
Skeptic Skripts

Sep 15th, 2017
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  1. command /ranks:
  2. trigger:
  3. open chest with 1 rows named "&r" to player
  4. wait 1 tick
  5. format slot 1 of player with orange shulker box named "&6✪ &r&8(&7Rank&8)" to be unstealable
  6. format slot 3 of player with red shulker box named "&c✰ &r&8(&7Rank&8)" to be unstealable
  7. format slot 5 of player with lime shulker box named "&a❃ &r&8(&7Rank&8)" to be unstealable
  8. format slot 7 of player with white shulker box named "&7&ki&f❤&7&ki&r &8(&7Rank&8)" to be unstealable
  9. format slot 0 of player with book named "&r" to be unstealable
  10. format slot 8 of player with book named "&r" to be unstealable
  12. command /help:
  13. Aliases: help
  14. trigger:
  15. message "&8---- &6&lCommands&r &8----"
  16. message "&e/plot claim &7- &fClaim a plot, To start building!"
  17. message "&e/plot visit (player) &7- &fVisit a players plot."
  18. message "&e/tp (player) &7- &fTp to one of you're friends."
  19. message "&e/tpo (player) &7- &fBypasses tptoggle."
  20. message "&e/tptoggle &7- &fEnable this and people can't /tp to you."
  21. message "&e/tell (player) (msg) &7- &fPrivate message someone."
  22. message "&e/buildtop &7- &fList's top best player plots!"
  23. message "&e/ranks &7- &fList the server ranks u can get for free!"
  24. message "&e/ptime &7- &fTired Of Asking Staff To Set It To Time Or Day?"
  25. message "&e/gmc &7- &fCreative Mode."
  26. message "&e/tell (player) &7- &fCustom Private Msg's."
  27. message "&r"
  30. command /buildtop:
  31. Aliases: bt
  32. trigger:
  33. message "&8---- &e&lTop Player Plots&r &8----"
  34. message "&r"
  35. message "&61st&8: &7TrollFarts"
  36. message "&f2nd&8: &760sOn6"
  37. message "&03rd&8: &7?"
  38. message "&r"
  40. on rightclick:
  41. player is wearing {leatherjetpack}
  42. thrust player upwards at speed 0.4
  43. thrust player forwards at speed 1.0
  44. show mob spawner flames at location of the player
  46. command /leatherjetpack:
  47. permission: jetpack.leather
  48. trigger:
  49. set {leatherjetpack} to leather chestplate named "&6Leather Jetpack"
  50. give {leatherjetpack} to the player
  52. command /jpreg:
  53. permission: jp.register
  54. trigger:
  55. register new shapeless recipe for {leatherjetpack} using leather chestplate, diamond, diamond, diamond, coal, coal, coal, torch, torch
  57. on rightclick on a sign:
  58. if line 1 is "[Jetpack]":
  59. if line 2 is "repair":
  60. if player is holding coal:
  61. player is wearing {leatherjetpack}
  62. repair chestplate of player by 3
  63. remove coal from player
  65. command /open:
  66. cancel the event
  67. open chest with 5 rows named "&7Game Selector" to player
  68. wait 1 tick
  69. loop integers between 0 and 44:
  70. set slot loop-number of player's current inventory to a stained glass pane named " "
  71. while inventory name of player's current inventory is "&7Game Selector":
  72. if data value of slot 10 of player's current inventory is 4:
  73. set slot 10 of player's current inventory to a banner:1 with nbt "{Game:ctf}" named "&c&lCAPTURE THE FLAG" with lore "&e%{playing::ctf}%&7 players currently playing.||||&7&oClick to play!"
  74. else:
  75. set slot 10 of player's current inventory to a banner:4 with nbt "{Game:ctf}" named "&9&lCAPTURE THE FLAG" with lore "&e%{playing::ctf}%&7 players currently playing.||||&7&oClick to play!"
  76. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to a bow with nbt "{Game:bow}" named "&2&lBOW WARFARE" with lore "&e%{playing::bow}%&7 players currently playing.||||&7&oClick to play!"
  77. set slot 14 of player's current inventory to a brick with nbt "{Game:dng}" named "&a&lDROP N' GUESS" with lore "&e%{playing::dng}%&7 players currently playing.||||&7&oClick to play!"
  78. set slot 16 of player's current inventory to a snowball with nbt "{Game:snm}" named "&b&lSHARKS & MINNOWS" with lore "&e%{playing::snm}%&7 players currently playing.||||&7&oClick to play!"
  79. set slot 30 of player's current inventory to a gold block with nbt "{Game:pac}" named "&6&lPAC-MINE" with lore "&e%{playing::pac}%&7 players currently playing.||||&7&oClick to play!"
  80. #set slot 32 of player's current inventory to a diamond sword with nbt "{Game:jugg}" named "&4&lJUGGERNAUT" with lore "&7&oComing Soon" with no nbt#&e%{playing::jugg}%&7 players currently playing.||||&7&oClick to play!"
  81. set slot 32 of player's current inventory to a magma cream with nbt "{Game:mspleef}" named "&1&lMEGA-SPLEEF" with lore "&e%{playing::mspleef}%&7 players currently playing.||||&7&oClick to play!"
  82. loop integers between 0 and 44:
  83. slot loop-number of player's current inventory is a stained glass pane
  84. wait 1 tick
  85. add 1 to {_dv}
  86. if {_dv} is 8:
  87. if data value of slot 10 of player's current inventory is 1:
  88. set data value of slot 10 of player's current inventory to 4
  89. set name of slot 10 of player's current inventory to "&9&lCAPTURE THE FLAG"
  90. else:
  91. set data value of slot 10 of player's current inventory to 1
  92. set name of slot 10 of player's current inventory to "&c&lCAPTURE THE FLAG"
  93. set {_dv} to 0
  94. if data value of slot loop-number of player's current inventory is 15:
  95. set data value of slot loop-number of player's current inventory to 0
  96. else:
  97. add 1 to data value of slot loop-number of player's current inventory
  99. on inventory click:
  100. inventory name of player's current inventory is "&7Game Selector"
  101. cancel the event
  102. clicked item is not air
  103. set {_game} to tag "Game" of nbt of clicked item
  104. {_game} is set
  105. close player's inventory
  106. player command "/play %{_game}%"
  108. every second:
  109. delete {playing::*}
  110. loop {servers::*}:
  111. loop loop-value times:
  112. add bungeePlayerCount("mini%loop-number%-%loop-index-1%") parsed as integer to {playing::%loop-index%}
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