. >"The... the day."
  139. >"Uwha?"
  140. >"Hearts 'n... Hearts 'n Hoofsies Day or whatever. You're not as pathetic as her, right? You're not alone every year?"
  141. >She stares at the floor.
  142. >"Like, yeah, you're not seein' anyone THIS year, but that's 'cuz you're busy saving me from Twilight... TwiLONE Spar... some kinda witty thing where I make her name into an insult."
  143. >"No... no way. Bros before hoes, right? If I had a special someone... a special some PONY in my life, I'd have less time to kick it with you."
  144. >"Yeah, but you don't always have to like... BE with 'em! You can just fuck 'em and leave 'em."
  145. >"Heh heh... yeah."
  146. >"You know what we should do tomorrow?"
  147. >"What?"
  148. >"We should go out and get you LAID. I'll... I'll be your wingman! It's fuckin' perfect, 'cuz you actually have WINGS!"
  149. >The two of you find this inexplicably hilarious.
  151. >You stop laughing first.
  152. >"So how about it?"
  153. >"Eh... I dunno."
  154. >"Hmm, I guess I don't know much about how you ponies flirt or whatever, so I'd probably be a pretty awful wingman. I can respect that."
  155. >"It's cool. You don't have to do that for me."
  156. >"But I WANT to. If you're happy, I'm happy. It feels good to help out a bro."
  157. >She winces.
  158. >"So alright. What, uh, what were we talking about earlier? Before I said the wing thing and got my comedian cutie mark?"
  159. >"Huh? Oh. Uh..."
  160. >You're just drunk enough to wonder, so while Dash is shifting mental gears you pull your pants down just a little and try to get a good look at your ass.
  161. >Her wings are doing that thing again. HAH! WINGS! WING-MAN! GOD DAMN YOU'RE HILARIOUS.
  162. >"I was just saying, y'know, bros uh... before hoes. Or whatever."
  163. >She's looking out the window for some reason.
  164. >"Cool, cool. Hey, what's going on out there?"
  165. >You get up and start to walk toward the window.
  166. >She turns and looks at the corner of the room.
  167. >You don't see anything out there.
  168. >You open the window and lean out, looking left and right before giving up and going back to the couch.
  169. >Huh... you left the window open, but the draft feels kinda weird.
  170. >RIGHT. Your pants are still sagging down from when you were checking out your ass.
  171. >Your bro is just trying to avoid getting those awkward images stuck in her head.
  172. >You smile sheepishly and pull your pants back up.
  173. >"Sorry about that."
  174. >"Heh... don't worry about it, it was nothing."
  175. >There's an akward silence.
  176. >"Hey, Anon? Do you-"
  177. >You jump back to your feet to interrupt loudly. You remembered something important.
  178. >Since it's important, you're allowed to interrupt.
  179. >Drunk logic. Flawless victory.
  181. >"Why aren't we watching movies right now?"
  182. >Dash looks at the TV and notices you're astute observation is correct. The last movie ended and you haven't started a new one.
  183. >"Because... you didn't put in the next one?"
  184. >You point and wink.
  185. >"Clever girl."
  186. >You start the next movie and plonk down next to Dash.
  187. >Her wings are still way up. That... that's no good. It's cold now because of the window, but when her wings are all stiff like that they can't do that nice blankety-wrappy thing that gives you all the warms.
  188. >As alcohol consumption goes up, respect for personal space goes down.
  189. >Besides, she's your bro. She won't mind. You're really helping her out, here. It can't feel good having a muscle all tense like that.
  190. >This way is better, because then she gets more relaxed and you get more wingy blanket.
  191. >You reach over and start kneading the muscles near the base of her wing.
  192. >She yelps and scoots away from you.
  193. >"Sorry, bro. You looked tense. Just... just tryin' to help."
  194. >She's blushing again, but you don't really notice.
  195. >She sheepishly slides back toward you and turns, presenting her wings to you.
  196. >"It's... it's fine. You just surprised me, is all."
  197. >You don't know much about massaging, but you figure that since you have hands instead of hooves you're automatically three times better than any pony.
  198. >You get to work, and quickly find yourself disappointed with your lack of skill. She's not relaxing at all. If anything, her wings are getting MORE tense.
  200. >Figuring you can't fuck it up any worse than you already are, you let your attention drift to the movie.
  201. >High speed chase. Nice.
  202. >You fail to notice the quiet moans escaping from Dash. Or the way her eyes are squeezed shut. Or the way she's biting her lip.
  203. >You might notice that she's shuddering, but if you do you automatically filter it out, assuming it's your own lack of motor skills while drunk. Same way the world isn't REALLY spinning. It's all you.
  204. >You get lost in the movie for a few minutes, eventually snapping out of it when you feel Dash shaking a bit.
  205. >You turn away from the TV and stare at her erect wings.
  206. >"Am I doing this right? You're still really stiff."
  207. >She doesn't say anything. Maybe she passed out?
  208. >"Dash?"
  209. >Her wings suddenly flop down onto the couch. Ponies are weird.
  210. >"You okay, bro?"
  211. >"I... I think I'm gonna go home."
  212. >"Huh? Why?"
  213. >"I just... I can't..."
  214. >Is she crying?
  215. >"Look, it's late, okay?"
  216. >You look over at the clock. It's kinda late, you guess.
  217. >"Alright... see you tomorrow?"
  218. >"Y-yeah. Sure."
  219. >She trudges out the door. Something's got her really down.
  220. >You decide the rest of the movie doesn't matter. You're gonna go pass out, and tomorrow you'll figure out what's eating your bro.
  222. >In the morning, you clean up a little bit. You don't remember causing half the mess that's out here.
  223. >Are those... bite marks on your couch cushion?
  224. >Man, maybe you should cut back on the booze.
  225. >Or, y'know, not. You flip the cushion over and forget about it.
  226. >You head out to go catch your bro and solve some problems.
  227. >On your way over you run into Twilight.
  228. >"Oh, hi Anon... how was, um... how was your night last night?"
  229. >"Huh? Oh, it was fine I guess. Listen, I need to go talk to Dash."
  230. >"She didn't... stay at your place?"
  231. >"Why would she do that?"
  232. >"Oh... I thought. Huh. Nevermind. I'll... see you around?"
  233. >"Sure, I guess."
  234. >Why would Dash want to sleep on your couch when she's got her MAGNIFICENT CLOUD BED she keeps lording over you? Whatever.
  236. >You start yelling at clouds. You know Dash's house is up there, but you still feel like a dumb piece of shit for it.
  237. >After a while, she flutters down.
  238. >She looks terrible. Like she didn't get any sleep at all. Her eyes are all red and her feathers are a mess.
  239. >"Hey, Anon."
  240. >Her voice is hoarse, too.
  241. >She didn't drink THAT much more than you, did she?
  242. >"You look like hell, bro."
  243. >"That bad, huh?"
  244. >"Yeah. What happened?"
  245. >"I had a rough night."
  246. >"You were fine when you left my place. You get into a fight on your way back?"
  247. >"I wasn't... y'know I'm..."
  248. >She starts to look a little angry. The fuck?
  249. >"I guess it really is a good thing I stopped Twilight from getting to you."
  250. >"Bro, what's wrong? Come on, I've got your back."
  251. >"No, you don't, Anon. You're an idiot."
  252. >Wait, what?
  253. >"Bro, help me out here, what did I do?"
  254. >She growls at you.
  255. >"Yeah, I did Twilight a favor."
  257. >You're headed back to your house.
  258. >You feel pretty shitty. Your bro is really pissed at you, and you don't know why.
  259. >Fucking Twilight Sparkle pops up again. What is she, stalking you?
  260. >"So Anon, are you doing anything tonight?"
  261. >Well, not anymore you're not. What's the worst that could happen? Maybe Twilight's secretly a total bro.
  262. >"No, why?"
  263. >She blushes.
  264. >"Do you... want to do something? Together?"
  265. >You look her up and down once.
  266. >"Have you ever had any alcohol?"
  267. >"Well, I went to a wine tasting once, does that count?"
  268. >You sigh and shake your head. Tonight is probably going to suck.
  269. >"Nevermind. Come by my place after you eat dinner. We'll... watch some movies or something."
  270. >"REALLY?"
  271. >"Sure, why not."
  272. >She spouts off something about needing to study for tonight. You have strong doubts about her bro-tential.
  273. >You start wondering what you're gonna do now without Dash.
  274. >Most of the other ponies suck, and you don't want to be all alone.
  276. >Twilight was perfectly willing to try some drinks.
  277. >Some ended up only being three before she could barely stand.
  278. >You put on a movie full of explosions and awesome, and she wouldn't SHUT THE FUCK UP.
  279. >Every other scene, she slurred out some little factoid about explosions or chainsaws that neither of you cared about.
  280. >You could tell she didn't care. She just wanted to seem interesting and knowledgeable. Like she had forced herself to memorize 'cool' facts to appeal to you.
  281. >Why are you even doing this?
  282. >You should be with your bro right now, not this shitty unicorn.
  283. >"Hey Twilight?"
  284. >"Yeeees?"
  285. >She bats her eyelashes at you. Ugh.
  286. >"I think maybe we should... call it a night."
  287. >She opens her eyes wide.
  288. >"Oh, Anon... I don't think I can make it to the bed. My legs are so wobbly..."
  289. >"What? No-"
  290. >She did some sort of falling-tackle and is lying on top of you.
  291. >"Oops! See? I can't even stay seated!"
  292. >You sigh heavily.
  293. >"Twilight, I know what you're trying to do."
  294. >"Anon, I don't know what you're talking about."
  295. >"Yes you do, Twilight. I'm not stupid. How much do you weigh?"
  296. >She blushes and bats her eyes.
  297. >"ANON! You should never ask a mare that question! It's one of the first rules in the Modern Equestrian Guide to Courtship!"
  298. >"Look, I know you're not an experienced drinker, but there's no way you're this far gone. You still remember all your little 'fun-facts' perfectly. You just add the slurr on top."
  299. >She breaks eye contact.
  301. >"Look, Twilight, I'm sure you're a pretty cool pony in your own way... you just don't work for ME."
  302. >"But... but Anon-"
  303. >"Twilight, I know you're lonely. I'm lonely, too. But this isn't the answer. Are you even having a good time, pretending to be drunk and memorizing facts that don't interest you?"
  304. >""
  305. >"Then don't. Some pony can probably make you very happy, but that's not me."
  306. >"You can't know if you don't try!"
  307. >She rushes forward and puts her lips on yours.
  308. >Your window shatters and you instinctively dive away from the glass.
  309. >You pull Twilight with you.
  310. >"See Anon? You do care about me!"
  311. >"GET AWAY FROM HIM!"
  312. >Bro?
  313. >All you see is a blur of blue and purple as you tumble and spin across the floor.
  314. >DAMN she's fast.
  315. >Dash has Twilight pinned to the ground.
  316. >She's got a hoof pulled back, ready to throw a mean punch.
  317. >You grab her hoof and pull her up off of Twilight.
  318. >"Dash, what the hell do you think you're doing?"
  319. >"Stopping you from making a big mistake!"
  320. >Twilight clutches your leg.
  321. >"Oh THANK you Anon!"
  322. >You shake your leg and she loses her grip.
  323. >"Shut it, nerd."
  324. >Dash slumps to the floor.
  325. >"Huh? But I thought..."
  326. >"Dash, listen, I don't know what you were doing outside my window. I don't know what I did to make you so upset. But I do know that you're right. Me and Twilight? Wouldn't work. I was trying to let her down gently, and she got a little frisky. That's all."
  328. >Dash laughs sheepishly.
  329. >"Twilight, I think you should go home."
  330. >She looks at you, then Dash, then you.
  331. >She hangs her head and walks out without another word.
  332. >"Now Dash, seriously, what the fuck?"
  333. >"It looked like you two were making out!"
  334. >"No. Yeah, I got that. Before. What did I DO? I can't help you if I really don't know, and I want to help you. I don't like seeing you unhappy."
  335. >"You were... I wanted..."
  336. >"Sentences, Dash. You need to put your words in an order I can understand."
  337. >She about to cry. God damnit, what is WITH girls and crying?
  338. >"Come on, you're tougher than this. You're Rainbow Fucking Dash!"
  339. >She sniffs back some of the tears and gives you a little smile.
  340. >"There you go. There's my bro."
  341. >Her face instantly falls. She's holding back the tears, but she starts making those choking sobbing motions anyway.
  342. >The fuck, man?
  343. >"Bro, listen..."
  344. >She's losing it...
  345. >Wait...
  346. >"Do... does it... is the word 'bro' a problem?"
  347. >She nods.
  348. >You think back to last night. She downed a shot pretty much EVERY time you said bro.
  349. >Fuck, you suck. That was REALLY obvious. A DRINKING GAME? What are you, retarded?
  350. >"Okay. Okay, Dash. I'm gonna stop using that word, but I'm pretty sure that's not the whole problem. Something else has to be going on, or you wouldn't take it this hard. Help me out here. When did last night go south for you? You seemed to be having a pretty good time for a while."
  351. >She mumbles something quietly, blushing the whole time. You only manage to pick out the words 'cutie mark'.
  353. >You think back to what sort of dumb shit you might've pulled while you were drunk off your ass.
  354. >Right. Your ass. You were looking for a cutie mark.
  355. >You try to lighten the mood.
  356. >"Is that it? Did my pasty white ass traumatize you? I understand. Nobody should have to see me with my pants off."
  357. >There go her wings, and she's refusing to make eye contact again.
  358. >Wings... shit, yeah, didn't you try to give her a massage? What the fuck were you thinking, man? You don't know SHIT about massages.
  359. >You put on a more serious face.
  360. >"Did I hurt you with my awful attempt at a massage?"
  361. >Her wings get even stiffer and if you could only see her face you'd swear her coat was red.
  362. >Now you're blushing a little.
  363. >"Did I... accidentally grope you or something? I swear I didn't mean to. I think. I was pretty drunk, but I think it had something to do with blankets."
  364. >She shakes her head.
  365. >A gust of cold air blow in through the window.
  366. >You look at all the glass and feel relieved nobody got hurt.
  367. >Huh, the couch cushions got knocked off somehow. Pulled down with you and Twilight?
  368. >Are those... bite marks?
  369. >Shit, right. Okay. Last night is coming back to you.
  370. >You went on a stupid little cutie mark crusade, and then you opened the window.
  371. >It got cold, and you got all up in Dash's grill trying to use her wing like a blanket.
  372. >But it was too stiff. So you went for the massage to relieve some of the tension.
  373. >And then... the movie was cool, then Dash got quiet, then she left?
  374. >That's about all you can remember happening.
  375. >So somewhere between partially removing your pants and giving her an unsolicited massage, you managed to push some buttons.
  376. >Now what about either of those could POSSIBLY offend a girl?
  378. >"I'm... I'm sorry about... well, being a dumb shit last night. I was way out of line. Too much to drink, you know how it goes."
  379. >She's calming down. Even smiling a little. Showing her you care and admitting your mistakes. Who would've thought those would work?
  380. >"Anon, that's not it. I'm... I'm not mad that you did something stupid with your butt while you were drunk. That's like, a requirement for declaring a party a success. One or more butt incidents per dozen partiers."
  381. >"And what, the massage was okay too? Drunken massages are not necessary for parties, and are in fact frowned upon in many situations."
  382. >She laughs and her smile grows.
  383. >"Yeah, the massage was okay. It was better than okay. It was really, REALLY good. Probably the best I've ever had. Seriously. You've gotta teach some ponies how to do that."
  384. >Well alright, you may have been drunk but you weren't WRONG. Take that, hooves.
  385. >You wiggle your fingers at her.
  386. >Her smile loses a little bit of its lustre.
  387. >"Oh. Anyway, look, Anon. You've never done ANYTHING wrong to me. Everything you've ever done for me has been great. The problem is what you DIDN'T do. What you didn't pick up on. It's kindof unbelievable how dense you are and the things you miss."
  388. >"What, are you telling me there's an elephant in the room that I can't see?"
  389. >She snickers and reaches for the cushion on the floor.
  390. >She holds it up to your face.
  391. >"What do you see here?"
  392. >"Comfort and style in one convenient package."
  393. >"Okay, and? What makes THIS package different from the others?"
  394. >"The... bite mark? So what, somebody bit it once. Drunk happens."
  395. >"You see, Anon? This is what I'm talking about. You're an IDIOT. That bite mark is from me."
  396. >"So? You were just as drunk as I was."
  398. >She groans in frustration.
  399. >"WHEN did I bite your couch?"
  400. >"I don't know. Eight forty five?"
  401. >"UGH, no! When we watched movies, my face was not in biting position. When was it?"
  402. >The massage? But she said it was really good! Why the fuck would you bite something when you were super relaxed?
  403. >She wasn't. She kept getting more and more tense... and then after all that buildup, her wings just... flopped down.
  404. >You... she...
  405. >She doesn't like it when you call her bro.
  406. >She comes over to your place all the time to be with you.
  407. >She's got your back, and you've got hers.
  408. >She broke through your window to beat the shit out of the girl trying to steal you away.
  409. >And she came over on the most romantic day of the year, and you gave her a massage...
  410. >Her wings are very... sensitive, and they always go stiff around you.
  411. >Like when you slipped your pants halfway off.
  412. >Right before giving her the massage.
  413. >Well FUCK, no wonder she's mad at you for 'not getting it.'
  414. >Were you always this retarded when it came to women, or is this a new thing?
  415. >"Dash, I..."
  416. >"It's... it's okay, Anon. I'm mad at you, but I still... I'm not gonna turn my back on you over this."
  418. And then right here I have a 'good end' that I actually think is kinda shitty. I'm considering doing a neutral or bad end, because they'd have to be better than THIS:
  420. >"Hold that thought. I need to see if I've got a cutie mark for being a total shitpile."
  421. >You slide your pants down just a little to take a look.
  422. >Up go the wings.
  423. >"Now are you sure you're not gonna turn your back on me? It's a lot easier to massage your wings if you face away from me."
  425. Nope, too late and too tired. Sorry 'bout this one.
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