
Underwater Adventure Induction

Dec 9th, 2012
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  1. Hello There, I would like you to relax, as we go on an interesting adventure, closing your eyes if you feel like, leaving them open if you wish, whatever make you most comfortable, whatever feels easiest.
  3. This adventure is going to involve you and your five senses, it will envelop your completely, slowly at first. It is inevitable.
  5. As you focus on your ears, the begin to tingle slightly as they are filled with the sound of running water, loud crashing waves that foam at their as they collapse on themselves, A joyful, Powerful noise, a dominant, respectful noise, just like my voice. Strong and Clear, echoing in your mind as if it slowly fades to nothing behind the whine of the seagulls.
  7. You squish you toes, as they are suddenly warm, you feel the soft soft sand, spreading their warmth, A good tingly feeling, throughout your entire body.
  9. You can't help but feel lazy and happy on your vacation, It's a nice break from how you usually feel in the monotony drudge of daily life. But that doesn't matter at all, at the moment. You only care about being as relaxed and calm as you can possibly be. I bet you couldn't help but to doze off for minutes at a time, so easy to forget, lying there in your comfortable, tacky beach chair that your rented from the boardwalk.
  11. But before you can get too comfortable, it might be to late already, so tranquil and slow, A sailor approaches you wanting to take you under water in his submarine.
  13. Of course you accept his offer, when are you ever going to get another chance to go on a real submarine, for free. It's everyone's tub-fairing childhood dream.
  15. He leads you to his boat, the smell of saltwater brine fills your nose, a nice tangy ocean scent. It fills you with anticipation and excitement. It will only be several minutes before you can board the submarine, stationed out several miles from the beach where you once were.
  17. Once you dock with the sub you slowly, carefully, descend down the hatch, making your way to the control room, following the captain, sticking close to his side, the ship is so big, you wouldn't want to get lost now. As you enter the command center you see an elite team, his crew making the complex control panels that extend out as far as your eyes can see, such colorful buttons, but the are nothing compared to the glass view-window, so crystal clear, completely streak-less
  19. The crew looks animated as they proceed about their work, informing you that they will be deploying in several seconds, but you keep you eyes focused on the massive, glorious view, watching the water start to rush up at you.
  23. Five; As you penetrate the inky blue surface of the ocean, you relax, even more than you were in your cozy beach chair, such a nice refreshing, new experience to watch from the control panel of your mind
  26. Four; your breathing and heartbeat slow now, everything beginning to become so pleasantly thick. A even dopier felling washing over you now, relentlessly as you plunge deeper
  29. Three; So relaxed, so slow.
  31. Two; deeper and deeper now, your perception becoming more vivid and animated as your body still continues to slow, primed for whatever adventure awaits you. Completely immersed in the fathomless depths of your own mind.
  33. One; you exhale softly as you become aware of being in a deep, relaxing, blissful trance.
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