

Oct 11th, 2013
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  1. <small>[When he turns on the feed, Sep’s green eyes are thoughtful—and maybe, if you look carefully, a little tired. Still, he’s seems alert enough despite it.]</small>
  3. I would have waited until we got some new arrivals again to talk about this, but under the circumstances, this won't keep. For those who don’t know me, I’m Sep. I work as a healer out of WA-3A.
  5. I didn’t get a chance to talk to Soranik directly before she left us, but there has been some discussion going around about coordinating our resources and medics into a larger functioning entity, hopefully by establishing a proper hospital. If nothing else, we ought to coordinate our relative strengths and talents, in case someone else is best suited to treat a patient—or for triage in case of emergency. It would also provide us a good base to teach and organize less experienced field medics in case of emergencies like the <i>jiangshi</i> invasion last winter.
  7. Information and technique exchange is part and parcel of this, although I know not all of it is applicable to all of us. It’s past time we got organized, though—especially so there’s infrastructure in place no matter who arrives or leaves.
  9. <small>[He relaxes the further into the post he gets, some of the tension draining from his shoulders. This is the role he’s most comfortable in: getting people organized to support each other and keep things running smoothly.]</small>
  11. There’ll be a meeting at my suite tomorrow. Everyone already working in a clinic should drop by for basic information exchange. If you’re a medic not currently attached to a facility and want to be, we'll get you sorted. Potential volunteers or anyone who wants to help with organization and resources are also welcome.
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