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Oct 8th, 2015
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  1. Eating vegetables from the farmer's market is a great idea and a great way to ensure you're not taking in potentially unhealthy additives. I do the same thing myself.
  3. For optimizing body composition (the ratio between fat/muscle/water-weight/organ and bone density, etc) you're right in going after a change in your diet (not that there is something wrong with your diet personally; it's just a vital point in modifying comp.)
  5. One of the best ways to help ensure you're maximizing stimulation of your metabolism and encouraging the trimming of unnecessary weight is focusing largely on the proper intake of the three macro-nutrient categories:
  7. Protein
  8. Carbohydrates (including dietary fiber)
  9. Fats
  11. Protein is a tricky one because, for fitness, it is largely considered the most important while also having one of, if not the highest highest thermic effect, which can be as high as 35%. Meaning with each calorie of protein you take in, you're only getting 80 to 65% of it because the rest of it is being used just to break down the protein so your body can metabolize it. For this reason, I would encourage going after a higher intake of lean, quality protein, spread across every meal of the day if possible.
  13. Here's a small list of just a few foods packed with lean protein:
  15. White egg omelets
  16. Skinless chicken and turkey (white meat; filled with delicious fast twitch muscle fibers)
  17. Salmon
  18. Lean, lower-fat pork
  19. Cottage cheese (Oh God yes)
  20. Beans, nuts, legumes and tofu are also really nice, and they're also high in fiber.
  21. Lean beef
  22. Tuna
  24. Next, we move on to carbohydrates, which fuel and replenish your body both during and after hard workouts and also help alert your cells to use protein intake. Complex carbohydrates take a little longer for your body to break down to simple carbs - I myself like to eat a small plate of pasta mixed with ground flax seed an hour and a half/two hours before working out, because by the time they become simple carbs, I've begun my workout and those simple carbs can be used as energy. Simple carbohydrates post-workout are a great way to ensure you're not exhausted throughout the rest of the day, but also help ensure the reparation stage of the workout runs smoothly and efficiently. Here are some foods I use for carbohydrate intake:
  26. Complex
  27. Pasta (I personally love spaghetti. I could eat it 'til I die and never get bored.)
  28. Most dried fruits
  29. Potatoes (almost any kind, but I prefer white.)
  30. There are many others - so many, in fact, that I would not have time to type out all of them in one sitting. But you get the idea.
  32. After a workout I like to use bananas, half cup of brown rice or a half cup of beans for my simple carbohydrates.
  34. Fiber
  35. Broccoli
  36. Spinach (insert Popeye icon here)
  37. Peppers, especially yellow and red (I put yellow peppers in my white egg omelets)
  38. Cauliflower
  39. Kale
  40. Tomatoes (I also put tomatoes in my white egg omelets)
  41. Most berries, plain oatmeal and, again, beans nuts and legumes.
  43. A quick side note - it's also important to remember both soluble fiber and most fats slow digestion; so I would not recommend eating or drinking anything consistent with fiber or high fat/sugar levels before, during or immediately after a workout. Plan accordingly.
  45. Then we come to Fat (dun dun duuun) which, while the word itself is largely demonized by the fitness industry, is actually very important for proper hormonal balance as well as numerous other essential bodily functions. Don't be afraid of it, but for YOU personally trying to lose weight and consuming as much fat someone trying to gain muscle instead, your rate of progress could be hindered. I would also recommend cutting down on fat intake when trying to emphasize the absorption of certain nutrients, as it can slow down the process until protein gateways have mostly closed.
  47. If you're looking for something scrum-diddily-umptious to chow down on throughout the day, here's a small list of my personal favorites:
  49. Peanut butter sandwich (bananas optional)
  50. Bananas
  51. Tapioca pudding mixed with ground flax seed - gives it an earthy taste that I surprisingly enjoy very much.
  52. Cottage Cheese (be mindful of timing, depending on what time of day you eat it. Unless fat free, which tastes disgusting by the way, the fat inside could potentially slow down digestion. At least if you eat it by the tub like I do.)
  53. Bagels (Cinnamon raisin, buddy. These are also simple carbohydrates, so I usually have one or two after my workouts)
  54. Half cup of brown rice or beans. I personally use beans, because of their absorption of bile as they move through your system; making it easier on liver function by assisting in clinging to all the bad toxins on it's way out.
  56. Deviled or hard boiled eggs
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