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Sep 3rd, 2016
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  1. "I wanna be the" games
  2. 100% Orange juice
  3. 10000 bullets
  4. A.I.M.
  5. AI War
  6. Akatsuki blitzkampf
  7. Akiba's trip
  8. Alien soldier
  9. Alien swarm
  10. Alien/Zombie shooter 2
  11. Alpha protocol
  12. Arma series
  13. Atomic canon
  14. Banished
  15. Baroque
  16. Battleships forever
  17. Battletoads series
  18. Big Ol' Bass 2
  19. Blood
  20. Borderlands
  21. Breakquest pc
  22. Bulletgba
  23. Bushido blade
  24. Carmageddon series
  25. Carnage Heart series
  26. Cart life
  27. Chaos engine
  28. Cladun
  29. Clock tower snes(1 on ps1 if you have enough patience or wouldn't mind savestating for the cost of the atmosphere)
  30. Corpse party series
  31. Cortex command
  32. Crazy machines 1, new challenges
  33. Crucis fatal fake
  34. Cry of fear
  35. Danganronpa/Phoenix wright series
  36. Dark souls series
  37. Dead rising series
  38. Deception series
  39. Dementium - the ward
  40. Desk dungeons
  41. Deus ex
  42. Diadra empty
  43. Digital - a love story
  44. Don't Starve
  45. Dragon's dogma
  46. Dwarf Fortress
  47. EDF series
  48. Elastomania/gravity defied
  49. Facewound
  50. Factorio
  51. Fallout online
  52. Fallout tactics
  53. Fate series
  54. Garris mod TTT
  55. Gem craft/ByteAlity TD/Xeno Tactic
  56. General
  57. Generation of chaos series
  58. Gex 3
  59. Gladiator begins
  60. Global operations
  61. God hand
  62. Granada
  63. Gratuitous Space Battles
  64. Gravity rush
  65. Gta 2
  66. Guns of Icarus
  67. Half minute hero
  68. Halo: Combat evolved
  69. Headhunter
  70. Herocore
  71. Hitman: contracts/blood money
  72. HoMM 3 WoG
  73. Hogs of war
  74. Hooligans: storm over europe
  75. Hotline miami series
  76. IL-2
  77. Jagged alliance 2 IoV
  78. Jennifer
  79. Jets'n'guns
  80. Jumpman
  81. Killing floor 2.5
  82. King of dragon pass
  83. Kiss: psycho circus
  84. Koudelka
  85. Koumajou densetsu series
  86. Lisa
  87. Lone survivor
  88. MGS peace walker/portable ops/multiplayer
  89. Max Payne 3 Multiplayer
  90. Medal of Honor ps1 series
  91. Medievil
  92. Men of war series
  93. Monster hunter series
  94. Monstrum
  95. N(the way of the ninja)
  96. Natural selection
  97. Neighbours from hell series
  98. Nightmare creatures series(?)
  99. Nowhere
  100. Nox and Nox quest
  101. Old X-com series tbs only
  102. Onimusha series
  103. Pandemic series
  104. Panzer front
  105. Parasite eve series(?)
  106. Pontifex/Bridge Construction Set
  107. Postal 2 + eternal damnation and other mods'n'expansions
  108. Princess maker series
  109. Puzzle quest series
  110. RC Cars
  111. Ragdoll Masters/Rubber ninjas
  112. Re6 mercenaries and other gamemodes
  113. Re:re raid mode
  114. Resident evil 4 ps2/ps2 pc port/gc
  115. Resident evil: Cold Blood Beta 2
  116. Resident evil: the mercenaries 3d
  117. Rhythm heaven series
  118. Road rash: jailbreak
  119. Robot Arena 2/Robot Wars 3
  120. Rock'n'roll racing/motor rock
  121. Rollercoaster tycoon
  122. S.T.A.L.K.E.R series
  123. S4 league/GunZ (don't know the specifics)
  124. Samurai shodown series
  125. SCP: containment breach
  126. Space Station 13
  127. SWAT4
  128. Seal hunter remake
  129. Serious sam series
  130. Shadowrun
  131. Simcity 4
  132. Soundodger+
  133. Spacechem
  134. Spelunky(original)
  135. Splatterhouse series
  136. Spyro & Crash bandicoot ps1 series
  137. Style savvy series
  138. Super house of dead ninjas
  139. Survival crisis z
  140. Sven coop/obsidian conflict/synergy(?)
  141. Syphon filter series
  142. Systemshock series
  143. Tenchu/shinobido series
  144. The Binding of Isaac
  145. The culling
  146. The last stand series
  147. The suffering series
  148. Theme hospital
  149. Thing thing series
  150. Toribash
  151. Total carnage
  152. Touhou series both danmakus and fightings
  153. Twisted metal 4
  154. Umineko no nako koro ni(I didn't look much into it but I believe there is a non-interactive mysteries part which is kinda unique)
  155. Under the garden
  156. Undertale/Mother series
  157. Unreal tournament series
  158. Uplink
  159. Valkyria Chronicles series
  160. Vanquish
  161. War of the human tanks
  162. Warning forever
  163. Warzone 2100
  164. Way of the samurai series
  165. Worms series
  166. X (dunno which one is the best) with mods
  167. Yakuza series
  168. Yume nikki/.flow
  170. Notable mentions:
  171. Armadilo run
  172. FTL's soundtrack
  173. Madness interactive
  174. Boxhead series
  175. Cold fear
  176. Chzo mythos
  177. Downfall
  178. SpaceEngine
  179. Soldat
  180. Subvein
  181. Mogeko Castle
  182. Firearms: source
  183. Deadhunt
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