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Jul 8th, 2013
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  1. >You take a step back to admire your work
  2. >Anonymous, you have just completed building your very own, human-sized home!
  3. >"Its not up to code" they had said, but you had pushed bravely on
  4. >"That roof looks really saggy, Anon," the ponies had jeered, but, like the true maverick you are, you had ignored them
  5. >"How are you going to get all your stuff inside? That door doesn't look big enough," the hypothetical masses ha-
  6. >No, wait, you actually just heard that last one
  7. >You turn around to see Twilight Sparklw giving you a quizzical look
  8. >"I mean, maybe if you took the frame off the door, but, otherwise, I just don't see how..." the purple alicorn trailed off, glancing at the piles of junk strewn across your yard
  9. >You couldn't help but smile- you knew the newly-minted princess could teleport all your shit inside in an instant, but realized how much doing this without magical assistance meant to you
  10. "Don't worry about it, Sparks, there's a sliding door in the back"
  11. >You raise an eyebrow at her
  12. "Do you really think I'm that much of an idiot?"
  13. >"No Anon! Its just that... I, um... you see-"
  14. "I'm just messing with you," you laugh
  15. >You narrow your eyes
  16. "But you really should feel terrible"
  17. >This time, she giggles along with you
  18. "If you want to make it up to me though-"
  19. >You make a big show of grunting and struggling to pick up one of the smaller boxes
  20. "Do me a favor and help me carry some of this stuff in?"
  21. >You plop the box onto her back before turning around to tackle a heavier item
  22. >As you tighten your grip around the biggest box you could find, Twilight starts speaking again, but you're only half listening now
  23. >"... actually, ask you a favor myself..."
  24. >Hrrrrk!- you start pulling up with all your might
  25. >"... just showed up out of the blue earlier..."
  26. >Holy shit this thing is heavy
  27. >"... was the only dragon he knew outside of his clan..."
  28. >Remember your training, Anon: narrowed stance, arch and twist back
  29. >"... expelled. So now Celestia wants us to..."
  30. >You feel sweat drip from your brow as the box starts to move
  31. >"... plus Mayor Mare is iffy about him living in the library..."
  32. >'What's in this? Bricks?' you think as you straighten up
  33. >"... so I thought you could..."
  34. >You look down at the box in your arms
  35. >"... name's Fizzle..."
  36. >Its marked 'Cinderblock Collection.' You'd forgotten about packing that
  37. >"... so could you? Please?"
  38. >You turn back to face purplesmart, only now noticing the pink dragon nervously clacking his claws off in the background
  39. >You look down at Twilight, then back up at the dragon
  40. "I'm just moving in though!"
  41. >"And your house is actually the right size for him!"
  42. "What if he burns it down?"
  43. >"He wouldn't do that"
  44. "On accident?"
  45. >"I'll cast a protective spell"
  46. "I was just getting my privacy back"
  47. >"Please- he's a lot like you were- scared and alone"
  48. "Twilight..."
  49. >"Anon..."
  50. >Fuck, you can't resist those puppy-dog eyes
  51. "... Okay"
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