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Feb 23rd, 2012
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  1. Welcome, this is the end of time. What was once a vast and colorful universe, is now but a grain of sand kept alive by man's finest technologies. The particles of the outside world are evenly distributed and don't tend to move around much. In other words, the universe has gone through heat death.
  3. The place you are currently in is simply called the "World". It is a 500 km³ sphere designed to last some 200 billion years before finally succumbing to entropy and withering away like the rest of the cosmos did so very long ago. Its residents, most of whom have been around since the beginning, are not what people from your era would call human. However I can assure you that inside this synthetic shell is an essence, a soul if you will, similar to that which resides within you. We represent the best of the best, the ones chosen to serve as the gatekeepers of this mechanical Eden and ultimately take humanity to its final grave.
  5. Unfortunately our moment of glory, even if undeniably long and eventful, is finally about to come to an end. Although we could continue our existence for another 50 billion years, our consensus was to use our last resources in a attempt to make a final impact on the world, a farewell from a dying race. Of course, being the last living things left means there isn't much we can do here. That is why we decided to gaze backwards in time and summon a person from a bygone era and have him serve as our messenger. We ourselves will gain nothing from this almost divine "fiddling" with the waves of time, but the thought of having made a difference will certainly help us cast away our lives and let this universe finally have the rest it deserves.
  7. We will give you the tools to shape the world as you please, the knowledge and intellect to surpass the greatest minds of your time, and a body that will not age. We are not concerned with what you decide to do with these powers, destruction has as much impact on the world as creation. Even if you should decide to ignore the limitless possibilities posed to you, the fact that you visited this realm will ensure that the course of time will change in some way or another. We are the butterfly that flaps its wings on the other side of the planet.
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