
Vital buys a doll

Jun 16th, 2015
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  1. You are now the amazing, healing, multiple cell, living liquid organism known as Vital Syrup . And you are REALLY bored, Anon has been moving about sooo much you've lost like, a ton of liquid and you are tired and hot and have you said you are really really bored? Anon's just buying a bunch of stuff that he always eats, you don't get it, why does Anon not just drink water like you? Its easier and you don't have to walk forever to get it...The apples are nice and juicy though... hey whats that over there?
  3. It turns out that there is a new pony with things you swap the shiny things for..which you don't really get why cant you just have them? Why do they want these coins anyway, you cant really play with them and they don't make you feel good when you eat them.
  4. As you near the new pony you notice that a lot of the things he has are really colorful and pretty and look so cool, they are so cool in fact , that you don't realize that he recoils at the sight of you or has a look of absolute terror/disgust. You do notice however when a hand sinks into your head. You like this, Anons hand is so warm and ...comforting to you that you cant help but lose your shape a little bit.
  5. “so here you are, you almost had me worried sick!”
  6. you cant help but lay your ears down, you don't want to make Anon sick, he's too nice for that!
  7. When you look up again you see Anon looking at the pony with an odd face before he gets a really big smile. Oh! Anon said to smile and be polite to pony's you meet so you smile too!
  9. Back in green you are now a mildly annoyed Anon making sure that your grin is just big enough to show of as many of your teeth as possible to the little pony that was just looking at your Vital like she was some monster that had just eaten a foal in front of him.
  10. “so then Vital, see any thing you like?”
  11. you make sure to get the point across that vital is just like any other foal as she gleefully looks over the many toys this particular merchant has. Now that vital is no longer focused on you, your eye's shift to the merchant and lock on to his, unnerving him and instilling as much fear as you can muster while keeping a neutral face. He tries to force some courage, but under your gaze he slowly loses his posture and finally, a single bead of sweat rolls down his face. At his sign of weakness the corner of your mouth widens slightly showing the tiniest slither of teeth, you prepare to lay on some more terror when a slimy hoof pulls at your trouser leg tearing you away from your mental slaughter.
  13. Miss amazing again and you have found this tiny earth pony that is all dressed up to be the cutest thing you have ever seen. And you want it, so you are now staring up at Anon who is smiling down at you after you grabbed his attention. You point a hoof at the little pony, a stray droplet dripping to the floor lands near the cloth with the little pony's on it and once more focused at them you miss the darting eye's of the pony between the droplet, his stuff, you and then Anon.
  15. “wow now that is a really cute doll there, nice taste there Vital.” huh so it's called a doll “well then lets find out how much this nice pony will sell it to us then eh?” anon says as he rises, towering over everything and crossing his arms.
  17. It take's a moment for the pony to realize he has to say something before he suddenly jumps like Anon when he stood on a rock once
  18. “oh yes! Well er, young miss, you really do have a good eye there hmmm hmmm hoof made by errr I mean for such a um cute ah filly and your erm father? Ah sorry im rambling sorry fi*crack*ya-three! Three bits just for you!”
  19. “well thank you kind sir! Well now, Vital? Can you give this nice stallion here three of your bits?”
  20. That's it! Bits! the shiny circles are called bits! Looking down at your right hoof several bits float, Anon called it pocket money for being such a good girl although you don't really know what a pocket is still. Scrunching up your muzzle in concentration, you will the slime surrounding the bits to push three (Anon taught you how to count up to 10 last week!) bits out with a soft slurp they clatter to the ground and you grab the doll which slowly sinks into your hoof and takes the remaining space.
  22. You return home happy with Anon and enjoy an apple when you get was a good kinda want some more dolls now though...
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