
Roleplay #2 - Kiddie Playtime

Sep 10th, 2017
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  2. January 23, 2017
  3. [2:05 PM] Eri: [Kidtime Starts]
  4. [2:06 PM] Eri: The area between downtown Neon City and Central Neon, or 'Midtown' as folks called it, was always a popular spot for a group of friends to just mosey about and waste a Saturday in its many storefronts and public services. The sun was high and hot on this particular Saturday, and the sidewalk was almost sizzling in the sun's rays. Walking down the street, the Kidvengers struggled to make their way to a new ice-cream parlor that had only opened a month prior, all loaded up with change and dollars from parents, friends or 'generous stranger's wallets'. The group chattered loudly amongst themselves, children having a good time on a good day. The tallest of the group, Juniper, stuck out like a sore thumb on fire with her fiery hair and alien features, but smiled down all the same as the group shared a laugh. They were coming up to one of the many scrapyards of Neon City, the gate of which swung in the light breeze. June always wondered what goes on in places like that when there wasn't just trash being recycled and cars being crushed. She looked back down at the other kids, her friends, and smiled.
  6. "I want to get a triple scoop of cookies and creme when we get there. I haven't had ice-cream in ages."
  8. The clattering and sound of rummaging from the scrapyard drew her eye back however, and made her wonder if there was another adventure around the corner. The noises didn't sound like typical junkyard fare. Juniper swore she heard an animal. Maybe a cute raccoon?
  9. The Haze pinned a message to this channel. See all the pins.01/23/2017
  10. [2:15 PM] The Haze: The source of the noise was Homebrew, better known as Gou, he had lived in Neon City for the majority of his life but he had gone without personally meeting anybody else with odd 'abilities' for what has been quite a few years. He dug through the scrap, hoping to find something that would allow him to start work on his greatest invention, something that would allow him to become a superhero. He wasn't any closer to finding the last few parts he 'needed', muttering about how he hated having to dig through junk for hours just to find the ONE thing that he had deemed most important for his little project.
  12. "No... can't use this, it doesn't look cool enough..." He tossed the piece of scrap he was holding in his hands, a resounding 'CLANG!' noise resonating all around. He didn't even consider the possibility that he might be intruding on someone or something else's property, he was too busy digging through all this trash trying to find the perfect thing.
  13. [3:26 PM] Wishing very little Well: Dragomir walked along with his group of friends pridefully trying to hold back his smile in anticipation of trying ice cream with them when he also picked up on peculiar sounds coming from the nearby junkyard. His half smile became his usual stern expression as his eagerness to find trouble took over. It could have been anything but he hoped it was something he could fight.
  14. [4:50 PM] Eri: Juniper swung her eyes over to give a look Dragomir a look of slight confusion. The scrapyard wasn't exactly a place to go play ball, and there was ice-cream awaiting them. It couldn't hurt to check though, right? She waved him over as the others continued down the sidewalk toward the ice-cream parlor, where a long line surely awaited them, and pressed her back up against the wall bordering the gate to the scrapyard.
  16. She have Dragomir a cautious raise of the eyebrows before she peeked around the corner and found the boy sifting through scrap as if he were homeless. Seeing no danger, she reached a hand out and waved from behind the wall.
  18. "Hello there! Uhm, did you lose something in the trash? You might get hurt if you aren't careful! Would you like some help?"
  19. [4:56 PM] The Haze: Gou looked up from the pile he was digging in to see who it was that had just spoke to him. He had already started pulling more objects out of the pile just before June had spoken to him, taking his focus off of the thing that he was looking for. He laughed to himself when he saw her, he really did look like an idiot just digging through this trash, didn't he?
  21. "Oh... hey! I'm fine, I'm just looking for a part here. I'll probably be done soon, wanna help?"
  23. He turned back to the pile, sifting through it to pull out the one object that he needed. He wasn't even entirely certain about what it was exactly, but he did know that he would know exactly what it was once he actually found it. He continued his search while he waited for her, tossing anything that wasn't perfect to the side to sort of speed up the process.(edited)
  24. January 24, 2017
  25. [1:27 PM] Wishing very little Well: Drago looked at June questioningly, "Help sift through garbage?" He raised his eyebrow condescendingly at Gou and looked around the area hoping for something else besides him causing commotion as he had little intention of playing in trash.
  26. [2:03 PM] Eri: Juniper looked back to Drago as he shot her his cautious questioning gaze and smiled at him encouragingly. She waved at him to follow as she rounded the corner and passed through the gate threshold, approaching Gou with her hands behind her back. Her ponytail knocked at her calves as she approached, alien eyes scanning the piles of trash for some form of treasure.
  27. [2:03 PM] Eri: "I don't see why we can't offer a helping hand!" She did just that, holding her hand out to the boy's turned back, "My name's Juniper! What are you looking for?"
  28. [2:12 PM] The Haze: Gou pulled himself up off of the ground, turning around to face Juniper directly... after realizing that she was directly behind him, of course. He laughed, rubbing the back of his neck before extending his own hand. He had never seen her before, but he was just genuinely happy to see a friendly face, eagerly awaiting her response.
  30. "Hi Juniper, I'm Gou and I'm looking for.... some wires, a hanger, and one of those things that move back and forth... what do you call them? ... A piston, I think?" He tossed a few pieces out of the way, still trying to find something that would even come close to fitting the descriptions of the things he had mentioned.
  31. [2:21 PM] Wishing very little Well: Drago reluctantly followed behind Juniper pretending to be absorbed in his investigation, not wanting to be left out. After the two had greeted each other he silently debated whether to also introduce himself. Even if Gou had already went back to his scavenging, he decided to make himself known. "I am Dragomir. I will also look through garbage. But only to affirm suspicions of trouble. I have good ear for such things," he lied to himself.(edited)
  32. [2:46 PM] Eri: "So very nice to meet you, Gou!" She walked over to the piles of scrap and trash and tentatively started to pick through.
  34. "Let us see what we can find here." She mused as she looked back to Drago and smiled, "Do you think your good ear will be able to hear something beneath all this junk?" She giggled at the shorter blue child, and pulled the broken door of a microwave away with very careful fingers. She had wrapped her hair around her neck like a long copper anaconda, and her fluted ears twitched strangely with every scrape of metal and movement of broken glass.
  36. "What are you trying to build, Gou?"
  37. [2:54 PM] The Haze: "Some armor, so that I can be a cool superhero." He reached down to dig around in the scrap, narrowly avoiding injury each time he reached down to pull something that felt like what he needed out of the pile.
  39. "Just trying to put together the glove right now though... what about you two? Are you superheroes? I bet you are." He sounded somewhat excited at the thought of it, real superheroes, hanging out with him. Pulling up bits and pieces that seemed useful only to toss them aside while he spoke. For some reason, his reckless behavior never ended up harming him... at least while he was inventing. It also helped that he was wearing a glove over the hand he was handling the scraps with, put on in advance so that he could build around it.
  40. [3:01 PM] Wishing very little Well: Drago grabbed his staff and raised it. "I am not hero. My role is far greater." His eyes glowed along with his staff and he levitated two unimpressive pieces of scrap from the pile he was searching. "I am guardian of order." He looked towards June and continued, "And my senses are sharper than most." He smirked and peeked to see if Gou was in awe of his magical feat.
  41. [3:18 PM] Eri: "That sounds cool, maybe we can help you make the whole thing!" She chirped, really she was excited to be digging through the trash. The prospect of a new friend excited her, but the threat of tetanus made her slightly hesitant to move. She drew her arm out of the pile and came back with a spring and a bundle of tangled and frayed wiring.
  43. "Will these do for your project?"
  45. She smiled as she offered them, looking over at Drago and his fancy spellcasting with a slightly smaller smile. "Are they sharper because of the magic or because you're a Smurf?"
  46. [3:26 PM] The Haze: "Yeah, these are gonna work really good." He replied, grinning back at her as he reached over to grab the wire and spring out of her hand. He glanced over at Drago's feat of magic after grabbing the supplies out of Juniper's hand, he didn't appear to be all that impressed. Maybe it was just the small pile that Drago had pulled up, or maybe Drago's powers just weren't all that cool at the moment.
  48. "You're a blue wizard?" He asked Dragomir as he dug through the scrap, finally managing to pull out a hanger. He had been looking there for long enough, but before that moment he hadn't managed to find a single hanger. Or anything else that he had listed off just a few minutes before.
  49. [3:32 PM] Wishing very little Well: "Y-Yes. I'm not quite in tune with the ethereal forces that permeate through our world today..." He blushed and hid behind his cape, pushing away scrap with his staff.(edited)
  50. January 25, 2017
  51. [10:42 AM] Eri: "Ethereal forces, psh." Juniper scoffed, some bitterness was obviously simmering beneath the surface but her smile was still wide as she sifted more through the trash. The earlier question from Gou only hit her now as she pushed her hand through a broken lampshade to grab a hunk of scrap and throw it beside her.
  53. "We are not exactly heroes. Well, I am not. The other children battled a demon once, but I did not get to. I DO want to be a hero, though! Just like my Mother used to be! I just... need some time to get stronger." She began to enunciate and flaunt her accent more when she spoke of her mother, and the air around her grew warmer when she spoke of getting stronger. She looked back to Drago and asked him.
  55. "Would you call yourself a hero, Mister Mage?"
  56. [10:46 AM] Wishing very little Well: "Just like my predecessor I will be hero of heroes. And like the one who currently looks after me. The coin mage. He is hero as well. But he is...unlike my деда. He is...eccentric. But that is typical of mages of his calibur."(edited)
  57. [10:53 AM] The Haze: "Oh, you two are gonna be heroes? That's really, really cool... would you mind answering a question?" Gou leaned over, turning over pieces of junk to get at a larger object that felt like the last piece he was searching for. The question he had on mind was a bit of a sore spot for him, having gotten him into some scuffles earlier in his life.
  59. "It's not too important, but this question really means a lot to me." He stated firmly, the expression on his face making it very apparent that he was incredibly passionate about the subject he was about to bring up.
  60. [10:59 AM] Eri: Juniper stopped her searching to look at Gou. With a slight frown she nodded, "Of course. We are helping after all." She gave him a thumbs up and smiled again.
  61. [11:01 AM] Wishing very little Well: Dragomir stopped what he was doing and raised an eyebrow at Gou in response.
  62. [11:03 AM] The Haze: "Is super intelligence a super power?" He shot the question at Juniper and Dragomir, pure, hot-blooded passion dripping off of his voice with each word he said.
  63. [11:29 AM] Wishing very little Well: "I assure you I naturally was born with this intellect."
  64. [11:30 AM] The Haze: "Not you, blueberry."
  65. [11:39 AM] Eri: "Uhhhh I guess?" Was all that Juniper managed to get out before a violent rumbling in the trash piles drew her attention away from Gou and his question. From out of the trash jumped 3 sickly green, squat beings with long pointed ears and red beady eyes. They were dressed in scraps of cloth and pieces of rusted metal, and had gnashing maws full of needle-like teeth.
  67. They chattered and cackled to themselves maniacally as they closed in on the trio. Trash Goblins. Of course. What else would one expect in a junkyard?
  69. Juniper stood up straight as they circled around the group and looked to the others with a face of surprise.
  71. "Gou... does this usually happen when you're looking through garbage?"
  72. [11:45 AM] The Haze: "No... this is the first time I've done this. I usually just build out of what I already have."
  74. "You guys hold them off, okay? I need to grab something!" Gou shouted at Juniper, dashing off to try to grab the last part of his invention so that he could piece it together before the traesch goblins would directly attack him. He ducked and weaved around, rapidly pulling things out of the trash and tossing everything that he didn't need directly at the goblins.
  76. He was intent on finding the piston, but he didn't quite know exactly what he was looking for. Luckily enough he managed to find the piston that he had been looking for shortly after the goblins showed up, lucky him. Even though he had all the parts now, he would need to actually put the thing together.
  78. "Why did it have to be gnomes?"
  79. [12:25 PM] Eri: The goblin closest to Gou received a volley of metal for all his ambush efforts, and shook his head in a daze, stunned for the moment.
  81. The goblin closest to Drago made its move towards him, and looked to want to swipe his fancy staff right out of his hands, as it was eyeing it hungrily and licking its lips.
  83. The one closest to Juniper was unlike the others, and rushed into a tackle, knocking her back and onto to ground. She kicked out with both feet to push it off of her and leapt up to give it a quick palm on the forehead, to keep it reeling backward. "Its always something in this city!"
  84. [12:31 PM] The Haze: While the goblin that had directly attacked him was momentarily stunned Gou began to piece together his invention, starting by pulling the hanger apart and wrapping it around the glove like a frame.
  86. "But did it really have to be gnomes? They're so dumb looking!" Gou yelled, trying to attach the closest thing he had found to a piston to the frame he had made out of the wire coat hanger. Ignoring the danger around him completely, if he could just finish this thing he wouldn't have a single problem dealing with these dumb goblins at all.
  88. "I hate gnomes!"(edited)
  89. [1:35 PM] Wishing very little Well: Dragomir held his staff in defence but looked around curiously. "I was unaware this city was capable of housing such particular cratures." He poked one in an experimental manner. "I have only read of them. Leaving the nountains was wise choice."
  90. January 26, 2017
  91. [3:41 PM] Eri: The goblin Drago poked lashed out at him in an impotent fit of annoyance. Its sharp claws whistled through the air as it tried to grab at his cloak.
  93. The goblin Gou stunned had managed to shake out of its stupor however, and advanced on him with teeth gnashing and claws drawn. It swiped for his legs and tried to floor him, so that he couldn't finish his invention.
  95. Juniper seemed to be struggling with her goblin, locked in a tense grapple with it as they both struggled for dominance. She had hits football-like head locked with its arm and shoulder immobilised. "I have never seen gnomes like this before! Is this what happens when you take them out of the garden?"
  96. [3:48 PM] The Haze: Gou's legs were swept out from under him, sending him careening into the ground with a loud smack as the newly formed scratches on his legs began to trickle blood. Even with the goblin advancing on him he was intent on finishing the invention, connecting the wiring to the piston he had roughly jammed into the crude frame.
  98. "I bet they're trash gnomes." He said, trying to keep his cool as best as he could while hastily slapping his invention together. His hands were shaking as he tried to steady himself, about to attach the other end of the wire to the 'power fist' which would probably finish the invention. Probably.
  99. [3:51 PM] Wishing very little Well: Dragomir pulled his cloak back from the Goblin's reach in a dramatic fashion and immediately aimed his staff towards it. "Was very expensive!" A burst of flame erupted out towards the creature, projecting it smoking into a distant pile of scrap. From the interior of his cloak appeared his tome from seemingly out of nowhere. "Ignorant, you two are. They are goblins. Much more voracious than gnomes." His tome opened and began glowing as he steadied himself to fight.
  101. [4:28 PM] Eri: The goblin harrassing Gou almost looked like it was chuckling as its swipe drew blood, and raised its ugly hand for a followup swipe that looked to be aimed straight for his 'powerfist'.
  103. Dragomir's goblin took the fire blast head-on and screamed with pain as it flew back, rolling on the ground from the burning and the disorientation from the force of it. It picked itself up, face blackened and smoking, and charged again. This time with slightly less spirit, but still just as much danger.
  105. Juniper pulled on one of her goblin's arms and twisted it behind its back, before pushing it onto the ground to pin it. Locked there, she started pounding on its back with her fists, aiming to knock the wind out of it and tire it out.
  106. [4:33 PM] The Haze: The moment Gou connected the remaining end of the wire to the final point the machine sprang to life, mechanical whirring and noises could be heard that would otherwise be completely impossible. He pulled his arm back and swung at the goblin, the piston kicking in, adding an obscene amount of force to his punch.. "Take that, you stupid gnome!"
  108. Now that his power-fist had been completed he would be able to take a more active role in the fight. It currently being his only actual weapon would hold him back to some extent, but he was just reckless enough to make it work. Or so he thought.(edited)
  109. January 27, 2017
  110. [1:20 PM] Wishing very little Well: Drago held his tome in one hand and his staff in the other, prepared to take on the Goblin's second attack. He did not see much a threat in what he read to be simple creatures and only wondered what they were doing here and why they were agitated. His pondering was interrupted by the sight that was Gou inserting his fist into one of the monster's faces as if they were born to come together. He was in enough awe at the ridiculous force to drop attention of his own incoming enemy.
  111. [3:07 PM] Eri: Gou's goblin took the punch more or less as badly as it possibly could. Several of its teeth scattered into the dirt as the powerfist connected with its jaw. The blow sent it flying, almost into a backflip, and skidding along the ground. It got up, this time slightly more hesitant to move against him, instead it would try to throw dirt in his eyes before attacking.
  113. Drago's goblin charged in his moment of distraction, and swung its claws straight for the tome in his hand, chattering madly about eating the paper and chewing on the staff.
  115. Juniper was beginning to fare less and less well, now in a fist-to-fist grapple with the goblin. But with a twist and a pull on its hands, she yanked it forward and down as her leg came back and around into the air. She smacked the beast in its back with her heel and brought the foot down to the ground. A small puff of flame followed the impact as she soundly floored the goblin, and looked over to the others with a smile. "Did you finish your gizmo, Gou?"(edited)
  116. [3:11 PM] The Haze: Gou gave a thumbs up to Juniper with his gloved hand, now that he was actually fighting he felt incredibly excited. His blood was rushing, he was at the point of the fight where he was too hype to physically let up on his opponent.
  118. "Yeah! How's it going over there?" he asked with a smile, rushing around to try to avoid the dirt and get in close enough to deliver a finishing blow to the goblin. He flexed his fingers, making a mechanical whirring noise as he held his fist back, winding up for a punch that he would throw once close enough to the goblin. "You've almost beat your gnome, right?"
  119. [3:18 PM] Wishing very little Well: Drago was a bit shaken at the surprise of his tome being slapped out his hand but collected himself. He got up angrily and gripped his staff harshly, sneering at the goblin in front of him at the thought of it consuming his priceless possessions. "You will not!" He slammed the large stick as hard as he could into the creature's head and stepped on it, pushing its face further into the junk below him, fuming. "And they are goblins, not gnomes! Heed my words!"
  120. [4:01 PM] Eri: Gou's fist collided with the goblin's ugly head and in an instant, every mistake the goblin had ever made came back to hit it at once in the form of a child's scrap-covered fist. The blow caved its face in and sent it screaming into the trash below it, shortly before it stopped its struggling and seemed to fall unconscious.
  122. Drago's staff caught the goblin square in the side of its head and threw it into a broken refridgerator, which then closed on it. Trapped inside, it struggled and screeched, beating against the vaccuum seal of the fridge. It would seem that Drago's wild swipe was a stroke of good luck, in this case.
  124. Juniper nodded to Gou in reply to his question. She took a second to crouch down, pull back her fist and thump the goblin once on the back of the head to put it to sleep. Her eyes were blazing, and her body looked to be puffing light wisps of smoke. "Done now, I think. He shan't be getting up from a blow like that!"
  125. [4:20 PM] The Haze: Gou walked over to Juniper now that the fighting seemed to be over, intent on pointing out something that she and Drago had likely forgotten by now. "Hey, isn't there a new ice cream place nearby?" he asked her, fiddling with his new power fist as he spoke. He was mostly just glad that they had managed to get rid of those dumb gnomes, maybe they would actually stay gone? Who knows.
  126. March 7, 2017
  127. [11:29 AM] The Haze: [Oh right, that RP is over now. So I'm gonna try to kick up another one.]
  128. [11:29 AM] The Haze: Strange things have been happening in the suburbs of Neon City within the last week, starting with a large domicile that appeared from what seemed to be thin air over the course of a single night. The sole inhabitant of this home is currently unknown, though quite a few local residents have claimed to see a mysterious shadow pacing through the top story windows of the house. Despite these claims, no one has actually met this person face to face, this has lead to many rumors that this person could be doing something quite distasteful within the walls of that deceptively old looking manor.
  130. On the opposite side of the street, an older woman finds herself calling dozens of numbers and submitting all sorts of requests for someone to come investigate this home. She was absolutely certain that nothing good was ever going to come out of that eyesore of a structure, so she had decided to take it into her own hands to see if she’d be able to convince that man to take his house and just leave. Soon enough, she had finished putting out a numerous amount of cries for help. She had even gotten some near instantaneous replies, though most of them were likely just automated messages.
  132. She pulled herself up out of her chair and walked down a flight of stairs, taking a look out the main window to see if anybody she had managed to contact would be arriving soon. She had a feeling that she would have to explain everything that was going on to them, and she would. The woman was scared enough, maybe if these heroes were to see the thing that had frightened her they would be more receptive towards the idea of kicking this man out.
  134. “They should be here any minute now...” the woman whispered to herself, peering through the window as she waited and waited for the people that would alleviate her fears.
  135. [11:50 AM] Sylo: Jeremy Ortolanus, or better known by some as The Salesman made his way down the busy streets of Neon. He's never made the investment to get a Car, and the city has yet to get back to him about making Large Golems legal on the Streets, so instead he walked there.
  137. He stared directly at his Phone, looking at a Map that should hopefully lead him to the right place. He's heard talk about a House that appeared from Nothing. And while to some that might sound like Dark Magic, it sounded like some advance form of Alchemy to Him. On his shoulder sat a very small clay figure. A Teeny Tiny Golem, or better yet and extra pair of eyes. Just in case Jeremy accidentally walks into the middle of the road.
  139. He finally came to a Stop, looking up from his Phone. "Now this should be the place, time to gander at which one of these is the Mystery House."(edited)
  140. Eri pinned a message to this channel. See all the pins.03/07/2017
  141. [4:13 PM] Eri: At the end of the street, moving with the mid-day sun, a male figure rose above the horizon and ambled down the street with carefree ease and calm pace. Jason Vadden, the hero formerly known as Radiant, whistled a merry tune as he neared the meeting place that the woman had earlier specified. Her own doorstep. He was dressed as friendly as he could manage to be today, as was befitting of a key representative of an outreach group for the misfortunate. A nice cream cardigan over a tight black shirt, some sensible jeans and a pair of Timbs.
  143. As he neared the front door, where another man already seemed to be waiting, he took one final drag of his cigarette before flicking it to the side, and pointing at it with the other hand as it flew. A small flare of auroral energy flew out in a bolt and consumed the cigarette, completely incinerating it before it even hit the ground.
  145. It had been a long time since he had been 'on the job' as it were. His physical appearance had changed somewhat to show as much. His formerly green eyes were different now. They had lost their pupils, and instead started as a burst of white that faded into an ethereal blue at the edge of his irises. He had grown out his beard into a respectably scruffy beard, and his hair was a slightly shaped nest of curls. He seemed more mellow and... wise, at a glance.
  147. In his eyes was a hint of recognition as he spied Jeremy already waiting at the meeting point, and he gave him a friendly wave.
  149. "Afternoon, friend. It been a while since I've seen you about."
  151. Thankfully, not everything changes. His voice was still just as smooth and soothing as it always was.
  152. [5:24 PM] Anna Claskovic: Anna never liked the idea of haunted areas. To be frank, she never really liked most horror inducing areas or things, so when asked to help investigate this supposed dark, ominous building, she was anything but keen on visiting. But, she knew she couldn’t just ignore it or deny the request. She flew to the location that she was requested to come to, and as soon as she could. Anna knew from the get-go that her pyrokinetic physiology brought a massive disadvantage, being a walking beacon getting into spaces that were mostly closed in and confined. Hypothetically, going in by herself wouldn’t be the wisest decision but she was very relieved to see that she wasn’t the only one that was asked to investigate when she saw both Salesman and Radiant. She had only met Radiant once, but was able to recognize him. Anna knew who Jeremy is, so she didn’t have as much trouble identifying him, although they only met and talked to each other through Greg, most of the time.
  153. She landed in view of the two and came in closer, walking up to the porch of the house where the woman had requested to be. “Hello,” She softly greeted them both with a smile. “How is everything?”
  154. Anna was sporting her usual attire except for the parka coat she brought along with her. She finds herself needing to wear it when soaring through the skies, as Spring hasn’t exactly came around just yet. The autumn breeze isn’t fun to fly through as one might think, it’s isn’t warm, either.
  155. [5:40 PM] The Haze: The woman scampered over to the door and pulled it open, peeking out through the crack before she saw the heroes and pulled it open the rest of the way in response. She hadn’t expected to get anyone here this soon, and three people at that! A feeling of excitement ran through her, before she had been scared, fearful and mildly reclusive… but now that these people were here she knew she would finally be able to kick that creep across the street out of his seemingly magic mansion.
  157. “Oh, hello! You three are the heroes I sent for, aren’t you? You don’t know how relieved I am to see you, do you need me to bring you anything? Something to drink, maybe a snack?” The woman said, very visibly happy that she had gotten visitors, a nervous smile plastered across her face. Even if it wasn't through the most ideal of situations. “Oops! I nearly forgot… you’re here to deal with that dreadful house across the street. I know I can’t pay you much but…” She fished around in her purse, pulling out a fairly generous stack of hundred dollar bills, appearing to be somewhere between two to four thousand dollars.
  159. “I’m so sorry, this is all I’ve got on such short notice. I promise I'll pay you all the rest later!” She said, so worried about making sure these heroes got their payment that she didn’t even consider the possibility that they might not want to be paid in the first place.
  161. She explained the situation to them, how the house had appeared out of nowhere and of the man who nobody could seem to actually get a hold of. She insisted that it was absolutely necessary for the heroes to deal with this, stating that she was quite fearful for her life due to the whole situation.
  162. March 8, 2017
  163. [9:28 AM] Sylo: Jeremy turned to face the new comer, having a hard time recognizing him for a few seconds "Oh, hello! You're Radiant correct?"
  164. He brought his hand down, inviting Radiant to a kindly Handshake "You're right about me not being out. Let me tell you, always make sure Robots are included in Super Villain Insurance. Otherwise you spend a few months in a hotel trying to get a Lawyer and rebuild what was lost. But enough about my troubles, how have you been?"
  166. Before The Salesman could get a full answer, he turned to look at the new comer. "Anna, Pleasure to see you again. Personally everything is more or less Fine. Bit of Legal trouble but all in all I am perfectly content. How about you?"
  168. Once the hello's were said, Sales soon turned to face the woman who called them here. "While I'm impressed you managed to gather so much, I do believe it isn't needed. For me anyways, don't wish to accidentally cheat out my friends from making some cash." He listened to her story and how she was deathly afraid of some Old house and its Mystery resident. "Well, if it does turn out to be life threatening, I wouldn't mind a small amount of Cash for it"(edited)
  169. [11:40 AM] Eri: "You are correct," Jason said as he took Jeremy's hand with friendly enthusiasm and shook firmly, "I am he. I don't go by the name so much these days, but I'm still walking between the sunbeams and such." He chuckled softly as he pulled his cardigan closed to button it around his solid core. "Robots, you say? Well I'll be damned, I haven't seen a rampaging robot in nearly a year. I've been keeping my head down, though. I'm the head of an outreach program uptown now. We go by the name 'Helios'."
  171. He flourished his hand and a business card seemed to materialise between his index and middle fingers. "Check us out if you're in need of some help with your situation."
  173. Whether Jeremy took the card, or Radiant just ended up pocketing it again, he turned to give Anna a friendly wave. He recalled seeing her out and about, but they hadn't really spoken for any significant length of time. "Hello there, ma'am. Long time, no see. Everything should be fine now that we're here."
  175. The woman that rushed out her door to greet them almost took Jason by surprise. He smiled as she came out to meet them, as frazzled as she was, and held up a hand as she offered her money to the group. "Afternoon, ma'am. You can cut the pay between them, I'm not here for the money." He scratched at his beard and crossed his arms, brow furrowed in serious thought. Or maybe he was just trying to look cooler, who knows. "What do you believe is the best way to go about this whole business of the spooky appearing house?"
  176. [12:17 PM] Lock: Kino stepped up to the group, unabashedly joining the conversation without much care or bother of privacy. Standing next to Radiant and the others, he looked... disheveled to say the least. Wearing a pair of orange board shorts and sandals, they contrasted against the light blue tanktop... and the sweatshirt over that. Hands stuffed into his pockets with his sleeves up, he looked like a bum. But a bum who really liked Scooby Doo. "I say we split up," he said in a raspy, half-asleep voice. He pulled off his sunglasses and slid them into the collar of his shirt. Red eyes focused on the house. "Scooby and Shaggy take the downstairs, you know?"
  178. Brain gears clicking he finally paid attention to the woman who was offering money to the group and stepped up to received the currency as he was currently broke. "I'll go ahead and distribute that to those who want it at the end of the who done it, lady." Fast way to pay off his cellphone bill and buy some new strings for his guitar.
  180. Regarding the others in the group, he pointed at Salesman and Radiant, "Any old men who are trying to make a quick buck off of haunted houses? Maybe it's... built on an indian burial ground." He began to walk past them, skulking towards the house while continuing to talk to himself. "Wolfman, dude..."
  181. [12:39 PM] The Lantern: Lantern sauntered down the street, whistling to himself, as he made his way down to the haunted house. Earlier that day, while relaxing in the garage by his lonesome, he got the call to come down here. Usually one to report incoming calls, Lanny decided to take this one for himself, in an attempt to prove his usefulness to the gang. Seeing a group start to gather on the front deck, he slows his speed, and approaches them. "Hey guys, is everything alright here?" Sheldon asked, before it dawned on him, " Oh, you guys must have been called here, too, eh? Well, nothing makes a haunted house more fun than company, right?" Lantern beams at the group, with a bright smile, no figuratively and literally
  182. [12:41 PM] The Haze: “N-no… you don’t understand! That terrible, awful house, it just appeared out of nowhere! It was just an empty field a week ago, and then it had appeared in that spot a day later.” The poor woman complained, wringing her fingers together as a single bead of sweat dripped down her brow. She reached up and wiped it off, flicking the sweat off the tip of her finger as she pleaded with the heroes to at least make them understand what was so horrifying about the situation. Her gaze drifted off to the old looking home across the street, the shadow it cast onto her side of the street was dark enough that she felt it was really beginning to ruin the atmosphere of the place.
  184. “Look, can’t you just go take a look for me? Please?” She leaned towards Radiant, making puppy dog eyes at him to try to convince him to just go over there. She was around the age of 45, but she had retained her looks enough that she could do this sort of thing and it would usually convince people to do what she wanted them to do. Not that she ever really did it, but being that she was in such a dire situation she felt it was absolutely necessary.
  185. “Just go and knock, maybe if there’s nobody home you can walk in and look around? P-please, I’m begging you!” She begged, the distress in her voice becoming very much real as she looked at the heroes who had come to assist her with the problem of the day.
  187. Across the street, an odd sound could be heard coming from within the walls of the mansion, like some sort of banshee screeching, or a blender with far too much stuff packed inside of it. The way the walls muffled the sound made it far too difficult to actually tell what it was, knowing this they’d have to actually go and enter the mansion to discover anything like that.
  188. [1:24 PM] Wishing very little Well: Adrian strolled down the sidewalk, across the street of the group, nearing the strange house of interest as he munched on an nearly finished apple. He wore a simple brown tshirt and faded light blue jeans covered by an opened up , dark green light jacket. He was noticeably wearing his green cowl over his head, giving off a blank, insect like demeanor but it melded well with his attire. He stopped walking as he noticed himself getting within a few feet of the problem house, finising up whatever remaining flesh surrounded the almost naked apple while thoroughly examining the house from his position. It was indeed every bit as eerie as he had been informed. He looked across the street to see the small gathering of people likely for the same reason as him. He tossed the barren apple core into his mouth and began chewing like he would any other part of the apple as he crossed the street to meet this party.
  189. March 13, 2017
  190. [3:28 AM] Sylo: Sales gave a minor jolt to Kino's sudden appearance. Not everyday a Drugged Homeless man intrudes your conversation, but he looked as if he needed the cash. And with the womans desire to give her cash away Sales saw no real trouble letting him take some.
  192. Of course, it may seem as the strange man would need to split it as two others came around. Both were quiet a sight and strangely similar. As in both are plant related beings! Sales didn't stare much at either of them, for that would be rude. "That we are good sir, feel free to join us"
  194. He continued to listen to the distressed woman, but at some point he felt as if he was becoming a third wheel to Radiant and her. He snapped back into the conversation once she turned back to true fear. Before he could say anything he caught the sound of...well, he didn't know! But he did know that this might turn out to be a more serious effort. Good thing many have joined in on this, otherwise he might end up in trouble, or worse!(edited)
  195. [11:11 PM] Eri: "So many folks, just for one lady with a noise complaint? Really is good to see the neighborhood watch on the job again."
  197. He smiled, resting his hands on his hips as more allies arrived. He felt as if nothing could possibly go wrong with this little case of spooky appearing house. Jason was just about to make a comment on the woman caller's strangely sudden shifts in demeanor, but the scream or blender or whatever ungodly noise that came from the house really did not sound like your typical suburban hubbub or domestic case.
  199. He turned back to the woman and held out his hand, motioning for her to stay put where she was safe. The others were already advancing on the house, so she probably should stay put while Jason went to join them. "We'll check it out ma'am. You stay put and out of harm's way, whatever the harm may be."
  201. Jason turned from her to move to the front door, with the intent to knock on it. He even looked decently cool as he walked up, small blue embers dancing from his body as he began to get fired up about being back on the job. "Alright, in there. How about you come to the door?"
  202. March 15, 2017
  203. [12:05 AM] Lock: Kino allowed them to do all the door work, instead pushing his face against one of the windows to look into the home. He cupped both sides of his head and concentrated, trying to pierce the depths of the demonic domicile. "Might be a Poltergeist. Kind of reminds me of the movie except in reverse? Like the house just smooshes into a black hole and vanishes, except this one is in reverse," he talked mostly to himself and into the glass he continued to move along to try and get a good look. "Or that might've been a parody cartoon, I can't remember."
  205. With a defeated sigh, he took a step back and began rifling through his pockets. Pulling out multiple odds and ends of instruments, including a kazoo, 4 harmonicas and about 32 broken reeds. He settled on a plastic flute, pink and transparent in color. Stepping back up to the others, he cast a curious glance at Radiant, "Ghosts don't just like... saunter up and open doors to kind requests, man. You need to give them the business."
  207. Twirling the flute between his fingers in one hand, he began to slam his fist on the door to illicit a response, "I own a vacuum, don't play with me!" Wham! Wham! Wham!
  208. March 19, 2017
  209. [9:22 AM] Anna Claskovic: "I've been doing fine! Went a little under the radar a bit, looking into getting into tudoring." Anna responded. To her convenience, Radiant gave the impression that the situation would be easy to deal with, especially since more people were coming over to help. It probably would be, maybe she was just overthinking it. "That's good to hear," Anna suspired quietly. "If I'm going to be honest, situations like these leave me feeling a little nervous..." Whatever sense of security she garnered from being in the group soon left when when she heard the muffled screechings from across the street, causing her to suddenly jolt in place, as well as producing little particles of ember and flame from the sudden spook. She hesitantly scanned the manor after the noise, looking to see if one could grab any sight of what was producing that sound. But even then, she couldn't exactly see much other than what was given.
  210. She wanted to object to going head in, but she didn't wanna seem like the odd sheep out of the crowd. She hesitantly stayed behind, following the group to the front door of the manor and stopped by the porch. She peered over to Radiant at the door and hid her hands behind the breaklines of the jacket. "Are we sure anybody's in there?" Anna asked. "It might've just been a-" She was abruptly stopped when Kino started slamming at the door, frightening her once again.
  211. [10:53 AM] The Haze: Kino’s fist impacted with the door time and time again, the hinges squeaking and creaking violently as he assailed the wooden door. After a few seconds of rough pounding the door bowed in on itself and shattered, raining shards of wood and glass into the now visibly empty lobby of the manor. Beyond the glass and wood littered about, it was clear that nobody had bothered to clean this room in a very long time. Broken, disgusting looking pieces of Victorian-era furniture adorned the room, a single painting of a hideous man hung over the mantelpiece, a scowl plastered across his face. Looking past the filth and decay, you could see a plate sitting on the table in the middle of the room, scraps of half-eaten food laying atop its smooth, porcelain surface.
  213. Before anyone could give the plate much thought, another noise interrupted them. It sounded something like a cat being mauled, along with the sound of metal scraping across a stone floor. A shout echoed through the room, sounding like it had come from the upper floors, but no stairway could be seen in this large, elaborate main room. A number of unopened doors could be seen along the walls, along with a hallway leading further into the estate, shadow obscuring anything that could be seen beyond this point.
  214. March 21, 2017
  215. [1:28 AM] Lock: "Works every time," he said proudly, taking delicate steps into the house to avoid the splintered wood and glass. He was wearing sandals after all and if he got a shard of glass in his feet... well, he'd be pretty pissed. The idea made his eyes glimmer entirely red for a second as he held the beginner's flute up, ready for any ghostly action.
  217. Observing the house and listening to the noises, it made him slightly uneasy but he was already pretty pot committed after destroying a door. Turning back to the others he gave them a wave forward, indicating it was moderately safe. He began to yell over the sound of the cat and metal scraping above, "Seems safe! Pretty cool old furniture and ambient noise effects. This... scooby doo villain guy is going all out."
  219. He seemed less and less convinced as he went on with the scooby schtick. "Might need ear plugs or something," he muttered.
  220. [9:13 PM] Wishing very little Well: Adrian was a bit lost as he had just showed up and had addressed not a single other person present but simply went with the flow of things quietly to himself. Everyone was being cautious upon entering the building but he felt things might be a bit too slow for his tastes. The noises surely didn't make being in the house very desirable but he was incredibly looking forward to investigating the building. He walked towards the table in the middle of the room and dragged his finger across its dusty surface to get an idea of just how long thngs had been abandoned. He dusted off his hand then picked up the strange out of place dining ware wondering just how long the food had been there compared to the rest of the house. He turned to the rest of the group with his bug eyed stare. "You guys think he was having lunch?"
  221. March 25, 2017
  222. [10:16 PM] The Lantern: Lantern snapped his head towards the second floor shout, a wave of uneasiness washing over him. Looking around, he tries to find a way up to the noise source. Brightening the flame in his head, he wonders the first floor. "Hey,does...does anyone wanna help me try and find a way up?", he asked, hoping for a response and partner to deal with whatever horrors live above
  223. April 11, 2017
  224. [12:25 AM] Eri: Jason stood back as the door splintered inward at Kino's incessant rapping on its aged wood. He scratched at his chin scruff and gave Kino a look that screamed 'nice going genius'.
  226. "I assume this is what you call... the business? Breaking and entering?" He chuckled, deep voice like an auditory back massage. He shrugged and scratched the end of his nose before stepping over the threshold and into the dark of the house. The sound from upstairs was a major concern, as much as any domestic conflict could be when it sounded as loud as that did. Jason held his hand up and shook it awake, clenching his fist above his head. His arm lit up in blue auroral light, and cast a circle of soothing blue onto the floor around him.
  228. He looked back at the others to make sure no one had actually been injured by the sudden door detonation, giving particular concern to Lantern and Anna due to their 'greenness'. Though, they were both pretty orange, Jason thought to himself.
  230. The older furnishings and outdated decorations put Jason off slightly. "Nothing good ever comes of bad interior design." He jibed. The many doors took a hold of his interest, however. He looked down the hallway at the many options to be chosen and sighed.
  232. "Looks like we're going to have to search about to find just how to shimmy on up to where that scream came from." Jason said as he brushed off his cardigan and moved to the closest door, gripping it by its handle to try and open it.
  234. "Best to not waste time thinking about it. What kind of heroes would we be if we didn't rush in headfirst, right?"
  235. June 5, 2017
  236. [7:32 AM] Anna Claskovic: Anna let out a sharp, very audible interjection in response to the door finally giving way and shattering under the impact of the fall. She made a mental side-note not to step carelessly around the manor as there was splinters of wood and broken shards of glass randomly displaced, but she had noted that what was lying ahead of the group might've been of much more importance. The old, torn and quite grossly conditioned furniture might've looked a tad bit nice a century or two ago.
  237. "...I guess, that helped." Anna held against the entrance's doorway for a quick peak into the house, then gave a look of concern to Kino. She took her first step in behind the group making sure to stay as close as was needed, her body giving off luminant shine to close surroundings. Anna was attempting confidence by assuring herself that as long as they stuck together, things should go smoothly. Looking to the furniture again, she noted that it was particularly dusty, even more dusty than she had originally thought. Her attention was brought to Adrian's sudden dialogue. "Might be." She hoped.
  238. She looked up at the painting of the man who she presumed should've been the original owner of the house, or maybe someone of importance regarding it. She casted a little flame and looked at the painting closer for examination. She was looking for any particular evidence of who the person in the painting was, or who could have painted it. Trademarks, signatures, symbols, anything that would provide as a clue to who it could be. Particularly, she wasn't exactly intrigued by the image of the man by any sense of the word. It wouldn't count high on her top favorite paintings, anyways.(edited)
  239. [7:32 AM] Anna Claskovic: She looked to Radiant who had suggested exploring further into the manor to see what the source of the sound was. With no further business to be had in the current room, she blew out the flame, moved away from the painting and towards Jason. Clearing her throat slightly from all the dust and slight anxiety that she had worked up, she shyly agreed. "Might as well, yes?" She said, attempting to come off as joking in order to sway any concern the others had.
  240. June 9, 2017
  241. [5:19 PM] The Haze: The door creaked open, giving the group a better view of the room that had been hidden behind it just a few moments prior. This room was more of the same, however, it was a laundry room, so rather than glass, the floors were covered in discarded clothing of all sorts. The apparent age of the room was betrayed by the washer and dryer, which appeared to have been bought within the past few months. Other small objects were among the clothing strewn across the floor, mixed into the piles of filth and stained articles of clothing that “decorated” the floor. A single note could be seen poking out of a pair of dress pants laying near the dryer, just visible enough that someone with a very keen sense of sight would be able to spot it without much issue.
  243. Not a single marking, etching or signature could be found on the filth-encrusted painting, the painting appearing to be a blurry mess due to the multiple layers of dust coating its surface. It was worth noting that finger prints, streaking in the dust and other such things could be spotted on the painting, almost as if someone had wanted to clean it but had lost the willpower to do so in record time. When Anna pulled her gaze off of the painting, it tumbled to the floor, the frame falling to pieces as soon as it made contact with the cold, hard wood surface of the ground.
  245. Yet more sounds of a potential struggle could be heard above their heads, a loud groaning noise accompanied by the sound of a slamming door and glass shattering against the ground. The noises grew quiet, silence enveloping the group once more, excepting the occasional sound of shattering glass or what seemed to be someone striking a very large piece of wood(edited)
  246. June 10, 2017
  247. [6:57 AM] Sylo: Salesman was the last one in. He stayed behind to use his Alchemy to fix the door Kino destroyed. "There. Just in case this is all a big misunderstanding." Then came more horrid noises from up above. "Or I could be wrong..."
  248. Sales stayed in the back of the group. He wasn't the best fighter in tight spaces. Especially if they intend to find a way upstairs. But he made sure to at least keep up with the rest of the team. "Geez, this place could use a maid or two." Once more the noise from above came and gave a decent spook to Jeremy.
  250. "Sounds like a fight is breaking out up there. Or some insane old man breaking everything." As long as its not ghost related he secretly thought to himself.(edited)
  251. June 14, 2017
  252. [6:35 PM] Anna Claskovic: Anna jumped from the sudden thud made by the painting falling to the floor, releasing a few embers in her jolt. She had noted about the streaks in the dust and the apparent fingerprints but since the painting had suffered from quite the impact there was not much point in bringing it up to the others. "I think it would be best to leave this room anyways..." Anna followed the others into the room and made herself aqquainted with certain things around the room. She noted that the dryer and washer was alien to such an abandoned, old, wrecked house, this peaked her curiosity; almost so that she forgot how to be scared for a split moment.
  253. Anna stood somewhat closely to the others despite her venturing towards things so bravely all of a sudden in the room. Her anxieties and worries came suddenly rushing back when she heard the groanings and what seemed to be someone destroying glass upstairs. She said a few things to herself quietly in her native tongue, more than likely praying or hoping to herself that nothing bad comes out of this. Looking around the room in close vicinity of the others, however, Anna made a very unlikely discover by checking near the dryer. She noticed the little piece of paper sticking out of the pants on the floor. Hesitant but curious, Anna picked up the pants and took the note out. "Um, excuse me..." Anna called for the others. "I may have found something but I'm not sure."
  254. June 25, 2017
  255. [4:22 AM] Wishing very little Well: Adrian was about to begin curiously analyzing the scraps of food with his mouth when he heard the painting crash to the floor. "This house can't quite decide if it wants to be dead or lively." He put down the plate of scraps and turned his attention to the now opened laundry room.
  257. He approached the creaky door to the room and gave it a feel. "Good wood. Now it's all getting old and rotten, like whatever's going on in this place." His ears were stolen by Anna who found a possible clue. "Right on. Those pants might be custom tailored. We could figure out who commisioned them and work back from there from there. But many tailors are in this city?" He fell into his own world, wondering deeply how far this clue could take them.
  258. August 12, 2017
  259. [10:48 PM] Lock: Kino shot Radiant and Anna a lop-sided grin as they chastised him for his antics. He was nothing if not straightforward. As everyone else peeked around the mansion, he pushed his sunglasses up into his messy hair and stuffed his hands into his pockets. Specifically walking to everywhere that they weren't, testing the bottom step with his foot and tilting his head drastically sideways at things that did not require quite that much introspection. When the painting fell he jumped, turning back towards the group. Eyes glinting red as he pulled a harmonica from his pocket, holding it like a knife.
  261. Stepping back over to the rest of the group, he surveyed the damage over Adrian's shoulder. "Must be one of them... break strings... like when you look at it..," he trailed off, unable to facilitate his scooby doo mindset anymore. This place made him itch and all the noises made the hair on the back of his neck stand up.
  263. He watched Anna as she poked around the old pants and then Adrian's descent down the tailor rabbit hole. "Okay, got it!" That was all he needed to join Adrian's mentality, dropping a hand onto his shoulder and stooping a bit. "So the tailor made this haunted house to drive down property value in the area, right? That way..." Kino joined Adrian in his own little world, chattering on about tailor shops, profit and how the tailor must be really good at masks and tricks because of this city full of mentally unhinged superheroes.
  265. He still had his harmonica out with a white knuckled grip, just incase he continued to be wrong.
  266. August 13, 2017
  267. [9:21 AM] Sylo: Sales followed the group, keeping slightly away from the harmonica wielding man. But still followed him as they went into the laundry room
  268. While Adrian and Kino looked over the possible tailor leads, Sales decided it would be best to look at the note Anna found "What does it say? Any hint to who is living here?" He looked above him at the roof "Or what I suppose..." It was then when he got an idea.
  269. "Hold on one second" He went back to the fallen painting, carefully picking it up and avoiding the sharp pieces of broken glass. "Maybe this could be of help. It could be a self portrait!"
  270. [9:36 AM] The Haze: Upon closer inspection of the note, Anna would be able to make out that it wasn’t a note at all, and was instead a receipt marked as being from roughly one week ago. Not much of note was able to be discerned from the receipt, other than the fact that much of the stuff laying around this room had been purchased very recently. If she were to turn the note around and inspect the back, she would notice a single sentence had been scrawled onto it, almost as if whoever had written it was in a hurry. It was an odd, cryptic message of sorts, only giving a single warning; “DO NOT COME BACK TO THE HOUSE.” as well as a set of initials immediately following it… G.A.
  271. Odd place for such a new note to be, but for all they know it could’ve been left behind by someone who had come to the house just as they had.
  273. The painting was no different, being that not much could be assumed based on its appearance, other than a few key details. If this was a self portrait, whoever owned this mansion wasn’t the most attractive; his face was emaciated and thin, his beady eyes surrounded by unnaturally dark rings and his head topped with dark, scraggly hair. Upon closer examination, it appeared as if the eyes were the only part of this painted that were actual in color, a deep, crimson red at that. Behind the figure, the mansion could be seen, though it was in a completely different location than the one they were currently standing in. It was an unfamiliar sight for most Neon City residents, it certainly wasn’t somewhere within Neon City itself. But if it wasn’t taken in Neon City, why had the house ended up in this quiet suburb?
  274. [9:36 AM] The Haze: Upstairs the noises continued, a deep voice grumbling and complaining about something. Whatever he was saying was muffled, drowned out completely by the distance it had to travel as well as the noises going on around it. However, it was obvious that he was angry, like he had returned home only to find it in ruins. Despite the unknown identity of the voice, it was clear that whoever was speaking wasn’t the most normal person in Neon City. Not by a long shot.
  275. September 1, 2017
  276. [11:01 AM] Sylo: Sales had high hopes when he had the idea to look at the painting. However most of the hopes, along with the color in his face vanished as soon as he laid his eyes on it. The man was not pretty. He was horrifying in fact. Sales gulped as he went back to the others "Well, never mind bout the painting....Then again, this is Neon, maybe this captures his likeliness more then I'd hope." He flipped the painting around the letting the others in the room see it in its full glory. "Please tell me the note fairs us better"
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