
A Lesson in Biology

Jul 10th, 2017
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  1. “…And now, for your guest teacher.”
  3. Cheerilee sat down at her desk as the door opened. The school ponies all looked towards the doorway as Twilight entered the school house.
  5. “Thank you Miss Cheerilee. Now class, Cheerilee thought it might be beneficial for you all to learn something from a princess and I wouldn’t turn down an opportunity for you all to learn. The biggest problem however was choosing a subject to teach you that would actually benefit you all.”
  7. A white, rolled up sheet came in quickly behind Twilight as it set itself up, revealing a poster of a pony with all of its internal organs visible.
  9. “Now I have a little exercise planned for all of you. If you wouldn’t mind, pairing up into groups of two please, then we can get started.”
  11. The school ponies started pairing up with the pony closest to the other. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon immediately grouped together. Apple Bloom sat between Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. The three of them were the last to remain due to the odd number of students in the class.
  13. “I guess I could pair with Sweetie Belle.” Cheerilee got up from her chair, moving to Sweetie Belle’s desk, having been closest to her.
  15. “Alright, now you need to decide who the examiner is and who the observer is. Can the examiners please stand on your observers’ desk?”
  17. Earning a few odd looks from the students, Diamond Tiara, Scootaloo and many other ponies all stood on their partners’ desk. Twilight looked over at Cheerilee and Sweetie Belle, neither of whom was standing on the desk.
  19. “This is… odd but I do hope the desk can handle my weight…” Cheerilee was a bit nervous but got up onto Sweetie Belle’s desk, hoping the legs wouldn’t give out.
  21. Twilight’s wings spread out from her body and a light from her horn blinded the class. Once everyone got their sight back, they noticed the ponies that stood on the desks were now the size of bugs, not even as big as the soles of their hooves that sat on either side of them.
  23. “Now can everyone please pick up your partner? Not you yet Sweetie Belle.” Twilight put a hoof on Sweetie Belle’s desk, stopping her from grabbing her tiny Cheerilee partner in her magic.
  25. One all the ponies held their partner in their hoof, they were shocked when Twilight instructed them. “Place your partner in your mouth.”
  27. Most were reluctant; Silver Spoon was the first to place Diamond Tiara in her mouth, even amidst her protests.
  29. “You can close your mouth when they are inside.”
  31. As Diamond Tiara tried to escape her friends’ maw, Silver Spoons lips sealed shut, trapping her inside. Apple Bloom looked around, seeing other ponies placing their partner into their mouth. Still a bit hesitant, she tipping Scootaloo off her hoof and onto her awaiting tongue.
  33. “Wait a minute! What’s going on here?”
  35. Sweetie Belle looked down at Cheerilee who was trying to stop the lesson.
  37. “Hang on Princess Twilight, I think we should stop this, I don’t think this is a good idea.” No pony seemed to notice her, her tiny voice barely made it to Sweetie Belle who sat right in front of her.
  39. Twilight watched as each pony, now with a mouth full sat in their seats with bulging cheeks, some of which she could see their partner pushing against.
  41. “Now swallow.”
  43. Almost in unison, all the student’s eyes widened. Their gaze on Twilight, only breaking when a loud ‘Glurk’ seemed to echo throughout the class. The students all turned to the source. Silver Spoon sat in her seat, panting as a rather large lump in her throat refuses to go down.
  45. They only watched, the closer of which could actually make out a few pink, flailing limbs in the back of her maw as she swallowed again, this time pulling the lump deeper into her throat. The lump stopped at her chest where she swallowed again, sending the lump, disappearing behind her chest, no longer visible.
  47. Others began to follow suit. As each one struggled to get their partner down, Apple Bloom was trying to manoeuvre Scootaloo around to get her head in first. Feeling the thickness of her head now in the back of her throat, she swallowed, getting most of her down in one swallow.
  49. Twilight was walking between the desks, checking in on the students. When she reached Apple Bloom’s desk, she opened her mouth with her magic, seeing Scootaloo’s rear stuck in the back of her throat. She released her magic on Apple Bloom’s jaw and used it to massage her neck instead.
  51. Not even needing to swallow again, she felt as Scootaloo easily slipped into her throat and was pulled down behind her chest.
  53. “Alright students. Your partners are here” Twilight lifted up a long ruler that sat by the black board. It pointed towards a large, round area at the chest area of the pony on the poster.
  55. “This is the stomach. In here, food is broken down over several hours before it is then…”
  58. After a 30 minute talk, Twilight had finally finished explaining the process of digestion to the class.
  60. “Any questions?”
  62. Apple Bloom lifted her hoof. The sudden movement of her body had caused Scootaloo inside to squirm, giving her an odd sensation as she lifted her hoof.
  64. “Yes Apple Bloom?”
  66. “Umm… How do we get our partner’s out now?”
  68. Twilight grinned as she walked over to Sweetie Belle’s desk.
  70. “That’s why I left Cheerilee for.” Twilight seemed to pull out a string from nowhere and used it to tie around Cheerilee’s waist.
  72. Twilight lifted Cheerilee on the string and dangled her in front of the class. Cheerilee tried to scream out, but none could hear her still.
  74. “Sweetie Belle, if you could open your mouth please.”
  76. She was even more hesitant than the others after having seen all the others swallow their partners as well as learning about what happens inside them, but the string around Cheerilee somehow comforted Sweetie Belle, believing she knew what it was for.
  78. Sweetie Belle opened her mouth, now holding it just below Cheerilee. As Cheerilee dangled, she could see the build up of saliva. It seemed Sweetie Belle was secretly impatient about her turn.
  80. Not being gentle, Twilight dropped Cheerilee who splashed down in the pool of saliva that had built up. Immediately, Sweetie Belle sealed her lips, only the string and a small drop of saliva that hung from it could be seen.
  82. “Eager I see. That’s ok. I’m sure you know what to do now.”
  84. Sweetie Belle nodded before swallowing. Unfortunately, Cheerilee was a larger pony than the other’s partners. She only got her head into her throat but the rest of her body fought back.
  86. Swallow after swallow, Sweetie Belle slowly pulled Cheerilee inside until she had finally encased her in her oesophagus. It was still a slow process as her body was pulled very slowly.
  88. The other ponies had left their seats to get a closer look as they all watched the huge lump in Sweetie Belle’s throat, very slowly move its way downwards. Twilight helped, massaging her neck like she had to Apple Bloom, eventually losing the lump behind Sweetie Belle’s furry chest,
  90. Sweetie Belle sat back in her chair, feeling the distorted shape of her stomach as Cheerilee filled up her small stomach while the others still had room to relax with.
  92. “Now, the thing about getting your partners out…”
  94. Twilight pulled on the string. It seemed glide right up Sweetie Belle’s throat; she could feel the fibres of it inside her. But there was something too relaxing about it.
  96. The string exited her lips, the end of which looked like it had melted off.
  98. “String as small as this would be affected by the stomach’s acids much more rapidly than a larger object, like a pony.”
  100. “But… how do we get them out?” Apple Bloom repeated, feeling a few more kicks from Scootaloo.
  102. “Don’t you see? You don’t”
  104. Twilight turned to pack her things away while the remaining students all stared, shocked at what was happening to their partners inside.
  106. “Why did you do this?” Sweetie Belle asked, unable to get up due to her much larger prey.
  108. “To teach you students a lesson you won’t forget.”
  110. “What!?”
  112. Twilight shook her head as she picked up everything she had brought.
  114. “You don’t eat a tiny pony just because some pony tells you to. I thought that would have been obvious.”
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