
Fluttershy's Desires - Fluttershy 1/2

Nov 24th, 2018
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  1. Author’s note: To make things less confusing, when the two Fluttershys meet, the Fluttershy that goes through the mirror (the one that’s had her friends find out about the tickle fetish) will be referred to as Shy, while the other Fluttershy will be referred to as Flutter.
  3. An ancient castle sits deep within the Everfree Forest, looming over the wild woods as a reminder of times gone by, and a hiding place for unusual things, as Twilight and company had experienced practically every time they explored its halls.
  5. Inside, Fluttershy was exploring the abandoned servants’ quarters. She carries a notepad, making a survey of the contents of each room, on Twilight's request. She didn't like doing this, every time she entered a room she felt there may be some danger in store. Though Twilight wanted to discover the unknown, the unknown was terrifying.
  7. The mare was currently wearing a short, simple, spring green dress that stretches down to just cover her buttery yellow knees, along with a pair of sandals with matching colour. She walked slowly, looking around periodically to be sure she's not being followed by something supernatural.
  9. The pegasus walked into the fifth room today, taking a deep breath before stepping inside. The only thing worth taking note of is a mirror, quite a fancy one that's a little bigger than she is. She steps ever so tentatively towards the looking glass, laying a hand on the elegant frame, hoping it doesn’t lead to a hidden trap. Suddenly, the glass of the mirror started to glow white.
  11. Somewhere else entirely, Fluttershy was leaving Sugarcube Corner with rosy red cheeks and a bit of a staggered step. Pinkie Pie had lead Fluttershy up into her bedroom, put a blindfold over her eyes, and drove her to tears with tickling. She was always nervous about asking Pinkie Pie for this sort of favor, even if she never raised an objection to it. Fluttershy considered the possibility of asking Rainbow Dash or Rarity for help next time.
  13. Fluttershy also happened to be wearing a short, simple green dress and matching pair of sandals, with her sandals being more worn-in.
  15. Soon, she makes it back to her own room, kicking off her sandals to rest in her bed. In the corner of her room was a fancy mirror that was found at the old abandoned castle back in the Everfree Forest. Rarity decided to gift it to Fluttershy, seeing as it would have no use in the castle.
  17. Suddenly, the glass on the mirror started to glow white. Fluttershy shields her eyes from the glow. She’s wary of the potential danger, yet she’s strangely compelled to get closer. She stands up, slips her sandals back on, and walks towards the mirror, hand outstretched. She puts one hand on the frame, and leans forward to place her other hand on the glass. The bright light messes with her sight,, making her unaware that her hand had been passing through the glass. She stumbles forward, tumbling through the mirror and into whatever lies on the other side.
  19. Fluttershy squinted her eyes, using her hands to block the blinding glow. She slowly backs towards the door, ready to call Twilight for help from whatever is about to happen.While she can't see much, she does easily hear a thump in the otherwise silent room, and the mirror returns to normal again.
  21. Fluttershy blinks, black spots burned in her eyes temporarily, plastered annoyingly to her peripheral vision. She blinks, looking down at what appears to be herself, fallen onto the castle floor. Terror immediately struck into her heart. It’s simply not possible, it can't be her, she's her. Whatever this is, there's only one person who could help.
  23. "TWILIGHT!" She calls down the hall for her friend. She knew that coming back to this place was a bad idea. She turns her attention back towards the other her, waiting to see if she moves, not sure if it's some sort of evil monster or simply a clone.
  25. The fallen Fluttershy lifts up her head, woozy from the fall. “Ow…what happened?” She looked around, she was certainly not in her bedroom anymore, but where was she? This place felt familiar, and yet different. It looked just like the old castle, but it somehow didn’t feel like the one she knew.
  27. “...Where am I? What’s going o-“ her eyes lock with something that looks just like her. She freezes in place, unintentionally copying the shocked expression on her face.
  29. Fluttershy's eyes meet with her double’s, silence filling the room as they just stand there staring at each other. From the looks of things, this doppelganger is just as hopelessly confused as she is, which is probably a good sign that she’s not malicious.
  31. The silence is disrupted by the sound of rushing footsteps as Twilight bursts into the room. "Fluttershy! What's wrong!? I heard yelling!" The princess asks, looking to her friend, clearly worried for her. She then stops, turning to look at the other yellow pegasus. "Fluttershy?"
  33. “Twilight? Is that you?” Shy asks, tilting her head. “Where am I? Is this…the old castle?” she shakes, looking around at her surroundings, trying to to look at the other Fluttershy.
  35. Twilight looks back and forth between the two again, clearly confused. "Alright...Fluttershy's." She says, regaining her bearings and taking charge of this mess, hoping to avoid escalation, as is usually inevitable where magic is involved. "I need you both to tell me exactly what happened here."
  37. The standing pegasus starts first. "Well, I entered the room and noticed the weird mirror none of the other bedrooms have." Flutter says, pointing to it. "Then I... touched it and it started glowing.." She admits, the idea seeming really bad in hindsight.
  39. The other Fluttershy stands up, dusting herself off. “Well, I came back to my house after spending the day with Pinkie Pie,” Shy starts, blushing a bit at the memories. “Then the mirror in my room started glowing, and…I kinda touched it too…then I stumbled here, somehow....”
  41. Twilight raises a curious eyebrow when Shy blushes, but decides to ignore what isn’t her business. "Okay then, so it seems like the mirror was activated when you both touched it." She says to herself, suddenly perking up. "Could this be? A portal to another Equestria?" She asks, looking at the mirror in awe, almost making the mistake of touching it herself. "Oh my goodness, this might be the historic and scientific discovery of a lifetime!" she squeals, momentarily forgetting the immediate problem. She clears her throat and calms herself. "Well, I think with a little study on how this works, I can find a way to open it on command. Then we could get you back home," She says to the other Fluttershy.
  43. "Oh, that’s good! Thank you so much, Twilight!" Shy sighs in relief, she then turns to her counterpart. "Um...while Twilight works on that, is it alright if I stayed at your...my...our cottage?"
  45. "Oh, of course it’s fine." Flutter nods, a little flustered at having company suddenly stay over, but if she was also Fluttershy, it shouldn’t be too much of a problem. "I’m guessing you know the way already?"
  47. “Well, if this place is just like my own, then yes, I should. Nothing major changed, right? You reformed Discord and Starlight Glimmer here? And defeated Nightmare Moon, Tirek, and Chrysalis?” Shy asks, trying to ask about major disasters averted in her Equestria.
  49. Flutter nods. “Yes, all those things happened here.”
  51. "Mmhm. Ok, then I don't think any major changes happened." Shy nods. She's curious as to what exactly is the difference between her world and this world, if there was one at all. “Well, let's go to the cottage, then."
  53. Flutter smiles before turning and heading out of the room, guiding herself and herself out of the old castle in the Everfree... it's going to be quite a trek back, as usual. Eventually though, after a long journey of walking and quizzing each other on potential differences between their worlds, the pair finally make it to the comfy looking cottage on the outskirts of town, the light already on to welcome them home, courtesy of Angel, though he never expected her plus-one.
  55. Shy lets out a quiet sigh as she enters the cottage. "Well, it's nice to be...home?" She looked around, everything looked the same as her own cottage, but it didn’t feel familiar. She felt like she was checking into a hotel rather than coming back to her own house.
  57. Flutter pouts seeing Shy look so uneasy in her home. She couldn’t quite imagine what her other self must be feeling. "Yeah, and to have company. C-can I get you anything? Some tea, a sandwich?" She offers, trying to make her feel comfortable.
  59. "Y-Yes, tea and sandwiches would be nice, thank you...." Shy says, looking around, still taken back at how odd it feels to be home but not feel at home.
  61. "Alright... Lettuce and tomato?" Flutter asks, giving her own preference of sandwich, wondering if that could be the difference between the two. Honestly, it could be anything, though she still doesn't quite know what yet, and it's causing her curiosity to grow.
  63. "Yes, if you don't mind." Shy nods, taking a seat on the couch, removing her sandals to let her feet relax.
  65. “Then I’ll be right back!” Flutter heads into the kitchen. After a few minutes, the pegasus returns, carrying an old silver tray filled with sandwiches and teacups. "I'm sorry if the tea isn't to your liking, I just assume that you'd like it how I do." She says, laying the tray gingerly down on the coffee table.
  67. "Oh, it's no problem, I'm sure it's lovely!" Shy smiles, grabbing a cup and taking a sip. She’s pleasantly surprised that it’s exactly the way she likes it.
  69. Flutter gently lowers herself to sit down beside Shy, deciding to kick off her sandals as well. She grabs onto one of the sandwiches and begins to eat, being terrified of her own reflection sure worked up an appetite.
  71. The two Fluttershys sit and eat in near silence, not wanting to start a conversation with tea and sandwiches in their mouths.
  73. While Shy was perfectly fine with the quiet tea-time, her eyes kept darting around the room. It was unsettling how alike everything was in this world. She couldn’t explain why, but finding any sort of difference would put her at ease. As her eyes scanned the rug, she started to smile.
  75. “Oh, I think I found a difference between us!” Shy says, pointing down to their feet.
  77. Flutter takes a look down, wondering what Shy’s referring to. While Flutter’s toenails are painted pink, Shy’s are painted cyan. “Well, how about that? It’s a small difference, but our nails are done differently.”
  79. Shy decides to continue the conversation. “Yeah. I usually get mine done during my spa dates with Rarity. You do too, I assume?”
  81. Flutter nods. “It’s what we do once a week. A full relaxation course, just the two of us.”
  83. “Isn’t it great?” Shy smiles. “Aloe and Lotus just know how to take all the stress away, especially with their foot rubs! Aren’t they so-”
  85. “Um, foot rubs?”
  87. Shy pauses, tilting her head. “Do...do they not offer you foot massages?”
  89. “Not really. They just clean your feet and paint your nails. Rarity and I usually take so much time relaxing in the sauna that it’s all we have time for...” Flutter shrugs, feeling a bit disappointed that her other self seems to have gotten a better deal.
  91. Shy thinks for a moment. “Well, sometimes when the spa is closed, Rarity and I do our own spa date at her place. We give each other pedicures there, so...I could give you a foot massage if you wanted...”
  93. “That sounds good, actually! My feet are kinda sore from walking all the way there in sandals…” Flutter says with a sheepish grin.
  95. Flutter and Shy move to opposite sides of the couch. Flutter props her feet up on Shy’s lap and lies back, waiting for Shy to begin.
  97. Shy takes a moment to just look at Flutter’s soles. She’s never really seen her own feet from this angle, even if they aren’t entirely her feet. It’s a fascinating and surreal experience. As Shy is looking at Flutter’s feet, a very intrusive thought invades her mind: Just how ticklish is the other Fluttershy?
  99. Flutter raises an eyebrow in curiosity at how long Shy is staring at her feet, but decides not to object, assuming that Shy is still feeling understandably awkward about her situation. She relaxes herself on the armrest, waiting for the massage to start.
  101. Shy quickly shakes the thoughts out of her mind. The thought of tickling herself was too weird, even given her current scenario. She grabs onto Flutter’s feet, pressing her thumbs into the center of her arches.
  103. Flutter looks down at Shy, letting out a soft grunt as she starts to touch her feet.
  105. Shy starts out slow, rubbing her thumbs up and down her arches, making sure to be firm, but not aggressive.
  107. Flutter’s toes started to curl. It was weird having another version of her start rubbing her feet, but she couldn’t deny how good it felt.
  109. Shy continued to move her thumbs slowly but firmly, pressing into her soles as she stared at her curling toes. The idea of tickling her invaded her mind once more. Her wings started to twitch at the thought.
  111. Flutter slowly but surely closes her eyes, trying her best to relax into the massage. Her feet inadvertently squirm under Shy’s thumbs as she presses into her soft soles.
  113. Shy notices Flutter start to relax, smiling a bit as she continues her massage. She looks down at Flutter’s feet with a small chuckle. They were so soft to the touch, it was no wonder all of her friends loved tickling her there.
  115. Flutter's heartbeat slows in her chest as she closes her eyes, slowly drifting, not to sleep, but to a wonderful level of tranquillity that someone as antsy as her doesn't often get to feel. She continues to stretch and wiggle her toes, now mostly comfortable, but not entirely so yet.
  117. Shy starts to move up the feet, gently tugging on her toes, waiting until they give a little pop before moving onto the next. She then pinches the base of her toes, moving her toes in a circular motion.
  119. Flutter scrunches her lithe, delicate toes a little as Shy lightly pulls on them, but manages to keep her feet vulnerable and firmly placed on your lap. The corners of her lips start to twitch, though she doesn’t let out a snicker.
  121. Shy finds the urge to resist her tickling temptations getting increasingly harder as she watches Flutters toes wiggling in her grip. She tries to slightly sate her needs by gently poking her toes a few times, trying to make it seem natural.
  123. Flutter squirms a bit, but keeps her feet relatively still. "...Hehehe." Her toes twitch, but she patiently thinks nothing of it, halfway between being awake and asleep at this point.
  125. The struggling pegasus tries to push her stiffened wings down. Though she now knows that Flutter was definitely ticklish, that little chuckle did nothing to keep her temptations in, if anything, she wanted to tickle her more. She exhales sharply, trying to focus on massaging her feet. She didn't want to appear to have an ulterior motive in giving her a foot rub.
  127. This universe's mellow yellow mare doesn't seem to notice how much her counterpart is struggling to keep her urges under control. As such, she starts to squirm and wiggle her toes under the skilled fingers, scrunching up her soles on occasion, completely unaware of what she’s doing to Shy, letting out the occasional relaxed giggle.
  129. Shy’s eyes were locked on the pair of squirming feet she was holding. The way her toes wiggled filled her mind with paranoid thoughts. Did she know about her tickle fetish all along? Was she doing this just to tease her? With a reddening face and stiff wings, she starts to run her thumbs a bit more roughly down her feet.
  131. Flutter's wings also start to spread out quite a bit, mostly from relaxation. With a happy yawn, she stretches her body, toes included, making her soles taut and revealing the vulnerable spots between them. “That’s so niiiice…” She says, ready to fall asleep, completely unaware that she has sealed her own fate.
  133. Before Shy can even realize what she’s doing, her manicured fingernails start skittering up and down Flutter’s taut feet the moment she started stretching.
  135. Flutter squirms, starting to wiggle and scrunching up her toes tightly as the long, hard fingernails run up and down her feet. She starts giggling, breaking out of her sleepy daze.
  137. Shy’s fingers dance up and down the pair of soft soles, unable to stop herself from teasing the feet that have put in her lap, watching her toes wiggle and curl.
  139. Flutter still doesn't pull her feet away, the thought that this isn't at all part of the massage not occurring to her yet. Though, keeping her feet nice and still was proving very tricky. "Hehehahaha...T-that tihihihickles..."
  141. "Yeah...I bet it does…” Shy says in an almost trance-like tone, moving her fingers up. Her left hand holds Flutter’s big toes together, while her right hand starts tickling underneath the toes.
  143. Flutter clutches at the sofa cushion, having to force her soft feet to stay still, and even then, they're twitching and wiggling under her counterparts fingers. She squeezes her toes into her soles the moment that they're touched, unable to take it. "Ehehehehehe! Hahahaaaa!"
  145. Shy breaks out into a wide grin, giggling to herself as she continues her assault on Flutter’s feet. Seeing as she hasn’t pulled her feet away yet, Shy rakes her fingers down her arches, getting increasingly more aggressive in her tickling the longer she’s allowed to go. "Kitchy kitchy koo! Ooh, you’re a ticklish one, aren’t you?" she teases, her wings fully outstretched.
  147. “Bwahahahahaha! Noohohohahaha!” Likewise, Flutter's wings have been slowly extending as well as the tickling and teasing has gone on. Eventually, Flutter pulls her feet away, her endurance having run out already. "Ehehehehe...hehehaha...oh my gosh...that was..."
  149. Once Flutter pulls her feet away, Shy seems to snap back to normal. She gasps in horror when she’s finally aware of what she has just done, and how weird that must’ve been for Flutter. “Oh no! Oh no no no no no I’m so sorry! I-I don’t know what I was thinking!” She said in a frenzied panic, covering her face in shame.
  151. Flutter tries to push her wings back down, but they’re stiff and outstretched for the time being. She tries to calm down her other self. “Um, i-it’s alright! You were giving a nice massage! I-I didn’t even mind the tickling for a while!”
  153. Shy peeks out through her fingers. “R-really?”
  155. “Yeah, I just didn’t expect it, is all...” Flutter says, looking from side to side.
  157. Shy lowers her hands down to her lap. She tries to think of something to say to break the awkward silence, but finds nothing.
  159. “You...um...seemed to have a lot of fun...t-tickling me, I mean…” Flutter finally murmurs out.
  161. Shy opens her mouth to speak, but can’t find a proper response. Trying to deny it would dig herself into a deeper hole, but agreeing would potentially make things even more awkward. Shy quickly nods, hoping that was the end of the conversation.
  163. Flutter’s cheeks suddenly get redder. “I-I see...Um, I...c-can you p-please keep this between us?”
  165. Shy nods again, her worry turning into confusion.
  167. “Well...You see...When you...It’s just that...I…Ireallylikedbeingtickled!” Flutter finally spits out, turning her head away as soon as she’s done talking.
  169. Though the words came out fast, Shy understood each one. “Y-You too?” she asks.
  171. Flutter meekly nods. “I didn’t expect you to t-tickle my feet like that b-but it felt really good…” She blinks, realizing that Shy had said “too”. “...Wait, you also...?”
  173. “Yeah!” Shy exclaims with perhaps a bit too much enthusiasm. “I...So that means we...we both have a tickle fetish?”
  175. Flutter squirms at the mention of it, but she can’t deny it, especially not to her other self. “I guess so…” Now that the topic is out there, Flutter has a question for Shy. “Do you...get tickled often back in your Equestria?”
  177. Shy immediately blushes; there were plenty of memories of that. “Mmhm. Usually by my friends...”
  179. “R-really? Do...do they know? About...you know?” Flutter asks, now instantly intrigued in the other’s home universe.
  181. “Y-yeah, they know. I...told them that I liked it.”
  183. Flutter gasps in shock. “How? How do you even tell someone about that?”
  185. “I...didn’t exactly have a choice...It was kinda...forced out of me. They usually began tickling until they found out and I had to tell them the truth about it…” Shy laughs nervously, still embarrassed by the memories..
  187. Flutter winces, but her curiosity drives past her second-hand embarrassment to keep asking more questions. “Which...which friends know?”
  189. “Um...Pinkie, Rainbow, Rarity, Twilight, Starlight, Spike, and Applejack.”
  191. “A-All of those...? “ Flutter asks. “How did you...how did you get Pinkie to tickle you?” The idea of asking her friends to tickle her seemed utterly impossible to her, but she wanted to know how the other Fluttershy managed to pull it off.
  193. “Well, I kinda lied to her and said that I was unable to laugh. She tried telling jokes, but she ultimately ended up tying me to the bed and tickling me for a long time, even after I started laughing...” Come to think of it, it was almost as if Pinkie knew even before Shy asked.
  195. “I see...A-and what about Rarity?” Flutter realizes that she may be prying in on personal affairs, but her curiosity is getting the better of her.
  197. Shy doesn’t see any harm in telling Flutter this information. After all, she is her. “Well, one day the spa was closed, so we decided to give each other pedicures. When she started massaging my feet, I couldn’t help it…”
  199. “Wow, and do you...do you get to tickle them back?”
  201. “Eheheh, sometimes. They usually find it more fun when they’re tickling me, though. They were surprised at how good of a tickler I am.”
  203. Flutter looks at Shy in awe and envy. “Wow…”
  205. “I’m guessing you’re not as lucky, huh?”
  207. Flutter shakes her head. “No one ever does it to me. Rainbow Dash used to do it to tease me when we were in flight school, but that was the last time I think anyone’s ever really tickled me. And I’d never be able to ask for it from them, you know? They’d think I was some sort of freak...”
  209. Shy nods in understanding. “Yeah, it was terrifying when they found out, but they’re my friends, and they were fine with it. I’m sure the ones here would be, too.”
  211. “I don’t think I’d be able to work up the courage to even admit it…” Flutter says, shrinking in her seat.
  213. “Well, I have a feeling your friends would be willing to help out if you asked, but it doesn’t have to be today.” Shy says. “But, since we’re here talking about it...I could tickle you some more, if you wanted.”
  215. “Y-Yes, please!” Flutter quickly nods, the chance of finally getting to indulge in her kink was too good to pass up, and the fact that it was with a version of her who seemed to have experience made it even better.
  217. With Flutter’s approval, Shy grabs onto her ankles, pulling them back towards her. She picks up her right foot first, preparing herself.
  219. Flutter feels her feet being pulled away. "Uh, uhm..." Is all she can muster, the familiar nerves returning.
  221. Shy can see how tense Flutter is, as it’s her first time doing anything like this. She doesn’t have a plan of what to do with her, but she wants to ease that tension first and foremost. She starts by skittering her fingers against her toes, holding onto her ankle so that she can’t pull her foot back.
  223. Fluttershy's nervous expression quickly turns into an uncontrollable smile as those soft fingers start to glide weightlessly against her toes, causing them to curl up in surprise once again. "Ahahahahahaha! My tohohohoes!" She yelps.
  225. "Mmhm, gonna start with your ticklish toes!" she begins teasing, giggling as she gets into the zone. Her fingers begins wiggling against the bridges of her toes as she tickles without restraint. “Ooh, for someone who hasn’t been tickled in forever, you’re still so ticklish!”
  227. Flutter guffaws, a sincere happiness to the laughter as she tries to withstand the fingers lightly brushing underneath her oh-so sensitive toes. It had been so long, the pegasus had no idea where she was most ticklish, but she was excited to find out. It takes only a few seconds for Fluttershy to try pulling her feet away again.
  229. "Tickle tickle tickle! Who's a ticklish widdle Pegasus?" Shy taunts, continuing to slowly drag her fingers against the bridges of her toes, keeping the grip on her ankle tight to prevent her from yanking her foot away.
  231. "IHiHi Ahahaham!" Fluttershy's squees and chuckles from the tickling of her helpless feet are simply adorable. She tries desperately to escape, wiggling her feet from side to side to try and keep your fingers away from that sweet spot. "NotthetoesnotthetoesnottheToHoHoHoHoes!"
  233. Shy giggles in delight at how ticklish she was. She figured this was what it was like to be all her friends that got a chance to tickle her silly. Though in this case, she knew exactly how to tease herself. "Oh, yes, your toes! All those pedicures made your feet sooooo soft and sooooo ticklish!"
  235. Flutter’s stiff wings give a small, panicked flap behind her back, her eyes glued to her peds and Shy’s menacing fingers. It seems that Rarity's insistence on pampering her silly every week was causing trouble for her right now. Why did the spa ponies have to be so skilled?
  237. “Oh, but you love how ticklish your toes are, don’t you? A-tickle tickle tickle!” Shy giggles, sliding her fingers between Flutter’s wiggling toes, showing no signs of letting up soon. It was a challenge to keep Flutter’s foot still while simultaneously tickling her, but Shy managed.
  239. After taking a bit more of this tootsie teasing, Flutter tries a last ditch effort to break free. She leans forwards, her hands making a beeline towards Shy’s stomach, scribbling her long fingernails ticklishly all along that cuddly tummy.
  241. "Hehehe! Tickle tickle tickle! Can’t escape the ti-EEHEEHEEHEEHEEK!" Shy nearly leaps from the couch, not expecting her to actually fight back. She begins flailing about, trying to push away Fluttershy's hands away from her belly.
  243. With Flutter’s feet freed, she's able to focus on teasing Shy’s tummy now that her own tickling has stopped. "Oh, you're plenty ticklish too I see! Tickle, tickle, tickle your tummy!" Fluttershy cooes, refusing to relent.
  245. "Noooo! Nooohohohoho! Q-Quihihit it!" She squeals, falling back on the couch as she laughs hysterically, still trying to push Fluttershy away, but each motion just opens up another spot for her to tickle. She starts blushing hard, mostly due to her own teasing instantly backfiring on her.
  247. Flutter follows as Shy tries to move away, enjoying her first time making anypony else laugh. Her hands dart up to Shy's exposed underarms now, using those long, manicured fingernails to itch and tease gently inside the soft hollows. Suddenly all those spa visits are starting to pay off. “What's wrong, can't take what you give? Tickle, tickle, all over…”
  249. Shy starts wildly flailing, throwing her head back as she howls with laughter, her arms shooting to her sides to try to protect her armpits, but unfortunately trapping them in the process. "Bwahahahahahah! N-Nohohoho faaaaair! Eeheeheeheeheeheehee!"
  251. Flutter simply gives a sadistic grin, her fingers going wild with the need to tickle every inch of her armpits. "Oh my, ticklish pits too! Is there anywhere you aren't sensitive?" she taunts, surprisingly getting into the role of 'ler easily. She lifts up Shy’s skirt to expose her belly more, giving her navel a quick raspberry.
  253. "Ahahahaha! Nohohohohoho!" Shy laughed in response to the question, laughing uncontrollably as she just decides to give in to the tickles, lying down on the couch as tries to let Flutter explore her ticklish body. Of course, she’d flail around, but her resistance only went as far as reflex.
  255. Flutter's soft, fine tail-tip suddenly starts to stroke along one of her victim's exposed soles, sweeping along just underneath the toes. The thin hairs have little difficulty slipping between those toes when she decides to tease them. "Oh? I guess I knew that too, because I think I’m the same way!" Flutter admits, before slurping against at her navel.
  257. "AHAHAHAHAHA! A-Aaaahhhn!" Shy's toes begin wiggling and curling as she's tickled in three different places at once, all of them extremely ticklish, which makes her arch her back and even moan a bit in arousal.
  259. For someone with little experience with tickling, Flutter was deceptively skilled at it. In the back of her mind, Shy began to wonder if there were other Fluttershys in other Equestrias that had tickle kinks, or if she just got extremely lucky.
  261. Fluttershy stops, completely taken by surprise at the erotic moaning from her captive. It's then she notices that her counterparts isn't fighting back at this point... and her face completely turns red.
  263. She only ceases for a couple of seconds though, as she takes a deep breath the moment she regains her bearings, and blows a long raspberry over Flutter's tummy button, not wanting to stop her fun.
  265. Shy takes those few seconds of confusion to catch her breath, her cheeks gradually gets back to it's normal shade. Unfortunately, it doesn't last long, and she's back to a laughing mess as she lets out a loud squeal, her wings flapping excitedly. "EEEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEHEEHEEHEE!"
  267. Flutter pulls her hands free from the pits, and begins to scribble her fingernails all over her other's ribs. "Let's see where else you're ticklish, shall we?" she says, fluttering her wings threateningly at the pegasus. "I'll admit though, you're taking this like a champ, you must really love being tickled!"
  269. Shy is completely helpless against both the tickling and the verbal teasing, back to blushing madly as she begins pounding against the couch as she howls with laughter. She begins thrashing and flapping her wings as her sensitive ribcage is being explored. "AHAHAHAHA! Y-YEHEHEHEHEHES!"
  271. Flutter stops the tickling, only to slowly lower her wings down until they rest gently on Shy’s sides, each stationary fluffy plume a threat to the ticklish mare. They sit there for a few long seconds, wanting to let the anticipation get to her victim. "Well then, I'll just have to tickle, tickle, tickle you all over!" The Pegasus punctuates every time she says tickle by sweeping her tail tip over Shy’s squirming toes. Her hands grab onto Shy’s wrists, pinning them above her head to expose her pits.
  273. Shy begins to shiver in anticipation, the feathers resting on her sides already setting her on edge. With each sweep of the tail against her toes, they curl or flinch, and she lets out a little squeak in response. "O-Oh? I-is that so? B-because you’re just so new to the whole tickling thing, I don’t think you could... ” she says, her voice wavering as she waits to be hopefully proven wrong.
  275. Flutter gives a cheeky smirk, before suddenly sucking in plenty of air, and blowing a huge raspberry right onto Shy’s navel. "PPPPBBBBBBBTTTTTT!!!" As this happens, her wings shake and quiver a little, fluttering dozens of soft plumes all over the other Shy's soft sides, ribs, and pits.
  277. Shy arches her back as she erputs in hysterics, her arms fighting against Flutter’s as the wave of ticklish sensations wash over her upperbody. "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NOOOAAHAHAHAHAHAA!" With how effective the wings are, Shy almost regrets taunting her...almost.
  279. Flutter's finely manicured hands grab onto her hips, letting the feathers completely take over the upperbody. Instead, they skitter and scribble erratically all over the top of the soft yellow tummy. Her tongue starts to probe deep into her alternate's navel, ticklishly exploring wherever she can, the arching of Shy’s back pushing the belly-button into her tongue.
  281. Tears begin to flow down Shy’s cheeks. Although Flutter doesn’t seem to be fully aware of it, she’s pushing all of Shy’s buttons so many times, more aroused moans start to slip out. As the tickling intensifies, her nether regions start to get more and more hot...
  283. "Oooh, who has a soft, ticklish tummy?" Flutter asks, lovingly nuzzling her alternate's huggable belly, her fingers scribbling and itching in random patterns all over that soft spot. "Hehehe, had enough yet? Or do I have to start tickle, tickling your feet?" She taunts. Unbeknownst to Shy, she’s also feeling a little hot between her legs, though not nearly to the level of her victim.
  285. "I DO! I DOOHOOHOOHOO!" Shy starts to sweat, the arousal slowly taking over more and more. "W-WAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAIT! I-I'M G-GONNA! EEHEEEHEEEHEEHE!" She can't even explain what's about to happen to her, but Flutter was about to find out soon if this was to continue.
  287. Flutter, having never done this sort of thing to herself before, isn't aware of how turned on Shy is right now. She turns around, facing her feet, moving her tail to tickle the top of her belly. The currently dominating Pegasus traps both ankles on an arm-lock, and proceeds to skitter her fingers up both soft arches. "Heehee, okay! It's time to tickle all over your feet! Coochie, coochie coo!”
  289. “NONONONO-EEEEHAHAHAHAA! AAAHAAHAAA!” Shy starts to panic, the quick tickling on her feet making her hit the point of no return much quicker than she expected. Shy's laughter slowly fades away, being replaced by louder and louder moaning. Her mind starts to get fuzzy, not being able to plead anymore, she loses herself in the climax. "Oh...Ohhhh! AAAAAHHHHN!" She cries out, curling her toes as her back arches.
  291. As the laughter slowly starts to turn to erotic moans, Flutter realises what Shy was warning her about. She decides to finish her off rather than leave her needy. To this end, she not only continues racing her nails lightly up and down those arches, she also leans in and starts to tenderly suckle on the left big toe. "Mmmmph..." She moans in happiness, enjoying the other Shy's erotic moans.
  293. Shy starts to giggle uncontrollably while basking in the afterglow, the light tickles on her feet feeling heavenly. It takes a while for Shy to snap back to reality, but the moment she does, she’s immediately flustered and apologetic. "O-Oh...oh gosh...I-I'm so sorry..."
  295. Flutter simply stops her tickling once her friend has finished enjoying the afterglow, then she looks at her companion, smiling warmly. "It's okay, I had a lot of fun being the tickler... I didn't know you could... just from being tickled." Her face is turning red, the Pegasus surprised at having done that to somepony.
  297. "It's...I-I've done it before, but not that fast. It's just that...y-you're so good." she sighs in relief, still a bit woozy as she catches her breath. "Y-you sure you haven't d-done that before? You were a natural!"
  299. "N-no, honestly." Flutter says, smiling sheepishly. "Have... you ever tickled someone to orgasm before?" She asks, feeling a little braver around her counterpart, wanting to know what she's getting into.
  301. "U-Um...a few times...P-Pinkie really likes it..." She says. Even though talking about her fetish was still a nervous subject, she feels a lot more comfortable talking with Flutter about it, now that the secret was out and she just went through an intense tickling
  303. "Heh, I'm not surprised that Pinkie would love it... how do you... work up the nerve to ask someone though? I mean, after they know about it.” The mare seems to have a lot on her mind right now after all these new developments.
  305. “Well, it takes up a lot of courage, but I just have to go out and ask for it. Usually I have to do something for them in return, since it’s usually a favor for me if I’m not asking Pinkie.”
  307. "Right... does... anyone else you know like tickling? Anyone you didn’t mention before?”
  309. "No, I think I told you the full list, already.”
  311. Flutter stops to think for a moment. “...So...not even Discord knows?”
  313. “No, I don’t think he knows…but...if he ever did find out...and if he wanted to...he could…”
  315. Shy doesn’t even have to finish her sentence for both Fluttershys to shudder. The idea of Discord having total control over their ticklish body sent chills down their spine.
  317. Flutter looks away at the corner nervously for a moment, before finally making eye-contact with herself again. "So...Maybe I could get a turn being tickled by you? You sound like you... know what you're doing..." Her voice gets quieter the longer she talks for, having to force out every word of this request.
  319. "Oh, I’d love to!" Shy grins a bit, wings fluttering as she already starts planning in her head what she plans to do. “Anything specific you want?”
  321. "Well... maybe I should... be restrained." Someone else could almost swear she's shrinking ever so slightly as she says those words, the pegasi’s large, soft yellow wings slowly beginning to part from her back once again.
  323. "Oh! Um, sure thing, if that's what you want!" She says, looking around. "Um...do you have anything I could use?”
  325. "I'm not sure... I've never... done anything like this. How would we find something to... hold me?"
  327. "Uh...let's see...maybe a rope or something? Something I could use to tie a knot, definitely."
  329. Flutter thinks for a moment about what to do next. "Where do you... get your... supplies?" She asks.
  331. "I...I got stuff like rope from the hardware store, and some tickle tools from Pinkie and the gag shop, usually…”
  333. "Well... I guess we can go out, get some things, then make our way back here then?" The idea of going out to purchase tickling tools seems nerve-wracking and embarrassing, but she couldn't just ignore the opportunity in front of her that she may never get again.
  335. "Oh, sure thing then!" Shy says nervously. It was already embarrassing getting those things before, now she had to get them all over again... "So um, anything you want to get?"
  337. "Some rope... and some tickle tools, definitely." Flutter says. She's very reluctant to get out the door and go to the gag shop... especially considering how often Pinkie and Rainbow hang out there... what if they see her?
  339. "Yeah, that sounds good." Shy says, about to get up before she freezes in place. "Wait, we can’t just go out like this, because it would look really weird if Fluttershy was in two places at once..."
  341. “Right...I think I have an idea!”
  343. After a quick makeover, Shy is the first to return back, wearing a disguise so as to not mess too much with this Equestria. She didn’t want to ruin Flutter’s reputation by coming off as a pervert.
  345. Shy begins taking out her purchases, laying them out on the table. A few pairs of handcuffs, rope, blindfolds, a set of portable foot stocks, some baby oil and lotion, and paintbrushes with matching paint. Though they probably wouldn’t go through all of it, it would help Flutter for later if she ever wanted to get her friends involved.
  347. As Shy wonders what her counterpart purchased, Flutter walks in with a brown paper bag, hiding her tools of choice. She moves towards the sofa, wordlessly laying the bag against the coffee table, and slowly sits down. Her face is almost completely red as a cherry tomato. It takes a few seconds for her to talk again.
  349. "U-uhm... R-r-r..." Is all she manages to splutter out, looking like a deer in the headlights.
  351. "Uh...y-you ok?" Shy puts her hand on Flutter’s shoulder, trying to comfort her. What could’ve happened while she was out?
  353. It took a long time of needing to process what happened until Flutter could finally speak. "R-Rarity... knows...S-s-she s-saw wh-what I w-was b-b-buying... and m-must have known what the c-connection w-was..." She finally admits. "S-she didn't tell a-any-one though... b-but she offered..." Even through all this she can't finish that sentence. Flutter is conflicted, this is both her worst nightmare and wildest fantasy all crashing into her life at the same time.
  355. “Oh.” Shy says, understanding why Flutter is so flustered. She might’ve fainted on the spot if one of her friends found out like that. Not like she had a good track record of letting them know in a non-embarrassing way… “Well, she didn’t make fun of you, did she?”
  357. "N-no... she... she... offered to... l-let me come over so we could... t-t-t-tickle e-each other." Now it's even clearer why Flutter’s so utterly embarrassed. Wordlessly, still seeming many miles away mentally, Flutter reaches into the bag and pulls out a couple of spiky, shiny, Wartenburg wheels. "Sh-she s-suggested I get these." She says, handing them to her counterpart.
  359. "Hey, that's a good thing, right?" Shy says, trying to snap her out of it. "She's offering to help you, and that's amazing! Are you going to take her up on that?" She grabs one of the wheels, running the spikes up her arm and shivering. "Ooh, these are niiiice..."
  361. It takes another few seconds of thinking before Flutter can respond, slowly nodding. She's known Rarity for years by now, the mere idea of doing something like this is bizarre, even terrifying... but at the same time, this is a chance she can't reject.
  363. Shy smiles warmly, patting her on the back. "See? That's not so bad, right? I'm sure Rarity's as great a friend as in your world as she is in mine, now, let's see what you've got."
  365. Fluttershy, still blushing, starts to pull out the tools from the bag. Two electric toothbrushes, two large, stiff bristled hairbrushes, a couple of large, soft bristled scrubbing brushes, some maple syrup, a pair of wand vibrators, a straight jacket she'd gotten from the joke shop, and a sleep mask. Flutter shivers especially as she pulls out these last few, fumbling the blindfold and dropping it to the floor, having to pick it up again. With an inventory like that, no wonder she went into shock when Rarity caught her.
  367. As Fluttershy takes out the tools, Shy’s eyes widen in surprise, especially at the last few items. "Woah, you… you really went all out, didn't you?" She says, chuckling nervously as she imagines those tools used on her.
  369. "Y-y-yes." Flutter smiles, starting to slowly loosen up once again after the embarrassing run in with her best friend. Her heart is skipping in her chest in excitement at both her time with Rarity... and her upcoming fun here.
  371. "I-I d-didn't think I'd g-get to do this... again," she admits, not knowing anypony else with a tickle fetish. The idea of being alone with these new feelings was honestly very worrying.
  373. “I’m sure there are others. I’m certain that you could ask Pinkie, and she’d say yes.” Shy says, trying to assure Flutter. "So...what do you want to do with these first?"
  375. Flutter shudders at the idea of being tied up and letting someone like Pinkie tickle her. "Uhm... well... I don't know. I've never... done this... wh-why d-don't y-you pick?" she asks, knowing that her counterpart has had plenty of experience with this, so she'd know much better how to make her squirm, and where to start.
  377. Shy nods, her other self giving her free reign over her first intense tickling experience. She was probably going to hold back a bit to not overstimulate her, but she was definitely going to give her something memorable. "Alright then, why don't you put your feet in these, and I'll start setting up." She says, opening the stocks up on the couch.
  379. Fluttershy blushes a bit, as she once again starts to pull off her spring-green heels and white cotton socks. She wiggles her freed toes, gently, tentatively lifting them onto the sofa and into the padded indents.
  381. Before Shy locks her in, she has an idea. “Oh, do you mind if you...strip naked for this?”
  383. Flutter blinks in shock, not expecting such a forward suggestion from herself. "U-uh... g-go ahead." Fluttershy says, wiggling her toes. "But, could you... b-be naked too?" Flutter asks, just barely working up the courage to ask. Her wings are spread out stiff behind her at the mere idea, but it's so enticing she has to ask. The pegasus smiles, a touch nervous but completely willing.
  385. Shy blushes furiously, "U-umm...Y-yeah! I can do that..." She stammers, shocked by the response. She starts by stripping herself first, taking off her skirt and panties, before removing her shirt and bra.
  387. She then starts to take off the clothes of her counterpart, trying to tune out every confusing thought trying to invade her mind as she does so.
  389. Flutter's eyes are glued firmly on the body of her other self, unable to keep herself from staring despite her best attempts. It feels odd, it's like looking into a mirror, same body, same features... but for some reason it's strangely sexy.
  391. What gets her even more aroused and flustered though is when it's her turn to be stripped down. She doesn't resist, letting her counterpart slowly expose every last one of her most sensitive spots. "U-uhm... y-you like what you... see?" Fluttershy asks, awkwardly lying on the armrest, trying to give her best sexy pose. Her face is bright red as she realizes that probably isn’t the best line to use on someone that looks just like you.
  393. "I...umm...yeah…?" Shy says, tilting her head, her cheeks staring to flush red. The naked body she was looking at was essentially herself, and yet, just like Flutter, she found an odd arousal in seeing it. She hoped that this wasn’t a sign of narcissism.
  395. With both of them naked, Shy closes the stocks down on Flutter’s ankles, locking them in place. She then takes her arms and places them above her head, tying her wrists together. Shy then lays Fluttershy down on the couch, tying another rope from the one on her wrists to the legs of the couch, keeping her arms above her head. "Alright, I think that should do it...for now..."
  397. Seeing her copy blushing like that, Flutter feels... odd, embarrassed, excited, but also a bit sexy. It's a very rare moment for her, and while she's clearly nervous, the pegasus decides to enjoy this with a little more teasing. "Oh? W-well... I bet you just can’t wait to get me giggling again, h-huh?” She tugs on the rope, testing the ties. There's no way Flutter is getting out of this now. She gulps nervously, scrunching up her soles as she waits.
  399. Shy feels her wings twitch. Was she goading her on? She takes a deep breath, trying to steel herself for what she’s about to do. She can’t tickle effectively if she’s a flustered wreck. "Oh, getting cheeky are we? You really think you're in a position to do that?" She says, wiggling a single finger into her exposed armpit.
  401. "I think I'm in the perfect p-position to- EHEHEEK!" Flutter begins wiggling and squirming as she feels a finger digging into her left armpit, tracing and exploring all over the sensitive spot. The pony clearly wasn't expecting her captor to begin the tickling so suddenly. "Ehehehehe, thahahat tihickles." The skin in the hollow feels soft to the touch, the dom's fingers easily gliding around against the skin. Worse, in this position, her armpits are completely exposed and taut, unable to stop the teasing there.
  403. "It’s supposed to, but I’ve barely even started..." Shy taunts, adding more and more fingers to wiggle against her hollows. Even with the additional fingers, she’s slow and teasing, her goal to just make her jump and jolt with giggles. "Tickle tickle tickle!" She coos, leaning in close, their naked bodies nearly touching as she wiggles her fingers.
  405. Flutter's belly rises and falls with her helpless giggling, her large breasts shaking and bouncing a bit from her moving and fidgeting. "Hahahahahehehehe!" She gives a constant stream of giggles, her soft, almost melodious laughter sounding like music to the ears, such loud chuckles rarely heard from her. The teasing talk only makes it worse, forcing her to focus on the wiggling fingers in her pits.
  407. "Kitchy kitchy koo! I don't even think your armpits are your most ticklish spot, and you're already a giggling mess? What a shame, I don't think you'll be able to take what I have planned..." Shy whispers in her ear, moving her fingers down, her fingers now tapping against her ribcage, getting more comfortable in her domineering role.
  409. Flutter had never been tied up and tickled before, so she had no resistance to what was coming. She tries pressing her legs against her body to protect her tummy, the adorable mare squealing as she feels Shy’s fingernails lightly itching over her chest. The teasing on top of each rib makes the helpless pegasus squeak and struggle, her wings spreading out behind her back.
  411. "What's wrong? It’s only a little tickling, you can’t even take that?" Shy grins, suddenly moving back up to her armpits, digging her fingers in harder, starting to escalate the tickling to see how she would react.
  413. "Ehehehehehehehe! Aiieehehehehehehe!"" Flutter's struggling is renewed as those nimble fingers go back to dancing in her armpits all of a sudden. She looks at her captor, admiring the nude body of the female that was currently leaning over her, whilst at the same time trying to turn and twist away from those fingernails.
  415. "Hm? What’s going on? Weren’t you teasing me earlier? Are you really going to be broken in so easily?" Shy says, her manicured fingernails lightly scratching and shaking in the hollows of her armpits.
  417. "N-nohohohohohoho! T-tihihihihihickle mehehehehehe!" Flutter yelps, completely taking herself by surprise. the ticklish sensations are starting to demolish the doubts and fears of getting tickled from her mind, as a rush of excitement takes her. Flutter tries to move her wings and tickle her captive's tummy, but they're much too stiff to move by this point.
  419. "Oh? You really want me to tickle you? Very well," She says, shaking her head as she smiles. She lifts up her fingers, wiggling them in front of Flutter just to put her on edge, before reaching around her body to start teasing her stiff wings.
  421. The feathers feel soft, with slightly prickly barbs as they brush against Shy fingers with each twitch of the pony's body. Flutter's laughter dies down quite a bit, starting to moan as her tender wings are stroked so delicately. "Mmmmhmhmhm, ooooohoohoo...th-thahat's nihihice."
  423. "And you looooove it, don't you?" Shy teases, gently wiggling her fingers into the wing pits. One of the advantages to being a Pegasus with a tickle fetish was having built-in tickle tools. One of the other advantages was having a special tickle spot an exclusive sensitive and erogenous area.
  425. Flutter nods, panting and snickering helplessly as the tender, rarely touched pits of her wings are teased so tenderly.Her toes grip and toy with the soft cushions on the couch. "Ooohohohohoho, yeheheah…”
  427. "Mmmhmm, you better enjoy these soft moments while you can..." Shy warns, lightly skittering her fingers, alternating between her wing pits and her sides. "Because they won't be lasting long." She says, suddenly lowering herself down, placing her lips right above her belly button and blowing a raspberry.
  429. "Ohoho, d-don't w-w-worry, I wi-GYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!" Flutter immediately snaps out of her erotic daze the very instant that a fierce raspberry is blown right onto her innie navel, the vibrations of her lips send ticklish shockwaves all over her belly, with perhaps her worst spot being the epicentre for the ticklish storm. "NAHAHAT THAHAHA BAAHAHAHATTAHAHAAAN!" she begs.
  431. Shy lifts up her head. "Oh? What did you say? 'Not the button'? You mean like thiiiiiiiis?" She grinned evilly, before blowing another long raspberry against her navel, her fingers wiggling and digging into her sides to add even more tickling.
  433. Flutter tries to wiggle her belly away from her captor, but wherever she moves there's a set of devilish fingers to dig into her helpless sides, forcing her back towards the raspberry. "BAHAHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! NOOHOOHOHOHOHO!" She yelps, jumping in shock as another tummy buzz blows ticklish waves all over her stomach.
  435. Shy continued to buzz her lips right on Flutter's navel, only stopping to take a breath. Occasionally, after blowing a raspberry, her lips would still stay there, only for her tongue to poke into her belly button and wiggle around inside. At the same time, her fingers kept busy, going from her armpits, to her ribs, sides, and even thighs, before going all the way back up.
  437. Flutter kept squealing and squirming through the unending barrage of tummy buzz after tummy buzz. Her mane now a complete mess from all the shaking and wiggling the helpless mare had been doing. She can't help but reward her captor for every teasing touch of her lips, tongue and fingers with a tempting belly-dance, unable to stop herself from moving despite her attempts to invite more tickling. The tongue digging into her navel definitely didn’t help, squealing with ticklish delight as her navel is probed. "NoHoHoHoHo!" She yells, some leftover giggles remaining in her voice.
  439. Shy lifts up her head, finally ending the raspberry assault. "You’re a feisty one, hm? Always jumping around...Maybe I should switch places…” she says, tracing a fingertip from her thigh, across her cutie mark, down her legs. “Maybe somewhere like...here," she says, poking her feet. "Yes, I think that this will do just fine, after all, you won't be able to protect your precious, big, soft, and ticklish feet, will you?"
  441. Flutter scrunches up her feet upon feeling Shy’s fingernail prod at her soft yellow sole. She feels a shiver shoot up her spine, the overly sensitive mare unable to pull her feet away from the curious finger. "Oh nohoho." Flutter begins giggling from the anticipation.
  443. "Oh yes," Shy countered, continuing to lightly tease her soles with only her manicured fingernails.
  445. Flutter tries to turn to the side and hide her feet against the couch cushions, but she just can't reach. She squeaks and guffaws as the fingernails lightly dance all over her tender arches and soles. "NoHoHoHoHoHo! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
  447. "Now, let's put some of these things to use, shall we?" she says, grabbing the hairbrushes that Fluttershy got earlier. "I wonder if you bought some good, tickly brushes..." She says, displaying them to her before bringing them to her feet. "Let's find out!"
  449. Thankfully, the light finger teasing doesn't last for very long, giving Flutter a chance to regain her strength as Shy grabs the next tool. She lays her head gently against the soft pillow under her, breathing slowly as she tries to slow her thundering heartbeat. Her toes curl as she sees her grab onto the hairbrushes. "N-no, no!" She yelps, knowing begging won’t help her now.
  451. With one brush in each hand, Shy hovers them over Flutter’s feet. “Ready or not, here it comes…” Shy says as she slowly starts to drag the brushes down her soles, the many bristles stroking against the soft surface of her feet.
  453. "EHEHEHEHEHEEK! YEHEHEHEHEHEHES!!" It doesn't take much to make the mare change her tune, the overwhelming feeling of those plastic bristles digging deep into her helpless soles is everything that she could have hoped for, providing an adrenaline rush unlike anything the normally mellow mare was used to.
  455. "Hehehe, tickle tickle tickle!" Shy teased, continuing her taunting tickle talk. "I think these brushes are doing a fantastic job, and I think you agree..." She chuckles, continuing to drag the brushes down her soles.
  457. Flutter turns into a complete mees, twisting and wriggling in the stocks, trying to get her feet away from the devious brushes, the Pegasi's will about to be broken again. “YAHAHAHA! IT TIHIHIHIHICKLES!”
  459. "And just think, this brush was made to expertly go through hair without tangling it or messing it up, but I think it does a much better job of making a ticklish pony like you just scream for more..." Shy chuckles, gradually speeding up the brush strokes.
  462. “EEEHEEHEEHEE! M-MOHOHOHOHORE!” Despite her wild flailing and screaming, Flutter desperately begged for more, more scrubbing of her feet, more evil taunting, more of everything. From her state of helplessness to the cruel mindgames, and especially the feelings of tickling flooding her body and forcing her to lose all control, this was perfect.
  464. Shy let out a shudder, her wings as outstretched and stiff as Flutter’s. even though she was essentially tickling herself, watching her wild reactions and absolute love of being tickled was such a turn-on for her.
  466. Flutter slams her eyes shut, unable to witness her own tickling any further. As the torment went on, she could feel her nipples slowly turning erect with each pass of the dozens of bristles digging into her insteps. A single thought, in the non-lucid wasteland of her mind, rang clear to her. If Shy could cum just from being tickled...could she?
  468. "Y-you're such a...a naughty girl...begging for tickles like this..." Shy moaned out, becoming more turned on the more her ticklee was. She was no stranger to being a tickler back home, but this was a unique experience. She felt like she already knew all the ways to drive her wild.
  470. "IHIHIHI AHAHAHAM!" Flutter yelps. Her eyes open, exploring the body of her captor more as she can hear her alternate's voice shudder a little in arousal. Flutter's face was slowly turning redder as she can tell how much her captor is enjoying teasing and brushing her helpless feet.
  472. "K-kitchy koo!" Shy teased, raking the brushes down her soles, the bristles easily gliding across her quickly reddening soles.
  474. The bristles easily slide up and down her feet thanks to the round rubber tips. Flutter somehow manages to uncurl her toes, leaving them wide open for a ticklish assault, hoping that Shy will get the hint. "MOHOHOHOHOHOHOHORE!~" There's no doubt at this point, they're the very same tickle-loving pony.
  476. "If you say so!" Shy grins, eyeing the vulnerable toes, moving the brushes upward. With the large surface area of the brushes, the bristles are able to cover the balls of her feet to her toes, from the tips to under, and between.
  478. "WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Fluttershy yelps, her extremely ticklish toes now completely unable to curl up against as the bristles push her toes back, at the same time exploring every nook and cranny, every pad, stem and hollow of her sensitive toes.
  480. Even though she wasn't the one being tickled, she could still feel all the love and arousal Fluttershy was giving off, wondering to herself how close she was to orgasm. She was so aroused, she was having a difficult time taunting and teasing, but she still tried her best. "Tickle tickle....you absolutely love it, don’t you?"
  482. As the erotic tension of every tease slowly starts to wear away at Flutter's resistance, she starts feeling the spot between her legs slowly starting to get hot, just like her cheeks. Every so often a light moan will somehow sneak it's way into her cries and guffaws. "IHIHIHIHIHIHIHI DOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!!" the pegasus admits, so loud that anypony passing by the path outside would have easily heard. Thankfully, nopony is around to hear her scream.
  484. "That’s what I thought!" The bristles of the brushes sweep through her toes and hitting every sensitive spot without resistance. Shy continues to brush and brush at her toes, as if there was a muddy spot that simply needed to get out.
  486. Flutter had no idea how long the dozens of plastic tipped bristles had been dug into her toes for, 15 minutes? Half an hour? All she knew was that there was just no stopping Shy, no escaping the tickling, no matter how much she begged her to stop, or cried out for more.
  488. As she watched Flutter's reactions, Shy considered pushing her into her first ticklegasm, but she decided to just have a little more fun with her first. All of a sudden, the brushing and tickling came to an abrupt stop.
  490. As suddenly as it had all started though, the scrubbing stops. Flutter slowly starts to relax, sucking in air desperately as she relaxes. The mare blinks the tears out of her eyes, regaining some idea of where she is. Now, with her head clear, she’s fully aware how stiff her wings are, how wet she is, and how she wants more.
  492. “I bet you’re close, aren’t you? You want me to keep going, don’t you?” Shy says with a wink, her fingers tapping against her blushing soles.
  494. "Y-yes!" Is her almost immediate answer, the mare giggling gently as those fingers tap her twitching feet. "Ehehe, tihickle meeheehee..."
  496. "I thought you might say that…” Shy giggles. As she grabs the brush with her right hand, she plucks one of her own feathers from her stiff wings, holding it in her left hand.
  498. Flutter can't help but cringe a tiny bit as Shy plucks out one of her own feathers, unsure if she could do something like that herself so suddenly, even if it is a loose plume.
  500. With the feather, Shy begins stroking it under the toes of her right foot, with the hairbrush, she begins to scrub the sole on her left foot, giving Flutter two different, ticklish sensations.
  502. Flutter starts gently giggling as she feels the prickly, soft barbs slipping effortlessly under her toes. "Ehehehehehehehe, hehehe-AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!" This light giggling soon turns to mad belly-laughs as the scrubbing of her blushing soles starts once again, the two ticklish sensations contrasting in such a stark way that they both fight for her attention.
  504. "Kitchy kitchy koo! The ticklish little Pegasus just loves when her biiiig, soft feet are tickle tickle tickled!" Shy resumes her verbal teasing, trying not to stutter or stumble on her words to keep Flutter in the moment. "You love being tickled so much, you're going to cum from this, aren't you? My, you really do love this...The feather slowly sawing under and between your toes, or this brush mercilessly scrubbing your sole...that drives you wild, doesn't it?"
  506. The teasing makes every ticklish sensation all the worse, Flutter feels every touch that's described to her in perfect detail, completely unable to focus on anything else. "YEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHES!! MOHOHOHOHOHORE!" she begs, slowly feeling her lower lips getting damper with every stroke of the feather and brush of the bristles. She's keeping her toes wide open now to let the feather easily dust between them, wanting to laugh until she cries and climaxes.
  508. “Oh, I can feel it, you’re about to reach it soon, aren’t you? You’re about to break! Maybe if I slide the feather between your toes like thiiiis…” Shy puts the feather between her big toe, slowly sliding it back and forth, the brush scrubbing at her instep in the meanwhile.
  510. Flutter's helpless, bombastic laughter slowly starts to change, turning into a harsh, desperate moaning. Her pussy dribbles pre juices slowly as the unending teasing carries on, soaking into the fabric of the couch and ruining it. Flutter doesn't care though, she doesn't even notice, only able to think about her feet and the growing desire that's taking over her every impulse.
  512. Eventually though, it finally happens. "AHAHAHAHA! AHAHA! AAH! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Flutter twitches and kicks, shuddering as a wave of pleasure takes over her every muscle, completely giving in to every touch.
  514. “Yay, you had your first ticklegasm!" Shy says in delight, “Was it fun?” she asks, still tickling Flutter’s feet. She clearly heard her reach the climax, but she was curious to how she’d react to some post-orgasm tickling.
  516. Flutter’s world is a chaos of orgasmic delight that completely clouds up her mind. Eventually though, the haze rises, bringing back the tickling, only this time, it's much... much worse. "BWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA! AIEEEEHEHEHEHEHEHE!"
  520. Shy continues, though much slower, to not overwhelm her. She starts to eye all their purchases, wondering what to use next.
  522. Flutter can't help but stare at the other tools through teary eyes as well, knowing that there's so much more for her feet to be put through, she's far from safe yet. The idea only serves to excite her. The feeling of a ticklegasm, was both torturous, exciting, and amazing all at once, so many feelings fighting in her body all at once for a truly unique, overwhelming experience. "S-SLOHOHOOHOHOHOHOW DOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOWN!!" Flutter yells, needing a moment to get over the exhaustion of her first climax.
  524. Shy nods, immediately putting a stop to her actions. "Are you ok?" She asks with a bit of concern. She knows her first ticklegasm was intense and exhaustive, so she understood if Flutter needed to be let out for a break. Though she knew they weren’t done yet.
  526. "Ehehehe, y-yes! J-just neeheeheeded a break..." The mare manages to speak between her ongoing giggles, even though nothing’s tickling her right now. "Wh-whahahat ahahaha ruhuhuhush!"
  528. “Isn’t it? It’s just so...amazing, right?” Shy gushes. "So, um... do you want to go again, or do you want to have a turn tickling me?" As fun as it would be to just keep tickling her, Shy has a feeling that Flutter would love being the tickler just as much as being the ticklee, and the idea of revenge would definitely be on Flutter’s mind.
  530. Flutter takes a few deep breaths as she thinks this offer over. On the one hand, after everything that had happened, the mare had a taste for tickling, and she desperately wanted more. But on the other hand, she also wanted revenge, to pay her captor back for every lovely touch, and go absolutely wild on those toes once again. Both idea's were so utterly tempting, that it takes a good minute of thinking before Fluttershy makes up her mind. "I want to tickle you, all over your feet, please"
  532. Shy pretty much expected that answer. Who wouldn’t want a chance at revenge? "Alright, let’s get you out, then," She says, giving her feet a quick tickle by scribbling her fingers down her soles before undoing the stocks. She doesn’t stop there, as she starts giving her teasing pokes and prods at her sides and belly as she unties the ropes.
  534. These goodbye tickles cause the helpless Flutter to kick and wriggle, yelping in surprise as her tummy and soles are once against played with by the merciless mare. "EEEEE! Yohohou’re a mohohohonster!" She howls, wiggling out of her binds at last, relaxing on the couch... naked, sweating, and basking in afterglow.
  536. "I know," Shy giggles, sitting on the couch, helping Flutter sit upright. “So, um...how do you want to tie me up?”
  538. "Hmm... I might have an idea. Lie down for a moment," After some deliberation, Flutter decides on a plan of action, as she grabs some of the rope, tying it to the other side of the couch, looking at her. "I'm going to have fun tickling your belly for as long as I want."
  540. Shy does as she's told, lying down on the couch as she waits with anticipation. "Eheh thought you were gonna tickle my feet..." She laughs nervously, already trembling.
  542. "Of course, but I'm not going to leave any part of you untouched now, am I? Besides... I don't know about you but... I think I like tummy tickling a bit more." Flutter admits, blushing awkwardly as she starts to tie Shy down into an I-position, her feet and hands now trapped.
  544. "E-even though I didn't get to tickle all of you, yet?" She asks, testing the bonds to make sure she couldn't break out. Shy never pegged the other Fluttershy for having a tummy preference. She wondered how well she’d be as a tickler.
  546. "Oh don't worry, you will. First though, I have to test something." Flutter before picks up Shy’s feather, the very plume that had just recently been dusting her toes. "Guess where this is going?" She asks, teasingly as she looks down her naked body.
  548. Of course, Flutter knew of her friend's foot fixation by now, and wasn't about to neglect that. Those feet were in for some serious cleaning, though she would have to get them plenty messy first.
  550. "Um...r-right into my belly button?" She asks, curling her toes. With the rope around her ankles and wrists, she had no way to defend her midsection at all.
  552. "Oh no, that's for later. I just want to test if you're sensitive... here." With that Flutter lowers the feather down, lower Shy expects, right to her sex. With a sly grin she starts to gently dust against her clit with the pointed tip of the feather, drawing it in slow circles. "Does it tickle? Coochie, coochie, coo..."
  554. "W-wait, t-then where are you gonna put I-EEEEEK!" Shy squeals, immediately flinching once the feather makes contact. She never expected Flutter to strike there so quickly, catching her off-guard with a series of giggly moans. "Oh...ohohohoho nooooo…!"
  556. "Was that...a giggle?" Flutter asks, leaning over her captive and smiling threateningly, the feather continuing to slowly kiss at Shy's love button. "You wouldn't happen to be... ticklish down there? Are you?" She punctuates her last two words by gently flicking the prickly barbs once up and down each mound between those soft yellow legs.
  558. "O-Oooh...Y-yehehehehes!" Shy moans, legs twitching as she arches her back, her body trembling as her clit is teased relentlessly. Her eyes are wide open as she twists and turns, toes curling and wiggling madly to try to distract herself from the intense feathering.
  560. After a few more seconds of erotic teasing, the plume stops dusting your tender spot. "Perfect, I'll be sure to give you plenty of love there." That tone of voice, the cruelty of laced in it can only hint at plenty of fun.
  562. As much as the teasing with the feather was torture, Shy didn't want it to stop, she let out a loud moan just before the teasing stopped. "A-ah...ah...w-waaaiiiit..." She whimpered, rubbing her thighs together to try to bring herself to orgasm.
  564. Flutter slowly drags the plume up her right side, flicking the feather in little x-shaped patterns as she gradually moves up towards her chest. "Let's see where else you're sensitive, first."
  566. As soon as the feather hit her side, it was back to ticklish giggles. "E-Eeheeheehee! N-Nohohohohoho...go bahahahahahack!" she whined.
  568. "Hmhmhm, no. I'm not letting you cum that easily." Flutter decides to do her best to make her captive even more horny. She does this by flickering the pointed tip of the plume in slow circles around your left nipple, gently dusting the areola. "No matter how much you beg me for more."
  570. "P-pleeeaaaase! A-Aaah!" Shy gasps, moaning as she splays her toes out. Her nipples begin to stiffen with each pass the feather makes around as she helplessly shakes and groans. "Aaanghh...p-please let me cum..."
  572. The other nipple gets some tender teasing as well. Flutter leans in nice and close to her counterparts chest, and gently starts to stroke at the bud of flesh with her warm, wet tongue, warm breath brushing through the captive Shy's soft fur. "No, not until I say you can. If you do cum without permission though... well... you'll see." Fluttershy purposefully leaves her threat vague, letting Shy’s imagination fill in the rest.
  574. Shy shudders uncontrollably with each lick, a wave of pleasure hitting her with each movement of the tongue against her nipples. "Ohgoshohgoshohgoshohgosh..." She sputters, panting out as her disbelief turns into moaning. "Y-You're...s-so eeeevil! Aaahaahaaaa!"
  576. "Evil? You shouldn't say things like that, it's really mean." Flutter playfully feigns offence at this remark, her long fingernails starting to flutter gently in the tender hollow of your left pit. "How about an apology?"
  578. Shy's eyes widen as her armpits are suddenly attacked, instantly straining and trying to shake her away. "Nohohohohoho! Stahahahahap it! Plehehehehease!" she begs, loving and hating the teasing and tickling at the same time, her pussy soaking wet from the constant teasing and denial.
  580. "No. You still need to apologise. Besides, I don't want to stop,” Flutter says, giving her an evil grin. "And I get the feeling you don't want me to either, isn't that right?" Flutter drops the feather, and moves her other hand up to her untouched armpit. She takes a different approach here, her fingertips stroking over the centre of the pit, much more quickly than the slow teasing of her other hand. "Tickle, tickle, tickle!"
  582. Shy nods her head pitifully, she is at the total mercy, or lack thereof, of her mirror counterpart, and she can only laugh and squirm and moan as she can do whatever she want. She starts cackling uncontrollably, shaking at the conflicting feelings on both her armpits. "NAHAHAHAHA! NOHOHOHO MOHOHOHOHORE! I-I’M SOORRIIEEHEEHEEHEE"
  584. Thankfully, Flutters decides to stop for the moment, concerned if Shy’s genuinely getting tortured. "I'm so sorry! Are...are you o-okay?" She asks, nervous she may have overstepped a boundary.
  586. Shy starts gasp for breath the moment she feels relief, chuckling softly as she's suddenly taken care of. "Ah...ah...it's okay...hehehe." She says between gasps. "Whew...you were doing great, don't...don't worry about it..." She smiles, reassuring her that she didn't do anything wrong.
  588. "O-Okay, I’m just making sure." Flutter lowers her hands slowly towards those soft armpits once again, at the same time spreading out her large feathery wings. "Um...before we start again, do you want a safeword, to make sure any of us don't go too far?" she asks, wanting to be certain. She loved tickling her alternate self, but she wanted her to like it too.
  590. Shy already shivers in anticipation, watching those fingers get closer and closer to her exposed armpits. The outstretched wings add to the intimidation. "Uh...a-alright. How about...cinnamon?"
  592. "Hmm... cinnamon." As Flutter mulls the suggestion over, her fingers gently start to circle in opposing directions inside of those armpits. After a few seconds of teasing, Flutter speaks again. "Okay then. Cinnamon it is. Now, then, I guess I can start to really have fun." The tips of her wings lowering fluttering up and down her sides. "Do you like it when I tickle you with my wings?"
  594. "Waitwaitwaitwaitnonononono ahahahahahahahaagh!" Shy’s laughter slowly starts to build up, the fingers and wings descending on her naked body making her squirm. "Y-Yehehehehes! I lohohohohove it! " She admits, the blush on her cheeks getting deeper.
  596. "Good. I bet you love being tickled here too, don't you?" Her wings move up, sweeping and dusting lightly all over Shy’s ribs. Occasionally her feathers would travel upwards slightly too far and flicker along underneath her breasts. "You desperately want me to tickle you, don't you?"
  598. "Yehehehehes! Tihihihickle me mohohohohohore!" Shy begs, arching her back, shaking back and forth as the soft feathers of Flutter’s wings brush against her body. She lets out particularly loud screams whenever the plumes accidentally brush up against her breasts "I wanna cuhuhuhuhuhuhum!"
  600. Hearing these occasional yelps and squeaks only excites Flutter more, the hair on her shoulders standing on end from goosebumps. She leans over Shy, her own breasts resting idly against the tummy as she watches her breasts jiggle from laughing. She decides to encourage this, moving her wings up a little further, flossing a dozen feathers back and forth over her breasts, making sure to pay special attention to her stiff nipples. "More? Of course, I won't stop until you're satisfied. But you can't cum yet, not until the perfect moment."
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