
Happening Down

Aug 20th, 2013
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  1. From the beginning of your campaign, you knew that you could do what was necessary to get the job done.
  3. When you were just a small girl, your father would take you to diplomatic meetings, to show you the other lands of this world. You would meet fantastic people and make great friends. Of these friends you would make 2 especially good ones.
  5. Your friend Rainbow Dash of the Hooviet union was a passionate woman, she made no effort to hide her feelings on a situation. Her strength would be a guide model to you, to make your decisions without fear and with total confidence.
  7. The other was a man named Ron Paul of Greece. He was always spouting off how the future could have been changed if we had just listened. From him you gathered that no matter what, you could change the world. You could make your own destiny.
  9. There were a lot of fantasic faces you would meet and greet. None of them however, threw you off your feet like one... like [spoiler]ponybro[/spoiler] although he was a from a small country to the east, there was always something captivating about him. Something that you felt went deeper, but he showed noone.
  11. When the nations of the world started coming to odds, you knew that the only way to survive was to be strong. You would take the lessons you learned from Ron to heart, and make your own destiny... staring in Greece...
  14. You remember the smells of Greece's capital still today. The sight of Ron before you, praising you for coming to his aid in these times of strife. You remember him turning away... a sign of looking to the future, a look of hope...
  16. It was no suprise that Ron and Greece had quite the following of loyalty. Many nations had fallen to Ron's power before, and it was like a drug, drawing them into following him.
  18. Of course this would come about as a problem as well, bringing himself into the eyes of powerful enemies.
  20. The nation's owned by maedhros and Luna were the 2 major factions opposing Ron's rule, and it seemed that there was nothing stopping them from bringing Ron down.
  22. It came as a suprise to few that you came to Ron's "aid". Many suspecting your alliance, and had prepared for it as well, but nothing could prepare them for your hidden war machines.
  24. You trampled over their forces like they were toys to be toppled before you. Left and right your men would come out with a fantastic victory over the enemy, the world was shocked with what you could accomplish.
  26. It was a matter of weeks before you had liberated all of Ron's territories, he came out from his hidden bunker to thank you himself.
  28. He spoke of a world ruled by the happening... how together with Rainbow Dash you three could rule this world and prevent this sort of war from ever happening again... He turned from you... he looked to the sky in hope.
  29. ..........
  30. It was the last sight he would ever see.
  33. The war really dragged on from that point forward. Some of Ron's former associative nations flocked to your banner, and it wasn't difficult to start picking off some enemies.
  35. Maedhros wen't down easily enough. It wasn't until the long war looked to the west that the problems started to pile on. The western forces crafted an alliance of their own, in an attempt to stop you from total domination.
  37. In the end though... it wasn't enough, no number of enemies could stop your conquest. Along with Dash you conquered the west. Bringing Luna to her knees was the first major hurdle, but your men showed her now quarter. Twilight was next, in the end her magic was no match for your ferocity.
  39. It was at this point that the days started to look brighter. Everything was falling into place as it should. Nothing could stop your alliance of 4 nations and nothing would... until Ponybro decided to forge his own path...
  41. Still fighting against macintosh's forces to the north, you were forced to split to the south. Dan and his men could no longer face Applejack's forces alone with Ponybro destroying him from the other side. You were given no choice but to leave the fight up north to Dash and take the Fight to the south into your own hands.
  44. The look of relief on Dan's face when your forces arrived on the battlefield was the most rewarding thing you could have ever asked for. You had started to get a sick pleasure out of your own actions.
  46. The battle between Ponybro and Dan had been long and hard. Nobody was quite sure what caused Ponybro to instigate it, but there was no question that there was only one way to end it... a victor standing on the corpse of his enemy.
  48. Dan had begged you for some time for assistance. He had pleaded for your reinforcements, but you were busy in the south, you couldn't just leave the fight against applejack unfinished. He would beg again for help and Ponybro tore down his walls, and entered his cities. He would beg as you continued to finish the apple menace. His pleas would fall on deaf ears, as you sent your men back north to fight Macintosh's men that had gotten too close to home.
  50. It seems for Dan, that the sun would never shine... but his moment in the sun came at long last. You had finally finished your long war of the west, and were riding to decide the battle in his favor.
  52. You saw the look on his face as you rode in... the look of absolute joy as you came to "save him". The only thing more satisfying than the look of relief on his face, was the look of horror that replaced it moments later, as your men opened fire on his garrisons. His command wouldn't last another month.
  55. Your forces celebrated long and hard, they had earned their rest and relaxation. Not everyone was resting though. The talks of finished borders continued to gain in ferocity between diplomats. Your men enraged that you would return control of russian territories to Dash. Others were mad at you insistance at peace with Ponybro, believing that he would incite another conflict if left alone.
  57. You called a conference of leaders, like those you had attended as a small girl to discuss these rising issues with your former comrades.
  59. The talks were long and harsh. Voices were raised, tempers were flared, and disagreements were formed. If matters continued down this path, war could be just over the horizon again.
  61. A day of relaxation, was your idea. With everyone so stressed like this, you suggested that you take a day off, to unwind and let the stresses of the world leave you. Dash caught on to your plot immediately, if Ponybro were to be out of the picture, there would be more than enough land for your two nations to prosper.
  63. As ponybro lay napping on a table, Dash and you crept in. You drew the knife from your belt and raised it in the air, prepared to make the blow that could change history and yet... you faltered. Why couldn't you do this now, this thing that you have done so many times in the past? You have betrayed so many and yet... you could not bring yourself to betray him?
  65. Dash looked at you with anger in her eyes, nodding frantically, silently telling you to finish this... so you did.
  67. She never saw the knife coming... sinking easily into her neck without her even being able to respond. With a thud she hit the ground... was it over? You looked over at Ponybro one last time, the noise from the actions just a moment ago not loud enough to rouse him.
  69. "Sweet dreams love... tomorrow we shall lead this land into a new era of peace..." You shut the door quietly on your way out... so as to not disturb his peaceful slumber.
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