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Aug 20th, 2016
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  1. Deep in the bowels of Saltny the various troll princes and generals argue heavily about what to do for the incoming forces from Niron.
  3. Oglek: Listen we have no way of assaulting these boats unless they beach themselves our sawmill is nowhere close to completion the fact remains the producing a navy is impossible for us at the moment so what do we do.
  5. GeneralB: We could force production of a land based anti ship weapon, my prince to wreck their foolish vessels.
  7. Oglek: A decent plan except we have no ballistic technology whatsoever right now and would not be able to develop it in time for their arrival. NEXT!
  9. GeneralP: We could assault Kedesh we know those whoresons are trading with someone to our east, there is a chance it is Niron. If we can't yet assault Niron directly we could potentially at least hit their pockets and gain a second capital to build our navy from.
  11. Maglin: Hahaha kill an entire nation to maybe just maybe hurt the pockets of our real enemy? Brillian plan Phil. I am sure father would love to hear about how efficient that is.
  13. Oglek: Enough Maglin, if you have nothing to contribute to the talks go back and play farmer with your goblin pals. Does anyone have any further contributions?
  15. GeneralS: We could ask the warhost to strike their ships from the sea using their magics. It isn't a permanent plan but would at least buy us time to build our navy.
  17. Oglek: Hmmm that is probably the best option but would cost us dearly in resources to pay them to do so. They aren't our allies and so can't be counted on to do it for free or in return for a future favor.
  19. Maglin: So we have something that requires tech we don't have, an invasion of a neutral nation to maybe hurt our enemies, and something we don't have the resources to pay for. No wonder you are all here you must truly be the cream of the crop for father.
  21. Oglek: Klesh take Maglin outside, the fool has no need to be here if he can't produce any plans or even sit silently and learn.
  23. Klesh: *grunts* whatever you say big brother.
  24. [Maglin is dragged out of the room by the much larger Klesh]
  25. GeneralP: If we assault kedesh it is possible it will draw the niron ships away from our capital to assist them. We need slaves and more technology anyways. I truly think it is our best plan for the moment. We can finish our sawmills and begin construction of the navy soon after. It has no guarantees of working but is our best shot at the moment.
  27. Oglek:*sighs*Sadly I see no other real options so I agree. Draw up plans Phil you will lead the invasion.
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