

Dec 10th, 2012
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  1. Session Start: Mon Dec 10 08:03:42 2012
  2. Session Ident: sprung
  3. [08:03] Session Ident: sprung (UnderNet, gmolly) (~rthrhrt@
  4. [08:03] <sprung> you're a fool
  5. 04[08:04] <04gmolly> i'm going to talk to you seriously for a bit because i am sincere in this
  6. 04[08:04] <04gmolly> i want everybody to come and talk freely in ry
  7. 04[08:04] <04gmolly> i wanted you before, i want you now
  8. [08:04] <sprung> i don't hate anyone
  9. 04[08:04] <04gmolly> by 'talk' and 'freely' i do not mean unrestrained relentless personal attacks on other chatters
  10. 04[08:05] <04gmolly> you act like it - demanding some *people* not be allowed to either join or speak their minds freely about issues
  11. [08:05] <sprung> they're not chatting
  12. 04[08:05] <04gmolly> that's not your call - it's MY call - the 'chat' allowed *encouraged* in RY is ideological, political, 'issue' talk - not personal attacking and bickering
  13. [08:05] <sprung> I was freely speaking my mind doing my best to discredit Rei_Murasame
  14. 04[08:05] <04gmolly> the whole purpose of the room is to promote talk among people who seriously and profoundly disagree *on issues and ideas* to talk together
  15. 04[08:06] <04gmolly> no - you entered several times - like this morning with passpatout - STFU - ?? come on - that's NOTHING BUT a clear intention to destroy the room's purpose
  16. [08:06] <sprung> he was flooding
  17. 04[08:06] <04gmolly> you spend a good time the other night just personalizing against others
  18. 04[08:06] <04gmolly> no sprung
  19. [08:07] <sprung> yeah, he was flooding there's no way somebody can type that fast
  20. 04[08:07] <04gmolly> i'm not going to argue - you can talk to zippy and get tons of logs if you like - i cannot and willnot allow incessant personal attacks and diversions from real discussion
  21. [08:07] <sprung> but there is no real discussion
  22. 04[08:07] <04gmolly> you have to keep it impersonal - if you want to be a part of MY ROOM then YOU abide by MY guidelines and suggestions
  23. 04[08:08] <04gmolly> if there is nothing YOU are interested in that's fine
  24. [08:08] <sprung> it's just Rei and Krshna droning on about jews
  25. 04[08:08] <04gmolly> people can talk to their own level
  26. 04[08:08] <04gmolly> and YOU provoke that!
  27. [08:08] <sprung> how do i provoke that
  28. 04[08:08] <04gmolly> you did it on purpose - you keep provoking the WORST kind of chat
  29. 04[08:08] <04gmolly> we're putting a temporary moratorium on jew-chat
  30. 04[08:08] <04gmolly> asking everybody to give it a fucking break!
  31. [08:08] <sprung> i'm not going to apologize for going after nazis
  32. [08:08] <sprung> what do you want from me?
  33. 04[08:09] <04gmolly> if you cannot distinguish between ideas and people - then i'm sorry - you don't understand the whole purpose of the room
  34. 04[08:09] <04gmolly> you won't be able to stay if you insist on attacking *persons* rather than *ideas*
  35. [08:09] <sprung> they personally attack me, you do nothing about it
  36. 04[08:09] <04gmolly> i WANT you to do your BEST!
  37. [08:09] <sprung> it's not all one direction
  38. 04[08:09] <04gmolly> to talk about THINGS not insult people because they disagree with you or you don't even understand them!
  39. 04[08:09] <04gmolly> they hit back
  40. 04[08:10] <04gmolly> they're regulars who have proven they CAN and WILL abide by the guidelines ane are more than capable of sustaining REAL consversations about 'things' and not fighting
  41. 04[08:10] <04gmolly> i want that from you
  42. [08:10] <sprung> sure.
  43. 04[08:10] <04gmolly> my room is NOT a boxing ring - iit's a FORUM for the discussion of ideas - as free as possible - SHORT of personal attacks that are ott and unwarranted
  44. [08:11] <sprung> okay
  45. 04[08:11] <04gmolly> i gave you a 2 hour ban BECAUSE i want to give you AS MUCH CHANCE AS POSSIBLE to fit in
  46. 04[08:11] <04gmolly> to USE this room the right way
  47. 04[08:11] <04gmolly> you CAN do all the fighting and insulting in other rooms you like
  48. 04[08:11] <04gmolly> not in MY room
  49. [08:11] <sprung> okay, see you in half an  hour then
  50. 04[08:12] <04gmolly> sprung
  51. 04[08:12] <04gmolly> i'm sincere - i'm really hoping we can get over this
  52. 04[08:12] <04gmolly> zippy is a regular - we fight all the time
  53. 04[08:12] <04gmolly> but he can do it and it's better my way
  54. 04[08:12] <04gmolly> please
  55. 04[08:12] <04gmolly> and one other thing
  56. [08:12] <sprung> whats that
  57. 04[08:13] <04gmolly> it HAS been a free for all - this is changing - we can't let it go like that - there will be more careful enforcement of the guidelines - there's really only ONE that is the worst - the constant personal attacks
  58. 04[08:13] <04gmolly> so - especially now - take it easy - give US and yourself thebest chance
  59. 04[08:13] <04gmolly> it can't hurt you to have another room to chat in
  60. [08:13] <sprung> okay
  61. 04[08:13] <04gmolly> rooms are different - our is too - it's not perfect - but you can HELP rather than fight us and try to ruin it
  62. 04[08:13] <04gmolly> alright
  63. 04[08:14] <04gmolly> i'm asking for your besst - good faith effort and real discussion
  64. [08:14] <sprung> then you will have it.
  65. 04[08:14] <04gmolly> thank you
  66. Session Close: Mon Dec 10 08:38:19 2012
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