

Dec 21st, 2014
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  1. Sat Suleman Character concept idea: Mysterious bruiser who helps protect the ladies of New Orleans's streets. Always wears a flat cap, and very often smoking a thick, self-rolled, foul-smelling cigarette that might or might not be cannabis.
  2. Sat Psy m'lady
  3. Sat Suleman (Is not actually as mysterious as seems, people just never ask)
  4. Sat anneF m'lady [tips flat cap]
  5. Sat Suleman (might actually be a lady)
  6. Sat anneF m'ght be a lady [tips flat cap]
  7. Sat Suleman I don't even know
  8. Sat Suleman If this keeps up, the character will really be a m'lady.
  9. Sat Suleman With all the "ladies" the character seeks to "protect" just rolling their eyes
  10. Sat anneF i've got a young survivalist hunter lady from the boonies who set course for the big city after game started drying up around her area, looking for gainful employment and figuring she could maybe make it in the police or teaching actors to shoot or something. after hanging around clubs a lot she's found herself sort-of-freelancing for the mafia
  11. Sat anneF chews bark and looks threatening but isn't actually that scary attitudewise, just doesn't do conversation well
  12. Sat Suleman Hold on, here's an idea. What if my character is misguidedly trying to "protect" your character as the m'lady they are?
  13. Sat anneF yeah, that's what i was driving at
  14. Sat Suleman Okay, cool, so I'm playing... a cross-dressing black smoke magician woman with delusions of chivalry? What?
  15. Sat anneF she's fine on her own, makes a lot of excusing gestures, wonders if they know where any cheap steakhouses are
  16. Sat *** PornStorageB quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
  17. Sat danni she protects m'ladies but is not actually a lesbian
  18. Sat Suleman What a weird concept, but it grew organically, so I'm rolling with it.
  19. Sat Psy
  20. Sat anneF unlike a wizard doctor, who protects maladies
  21. Sat anneF "summer fashion proposal: a burning car goes with any outfit"
  22. Sat Suleman I wonder, is "Nice guy" an existing SW hindrance.
  23. Sat Pfisiar
  24. Sat Suleman emphasis on the airquotes
  25. Sat danni what is the campaign setting?
  26. Sat Suleman Deadlands Noir, New Orleans
  27. Sat danni could i be a cajun wizard?
  28. Sat danni hoodoo
  29. Sat danni voodoo
  30. Sat danni etc.
  31. Sat Suleman If you're here 17.5 hours from now and Krinn is okay with it, why not.
  32. Sat Psy hfffffff
  33. Sat Noser sule: seems like it'd take multiple major hindrances to match the archetype, but I'm not sure which ones
  34. Sat Suleman Deadlands Noir has the Lech hindrance, which is: "he suffers –2 to resist Persuasion in Tests of Will or Social Conflicts with those he’s attracted to. "
  35. Sat Noser that plus delusional could work
  36. Sat Suleman That's not a perfect fit, though.
  37. Sat Suleman Maybe add in "Short temper" for when things don't go the way she envisions them.
  38. Sat Psy mechanically it is
  39. Sat Psy oh we
  40. Sat Psy re going with female character
  41. Sat Psy okay
  42. Sat Suleman I don't know, man!
  43. Sat Noser I don't think there'd be a distinction between lesbian and transmale in social constructions of gender in 1930s america
  44. Sat danni well she's not a lesbian
  45. Sat Noser oh.
  46. Sat danni just really chivalric
  47. Sat danni unless sule wants to make her one
  48. Sat Suleman I don't know much about the character yet, this isn't set in stone by any means.
  49. Sat Suleman The concept is potentially pretty uncomfortable, so I might change some of these details.
  50. Sat anneF drag king?
  51. Sat *** SamsungGalaxPsy joined #superdickery
  52. Sat anneF there were 30's drag kings
  53. Sat SamsungGalaxPsy Is drag kings a thing now
  54. Sat Noser yeah, I believe they were seen as a subset of lesbian
  55. Sat Suleman I mean, cross-dressing misogynist black woman, played by a white European dude?
  56. Sat Suleman That is a recipe for disaster that I am not entirely comfortable with, especially if other players don't think it's cool.
  57. Sat anneF drag kings have been a thing for a while
  58. Sat Death_Was_Silent Delusional: Thinks she's John Larroquette's character from Night Court
  59. Sat Death_Was_Silent and now time for the eating
  60. Sat anneF are there any non-white europeans or americans who are gonna be playing this game
  61. Sat SamsungGalaxPsy What time is the game
  62. Sat Death_Was_Silent tomorrow at noon CST
  63. Sat SamsungGalaxPsy Is that 11 or 1 est
  64. Sat danni well i might be asleep
  65. Sat danni so
  66. Sat anneF a drag king, lookin' all charming
  67. Sat anneF 1 est as far as i know
  68. Sat SamsungGalaxPsy cool
  69. Sat Suleman Well, we know what to do when playing despicable characters: Shit all over their horrible views and actions in-game
  70. Sat anneF sure
  71. Sat anneF i am going to be...seemingly dim, mostly quiet and all stoic-like, easily thrown by conversation, keeps things simple
  72. Sat Suleman My approach to character creation in general seems to be "I really should play a character with trait X, because... hold on, WHY should that stop me? Let's do it!"
  73. Sat Suleman And that is why I've played a gay dwarf zombie, a redneck necromancer, a mute gunslinger who talks through his parrot and an Autobot.
  74. Sat Pfisiar something about that doesn't parse well
  75. Sat Suleman They're all the same character.
  76. Sat Suleman Sometimes it backfires, though. The doctor with Bell's palsy just didn't work, at all.
  77. Sat danni which is to say you?
  78. Sat Suleman Well, yes, I'm a mute redneck dwarf Autobot with two guns and a parrot boyfriend.
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