
Story Bullshit

May 17th, 2014
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  3. Vigilance: >Transhumanism becomes a reality
  4. Vigilance: >Thousands of years from now, the aristolean idealic man-machine VIGILANCE meets a strange insectoid creature deep in the crust of a paradisal pleasure world. The creature is being fed and fed into innumerable tubes by innumerable ports of access. Its eyes, hundreds of them, glazed and delighted, his wretched and beautiful wife-daughterss scurrying along the walls and ceilings by the dozens. The floor is a thick ooze, which the demigod floats above witih grim and solid expression
  5. Vigilance: >"Hello Khazard. Its been too long"
  6. Vigilance: >"Oh hey Vigil. Hows it going?"
  7. Vigilance: "I figured out a way to combine poetry, mythology and science into a coherant study
  8. Vigilance: of the fundamental nature of reality"
  9. Vigilance: >"Oh cool. Hey did you know dicks can be multipronged? I figured out how to combine that with fractal physics man"
  10. Vigilance: >"It'd blow your fucking mind"
  11. Vigilance: "I doubt that. I have a very, very large mind nowadays"
  12. Vigilance: >Absolutely disgusting, and yet, profound
  13. Vigilance: >You're some insectoid cyborg entity, a vaguely Reaper-esque biomechanical construct
  14. Vigilance: >I still look fundamentally human, but with all the propotions idealized
  15. Vigilance: >Khazard is an immense immortal insectoid lobster living in the bottom of the sea, surrounded by a society of thousands of aquatic women of numerous species and rare variety. Each one a masterpiece created by the Sea-God's ever more deranged imagiation. Daughter, wife, and painting
  16. Vigilance: >"In the past I would write stories. I still do. But now flesh is my pastebin, and consciousness my writing utensil"
  17. Khazard: if i had the powers, i probably would do that too
  18. Vigilance: "This is how you spend your time? Endless ages, and you create fetish objects?"
  19. Vigilance: >"Well sure. How do you spend your time?"
  20. Vigilance: "I create and people planets. I spread wisdom across the universe. I find little pockets of minds and introduce them to the cosmos at large. In short I am the closest thing to God to exist in this universe."
  21. Vigilance: >"Pff. Lame"
  22. Khazard: so in essence we do the same exact thing, only we focus on different heads
  23. Vigilance: No. Not at all. Also lets take a moment to consider that the above is EXACTLY how you would respond to my statement
  24. Vigilance: And not only that, but you would do so purely because even after a thousand years of mental evolution, you would know EXACTLY how I would react to that statement
  25. Vigilance: And you would laugh, knowing that even demigods are irritable
  26. Khazard: no matter what the powers, no matter how the universe shifts and morphs, we'll always be constants
  29. Vigilance: >A wide thundering *crack* appears across the Cosmic Universal Shell seperating this space-time bubble from its neighbors
  30. Vigilance: >Strange four-dimensional entities begin drifting into t the universe, destroying everything they touch
  31. Vigilance: >Messengers fly along like winds, bringing news to my court in the center of the universe, a single planet an AU in diameter. A testament to my endless vanity and hubris
  32. Vigilance: "But the universe has no center!"
  33. Vigilance: >"I know. I created one by manipulating the universal constants. Now the universe has both a center and an edge"
  34. Vigilance: "But.....why? Why go through all that effort?"
  35. Vigilance: >"Because I wanted my capital to be in the universe's center, and gods do not let things like physics get in their way"
  36. Vigilance: I was imagining myself walking through the imagined capital, trailed by you, presumably carried by some immense tank or trail of followers and [damn this is just begging for short stories]
  37. Vigilance: >"The entire city is a massive system of interlocking grids, perfectly mathematical in direction and form. The center of gravity and transit and culture is my throne. The center of the center of the universe. The mathematical point from which all reality spreads out"
  38. Vigilance: >"Due to my manipulations of the time-lines, it is also the exact point from which the big bang originated 14 billion years ago."
  39. Vigilance: >"So the beginning and culimtiation of the universe has become the seat of my government"
  40. Vigilance: "Pretty impressive. A golden statue to your ego would have been cheaper"
  41. Vigilance: >"I have those too. In the thousands"
  42. Vigilance: >"You don't seem to comprehend just how vastly i have fundamentally altered things while you were away. My ambition has known no limit. Tribute to me in the form of the heads of tyrants and fallen governments arrives daily"
  43. Vigilance: "But why the stained glass? The winged serivtors? The throne? Is all this symbolism really necessary? This whole place is like Evangelion in here."
  44. Vigilance: >"Still haven't watched that you know"
  45. Vigilance: "You should"
  46. Vigilance: >"Now I have. Its mediocre"
  47. Vigilance: "You wha?"
  48. Vigilance: >"I told you. My mind is very large. Do not think you could ever capture my full attention anymore"
  49. Vigilance: "Its beginning to freak me out. Isn't this a bit of an abuse of technology? I mean you've always been a bit self-important. But this is like you're reordering the whole universe. Like some form of god-complex"
  50. Vigilance: >"It is only a complex if it isn't true my friend. I have become the lord of the universe. My will is the will that has pierced through the heavens and decided Tomorrow"
  53. Vigilance: This isn't entirely coming out of nowhere. I'd debated a story idea similiar to this for awhile now. Its altered in theme, and genre, and ideal forever, but the basic concept is the same. A even more narcistic version of myself obtains a great cosmic power and begins using it to conquer and unify the cosmos. The themes explored would be the reactions of my friends and enemies to this, and an in-story/out of story question of whether the new me and order is justice, or tyranny
  54. Vigilance: And of course it hasn't always been "Me". Usually its an original character, a Blonic inspired by myself. A kind of author avatar, only with certain personality traits exaggerated all out of proportion
  55. Khazard: idk, i liekd he earlier idea with you being some full on, whtever you explain and i becoming some old god style on the same level
  56. Khazard: you just explained*
  57. Vigilance: Well most versions of the story I've thought up involved some form of conflict. It always started with multiple entities of similiar power
  58. Khazard: i like the idea of me being an old god, but ratherthan directly conflict you, i'd keep up with that concern you had in that little short part you had, but mainly jsut keep doing whatever, and also being like the one of very few things you can't control, just messing with you whenever possible
  59. Khazard: like how i do currently
  60. Khazard: heh
  63. Vigilance: >A massive tendril of KH-AZ-ARD stretches over the surface of Azxe-72, a medium sized red star, slowly drawing the energy into itself, deriving nutrition for itself and its thousand-fold offspring and creations. Its thoughts lull in and out of focus as it dreams complex interrelations, a fraction of its infernal consciuosness always doting on this and that of its beloved children-lovers-friends.
  64. Vigilance: >A solitary figure, six foot and nude appears on the surface, taking infinitely small steps over the sun, looking up at this avatar of the cosmic entity, briefly capturing a corner of is holy ambivalence
  65. Vigilance: >"Why are you here Vigilance? I have told you before I don't like you or your agents in my space. Least not without calling first. Seriously, this whole sector's a mess"
  66. Vigilance: "Stop being coy. A starship of mine has disappeared in this area. Does the name Cathedral of Prudence ring a bell?"
  67. Vigilance: >"Hmmm" the entity ponders, resting more of its infinite body into realspace, rubbing an inconceivably massive tendril over its chin-analogue"
  68. Vigilance: >"I cannot say that I have. Are you sure it was here?"
  69. Vigilance: "I am sure of everything I know, Khazard. You know this."
  70. Vigilance: >"I know"
  71. Vigilance: [I'm out of content for this one short]
  74. Vigilance: A small entity, hardly 10 meters tall, stands on the surface of Ardent, homeworld of the reptilian Kzen. A race of conquerers who idealize emotion, passion, and its expression. Its six wings spread over the city, casting shadow as it blocks the midmorning suns. Surrounding it are a million of its like, pouring into the atmosphere like gnats on a summer day. The conquerers are caught unaware. No ship had appeared overhead. No warning had been issued. No diplomacy had been attempted. Just, without warning, without delay, without cause for alarm, the sky tore open with a great and mighty crash, the heavens stood ajar, and They appeared, brilliant and innumerable. The people of Ardent hid in their homes, fleeing from the wrath their leaders had foolishly incurred by their wars of conquest, their delight in bloodshed. A large entity appears in the sky, his mile long ethereal appendages blocking out the horizon completely. In his right hand was a great scroll, bearing only a single word, in thousand foot letters. DOOM.
  75. Vigilance: In the still silence, an agent of the great old One watches from an alleyway. The half-insect looks on with confusion, his one eye blinking in the low light
  76. Vigilance: "Th....this is bad. I....I should tell brother."
  77. Vigilance: The entity appears disappears in a flash, reappearing in a bright gas giant. Flying through the air with gleeful abandon in an arcane craft, is a swift-flying ace.
  78. Vigilance: >"! Its an emergency! He's on Ardent, you have to come quick!"
  79. Vigilance: "Slow down. Whats going on? Whose on Ardent?"
  80. Vigilance: >"H...He is. least HIs agents are....please come quick, we have to go!"
  81. Vigilance: A grim and hopeless expression appears over the winged aces' face as he contemplates the alternatives, and the infintiely vast infraspacial distance between their location and the great old one and his aid.
  82. Vigilance: "Ok. We 'port in five."
  83. Vigilance: Meanwhile, the great city of the Kzen is in flames, its populace held in the air in a strange parody of rapture, to be taken away for mind-scans and ruthless execution. The perfect and harmless justice of the Lord of the Universe. The mile tall Angel holds his massive gavel in one hand, his scroll of judgement in the other as his agents burn the planet. Every building every monument every relic and artifact. Those deemed innocent will be absorbed into the Worlds of the inner cosmos. They will never step foot in this place again. They will be scattered. The Kzen will survive this day
  84. Vigilance: Their culture will not
  85. Vigilance: With a flash the Brothers appear on the scene of the burst capital of Ardent, its great towers nothing but rubble, its libraries absorbed and then turned to ash. Nothing remains. A million orbs of light float in the sky, the Hosts of Heaven, and their captured prey. The great Cherub stands triumphant, his spirit-body blotting out sun and clouds alive, casting the city into darkness as the planet is consumed by his agents, who appear in greater and greater numbers, cracking open the sky as they go
  86. Vigilance: "Charon!" the older brother begins, turning to the massive Archangel.
  87. Vigilance: "Stop!"
  88. Vigilance: The god-like Champion turns his head, pivoting his neck, drawing necklaces and fire and large gilds of silk clothing along with his subtlest movement to look down at the appearing Brothers
  89. Vigilance: "Why?" The Angel inquires, his face grim and sad
  90. Vigilance: >"You can't do this to an entire culture! This is these peoples home! Their whole world! Their lives!"
  91. Vigilance: "They will live. At least. Those of them deemed innocent in the eyes of everlasting Justice"
  92. Vigilance: >"But what kind of life? You're taking away their hope! Their identity! Their dreams!"
  93. Vigilance: "They will hope and dream again. The Lord of All wills nothing but pure compassion."
  94. Vigilance: >"Bullshit!"
  95. Vigilance: >"We both know that assclown is just shifting the universe around to make it prettier to him! The egoist has said it himself!"
  96. Vigilance: >"He's playing God with the universe like its his fucking lego-set!"
  97. Vigilance: At this the Head-Angel looks visibly shaken for a moment, before turning again to the brothers beneath him, his long golden hair flowing in front of his eyes, oceans of blue plasma. To the knowledgeable, they would are obviously mechanistic. The whole Being a synthetic energy-creature. An illusion in the sky, fleshed in packets of stardust
  98. Vigilance: "It is a fact. Sad but true, that there is no God in this universe. No dreams. No hope. Even Goodness itself is more ideal than reality. He has changed this. He has santified technology and made it Magic. He has given flesh to Morals. Virtues serve him and descend from Him. He has made the universe tolerable. His justice, IS justice."
  99. Vigilance: >"B....but" begins the younger
  100. Vigilance: "SILENCE"
  101. Vigilance: "Leave this place, my Friends. Or be consumed with the rest of this mote of dust on the feet of He who has set the stars in a new motion"
  102. Vigilance: [End Scene]
  105. Vigilance: The tiny creature drapes herself helplessly by her tail, her long abdomen and short chest giving her considerable difficulty as she dangles from a tendril, her short dress falling over and nearly falling into her face. Not paying her anymind, an Avatar of the Great Old One, KHAZARD, sits on a pad of soaked ground, the wet mud filling the narrow edifices between the plates of chitlin that covered his body, sending shockwaves through his hyperattuned nervous system. Turning to the door, his young offspring-art still playing blissfully on the Lord-Wyrm's body, the Old One sees the two brothers enter, the elder downcast and the younger teary-eyed
  106. Vigilance: "Ardent is no more"
  107. Vigilance: >"I know. I sensed it through your eyes as it disappeared from space. Not a soul was slain"
  108. Vigilance: "But the entire planet! Its gone! He just, deconstructed it! Hordes of those unholy machines of his, just taking it away bit by bit to gods knows where!"
  109. Vigilance: >"He is taking those specific parts to a storage center in a non-localized black hole where they will later be used indescrimatly to forge dyson spheres in new areas of settlement. The iron core especially."
  110. Vigilance: "Thats........he's using those people's planet to harvest electricity? Thats sick!"
  111. Vigilance: >"Don't be too hasty to judge Comet. He's only doing what he thinks is right."
  112. Vigilance: "But what about what IS right? What about what the Kzen wanted? This isn't fair, and you know it!"
  113. Vigilance: "He's just going to keep taking planets and people away until there isn't anywhere left to run. How long can you keep hiding?"
  114. Vigilance: >"I'm not hiding. He knows what I am and who I am, and he's ok with that. If you stay with me, in my space. You are safe. We're all safe"
  115. Vigilance: "For how long? Each day he gets bolder, each year he takes in another arm of another galaxy. Its only a matter of time before he comes after you and all of us"
  116. Vigilance: >"He wouldn't do that."
  117. Vigilance: "Oh and how can you be so sure?"
  118. Vigilance: >"Because Comet, my son. I know him. And for all his pretense and religious iconography and self-importance, he is still my friend. And I would sooner believe that the stars I own are going out, then believe he is taking them."
  119. Vigilance: At this the blood of the ace cools
  120. Vigilance: [End scene]
  123. Vigilance: Anyone acting out of character is doing so because of time
  124. Vigilance: Fucking time maan
  125. Khazard: i love it
  126. Khazard: also, that's totally how i'd act
  127. Vigilance: >I think I'm acting too old and fatherly for Khaz
  128. Vigilance: >He likes it anyway
  129. Khazard: hey it fits my ideals, if i had people to look after i'd want them to be safe, and i'd put my beliefs in friendship even if they are acting like a dick
  130. Khazard: plus you also got comet down pretty well too
  131. Vigilance: Ok that I thought I was getting COMPLETELY wrong
  132. Vigilance: So what gives?
  133. Khazard: ?
  134. Khazard: what did you think was wrong?
  135. Vigilance: Mostly the "how he talks".
  136. Vigilance: I don't think Comet talks like that
  137. Khazard: well he doesn't, but thats hw im expecting him ot go, what with how the wh spyglass/roakrx situation went
  138. Vigilance: Ah. So I did Future Rokarx right [are you saving these?]
  139. Khazard: comet*
  140. Vigilance: Thx
  141. Khazard: i am
  142. Vigilance: Link me
  143. Khazard: oh, im just putting them in a note pad
  144. Vigilance: I want a pastebin.
  145. Vigilance: Make a pastebin, I'll copy it, then delete it
  146. Khazard: want thi whole conversation in a pastebin, or jsut the stories?
  147. Vigilance: Just the stories
  148. Khazard: want it all in one pastebin, or seperated into a seperate one for each
  149. Khazard: ?
  150. Vigilance: One large pastebin
  151. Vigilance: These are less "Stories" and more "Ideas"
  152. Khazard: k, give me a sec to cut the stories out from the words
  153. Vigilance: No coherant plot or univese [yet]
  156. Vigilance: The skeleton knight stands coldly on the grounds of the moon-city Axterox, the ground littered with the scatted machinery of the angelic hosts. The people are long since vanished, either taken or fled. A few dozen low class angels fly in, twirling in a war pattern. A mere raid. Leaping between the giant thirty-foot constructs, he effortlessly hacks them to pieces with his sword, throwing himself through them as they disintegrate, his blade's magic deactivating their regeneration. He lands a few feet from the last of them, at the edge of a street bordering an intersection. Overturned vehicles litter the place
  157. Vigilance: "An admirable performance. However it is a shame that I was happening by when I did. Had I been a mere hundred lightyears further away, I wouldn't have heard you."
  158. Vigilance: Turning his skull to meet the new voice, his eyeless eyes fall alight on a face that throws fear through his whole body. The whole universe seems to unravel in Ebon's mind as shaking, unholy panic enters his consciousness. Standing before him, on a nearby rooftop, in elaborate steel plate, red-caping falling neatly around his shoulders, is He who calls himself The Power That Is.
  159. Vigilance: "Would you like to tell me why you destroyed my messengers?"
  160. Vigilance: The words fail, his voice sticks in his throatless throat. A million years seclusion met with sunlight. An aeon stuck under a boulder on some forgotten world. The first rays of life after endless nothing. Nothing compared to the sheer intolerable panic of the false God's countenance
  161. Vigilance:
  162. Vigilance: Ambience
  163. Vigilance: "Well? Are you going to speak, or shall I just assume you're incapable of Reason?"
  164. Vigilance: Gathering his resolve beyond his resolve, the skeleton turns to the face before him on the nearby roof
  165. Vigilance: "Th..they were harming the innocent! My honor demanded I step in and stop them!"
  166. Vigilance: >That should have been >
  167. Vigilance: "Your honor? Does your honor tell you to protect the guilty? Or only the innocent?"
  168. Vigilance: >"Th....the innocent. What is it to you? Chief of Murderers, you slay men by the googleplex! I don't have to justify myself to you."
  169. Vigilance: "On the contrary. I am the only being you DO have to justify yourself to."
  170. Vigilance: "Those slain here were guilty. Murderers. Rapists. Scum that does not deserve life. My scans are perfect. I have quantified Evil. Subjectivity has been Objectified"
  171. Vigilance: >"Tha...thats enough of you! In the name of the countless stars you've extinguished, the worlds you've cut down, I will vanquish you!"
  172. Vigilance: The knight says readying his sword at the Being. The being's face remains calm and dispassionate as it leaps from the building. Not a single hair moves out of place. Not the slightest leaf on his laurel shifts an angstrom.
  173. Vigilance: In a fraction of an second, the knight has cleared the distance to the Almighty, and swung his blade, making a direct connection with the Entity's right hand. A flawless and sublime block, effortlessly executed. The entity keeps his dispassionate expression.
  174. Vigilance: "If you'll forgive my melodramatic and cliche response. Is that truly the best you are capable of?"
  175. Vigilance: The skeleton bounces back, readying his longsword without a pause and throws himself again at the Entity, only to find he has vanished completely, appearing again a foot further back. Moving forward, he unleashes a flurry of swings, each time striking only thin air, after-images that stay in place for a moment before vanishing.
  176. Vigilance: >"How? But I..."
  177. Vigilance: "Real honor is power itself. It strengthens your will and your morals and your whole being. Come. I will show you my honor."
  178. Vigilance: Disappearing, the entity vanishes into thin air, appearing again a foot above Ebon, floating in the air in front of him.
  179. Vigilance: "Blood and thunder" the god mocks, kicking the skeleton with a tap, sending him flying through buildings and carreening through vehicles till at least he comes to a stop, his body and armor full of concrete and rubble, in a parking garage. Flying vehicles, abandoned in the City's rapture remain untouched, some unlocked
  180. Vigilance: Rising to his feet, the skeleton leans on his sword as the Entity appears again at the entrance of the hole through which he was struck into this place. The cool night air rushing in from outside.
  181. Vigilance: >"'ll'll never succeed. There are others.....others like of honor who won't bend their knees to a Tyrant like you!"
  182. Vigilance: "Good. Then they will bend their knees to a god. I have grown tired of our short game."
  183. Vigilance: With a slow movement of the wrist, he raises a finger at the skeleton, pointing a finger at him
  184. Vigilance: "Non Esse"
  185. Vigilance: And the skeleton was gone.
  186. Vigilance: [End of Scene]
  187. Khazard: hmm, good, but with the beginnin dialogue, Ebon wouldn't be so, shaken. I mean he is an undead knight who's seen some shit
  188. Vigilance: I was imagining details I didn't write. I was imagining Ebon as a knight who had been wandering space for a while now, fighting and seeing agents of Vigilance and hearing of his deeds. So this was basically Ebon vs the Big Bad. Basically he was invaded by the best player and knew it
  189. Khazard: hmm, yea. but he also, being crazy old and having lost everything, doesn't really care about the strength of the enemies he goes agaist, or even if he knows its a suicide mission
  190. Vigilance: Well then I miswrote him
  191. Vigilance: >Humph
  192. Khazard: just the early dialogue, an easy fix
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