

Oct 6th, 2014
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  1. Name: Baudelaire (alias Valentine)
  3. Gender: Male
  5. Race: Diamond Dog
  7. Class: Rogue
  9. Skills:
  10. -Burrowing: Diamond dogs can dig tunnels and holes with ease, setting traps, moving unseen and fleeing in unexpected directions.
  11. -Lucky Dog: Passive; Some dogs just have more days than others. The first roll in combat enjoys a higher chance to be critical. Crit Range -2 for the first roll only.
  12. -Backstab: weapon. recharge 1; strikes the enemy from behind. No counterattack damage except on critfail if used from Stealth. Crits on a 9+. Kills helpless targets.
  13. -Disguise: Pretends to be someone else. Min 6+ allows the user to pass as a generic person (a guard, a noble, a commoner, etc); 8+ allows the user to pass as a specific person; a crit allows the user to mimic different races and/or genders.
  14. -Stealth: become hidden. Enemies cannot attack you until you reveal yourself. An attack used in stealth Autocrits. Can be used at DC8 in combat.
  15. -Escape Artist: automatic, recharge 3; break free of all immobilizing effects (grabs, roots, freeze traps etc.) and also removes helplessness.
  17. Special Talent: Stealth can be used at DC7 in combat
  19. Hits/Wounds: 6/5
  21. Equipment:
  22. -Shortsword
  23. -Small shield
  24. -Crossbow
  25. -Iron bolts
  26. -Black fur coat hiding light plate armor
  27. -Peaked hood and bandanna, usually around the face
  28. -Cloth wraps around his limbs and head
  29. -Wooden trinket in the shape of a heart hanging off a piece of string around his neck
  30. -Jar full of spare glass eyes
  31. -Small lantern
  32. -100 bits
  34. Character Traits:
  35. Baudelaire was a notorious crook and thief in his time, being on the list of Equestria's most wanted. Eventually, he was captured and hung, being buried in an airtight coffin in the middle of nowhere. Revived by an aspiring necromancer in the hopes that he would become his minion, the spell went awry and Baudelaire left him of his own free will. He now travels Equestria under the alias of Valentine, trying to lay low and avoid being discovered.
  36. Visually, he looks like a walking mummified Diamond Dog corpse. He has no eyes anymore for obvious reasons, but usually wears 2 brown glass eyes to compensate. Being a resurrected corpse, he can see quite well through necromantic magic; he wears the eyes to be able to pass as a living being in public. These are the only part of him usually visible, as he conceals his frightening appearance using wrappings and thick clothing.
  37. He sees his untimely resurrection as a gift, and has taken the chance to attempt to come clean. While once he was a selfish, greedy man, he does his best to atone for his past crimes. He refuses to take part in any acts of crime or cruelty, and is a generally altruistic person; however, being a Diamond Dog, he is sorely tempted by precious gems. Even after death, he is more than capable in a fight, although he'd much rather not lose any stray bits and reveal his undead nature. The trinket he wears belonged to an old lover of his, although he refuses to elaborate on what happened to her. He is polite as they come, but prefers to stay out of the spotlight.
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