DatingCop Uses Fake Profiles To Entice New Users

Dec 15th, 2016
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  1. Uses Fake Profiles To Entice New Users
  2. I’m not going to beat around the bush here. It’s not worth it really. I prefer to get straight to the nitty-gritty and let you know everything you need to know about It’s definitely not going to be pretty at all. When you think of meeting local milfs and you come across this site, you automatically think that it’s legit. It’s likely because of the site name. I’m here to tell you everything that you need to know about this ridiculous dating website.
  3. Many people don’t realize that the internet dating industry is all about the money. I know, it’s a shocker to think that sites don’t want to just help you find sex and love for free. Get your head out of the sand for gosh sakes! There are some sites that take a no holds barred approach to try and scam users. It’s just the nature of the beast really.
  4. The good news for you is that I’m sharing a ton of info that you need to be aware of if you want to successfully get laid. Unfortunately, is nothing but a scam. I’m going to reveal everything that this site does to keep you from wasting your money and getting scammed. The main thing you need to know is that they use fake users to attract paying members.
  6. (Personal) Site Overview
  7. Before I completely destroy this dating site, let me tell you what they offer in terms of features and the associated costs.
  8. I’ll start by stating that the site has a couple of the most common site features that you’ll find on a number of other dating sites. Actually, let me cover costs quickly. The premium membership costs between $8.95 and $29.95 per month depending on the membership that you purchase. It’s a total waste of money regardless how you look at it (in my opinion).
  9. Now back to the features… For example, they have an advanced search function that allows you to search via age, location, username, and other methods. With regards to messaging, you can send messages via their internal messaging system and SMS as well. Similar to Facebook, the site gives you the opportunity to connect with friends and form your own “friends network” so to speak. Now, what’s most important is that none of these features mean jack shit if you can’t actually meet real women on the site. I’ll dive deeper into that and let you know exactly what I mean by that…
  10. Fake Women and Fantasy Cuties
  11. The first thing that I noticed when joining was that they use fake women or fake profiles on the site. The site owners are aware of the legal repercussions of simply putting fake profiles on the site. It’s against the law to do that. However, what they did to cover their ass was disclose this information. They specifically state the use of fake profiles and the communication between site administrators and real paying members. You can tell the difference between the Fantasy Cuties / Fantasy Profiles and those that are real very easily. What they do is label the fake profiles with and “FC” and a yellow star. If you want more information on this, all you need to do is read section for of their terms and conditions. You’ll find everything you need to know right there.
  13. False Images
  14. Now, we know that the profiles that the site creates are fake. It goes without saying that this is the case. However, what you didn’t know is that they might be stealing images and using them to build the Fantasy Cutie profiles. Some of the images that have been used on the profiles have been possibly pulled from amateur porn sites. Think about it for a second. You see a smoking hot girl in a profile and you notice it’s a Fantasy Cutie profile. Nothing is worse than having that be a guy or even some ugly fat girl posing as a cute smoke show. What a complete waste of time and money!
  15. Upgrade Messaging Tactics
  16. Another thing that this site does and it does it quite well is it sends you messages via bots. They flood your inbox with various messages from the Fantasy Cuties. The only problem is that the Fantasy Cuties are not really sending the messages. Instead, they are being sent automatically by an algorithm. Oh, and to make matters much worse, the messages cannot even be read until you upgrade your membership and “Activate A VIP Pass” in order to read them.
  17. No Photos And Plenty Of Messages
  18. Another thing that this company does is they send messages to profiles that aren’t even fully created. What I mean by that is they will send you messages (and plenty of them) even if you don’t have a profile pic or any details filled out on your profile. That’s obviously a crock of shit and something that most definitely cannot be real. No real girl in their right mind is going to message guys with no profile photos. I’m sorry but it’s just not happening!
  19. Company Information
  20. Here’s the most current customer information that I have on file. Should you need to reach out to them for any reason whatsoever, feel free to do so. I’d cancel my subscription if I were paying. That’s all I’m going to say about that!
  21. Addresses: Plymouth Associates Ltd. Heywood House, South Hill Anguilla
  22. Phone: 1-800-564-9432
  24. Conclusion
  25. Anyone that thinks they are going to find someone to have sex with using this site is smoking crack. There’s no way that I can confidently advise joining this site in an attempt to fuck girls. There is just too much ruckus going on here and shady practice for me to confidently endorse this site. In fact, I’d advise against joining any of the sites associated with this company.
  26. Alternative Options
  27. If you’re looking to join a dating site that works, then I suggest you look into joining one of the top dating sites that I use today. Let me know how any of the top sites I recommend work out. In the event that you need more help. Do not hesitate to contact me directly. I’m here to help you and the rest of the readers.
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