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Feb 17th, 2013
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  1. Hey-howdy again. e.e
  2. Genesis: hery
  3. Scott Leonhardt: So I just donated (again, lol) and was curious if I could get my items?
  4. Genesis: did you send the email?
  5. okay cool
  6. Scott Leonhardt: Yep!
  7. Genesis: i'll be doing donations later today once I am done
  8. Scott Leonhardt: Blarg. I wanted to sell them, lol. Oh well.
  9. Genesis: whenever i finish what I am working on.
  10. Scott Leonhardt: Any idea when you'll be passing out items? I have a buyer lined up and need to give him a timeframe.
  11. That's a very noncommittal answer to someone who just gave you money they worked for out of what amounts to the goodness of their heart.
  12. Genesis: Whats the transaction id?
  13. 102-4907811-8203464 riht?
  14. okay
  15. Scott Leonhardt: 102-4907811-8203464
  16. Genesis: I can refund it if you want
  17. Scott Leonhardt: No, I simply want my items. It takes, what, a maximum of 60 seconds to get on, spawn the item IDs, and trade them? I was simply pointing out that 'When I feel like it' is NOT the kind of answer you give to someone who's just purchased something from you.
  18. Genesis: When did I say "when I feel like it"?
  19. I told you I would give out donations to everyone once I finish what I am working on.
  20. I cannot login to RO till I do, I am not on a windows machine.
  21. Scott Leonhardt: That's what your answer essentially meant. I simply asked if you had a general timeframe, and you gave the least descriptive reply I've yet to hear.
  22. Genesis: I don't know exactly when I will be booting back into windows to hand out donations.
  23. i do it around 9 PM everyday, but it might be different today. The timeframe is 24 hours.
  24. Scott Leonhardt: I think you need to implement a system similar to the one used for voting, honestly. Manually handing out items is time consuming on your part and irksome to those who've spent their money.
  25. Genesis: I like the method I use now. The API for amazon google and moneybookers is underdeveloped.
  26. Scott Leonhardt: Mn. It's extremely inefficient, either way.
  27. Genesis: As I said, if you prefer I can just refund the purcahse.
  28. Scott Leonhardt: You are extremely disrespectful.
  29. Genesis: I'm sorry if I came off that way.
  30. I've refunded it for you
  31. Scott Leonhardt: Oh look, more fucking disrespect.
  32. Do you not listen, you whinging child?
  33. I said no, I do not want a refund, I want my items. I can even go back into the log and see it, right there.
  34. Genesis: I can't give you the item right this moment, I would have given it to you once I had time. The time frame is 24 hours. I'd rather just refund it than make you wait any longer.
  35. Scott Leonhardt: I never said I wouldn't wait, either.
  36. Genesis: Well, I gave you an answer to your question. You weren't satisfied with you. By arguing with me you are just prolonging it.
  37. Either way, I refunded it you should get your money within 48 hours or so, whenever amazon refunds it. I've done it from my end.
  38. Scott Leonhardt: I wasn't satisfied with the way that you appear to feel you have a right to speak to people whose money you are handling in your flippant way.
  39. Perhaps I should've taken the review on the website and the very, very long forum post about you and this server much more seriously.
  40. Genesis: If you want to you can. Either way, no use arguing about it now. I've refunded your money you should be all set.
  41. Scott Leonhardt: Expect a chargeback, or you can personally close my account and refund the money.
  42. Genesis: sure
  43. what are the emails?
  44. Scott Leonhardt: For /every/ purchase I've made.
  45. I'm sure you have them.
  46. Genesis: Well, I want to make sure I get them all.
  47. I have on record
  48. refunding them now.
  49. All set
  50. Let me know if there is anything else you need me to refund.
  51. Scott Leonhardt: My fucking time.
  52. Genesis: I meant in terms of the purchases, I refunded all the ones under that email
  53. So we should be good now
  54. You can expect it in the next 48 hours or so to be refunded, up to amazon
  55. Scott Leonhardt: Also, as a parting gift; I sincerely hope you mature. Quickly. Handling peoples' money and people in general in this fashion is a good way to end up a lone.
  56. Or in prison.
  57. Or in a hole.
  58. Genesis: Okay, I'll take that into consideration.
  59. Have a nice rest of your day
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