
FoE PNP Group 9 Session 16

Oct 22nd, 2012
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  1. [17:09] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> *** PnP Group Number Nine: Session Sweet 16 ***
  2. [17:11] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> LAST TIME: Our heroes found a really old toy in a train wreck, watched as a few hippies burn to death, and brought a pair of young fillies into a (possibly) haunted ghost town. In other words, just another day at the office. We join them now at midday, still searching the town for... stuff.
  3. [17:13] * Wraith is still laying around in the aforementioned haunted clinic
  4. [17:13] * Desert_Eagle has decided to land and go nosing around on the ground, searching particularly for bobby pins.
  5. [17:13] <Challenger> "Well, this town's pretty useless to us... unless there's a hidden weapons cache... There isn't one, is there?"
  6. [17:14] * Strifer just finished searching for the bottle of her quite stale and old beercan. Having crushed it between her hooves she rocks forward, stands up and starts to trott around town. Twitching and giggling to herself.
  7. [17:15] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> The fillies shake their heads as the go upstairs to the room where they stayed. "There aren't any guns... I don't think..." the older one says.
  8. [17:15] * Challenger sighs. "Figures. We should move on then."
  9. [17:15] * Lollygag stretches a little as she slowly trots away from the medicine shop, looking around for the rest of the group now, having not found any other points of interest.
  10. [17:16] * Desert_Eagle has taken to nosing into random buildings, scouring the insides of them for bobby pins. "There's gotta be some 'round 'ere somewhere."
  11. [17:16] * Cloudy_Breeze is scouting around the town a bit more from the air.
  12. [17:17] * Challenger trots back outside for one last look around.
  13. [17:17] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> Out of the buildings left standing, there's a general store, the clinic, and the apothecary.
  14. [17:17] * Wraith quite possibly have dozed off. For a couple century old dusty mattress it ain't that bad, not compared to sleeping on the ground or in armor
  15. [17:18] * Desert_Eagle heads into the general store.
  16. [17:18] * Challenger heads for the general store as well. "Anything, D?"
  17. [17:18] * Lollygag spots Challenger dragging around the fillies and trots over to them. She was about to ask him the same thing.
  18. [17:19] <Desert_Eagle> "Nothin' Chal, not even a damn gun shop."
  19. [17:19] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> The General Store is about as dank and musty as you'd expect the crumbling remains of a pre-war building to be. The little ones shiver a little. "I w-wouldn't go in there..." the smaller one says. The older one nods. "That's where the creepy stuff was..."
  20. [17:19] * Strifer drags her fine flank to the middle of town sits down flopping down on her back. "There is nothing here, can we fucking go already?!" Wiggling her hooves in the air.
  21. [17:20] <Desert_Eagle> "Ah c'n handle some creepy stuff."
  22. [17:20] <Challenger> "Let's get back on the road then. Lolly, would you find Wraith? D, tell Breezy. I'll go get our psycho-in-spikey-shoes."
  23. [17:21] * Desert_Eagle nods. "Jus' gonna check this place out real quick, see if theres any bobby pins."
  24. [17:22] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> Desert_Eagle swears he heard something from inside the store.
  25. [17:22] * Challenger nods n heads of to where Strifer is most likely to be bored.
  26. [17:22] * Strifer pulls out a inhaler of Dash and inhales it all in one go. Her twitching and giggling stopping. Flopping around and standing up again. Grinning wide as Challenger aproaches.
  27. [17:22] * Lollygag shrugs a little and goes to look for Wraith.'
  28. [17:22] * Desert_Eagle perks his ears up. "Hmmm." He enters the store regardless.
  29. [17:22] * Cloudy_Breeze should be pretty easy to find, since she's flying around.
  30. [17:23] <Challenger> "I assume you're ready to leave?"
  31. [17:23] <Strifer> "Fuck yeah! This place blows, don't even have a fucking bar! Can you imagine that?!"
  32. [17:24] * Wraith should be pretty easy to find, medic pony, clinic, it totally makes sense
  33. [17:24] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> The floorboards are creaky and feel like they could give at any moment. Inside the store is pretty much everything you'd expect to be in a store like this. Flour, toasters, shovels, rope, sacks of potatos, Sparkle Cola, and other random conveniences. There's even a cash register.
  34. [17:25] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> The fillies wait outside the store, kind of freaking the fuck out right now.
  35. [17:26] * Desert_Eagle takes off his Aviators and gazes around, moving to the counter and beginning his search.
  36. [17:27] * Challenger (Allseeingalld@Pony-2a4i02.phnx.qwest.net) Quit ( Quit: Relax, its only ONES and ZEROS! )
  37. [17:27] * Lollygag takes her time looking for Wraith. Hearing some familiar snoring, she heads into the Clinic, what an obvious place, right, "Hey, pointy-pony, you in here!?"
  38. [17:28] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> The cash register is locked. There's a pony skeleton on the floor next to it, behind the counter.
  39. [17:29] * Wraith grumbles something about riding crops and rolls onto her side
  40. [17:31] * Desert_Eagle doesn't have any means to open the register yet, so he moves on to the shelves lining the walls. "Come on." He mutters.
  41. [17:32] * Lollygag frowns a little as she comes up on Wraith fast asleep. She trots closer and gives the pointy-pony a nudge with her hoof.
  42. [17:33] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> The deeper Desert_Eagle gets into the store, the more apparent it is that some music is playing. An eery rendition of an old Ink Spots tune floats through the stale air. The shelves are mostly tourist-y items, like lunchboxes and snowglobes. "Visit Caldera!" one proudly proclaims.
  43. [17:34] * Wraith curls up like a pill bug, probably around Lollygag's hoof
  44. [17:34] * Desert_Eagle frowns. He tries to pinpoint the location of the music, hoping that it was coming from like a back room or something.
  45. [17:34] * Cloudy_Breeze continues looking around for a while longer before she decides to start looking for the others to meet up.
  46. [17:35] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> The music is totally like coming from a back room or something. A door is slightly ajar in the back.
  47. [17:35] * Desert_Eagle nudges it open and steps inside, gazing around.
  48. [17:36] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> Inside is a radio, a terminal, and a record player. A light flickers overhead.
  49. [17:37] * Desert_Eagle clicks the radio off, and seeing no bobby pins, decides to take a peek at the terminal for the hell of it.
  50. [17:38] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> The radio wasn't playing the music. Desert_Eagle clicks the radio on instead. The terminal is locked.
  51. [17:39] * Lollygag grumbles and plants her other hoof on Wraith to extricate the first from the pillbug pony's grasp.
  52. [17:39] * Strifer has a staring contest with Challenger.
  53. [17:40] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> "Welcome, esteemed guests, to Caldera! Manetana's first, and only full-scale megaspell testing facility!" the radio mare's voice says in a cheery tone. "Every building is built to scale, in order to test some of our megaspell shielding capabilities!"
  54. [17:40] <Desert_Eagle> "...What."
  55. [17:41] <Desert_Eagle> "No wonder this place looked so odd."
  56. [17:41] * Wraith lets Lollygag's hoof go
  57. [17:42] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> "This entire city was built in under two weeks, thanks to the hard work of earth-pony laborers. One day, the equipment tested here may just save your life in the event of total megaspell holocaust!"
  58. [17:43] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> "A testing associate should be along shortly to direct you to the safety bunker located on the edge of town. Refreshments will be offered, before a live demonstration of our wonderous Rad-Guard. Please, take your time to explore all Caldera has to offer."
  59. [17:44] * Lollygag briefly considers her options then turns with a sigh and heads back to find the others.
  60. [17:44] * Cloudy_Breeze lands next to Challenger. "Anythin' turn up?"
  61. [17:44] * Desert_Eagle grunts, leaving the terminal alone and turning the radio off. He trots back into the main room, taking one last look around.
  62. [17:45] * Kid_Charlemagne|GM (coolsmile@Pony-3uu.iok.106.149.IP) Quit ( Quit: See you ! )
  63. [17:45] * SpencerDespenser|GM (coolsmile@Pony-3uu.iok.106.149.IP) has joined #FruityRumpusAssholeFactory
  64. [17:45] * ChanServ sets mode +qo SpencerDespenser|GM SpencerDespenser|GM for #FruityRumpusAssholeFactory
  65. [17:46] * SpencerDespenser|GM is now known as Kid_Charlemagne|GM
  66. [17:46] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> Desert_Eagle spots a small box of bobby pins in the clutches of the skeleton near the register, as well as a slip of paper in it's mouth.
  67. [17:46] <Desert_Eagle> "Bingo."
  68. [17:47] * Desert_Eagle grabs the box of pins, and the slip of paper. He looks the paper over.
  69. [17:48] * Wraith starts mumbling about squirrels stealing her cookies.
  70. [17:48] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> It's a note that reads, "M, if you find this note, looks like I didn't make it. Make sure the little ones are safe. The terminal password is 'Rosebud'. Good luck, C."
  71. [17:49] * Desert_Eagle puts the note back, and seeing as there was nothing better to do, headed back to the terminal and entered the password.
  72. [17:51] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> Every entry in the terminal is labelled with a date, and nothing more.
  73. [17:51] * Desert_Eagle chooses the most recent one.
  74. [17:54] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> "Test 037 passed without incident. She was here to watch this one, and was /very/ impressed with the results. I'm happy to report that the initial coatings have held through twenty succesful blasts."
  75. [17:54] * Lollygag finally makes it back to the cluster of ponies in the street, "Well... Pointy is out like a light up there..."
  76. [17:55] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> It's worth noting that the most recent one was still a long time ago.
  77. [17:59] <Strifer> "Who the fuck is pointy?"
  78. [18:00] <Desert_Eagle> "Huh."
  79. [18:00] * Desert_Eagle looks at the first entry now.
  80. [18:01] * Lollygag can't help but giggle a little, tapping a hoof to her forehead, "That unicorn that we've been dragging along. She's fast asleep..."
  81. [18:02] * Strifer grins and starts heading towards where Lollygag just came from. "Not for long she fucking aint."
  82. [18:02] * Challenger (Allseeingalld@Pony-ceg.8jc.161.216.IP) has joined #FruityRumpusAssholeFactory
  83. [18:04] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> "Test 001... Well... I worked... sort of... I guess... I know it's not very official to say so, but this whole thing is a terrible idea. It's like she doesn't understand any of the possible side effects of exposure to this stuff. None of us know what it does... and frankly, I don't like it."
  84. [18:05] * Strifer barges inside the clinic "OI! Wraith! We are fucking moooving! Get your flank out here or I'll drag ya out!"
  85. [18:05] * Desert_Eagle grunts. "Well, looks like it kills yah."
  86. [18:05] * Lollygag giggles a little more, settling down onto the dusty street to rest her legs for a little.
  87. [18:05] * Challenger won the staring contest. "HAH!"
  88. [18:06] * Wraith says something to the effect of "That's nice~"
  89. [18:06] * Desert_Eagle looks over at the record player, lifting the stylus off.
  90. [18:07] * Challenger trots over to where the clinic is. "Does it live?"
  91. [18:07] * Strifer trotts up and pokes Wraith hard in the side. "Wake up!"
  92. [18:08] * Wraith flails and falls off the other side of the bed, landing with a small 'thump' "...ow."
  93. [18:08] * Challenger looks at Breezy. "We're heading out, just as soon as D's done scrounging."
  94. [18:08] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> The record stops, but is still spinning. It's a nice record. In good shape and everything.
  95. [18:10] * Desert_Eagle turns the player off and picks up the record, looking for a case nearby to put it in. He might be able to sell it later.
  96. [18:10] * Strifer grins wide. "Grab your shit, we are leaving." Turning around one spot she laughs and leaves the clinic again.
  97. [18:10] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> The record sleeve is tucked away under the player. Attached is a note. "Play when guests arrive. -T"
  98. [18:11] * Lollygag flops onto her back, leaving her legs sticking straight up in the air and staring up at the clouds.
  99. [18:11] * Wraith grumbles and rolls onto her hooves, floating her bags onto her back and trotting out grumbling under her breath
  100. [18:12] <Strifer> "TURKEY! Haul your fine flank out here!"
  101. [18:13] * Cloudy_Breeze nods at Challenger, and goes to keep a lookout for anything suspicious while they prepare to leave.
  102. [18:14] * Strifer grins as she sees Lollygag, her tail flicking back and forth and her head twitching.
  103. [18:15] * Desert_Eagle tucks the record into the sleeve, and puts it in his bags. He trots out of the store.
  104. [18:16] * Desert_Eagle flies over to the others, putting his Aviators back on.
  105. [18:17] * Lollygag looks between her legs at Strifer, "We ready to ditch this joint yet?"
  106. [18:17] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> The fillies watch as Desert_Eagle flies overhead. "Wait for us, Mister Pipbuck!" they say, trotting after him.
  107. [18:17] * Desert_Eagle looks back, landing and letting the fillies catch up.
  108. [18:17] <Strifer> "Right, so there is jack shit in this shithole, aight? So where the fuck do we go, cause If we find another town without a tavern I might kill something." She says, twitching.
  109. [18:18] <Challenger> "D, is there another town between us and where we're going?
  110. [18:18] <Desert_Eagle> "Come on li'l ones, ah think we're leaving."
  111. [18:18] <Challenger> "
  112. [18:18] * Desert_Eagle shrugs, checking his map. "Dunno."
  113. [18:19] * Wraith is just a whirlwind of irritation and aloofness. except she isn't a whirlwind at all. she just kind of doing nothing. at all.
  114. [18:19] * Challenger sighs again. "Well feck. Let's just get moving then."
  115. [18:19] * Lollygag rolls over and gets to her hooves with some difficulty, "Yeah... we need an /actual/ town before we can get going..."
  116. [18:19] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> The fillies arrive, a little out of breath. "Did... did Mister Pipbuck find the creepy stuff?"
  117. [18:20] <Challenger> "What creepy stuff?"
  118. [18:20] * Desert_Eagle shakes his head. "All ah found was a skeleton, a record player, and some bobby pins."
  119. [18:20] <Desert_Eagle> "Where are we goin' 'sactly anyway? Ah don't remember us havin' a specific destination, just 'away from th' Pier.'"
  120. [18:21] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> The younger one shudders. "S-so... you just left?"
  121. [18:22] * Lollygag groans, "We're going to the place Grapevine put on your pipbuck, don't you remember?"
  122. [18:22] <Desert_Eagle> "Uhh, where was that again?"
  123. [18:23] * Strifer groans aswell. "As long as it isnt this shithole, who cares where we go."
  124. [18:23] * Wraith grumbles "Can I go home now?"
  125. [18:23] * Challenger facehoofs. "D, look at your pipbuck. Where are we going?"
  126. [18:24] * Lollygag jabs a hoof towards Deagle's pipbuck, to the south, there's a place Grapevine says are lots of herbs, which /means/ ponies don't go there. So Claw-face shouldn't know about it. We just need some /actual/ supplies first before going there."
  127. [18:25] * Wraith grumbles and shuts up
  128. [18:26] * Cloudy_Breeze is still keeping a lookout
  129. [18:26] <Desert_Eagle> "Well, we better get movin' then. Ah dunno what's between there an' 'ere."
  130. [18:26] * Lollygag turns to Wraith, "You know another town near here?"
  131. [18:26] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> The fillies look on, kind of worried. "This is a bad idea, Twice... we should have stayed in the cabin..." the younger one says.
  132. [18:28] * Strifer 's ears twitches back and forth, up and down. Groaning and trottin back and forth "Argh! Can we just fucking go somewhere?! Standing still is making me all twitchy and shit."
  133. [18:29] <Challenger> "I agree. Let's get moving. This place is done."
  134. [18:29] * Desert_Eagle nods, lofting into the air. "Le's go."
  135. [18:30] * Challenger scoops the fillies back up and onto his back, then follows.
  136. [18:30] * Wraith shrugs "My hometown, but then I've already mentioned it and no one but Strifer wanted to go."
  137. [18:31] * Lollygag sighs and looks at the fillies, "If you want to go back to the cabin, go ahead. We have to keep moving though..." She turns to Deagle, "Hey, were there any actual supplies in that mart?"
  138. [18:31] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> They both eep a little. "Whoa!"
  139. [18:31] * Strifer nodnods "Lets go there! I'm with the hornhead!" She trotts up next to Wraith, well, trottin back and forth close to Wraith
  140. [18:31] <Desert_Eagle> "Nope, jus' lunchboxes an' snowglobes.
  141. [18:31] <Desert_Eagle> "*
  142. [18:31] <Challenger> "Those wolf things say different, Lolly. Best to keep them with us for the time being."
  143. [18:32] * Desert_Eagle shrugs. "Might'a been some potatoes in there too."
  144. [18:33] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> The pair of pegasi shudder when Challenger mentions the wolves. "M-maybe we'll just stay with y-you... then..."
  145. [18:33] * Lollygag groans again, "I don't care, do what you want to with them. I'm going to go check over the store one more time before we go..."
  146. [18:34] * Lollygag trots off, shaking her hind leg between steps.
  147. [18:34] * Challenger sighs, frustrated. "Just hurry ok? I feel too explosed here."
  148. [18:34] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> Shy deflates a little. "Oh... well... okay..."
  149. [18:34] <Strifer> "HEY! Shitheads! Booze and supplies and shit at Wraiths hometown. Hellooo?!" She waves a hoof. "Nopony else thinking this a really fucking good idea?"
  150. [18:34] <Challenger> "Sounds fine to me, if I'd known about it sooner."
  151. [18:35] * Desert_Eagle looks over at Strifer. "It's really out of our way too."
  152. [18:35] * LeatherDuster (chatzilla@Pony-ect1k9.res.rr.com) Quit ( Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.89 [Firefox 16.0.1/20121010144125] )
  153. [18:35] <Wraith> "You know a closer place, Jackass?"
  154. [18:36] <Wraith> "No? Shut up."
  155. [18:36] <Challenger> "Deagle, right now, we don't have a way. Except for that stable place, we're drifing."
  156. [18:36] * Desert_Eagle grunts. "Fine, we'll head to..." He checks his map. "...Negiles first."
  157. [18:37] * Strifer looks at Desert_Eagle and grins. "Lead the way, turkey!"
  158. [18:37] * Strifer leans closer to Wraith. "They have an inn, right?"
  159. [18:37] * Challenger calls back to the store. "Lolly, haul flank!"
  160. [18:38] * Lollygag twitches a little as she sees the "Nuka" brand cooler holding a six-pack of Sparkle Colas. She shakes it off, not feeling the tear that trickles down her cheek, and pulls the cooler open, emptying it of soda then grabbing some water and cereal from the shelves quickly before heading back out of the store.
  161. [18:39] * Desert_Eagle reorients himself to the southeast, and starts flying towards Negiles.
  162. [18:40] * Strifer starts trottin around the rest of them as the group moves out, she is twitching and shaking. Galloping back and forth, grinning wide.
  163. [18:41] * Challenger waits for Lolly before following.
  164. [18:41] * Lollygag tosses her mane, "Keep your barding on. This place isn't haunted anyways, another minute won't kill you... Now. We can go."
  165. [18:41] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> The fillies watch Strifer be Strifer and giggle. She was fun to watch.
  166. [18:41] * Challenger facehoofs. "Never say that, Lolly..."
  167. [18:43] * Lollygag shakes a forehoof between steps, "First order of business is survival. I can worry about ghosts better with a full stomach."
  168. [18:44] * Challenger falls in behind her. "That may be, but what if that one minute was one minute closer a dragon could be to eating you?"
  169. [18:44] * Wraith snaps out of her daze and answers Strifer "Yea."
  170. [18:44] <Challenger> "Oh wait. It is."
  171. [18:44] * Cloudy_Breeze notices the group moving, and follows them from the air.
  172. [18:44] * Strifer takes a victory lap around Wraith. "Fucking. AWESOME!" She grins wider and keeps running around like a madmare. Giggling
  173. [18:45] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> The smaller of the two fillies curls up on Challenger's back and starts to snore.
  174. [18:46] * Lollygag looks at Challenger flatly, "You seriously think he wants to eat us?"
  175. [18:46] <Challenger> "I'd rather not find out what he wants to do with us, if it's all the same to you."
  176. [18:47] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> The awake filly shakes her head. "I don't think I want to be eaten... but Ms. Lollipop is right... you do need food."
  177. [18:48] <Challenger> "Fine fine. Just sayin. Minutes could be lifetimes."
  178. [18:48] * Lollygag looks up at the clouds as she trots along.
  179. [18:50] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> The road out of Caldera (it actually is a road) is long and straight for as long as any of you can see. There are a few ruined buildings along the road, but otherwise, it's just miles of cracked, dusty pavement in a thick, surprisingly green forest.
  180. [18:51] <Challenger> "Awful green out here."
  181. [18:51] * Cloudy_Breeze continues flying above the group, watching the ground for anything suspicious
  182. [18:51] * Desert_Eagle keeps an eye out for trouble as well, leading the group along.
  183. [18:52] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> As the ground dwellers pass what seems to be an abandoned gas station, Cloudy_Breeze can spot some movement on the roof.
  184. [18:53] * Cloudy_Breeze swoops down to get a closer look.
  185. [18:53] * Strifer has stopped galloping around. Glaring at the trees. Mumbling. "Whatcha lookin at.."
  186. [18:53] <Challenger> "Strifer..."
  187. [18:54] * Desert_Eagle watches Cloudy_Breeze, unslinging his DMR as the other pegasus swooped past.
  188. [18:54] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> The movement is definitely ponies on the roof, crawling towards the edge. They don't seem to notice Breezy.
  189. [18:54] * Strifer "...what?" She says, looking at Challenger as one of her ears drop
  190. [18:55] <Challenger> "No antagonizing the foliage." Pulls his pistol as he comes to a halt in front of the station.
  191. [18:56] * Desert_Eagle brings his DMR up, waving for the rest of the group below him to stop.
  192. [18:56] * Strifer twitches and keeps staring at the trees. Casting glances over her shoulder.
  193. [18:57] * Desert_Eagle dives down after Cloudy_Breeze. "Whatcha got?" he mutters to her.
  194. [18:58] * Challenger stands so the foals are behind his neck in relation to the station.
  195. [18:59] * Lollygag comes to a stop with the rest of the group, "Something wrong?"
  196. [18:59] <Challenger> "Not sure. Breezy's checkin."
  197. [18:59] * Strifer sits down next to Challenger. Digging through her saddlebags. "Fucking hell cunt arse.. " She mumbles.
  198. [19:00] * Cloudy_Breeze indicates the rooftop to Desert_Eagle. "Movement."
  199. [19:00] * Lollygag stretches and takes the opportunity to look around the area for anything useful.
  200. [19:01] * Desert_Eagle nods, bringing his scope up and zooming in on the indicated rooftop.
  201. [19:01] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> There are clearly four ponies on the roof of the gas station. They don't seem to be carrying weapons or anything, but are slowly crawling towards the edge of the rooftop.
  202. [19:02] * Wraith stops only because everyone else did and she doesn't want to run into somepony again.
  203. [19:02] * Challenger waits for the scouts to report. Kinda feels good, actually. Like he's back in a military unit again.
  204. [19:03] <Desert_Eagle> "Looks like four ponies, don't look t' be armed though."
  205. [19:04] * Strifer has practically turned her saddlebag inside out. "Tincan! Do you have any liquor?!"
  206. [19:04] <Challenger> "No. I'm dry too."
  207. [19:04] <Challenger> "I think."
  208. [19:05] * Strifer mutters "Fucking hell, Im starting to sober up."
  209. [19:06] <Challenger> "Just bare with it for now."
  210. [19:06] * Lollygag smiles just a little, "Oh, if only there were a shopping mart we could check for alcohol... Oh wait, there was."
  211. [19:06] <Wraith> "Baw."
  212. [19:07] * Cloudy_Breeze continues watching the ponies on the roof, trying to analyze their movements and see what they're trying to do.
  213. [19:07] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> The roof ponies are just crawling slowly forward, inch by inch. Hoof over hoof.
  214. [19:07] * Grim (~3286ab66@Pony-66buhr.co.comcast.net) has joined #FruityRumpusAssholeFactory
  215. [19:08] * Strifer groans louder.
  216. [19:09] <Challenger> "Enough. We'll see what this place has once it's cleared by D and Breezy."
  217. [19:10] <Wraith> "Yes Massa, you want me ta clean ya hooves too massa? want me ta prasent muhself fer ya majesty? Shut up."
  218. [19:11] * Challenger debates bucking the mare... Remembers she's the medic. Fuck.
  219. [19:11] * Strifer stuffs her saddlebags again and stands up. "Oooor, we could just fucking go inside and clear the place ourselves?" She points a hoof at the building.
  220. [19:12] <Challenger> "Because we don't kill ponies that don't deserve it."
  221. [19:12] * Cloudy_Breeze waits a few more moments before deciding to act. She whispers to Desert_Eagle, "Be ready!" before she flies down lower, calling out, "Don't move! Make a wrong move and y'all are gonna get shot. The hell are you doin' here?"
  222. [19:13] * Strifer sticks her tounge out at Challenger "Booooring!"
  223. [19:13] * Wraith pulls her cigarettes out and lights one up
  224. [19:14] * Desert_Eagle gets ready.
  225. [19:15] * Strifer sits down again and scratches her neck with a hind leg. "What the fuck is taking them so long anyway?!"
  226. [19:15] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> The roof ponies don't seem to react at all. They continue their slow crawl towards the edge.
  227. [19:18] * Cloudy_Breeze fires the promised shot. She warned them, after all. "Ah said, don't move!"
  228. [19:18] * Lollygag smiles as her scrounging about turns up a healthy batch of blue herbs. She plucks the happily and tucks them into her pack.
  229. [19:19] * Strifer jumps up again, hearing the shot. "ITS TIME TO PLAY!" She starts charging up towards the building. Grinning wide.
  230. [19:19] * Desert_Eagle grunts, lining up one of the roof ponies in his sights and waiting.
  231. [19:19] <Challenger> "Strifer wait!"
  232. [19:20] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> The fillied leap off Challenger's back as they shot goes off. They get low to the ground and start shaking. Cloudy_Breeze's shot passes right through the pony, putting a considerable hole in the concrete roof.
  233. [19:20] * Wraith trots after Strifer
  234. [19:21] * Strifer glances back at Challenger and snarls. "Why the fuck should I do that?!" She keeps galloping towards the building.
  235. [19:22] * Challenger swears to himself. "Kids, stay right there. Don't move an inch." Runs after her. "Strifer!"
  236. [19:23] * Cloudy_Breeze swears under her breath. More ghosts?
  237. [19:28] * Desert_Eagle groans. "Fuckin' awesome." He fires off one round at one of the roof ponies.
  238. [19:29] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> Predictably, Desert_Eagle's bullet goes right through it. Makes you wonder why he wasted a bullet like that.
  239. [19:30] <Desert_Eagle> "As ah thought. This place's just fuckin' wierd.
  240. [19:30] <Desert_Eagle> "*
  241. [19:33] * Strifer gallops up to the door, tearing it open and charging inside. Looking around for anything to attack. "Hellloooo! Lets play!" She giggles and grins.
  242. [19:37] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> As Strifer tears the door from it's hinges, there's a very loud, very ominous *tick*.
  243. [19:38] <Strifer> "... fuck."
  244. [19:39] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> A small, yellow box is there to greet Strifer. After about half a second, the box explodes into a fiery column.
  245. [19:40] <Challenger> "Goddamnit!"
  246. [19:41] <Desert_Eagle> "Shit!"
  247. [19:41] * Cloudy_Breeze joins in the swearing.
  248. [19:42] * Strifer cries out as she is engulfed in the columm of fiery death. Getting blasted out of the door again and rolling a few yards before stopping in a smoking pile. Screaming in pain.
  249. [19:43] * Challenger swears again. "THAT'S why!"
  250. [19:44] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> Almost on cue, pannels flip up from the side of the road and ponies armed to the teeth with scary looking rifles emerge. "Light 'em up!" One commads, opening fire on Challenger, Lollygag, and the fillies.
  251. [19:45] <Desert_Eagle> "SHIIIIIIIIIT!"
  252. [19:45] <Challenger> "FUCK! FALL BACK!"
  253. [19:47] * Wraith cocks an eyebrow
  254. [19:50] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> The hail of bullets get Challenger twice in the side, hit the little filly in the rear hoof, and gives Lollygag a nasty nick inches from an important vein in her neck.
  255. [19:51] * Challenger grunts at the impact, but hears the filly cry out.
  256. [19:53] * Wraith looks around lazily. Oh, they're all dying. What a pity.
  257. [19:53] * Lollygag was in the middle of turning to check on the gunfire and the explosion when the shot tears into her neck. Her mouth opens but nothing comes out but a stragled gasp as she drops to the ground.
  258. [19:56] * Strifer keeps wailing and twitching on the ground.
  259. [19:59] * Wraith lazily unholsters her grenade rifle and fires off two grenades at the ponies in the fox holes
  260. [20:03] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> Wraith's grenade lands in the foxhole before the pony is able to climb out. He cries out in pain as he's struck, but he's still in this fight.
  261. [20:06] * Challenger swears yet again as he gallops back to stand in front of the fillies, firing off two shots as he gets there at the first pony foxhole.
  262. [20:07] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> The pony Challenger strikes looks about as phased as Challenger did himself and keeps his hooves on his rifle.
  263. [20:08] <Challenger> "TAG, ASSHOLE!"
  264. [20:10] * Cloudy_Breeze turns toward the sounds of enemy gunfire, and takes in the scene. She can't get a good angle on the ponies under cover from above, but she can definitely nail the one that climbed out to try to escape the grenade. She fires two shots.
  265. [20:13] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> The pony yelps out again, and in anger lets off a brutal burst of fire at Challenger. He's soon joined by his unharmed comrade.
  266. [20:21] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> The pony smirks and reloads his rifle slowly as both his bursts catch Challenger in the throat. The third pony whistles loudly and lets off a burst at Wraith.
  267. [20:22] * Challenger drops to the ground without a sound, but has enough mind to put his whole body between them and the foals.
  268. [20:27] * Wraith watches Challenger drop with a wry smirk before stumbling back crying out in pain as three rounds rip through her armor
  269. [20:27] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> The pony grins too. His smile is a little unnerving. Wraith takes his burst. With a loud crack, a pair of shots ring out from somewhere deep in the woods.
  270. [20:28] <Desert_Eagle> "FUCK! CHAL!"
  271. [20:31] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> One of the shots wizzes past Desert_Eagle, while the second strikes Cloudy_Breeze clean in the wing. Feathers go everywhere as the round punches a hole right in it.
  272. [20:32] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> The unharmed pony calls out with ire. "You were supposed to hit that one!" He says, pointing at Desert_Eagle.
  273. [20:34] * Cloudy_Breeze cries out in pain, though the wound isn't severe enough to send her plummeting to the ground.
  274. [20:34] * Cloudy_Breeze is probably not flying very steady though.
  275. [20:35] * Desert_Eagle swings his DMR towards the pony that was pointing at him. "Oh yeah? Well ah'll hit yah then!" He fires three shots at him.
  276. [20:37] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> The pony lets out a loud grunt and mutters a few swears. "Oi! Come down here and try that again you piece of shit turkey!"
  277. [20:37] <Desert_Eagle> "Fine! Yah killed muh friend yah bitch!"
  278. [20:38] * Strifer 's epic tail has burned down completely now. She just lies there in a twitching heap.
  279. [20:41] * Lollygag lies there unmoving, her dead eyes staring ahead as the pool of blood around her soaks into the ground.
  280. [20:43] * Wraith aims her rifle and lets off a grenade at the talky mother fucker and then another more quickly snapped off shot at a random foxhole
  281. [20:46] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> The talkative one can't say much more before he's blasted back into the woods. There's a loud chuckle from the other side of the road as a large stallion in heavy armor and with two, very scary looking guns strapped to his sides emerges from the woods, flanked by two other lightly armed ponies.
  282. [20:46] * Desert_Eagle groans. "We're so fucked."
  283. [20:47] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> "And he was supposed to stay alive. From where I stand, it would be best if you surrendered."
  284. [20:50] <Wraith> "From where I stand I don't have a reason to live, jackass."
  285. [20:51] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> The stallion chuckles. "Not my problem, lady. If you've got a death wish, I can help. But, I'd rather not. It costs a lot of money to fire these weapons, and you don't seem like you're worth it."
  286. [20:51] * Cloudy_Breeze doesn't quite recognize the armor specifically, but has seen similar armor before. Begrudgingly, she calls out, "Stand down!" She descends carefully to the ground.
  287. [20:52] <Wraith> "Why the fuck should I listen to any of you?"
  288. [20:52] <Desert_Eagle> "We ain't winnin' this one.
  289. [20:52] <Desert_Eagle> ""*
  290. [20:54] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> The stallion looks to Breezy, then to Wraith. "You ought to listen to the flier, there."
  291. [20:54] * Wraith snorts "They'd probably be glad to be rid of me."
  292. [20:55] * Desert_Eagle descends, racing over to Chal to see if he truly was dead or not.
  293. [20:55] <Wraith> "I've lost my team, the group of ponies i'm forced to travel with only acknowledges my existance when it's convenient for them, why the fuck should I care about what they say, or what some jackass who's overcompensating for a small dick with his guns says?"
  294. [20:56] * Strifer snarls, groaning she pulls herself up slowly. Only to crash down on her face again, twitching.
  295. [20:56] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> The big guy nods to the four remaining ponies, as two unicorn mares slink out of the forest with scoped rifles. "Bag the downed ones. As for you, Ms. Hornhead, I /strongly/ suggest you comply. It's not about the size, it's how you use it."
  296. [20:57] * Wraith snorts and waves her grenade rifle around, staring at the armored stallion "Then I've got you beat a thousand fold."
  297. [20:58] <Desert_Eagle> "Wraith! Get yer fuckin' flank over 'ere!"
  298. [20:59] * Cloudy_Breeze is getting tired of this. She calls out, angrily, "Shut up and stand down! We have wounded to care for! You can off yourself on your /own/ time!"
  299. [20:59] * Lollygag is just lying still
  300. [20:59] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> He clanks a hoof against his armor. "Best of luck, sweetheart. Just come with us, and we'll make sure we don't accidentally hurt any of you." Three armed ponies approach Challenger and Desert_Eagle. "Step away from him. He's ours now." One of the sniper-corns trots over to Lolly and begins binding her hooves.
  301. [21:00] * Wraith smirks "See? Wounded. I'm the only medic. The only time they've ever bothered to acknowledge me is when someones got a boo boo."
  302. [21:02] * Desert_Eagle glares at them. "An' what are yah gonna do with 'im?" He doesn't move.
  303. [21:03] * Kid_Charlemagne|GM snorts and motions his rifle towards the big guy. "Collecting what's ours. Same thing we're going do to all of you. Now stand down."
  304. [21:03] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> Well, the pony does that.
  305. [21:04] <Wraith> "I'm not yours."
  306. [21:04] * Desert_Eagle spits. "Bullshit."
  307. [21:04] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> Two of the ponies point their rifle squarely at Desert_Eagle's face. "Step off."
  308. [21:07] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> rifles* of course, they aren't sharing.
  309. [21:07] * Desert_Eagle swallows. "Been nice knowin' yah Chal. Take care o' yahself." He says, stepping back in defeat.
  310. [21:09] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> The third pony nods and holds a damp rag up to Challenger's face. One of the others begins binding his hooves with twist ties.
  311. [21:12] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> The sniper mare hefts Lollygag onto her back and trots off into the woods.
  312. [21:13] * Wraith spins her grenade rifle around in her telekinesis. pointing the stock at power armor "You I can see as a ranger," she sweeps it around to indicate the others moving around now "They seem more like raiders. Tell me who you are, and what you're planning to do, and I'll consider not going out with a bang."
  313. [21:15] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> The stallion nods. "Very observant there, Sweetheart. But, you're not entirely right. I work for a lovely establishment known as New Bridle, and I'm just earning my keep."
  314. [21:17] <Wraith> "So slavers, then."
  315. [21:17] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> He beams. "We prefer the term... 'Collectors', but yeah. You could call it that."
  316. [21:18] * Strifer 's ears perks up slightly, but she is damaged to do anything else other then curl up further. Damn, she could really use a med-x right now.
  317. [21:19] * Challenger remains out.
  318. [21:20] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> The other sniper mare tosses a wet rag in Strifer's face and begins to tie her up.
  319. [21:21] * Desert_Eagle snorts. "Ah'd rather kill muhself than become a slave."
  320. [21:22] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> The stallion shakes his head. "Don't be like that, you two. It's really not that bad. I got out, and just look at me now!"
  321. [21:23] * Strifer groans as she is tied up, but dosnt resist it, much.
  322. [21:23] <Desert_Eagle> "Yeah, a slave turned slaver. Fuckin' awesome."
  323. [21:23] <Wraith> "Fuck it."
  324. [21:23] * Wraith fires her grenade rifle two last times
  325. [21:24] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> The stallion frowns. "Sorry, pumpkin. Hate to see a face like your splattered on the road." He spools up his miniguns and smirks.
  326. [21:24] * Grim (~3286ab66@Pony-66buhr.co.comcast.net) has left #FruityRumpusAssholeFactory ("")
  327. [21:24] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> He barely flinches at the impact. All rifles in the area are almost immediately pointed at Wraith.
  328. [21:25] * Desert_Eagle ducks.
  329. [21:25] * Wraith smiles and shrugs, tossing her rifle
  330. [21:25] * Cloudy_Breeze grits her teeth. It hurts to see it come to this, but she's had military training. And since the bombs fell, life has been one big war. Sometimes, shit just hits the fan.
  331. [21:25] <Wraith> over her shoulder*
  332. [21:26] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> The stallion raises a brow, but grins around the trigger on his saddle. He bites down hard and lets his ammo belt empty.
  333. [21:31] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> The stallion cackles loudly as his bullets tear Wraith to pieces. She doesn't do much in the way of moving. As his guns spool down, barrels smoking, he sighs. "Died with a smile on her face. Pity."
  334. [21:32] <~Kid_Charlemagne|GM> *** Session 16 Ends ***
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