
A Political Foray (Military Authority)

Sep 21st, 2013
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  1. Greetings Citizens of FourCannon
  3. Some of you know me as the town’s police chief
  5. Others know me as the pasta pone
  7. And those closest, Al Dente
  9. But Today names are irrelevant, as are petty differences, calls for lewd, and drinking in the inn
  11. Today, I come to the citizens of FourCannon with an appeal in the name of our very town’s readied safety, strategic defense, and tactical wellbeing.
  13. In the fall out of recent events, it has come to my attention that old wounds have been opened. Simply stated the current actions and the literal military circumnavigation of the police’s authority and justice system’s credibility, as well as its sentence that was being in the process of carried out has done nothing but invalidate and undermine its any credibility, authority, or power the community feels that it posses to do out duties.
  15. As your town’s police chief, I mean this with no malice, spite, or disrespect but release, draft, and suspension/nullification of the sentence is not just an affront to the justice dispensed. But as well as a slap in the face of the hard work and authority our officers fight to wield each day. I dare not mention the suffering that this shall and has caused Hearth in the old pains this brings back up, as well as Bob who would be turning in his grave at this prospect. I have and always had full responsibility to do my duties for justice and the victims of the crime but I cannot when the entire case from investigation, questioning, sentencing, and then carrying it out was done with nothing but the upmost integrity and with Bob’s and Hearth’s wishes. This simply goes against everything that was worked towards and actually achieved with a somewhat agreeable result, now to simply have it turned over due to someone else’s decision without consultation or any deliberation is just not tolerable.
  17. So with this said, I, Al Dente, would like to announce myself as running candidate for this town’s military seat. Relieving Dusk of his command is the only outcome we aim for not power, not steel, simply to foster and provide this town with a coherent and dutiful force to defend and police itself with.
  19. Clearly Dusk’s rash action to draft more ‘defense’ for the town was at best ill conceived. But the lack of any deliberation, collaboration, or even notice is what demonstrates a fundamental lack of critical thinking skills or even patience on his part. For the great community’s good itself someone who acts this impetuous should not be in a position to be dispensing justice, handling sentences, or in those regards be in command of standing armed forces. I mean no disrespect or malice to my fellow man, my opponent, the man in uniform as well, serves his duties valiantly and is committed to the defense and safety of this town, but this recent event has crossed the line and called it into question, his judgment, nothing about the man himself.
  21. With that said, the competing outlets of militia, military, justice and corrections cannot stand. Divided we fall and the only logical option from here is clear, I shall put forth my plans if elected into this seat and what actions I plan to take from the very get go. As your military seat I promise to bring forth the kind of respect and service to the community that the police have always provided to you. This will take time and won’t happen overnight but with the Initial step in the right direction with my election we can put the carefully formulated action plan into effect.
  24. • A merger between our current police forces and armed as one branch
  25. o Police now become MP’s
  26. o Standing Militia same
  27. o Only minor details and duties change, no drastic overhaul
  28. o Organization, Command, and Leadership will be visible effects
  29. • Create standardization of gear, uniform, conduct, and general procedures
  30. • Instate community involvement with ‘CSO’s’ or Community Safety Officers
  31. o Would be unpaid, unequipped resource
  32. o Eyes and ears everywhere
  33. o Community participation and actively engaged
  34. • Sentencing guidelines, max/min sentences
  35. • Creating contingency plans
  38. Those currently serving under the police force or militia will see no change in the current day to day operations, but slowly will see gradual changes slowly be phased into effect.
  39. I personally would like to call for Dusk to step down from his seat as we all can look at this as the humble public servants we truly are, goals set in the hearts, minds, and vested interests of the town and its citizens. But I understand any reluctance to do so, so to you as the citizens of FourCannon.
  40. I ask your support in my wishes to take the lead in revamping our current authorative and armed branches, taking them from differing perspectives and uncoordinated efforts in different directions. Into one of formalized standardization, one of collaboration between competent and ‘hopefully’ trained individuals.
  43. Cool, Calm, Deliberate, Decisive.
  45. That’s how our tactical direction opts from this point on.
  47. Sincerely
  48. Your Police Chief
  49. Al Dente
  51. [spoiler] Unlisted is the creation of a ‘Strategic Defense’ subcommittee, an ‘Intelligence’ bureau, and a division of ‘Tactical’ operations. More details at a later time, but this info will be declassified at a later point in time when seemed fitting or pressed.
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