
Ubermensch Anon - Wendigo Wrong?

Nov 8th, 2015
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  1. > "I don't get why they're doing this now of all times though."
  2. > Scootaloo munched on a bag of potato chips, splayed out across your clover green couch.
  3. > You push your wheelie chair out from behind your desk.
  4. > The two of you sat in your study, a lit fireplace to your left and a shelf filled with multiple books to your right.
  5. > Behind you rested your trophy shelf, now redecorated with two large panes of glass in front of it.
  6. > You slide open one of the pans; slipping the book back into its rightful spot among the trophies.
  7. "Because I had too much going on to say yes before."
  8. > "Yeah, but..." She paused as she smacked on her chips.
  9. > She lay across from you on the couch right next to the heavy wooden door.
  10. > "I hear about you at school all the time. Everypony knows nearly everything about you. Snips and Snails even started painting themselves green."
  11. > You raise an eyebrow.
  12. "I didn't realize I was that popular..."
  13. > You smirk to yourself as you turned away from Scoots.
  14. > You already did.
  15. > Sometimes it was nice to just enjoy it.
  16. > "Mhm..."
  17. > The fire popped and crackled behind you.
  18. > You had moved the study a floor down, one day you just wanted a fireplace in there.
  19. > And you got it, it was rather enjoyable.
  20. > A red and white laced half rug blended with its smooth brick wall.
  21. > Its warm glow spread over your entire study.
  22. > You push past the shelf and threw the curtains open.
  23. > The window revealed a flurry of howling snow, accompanied by a pitch black night.
  24. "I'm surprised you guys got winter to roll around so fast this year."
  25. > "Yeah! Dash said her friends knew what they were doing this year."
  26. > You turn back to Scoots with a raised brow.
  27. > "Okay... she didn't say it but I knew that's what she meant..."
  28. "That sounds more like her."
  29. > You step away from the window.
  30. "So are you coming?"
  31. > "Nah... I've got practice coming up. Besides I already know everything about you."
  32. > You chuckle, leaning back in your chair.
  33. "I doubt it."
  34. > "Oh yeah? Shoot then, I've got this."
  35. > She emphasized her point with a smooth wave of her hoof and a cocky smile.
  36. "Okay, I'll start it off with something simple. Favorite food?"
  37. > "You don't have one. Anything that's not processed is acceptable, try another."
  38. > You chuckle.
  39. "Favorite activity?"
  40. > "Anything physically exerting! Shoot another one!"
  41. "How old am I?"
  42. > "Pssh, easy! Twenty-seven."
  43. "Six."
  44. > She shrugged with an embarrassed blush.
  45. > "Okay, so I don't know EVERYTHING about you."
  46. > You chuckle again putting your hands behind your head.
  47. "Good enough. I'm not going to force you too come to the Q and A tomorrow, but Twilight and the girls are going to be there too."
  48. > Along with Will and Bunny.
  49. > "I know but I'm already close enough too know everyt-"
  50. > Your incredulous look cut her off.
  51. > "Okay, not everything but still." She waved her hoof in the air lazily. "I've also still got practice tomorrow."
  52. "Good, glad you're going and not skipping out like the others."
  53. > "Hey a couple of other ponies go."
  54. > She smiled brightly.
  55. > "I'm just marked the best outta' them all."
  56. "Mhm Miss Ego, go on and go to bed. You've got what- ten drills ahead of you tomorrow."
  57. > "Fifteen, but yeah."
  58. > She rolled up the bag of chips and left it on your couch, hopping off.
  59. > "Night'!"
  60. "Goodnight."
  61. > She shut the door silently behind her, leaving you alone.
  62. > Eugh.
  63. > You also had a big day ahead of your tomorrow.
  64. > Smiling and waving all day.
  65. > You would much rather stay home and read or go on an adventure or something.
  66. > Aggro was hibernating, maybe you could find out something about that.
  67. > Apparently he fell into the amphibian and reptilian family.
  68. > You had no idea how that worked.
  69. > Oh well...
  70. > You walk over to the fireplace and put the fire out.
  71. > The fire and the glow lighting up your room were gone instantly, leaving you in the dark.
  72. > You doubt anything eventful would happen tomorrow.
  73. > The next day came around pretty fast.
  74. > You had wished it didn't but it did.
  75. > The Q and A was supposed to be taking place around noon.
  76. > Which would give you plenty of time to just sit back and relax.
  77. > You take a sip from your mug, the bland taste of black coffee washing over your tongue.
  78. > You look over the local newspaper.
  79. > Mostly un-interesting topics like red alerts for creatures lurking a little too close.
  80. > Ponies milled out and about, some of them staring at you a little longer than they should have.
  81. > Most of them sat at the tables around you though, caught up in their own conversations.
  82. > Sugarcube corner was pretty busy today.
  83. > A pink blur zipped back and forth, while the Cakes worked the counter.
  84. > You calmly take another sip from your mug.
  85. > You had barely enough bits for some coffee and a chocolate donut.
  86. > You needed a job...
  87. > The blur came to a step at your table, revealing itself to be Pinkie.
  88. > She leaned against her hoof, giving you an abnormally large smile.
  89. > "How's it going Nonny?"
  90. "Fine, Pinkie."
  91. > "Are you excited!?"
  92. > You lower the paper.
  93. "No really no."
  94. > She pouted, pulling her hoof away and placing both of them on the table.
  95. > She reached over and pulled up a chair.
  96. > "Aww why not?" She smiled brightly again. "We get to tell a bunch of ponies about ourselves~! Tell me that doesn't sound fun!?"
  97. "It doesn't sound fun."
  98. > "Oh Nonny' don't be such a grumpy mcmeanie pants."
  99. > You weren't being mean.
  100. > This day was just putting you in a foul mood!
  101. "I'm fine Pinkie, It's just. Whenever I talked about my life before it usually went ignored, doing it now when someone is actually listening just seems kind of...wrong."
  102. > "Hm, I'm sorry too hear that Nonny', HEY! I'll listen to your story!"
  103. > You take another sip of your coffee.
  104. "Uh, no thanks. I think going over it would just make me want to do this less."
  105. > With a sigh you check the Sugarcube clock.
  106. > 11:00AM
  107. > You still had a bit of time before the actual event.
  108. > "Ooohhh come on Non-"
  109. > A crash followed by an annoyed shout halted the room.
  110. > You turn to the source, an exasperated snow white pony covered in some kind of milky brown substance.
  111. > "Oh no! One second, I'll be right back!"
  112. > Pinkie zipped off, going to work on the pony.
  113. > Mhm...
  114. > You pull out the bits and leave them on the table.
  115. > You would still have some bits if you didn't leave a tip but you'd be damned if the Cakes didn't deserve it.
  116. > You don't ever remember any flak from them.
  117. > You head out of Sugarcube Corner, strolling through the town.
  118. > The aviator jacket did much to protect you from the cold air.
  119. > You had also gotten heavier boots for winter, the snow crunching loudly under your footfalls.
  120. > A group of pegasi flew by overhead, talking about the event.
  121. > Uhg.
  122. > It was even bigger than you thought.
  123. > Why wouldn't it be? You had what was essentially a bunch of celebrities gathered in one spot, all answering questions about themselves.
  124. > Multi-colored bodies moved around the town, standing bluntly out against the heavy snow and the brown buildings of Ponyville.
  125. > Might as well get this over with.
  126. > The event was going to be held in the center of the town, around the princesses statue.
  127. > You change your course, heading towards the sounds of voices carrying throughout the air.
  128. > ....
  129. > Now that you got time to think about it, this was about the first time you've ever actually experienced winter enjoyably.
  130. > Back home you were a recluse.
  131. > Here you were exactly the same, aiming to avoid any contact.
  132. > You huff your breath, a cloud of steam rolling in front of you.
  133. > Entertaining...
  134. > Something bumped into your side, snapping you out of your trance.
  135. > You look down seeing Bunny picking herself up.
  136. > "Geez, all I did was tap ya' and you knock me over..."
  137. > She smiled up at you, adjusting her winter coat.
  138. > "Long time, no see Anon."
  139. > You smile back.
  140. "Yeah it is. How have you been?"
  141. > She began to follow after you, matching your pace.
  142. > "Well aside from promoting my gyms and almost being Changeling food, nothing much."
  143. > You smirk silently.
  144. "How's Will doing?"
  145. > "I wouldn't know."
  146. > She twitched slightly upon saying that.
  147. > "How come you're not visiting him right now actually?"
  148. "We were talking about it before he came down for the event, we're going to go out after words."
  149. > "Oh cool, cool..."
  150. "I know about the two of you, everybody does."
  151. > She jumped, a look of surprise falling over her face.
  152. > "W-what are you talking about!?"
  153. "I didn't really know, but now I do."
  154. > You chuckle lightly as she glared at you.
  155. > "That's not funny!"
  156. "Why are you so worried about it anyway? It's not like he's some kind of monster."
  157. > Cardio gave a heavy sigh.
  158. > "I'm not ashamed or anything but the media blows these things way out of proportions, I just don't want THAT publicity right now."
  159. "Well that's fine, I can see why."
  160. > She nodded with a 'hm'.
  161. > "Will's fine with it too, he says none of his stallions can know he's dating anyway."
  162. > "How's Derpy? Scootaloo?"
  163. "They're fine, Derpy is working right now but she'll be at the event later on."
  164. > "Ahhh~ Coming to see her boo hard at work eh?"
  165. "Nothing of the sort..."
  166. > Were your cheeks burning?
  167. > "Mhhmm..."
  168. > The sounds of multiple voices and hammering caught your attention.
  169. > Woah...
  170. > You had been so caught up talking to Bunny you didn't even notice the massive stage set up in front of the statue.
  171. > The stage held homage to a large table decorated with nameplates and microphones.
  172. > The table cloth had a large print across the front of it reading 'Multi-Celebrity QNA'.
  173. > "Woah... that's a big stage..."
  174. > She wasn't lying, it had to at least take up a quarter of the towns center, you could probably fit another ten people on after you and everybody else got up there.
  175. > Some ponies were already lingering around, eager to partake in the event.
  176. > Twilight stepped out from the other side.
  177. > When she spotted you she began to trot over regally.
  178. > She carried herself like a true princess, back arched, head held up high.
  179. > Then...
  180. > She tripped.
  181. > With a shout she fell face first into the snow.
  182. > Some of the lingering ponies snorted but managed to hold it together.
  183. > You had to use all of you will not too laugh right there.
  184. > "Are you okay Twilight?" Bunny asked, galloping over to help her.
  185. > As she helped her out of the snow you lumber over to the two.
  186. > "Uhg, I'm fine... It's just this whole Q and A thing has me a tad bit..."
  187. "Nervous?"
  188. > "Mhm..."
  189. "Same here."
  190. > "Well, maybe we can discuss our equally shared anxiety later, I've been looking for you all day."
  191. "I wanted a quick snack before I started."
  192. > "Okay, I just needed to tell you that Celestia is bringing down some guests for this and they will be asking questions, I don't want this messed up."
  193. > If Celestia was bringing down guests it was most likely visiting royalty.
  194. > No pressure.
  195. "Okay, heard."
  196. > "Go speak to Mayor Mare, I've got to find the others."
  197. > The bossiness was rather unneeded but you comply.
  198. > As you walk away from the two girls you heard Twilight mutter something to Bunny.
  199. > Bunny said something back, before trotting away from her.
  200. > What felt like a cold breath tickled the back of your neck; followed by a whisper.
  201. > "oonn.."
  202. > It just barely trickled through.
  203. > You stop and look around.
  204. > Nothing was behind you nor above you.
  205. > What was that?
  206. > You chalk it up to being just a little bit too tired and move on.
  207. > Mayor Mare wasn't hard to find.
  208. > She stood just behind the statue, speaking with some other ponies dressed in suits.
  209. > You waited patiently for them to finish.
  210. > "Yes I'm sure things will be fine." Mayor Mare assured.
  211. > One of the suited ponies spoke up. "We're just trying to make sure. With the Princesses, this many celebrities, and her guests this makes the whole town a prime target."
  212. > Mayor Mare rolled her eyes, obviously tired of these two.
  213. > "Well that's fine and all, but considering that these celebrities and the Princesses are all at the over-powered end of the power spectrum, I'm pretty sure we don't need Royal Guards at every nook and cranny."
  214. > The other two frowned.
  215. > "You're going to regret not listening to us Miss Mare..."
  216. > "I already regret even being in your presence Mr. Fib, now please. Assure the head of your branch that all is fine."
  217. > The two ponies in suits left without another word.
  218. > The Mayor turned to you with a sigh.
  219. > "The suits... they hardly let up..."
  220. "I'd imagine..."
  221. > You're briefly reminded of the FBI at home.
  222. > They once busted your neighbor for dealing drugs.
  223. > ... Well you tipped them off.
  224. > Every night since then a rock was thrown through your window from some of the junkies looking for cheap fun.
  225. > You just didn't bother fixing your windows after that.
  226. > Another cold breath on the back of your neck.
  227. > "Anoooonnn..." The whisper moaned.
  228. > It was hushed and decaying, doing nothing but put you on edge.
  229. > You shiver silently.
  230. > Something wasn't right...
  231. > "Anonymous? Are you okay?"
  232. > You snap out of it, turning to Mayor Mare suddenly.
  233. "Yes! I'm fine."
  234. > You push the uneasy feeling to the back of your mind.
  235. > "You looked lost there for a second..."
  236. "I'm good. I just got a little... distracted."
  237. > The Mayor hummed in response, eyeing you with suspicion.
  238. > "Okay then. I just needed to ask if you would partake in another project."
  239. > You internally sigh.
  240. "Let's hear it."
  241. > The Mayor smiled softly before producing a small letter.
  242. > "In about two months we've got the town Winter festival coming up."
  243. "Okay..."
  244. > "And I would love it if you could put on a show or something for the tourists, do you understand?"
  245. "A show?"
  246. > "Yes."
  247. "What... like bend a frying pan or something?"
  248. > "Not really no... I was thinking more along the lines of staging a fight..."
  249. > You chuckle folding your arms.
  250. "I don't really stage fights..."
  251. > "But-"
  252. "What do you even need it for anyway? I remember seeing what the last festival was like. There was plenty of stuff for everybody to enjoy."
  253. > Not much for you back then but still.
  254. > Another whisper.
  255. > "Anon..."
  256. > Mayor Mare sighed and ran a hoof through her mane.
  257. > "Yes but this year we aren't doing so well financially, if you did do something like that I'm confident we could really rake in the bits..."
  258. > You quirk an eyebrow.
  259. "Okay... I'll think about it, though don't expect a straight yes."
  260. > The two of you part ways after exchanging your pleasantries.
  261. > Staging a fight wouldn't really sit right with you but whatever.
  262. > You would see what could be done.
  263. > When you came from behind the stage the crowd had nearly quadrupled, many ponies whispering among themselves.
  264. > Bunny, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy were already on the stage, preparing for the questions.
  265. > In fact, they were already answering now.
  266. > "Now ah can't say how ah felt when ah went on my first adventure, it was exciting, scary, and downright fun if ah say so mahself."
  267. > "There he is!"
  268. > The deep voice bought a smile to your face.
  269. > You crane your neck to your right, the stage on your left.
  270. > Will lumbered into view, a goofy smile plastered on his face.
  271. > You straighten your expression. Glaring at the Minotaur before you.
  272. "Will..."
  273. > He did the same.
  274. > "Anonymous..."
  275. > Suddenly you both burst into a large smile and walk up to each other.
  276. > You shared a light fist bump.
  277. "Been awhile since we've talked face to face."
  278. > "Agreed. I was just thinking about dinner after this."
  279. > You should leave out the fact that you're incredibly poor right now.
  280. > The two of you make your way onto the stage.
  281. > Upon your entrance some ponies stamped their hooves on the ground.
  282. > You take your spot, which was next to Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash when she got here.
  283. > Will took his spot next to Rarity at the end of the table.
  284. > He waved his hands at the ponies with a large smile.
  285. > Funny how quickly his attitude had changed.
  286. > Rarity leaned into her mic.
  287. > "If you would all be so kind as to greet our new guests Anonymous and Iron Will."
  288. > Multiple voices rose above the crowd.
  289. > You chuckle at the onslaught of questions.
  290. > "One at a time please!" Rarity managed to get out.
  291. > The questions stopped.
  292. > "Anypony who has questions raise your hooves."
  293. > In unison what seemed like hundreds of hooves rose to the sky.
  294. > Alrighty then....
  296. > The Q and A was going rather smoothly.
  297. > Everybody else was here, already popping out answers like it was nothing.
  298. > You had gotten a couple of questions of your own, but nothing asking you to go into great detail of your own life.
  299. > A lot of the stallions seemed more interested in Rarity, Fluttershy, and Bunny more than anything.
  300. > Which was fine it took the pressure off of you.
  301. > "Fluttershy!" A stallion called out from the audience. "Are you ever going to go back to modeling?"
  302. > Fluttershy frowned. "Uhmm no, I've got too much going on to go back into that business."
  303. > She was handling this better than you had thought.
  304. > An uproar of disappointed groans filled your ears.
  305. > "Twilight I must ask, recently you were given the powers of an Alicorn princess by Celestia."
  306. > Twilight gave a 'hm' of agreement into the mic.
  307. > "Does that mean if anypony works hard enough for the princess that they can have Alicorn powers too?"
  308. > The crowd went silent.
  309. > Where as your table had been more focused on themselves they were focused on Twilight now.
  310. > Had it really dawned on no-one to ask this question before?
  311. > Twilight smiled nervously.
  312. > She seemed to realize the uproar this would cause if she answered with a 'yes'.
  313. > "Uhmmm well... I can't say for sure that EVERYPONY can, I'd imagine you would have to be well versed in the magical arts."
  314. > "Besides!" Dash butted in. "If everypony was so special than nopony would be."
  315. > Some of the crowd murmured in agreement.
  316. > "Thank you Dash..." Twilight whispered from down the table.
  317. > "No prob!"
  318. > "Come on everypony, let's hear those questions!" Pinkie shouted.
  319. > Her mic screeched afterwards.
  320. > Everybody managed to clamp their ears one way or another.
  321. > Pinkie smiled bashfully.
  322. > "Woops, eh eh... sorry."
  323. > A light green pegasus zipped above the crowd.
  324. > "I've got a question for Anonymous!"
  325. > You lean into your mic.
  326. "Go on..."
  327. > Dash seemed a little miffed but she didn't say anything.
  328. > Despite not getting as many questions you had gotten more than her.
  329. > It felt pretty good man.
  330. > "What was your father like? I could only imagine the best of the best raising you..."
  331. > Your smile faded.
  332. > No...
  333. > That was a subject you had wished not to touch upon.
  335. > You stand in front of your rusty trailer.
  336. > Behind you Big Country threw another road kill onto his barbie.
  337. > "How's it going boy!?" He shouted, his chins jiggling with every movement.
  338. "Fine..."
  339. > You rub your black eye gingerly.
  340. > Not really.
  341. > You tried out for the high school football team today and all you got was a bruised and battered body.
  342. > As well as some comments from the boys.
  343. > In fact you manged to piss them off so much with your existence that some of them followed you home afterwords and jumped you.
  344. > Three months worth of saving up... gone.
  345. > You were so close to your own car.
  346. > You had been working day in and day out and now that was all gone.
  347. > You sigh and move up the steps.
  348. > You couldn't have kept the money here...
  349. > Your father would have a hell of a lot more booze.
  350. > As you step through the door into the cramped kitchen you get to work on the dishes piling in the sink.
  351. > A slumped figure sat in a recliner, the tv flashing multiple colors across the form.
  352. > Suddenly it jolted awake.
  353. > "Whazzuh... Anon, is that you?"
  354. "Yes dad."
  355. > "Oh- how did practice go?"
  356. > You snap your mouth shut, focusing on getting the stain out of a bowl.
  357. > "Great I bet. That's my boy, always showing them who's boss!"
  358. > "You know, I was one of the schools best back in my hometown..."
  359. > "I was the biggest... baddest... kid in school... and I'm sure you are too son... our family may be ridiculed but we always show them who's boss in the end."
  360. > Tears stung at your eyes as you continued to wash away the grime around the bowl.
  361. > "Come on Anon, show them a....winner..."
  362. > With that the slumped over again, snoring loudly.
  363. > You throw the bowl down and grip the sides of the counter.
  364. > ....
  366. > ....
  367. > "Anonymous..."
  368. > "Anonymous.....?"
  369. > 'Give me back my money Belt!'
  370. > 'Come get it loser!'
  371. > Sounds of a savage beating flooded through your mind, the taste of iron still fresh.
  372. > The whisper touched again, this time followed by a screech akin to a banshee.
  373. > All around you the screeching melded into your ears, slowly becoming background noise.
  374. > Your neck began to go numb from the coldness forming on it...
  375. > You slowly look over to the others, their voices silent.
  376. > Their mouths moved but you heard nothing.
  377. > Then...
  378. > "Anonymous!" Will shouted.
  379. > You snap out of your trance.
  380. "Y-Yes my Father..."
  381. > You lean closer to the mic.
  382. "He had high hopes for me... and he did his best to support me, even if it was a strange way of showing it."
  383. > "Pfft! Boring!" Dash shouted.
  384. > You slowly turn towards her.
  385. "Please don't..." You mutter.
  386. > Dash gave you a wide grin.
  387. > "Come on Anon. I'm just joshing!" She slugged your shoulder.
  388. > The screeching came back.
  389. > Was this for real?
  390. > No...
  391. > You needed to calm down.
  392. > They didn't understand your situation...
  393. > "Though I must say that was pretty vague Anonymous, could you please expand on that." Rarity said.
  394. > "Agreed." Twilight added.
  395. "I'd much rather not..."
  396. > "Oh come on Nonny! Your dad sounded like a great guy! Who wants to hear about his dad!"
  397. > Will frowned as he watched you.
  398. > Bunny tried to say something to the girls but AJ and Rainbow were already cheering with Pinkie.
  399. > "Tell us, tell us, tell us!"
  400. > The ponies in the crowd began to join as well, stamping their hooves in unison.
  401. > "Tell us! Tell us! Tell us!"
  402. > You grimace, staring forward silently.
  403. "Please. Stop now Pinkie."
  404. > "Aww Anon there's nothing to worry about! It's just speaking with confidence! Come on everypony!"
  405. > The voices melded into one.
  406. > The world seemed to go black, nothing but you and the multiple voices rattling around inside your skull.
  407. > Then...
  408. > Just under the shouting came the screeching.
  409. > The wind began to whip around you, flapping your clothes against your frame.
  410. > You were back on the stage now.
  411. > They hadn't let up.
  412. > And you were royally pissed off.
  413. > You push away from the table, stumbling to your full height.
  414. > Dash stopped chanting, looking you over with a raised brow.
  415. > The wind swirled around you now, a blue glow enveloping your vision.
  416. "Stop!"
  417. > At once the sky above you burst forth with a heavy wind.
  418. > Three ghastly apparitions of horses galloped around above.
  419. > They let out collective whinny, the stage starting to frost over.
  420. > "WENDIGOS!" One of the ponies shouted.
  421. > The crowd scattered while the others on the stage rushed to get off.
  422. > "What are Wendigos doing here!?"
  423. > "Anon get away!"
  424. > You wanted to but you couldn't.
  425. > The apparitions began to move faster and faster above you.
  426. > Spinning and spinning.
  427. > Faster and faster.
  428. > Eventually they were a blue tornado, with you trapped right in the middle of it.
  429. > You could hear the others, calling out for you.
  430. > You back away from the literal walls of wind.
  431. > Everything felt so... cold.
  432. > You needed to get out of here...
  433. > But you didn't want to.
  434. > All you wanted to do was scream and shout at the girls.
  435. > You had asked them to stop.
  436. > And they continued...
  437. > You drop to your knees, the cold enveloping your body.
  438. > All of your senses were numbed now, the only feeling being this terrible coldness.
  439. > You couldn't move...
  440. > Some frost began to form on your shoulders; creeping all over your body.
  441. > Then suddenly.
  442. > A beam of white light cut through the tornado.
  443. > It arched up, splitting it in half.
  444. > The Wendigos screeched and disappeared suddenly.
  445. > You stay on your knees... the ice kissing your back.
  446. > What had happened?
  447. > You fall to the ground with a loud 'thump'.
  448. > What had happened?
  449. > Some of the ponies gathered around the stage, murmuring among themselves.
  450. > Not like you could even hear them.
  451. > All you could hear was a rush of whispers, slowly dying down.
  452. > Celestia came into your vision an amalgam of shock and pity on her face.
  453. > Twilight soon joined her shortly after.
  454. > The two talked but all you could hear was the dying whisper in your ear.
  455. > "noonnn..."
  456. > "-e's like a magnet, honestly I should've seen this coming."
  457. > You felt Wills hands grab you shoulders.
  458. > With his help he managed to get you on your feet.
  459. > "Come on Anon. That's nothing man."
  460. > You were still pretty shaken up but you decided to do your best and ignore it.
  461. > Dusting the thinning ice off of your shoulders you give Will a thumbs up.
  462. > He let you go; watching as you stumbled briefly.
  463. > What was that?
  464. > You could still hear Celestia and Twilight talking among themselves.
  465. > You turn to the girls.
  466. "What just happened?"
  467. > Celestia hushed instantly, looking you over with suspicion
  468. > "We must discuss this somewhere else."
  470. > You take a sip from the piping hot coffee.
  471. > It burned on the way down your throat but you didn't care, after the feeling of nearly being frozen to death you gladly welcomed it.
  472. > Will sat next to you silently.
  473. > "What do you think happened back there?" He suddenly piqued.
  474. > You shake your head silently.
  475. "No idea, but whatever that was it wasn't good. I've got to figure out why it happened."
  476. > "They seemed drawn to you..." He said, a hint of curiosity in his tone.
  477. > You raise an eyebrow.
  478. "Are you implyin-"
  479. > "Not at all." He waved his hand in the air in a dismissive manner. "Never, but those, When Dio gos were definitely focused on you specifically."
  480. > You take another sip of your coffee.
  481. > With a thoughtful hum you place the mug down.
  482. > The two of you sat in silence for the time being.
  483. > You had to fight your way through eager ponies and paparazzi in order to get back home.
  484. > Celestia was most likely dealing with the same thing...
  485. > A heavy knock spread on your door.
  486. > You get up and trudge over to it.
  487. > Your legs still felt stiff...
  488. > You open the door a blinding light followed by a gust of chilly wind hitting your face.
  489. > Someone pushed past you, multiple other lights going off in your face.
  490. > You slam the door shut, neon red lights still fresh in your eyes.
  491. > More paparazzi...
  492. > So annoying...
  493. > You felt a cold kiss on the back of your neck followed by another whisper.
  494. > You decide to ignore it this time.
  495. > You turn and rub your eyes clear.
  496. > When you pulled your hands away you were surprised to see not Celestia there but Luna.
  497. > She seemed to be getting over the public stunt as well; muttering about annoying photographers.
  498. "Where's Celestia?"
  499. > "Entertaining the royal guest still, seems as if I'm her personal errand mare..."
  500. > Will snorted from the couch.
  501. > "Anyway, she just couldn't make it so I was sent to explain what's going on in her stead."
  502. > Something plopped against your window.
  503. > A tan earth-pony wearing shades screamed for Will while he pulled up his camera.
  504. > He began to snap a million pictures a second.
  505. > You throw the curtains together, cutting his little moment short.
  506. > A muffled 'aww' came from the other side.
  507. > "Vultures! The lot of them!" Luna shouted; plopping onto your red recliner.
  508. > You take a seat next to Will, the couch creaking under your combined weight.
  509. "Okay.. so run me through it then."
  510. > "Funny how you do not wish to exchange pleasantries."
  511. "I would have preferred Celestia."
  512. > Luna turned to you with an amused chuckle.
  513. > "If my sister didn't care so dearly for you, I would make sure you actually spoke in line."
  514. "IF you could even make me."
  515. > Her eyes met yours.
  516. > The world seemed to fade as the two of you gave the other a hardened gaze.
  517. > "Do you wish to duel Anonymous? Because it sounds like thou'st is requesting a duel."
  518. > You crack a smile.
  519. > She only reverted to ye olde speak when she was angry or flustered.
  520. > Either way you got under her skin.
  521. > Will cleared his throat loudly, jolting the two of you from your 'staring' contest.
  522. > "I think it would be best not to do this in YOUR house Anon." he added.
  523. > You look at the valuables all around.
  524. "I guess you're right..."
  525. > Anyway I don't want to trigger another event."
  526. "Another?"
  527. > Luna sighed and tapped her chin.
  528. > "How to explain this..."
  529. > Suddenly she pointed her horn forward, a white light spiraling up the length of it.
  530. > The light congregated at the tip of her horn; forming into an orb of light.
  531. > It broke away, floating to a stop and hovering in place.
  532. > A hand popped out from the orb.
  533. > What looked like an over-cartoonish, miniature version of you popped out, a blue hue of light floating over its ghost-like appearance.
  534. > It leapt from the orb; landing on the table between the three of you.
  535. > "Okay, Anonymous this is you."
  536. > Three circling apparitions appeared a couple of inches away from the cartoon you.
  537. > "And these are the Wendigos. They're a group of spirits that latch onto any feelings of resentment or such negative emotions."
  538. > The miniature Wendigos rushed over to the smaller you.
  539. > They began to circle around its head, the smaller you watching them with child-like wonderment.
  540. > "Anonymous, you're like magnet to them. You're filled with such strong emotion even being in the vicinity of them has given them power..."
  541. > Woah...
  542. > Will raised his brow.
  543. > "That's starting to make sense."
  544. > "Correct." Luna stated.
  545. > "They usually make you feel negative emotion if they latch on but something must've made you snap Anonymous... they've never appeared that fast before... It was a really good thing my sister intervened before they reached their full potential."
  546. "So... I'm the bad guy?"
  547. > Luna blew some air from her nose.
  548. > "Though it would give me justification towards you, no... They're just hitching a ride until you get upset again."
  549. > Luna sighed.
  550. > "Which is why you must make amends with the Elements."
  551. "I've already-"
  552. > "No Anonymous."
  553. > "You must be friends with them... genuinely. These Wendigos aren't going to leave until after Winter, in which case they'll hibernate until the next or you expel them yourself, by clearing any negative emotions you have."
  554. > You sigh and sink into the couch.
  555. > Luna frowned.
  556. > "The Elements have known how you really felt about them for awhile Anon... that's why Pinkie was trying so hard to get you to open up at the QnA event."
  557. > So the girls knew that you still had some bones to pick with them eh?
  558. > It wasn't something you really thought about...
  559. > In fact you had forgotten about your general feelings towards them.
  560. > You weren't friends but you were close too being that.
  561. > But there could be no more acting.
  562. > No more hiding it.
  563. > You would have to swallow it all and become legitimate friends with the girls.
  564. > On your own accord apparently.
  565. > "I must go now."
  566. > With that the figures on your table disappeared with a loud 'pop'.
  567. > "I suggest starting with the ones you like the most... and work your way up from there."
  568. "What, you're not going to help me?"
  569. > "Not at all. We can't force you to do this Anonymous nor help you, but if you want too keep your friends safe... then you must do this."
  570. > Luna used her magic to open the door, flashes of lights and snow pouring in.
  571. > "Good night Will, Anonymous."
  572. > She spread her wings and took to the sky, those that could fly following after her.
  573. > You close the door and sigh.
  574. > "Well... enjoy yourself."
  575. > You snap your head up.
  576. "What!? You're leaving too?"
  577. > "Yup."
  578. "Why?"
  579. > "Because this has to be done on your own, I may be a lean, mean friendship machine!"
  580. > He struck a pose.
  581. > Yeah, he was totally that...
  582. > "But this is your own deal and trust me Anonymous."
  583. > He placed a hand on your shoulder.
  584. > "I believe you know what is the best thing to do..."
  585. > ....
  586. "You're going to go see Bunny aren't you?"
  587. > Wills eyes widened.
  588. > He began to sweat profusely, his eyes flicking back between you and the door.
  589. > "N-Nothing like that at all..."
  590. > You chuckle and remove his hand.
  591. > Normally you would be upset but you didn't care.
  592. > He deserved this after all.
  593. "Go on Will. I'm not going to stop you..."
  594. > He blew some steam from his nostrils in response.
  595. > "Why would I see such a flabby pony!?"
  596. "Will..."
  597. > "I mean, I'm THEE Iron Will! Trainer of the Unkillable Ogre!"
  598. "Will..."
  599. > "Trainer of the Equestrian army! I've shown tons of ponies the do's and don'ts for the perfect body!"
  600. "Wiiiilll..."
  601. > "And you think I would settl-"
  602. "WILL!"
  603. > He stopped suddenly, his body frozen mid-pose.
  604. "I said go on. I'm not going to stop you."
  605. > "Oh..."
  606. "I assume you need too shake the paparazzi first?"
  607. > "Uhm.. yeah, that would probably be best."
  608. > You walk over to the door and throw it open.
  609. > Once more blinding lights and the winter weather greeted you.
  610. "Stop!"
  611. > The lights died down, the paparazzi's murmuring.
  612. "I heard Rainbow Dash is going to see...."
  613. > Cripe...
  614. > What was the Gaga ponies name...
  615. > Ah-ha!
  616. "Photo finish about-"
  617. > You make an exaggerated gasp to drive your point home.
  618. "MANE extensions!"
  619. > The paparazzi instantly flooded away from your house, marching towards Rainbows like a bunch of brain-dead zombies.
  620. > Which, knowing their kind. They might as well be.
  621. > Not your proudest moment but you definitely bought Will and yourself some time.
  622. > Will squeezed past you; patting your back on the way out.
  623. "After this is over I want to meet up for some training later though!"
  624. > "Hahaha! No problem!"
  625. > You watched his frame disappear among the snow.
  626. > Now...
  627. > Might as well work on getting rid of these 'Wendigos'.
  628. > Who were you the least angry at right now?
  629. > Only one pony came to mind.
  630. > Fluttershy.
  631. > Welp..
  632. > You throw on your aviator and close the door behind you.
  633. > Time to pay Flutters a visit...
  634. > The walk to her cottage had been rather uneventful.
  635. > Some stares here and there but you had yet to see any of the other Elements on your way up.
  636. > By the time you reached her cottage you were already glad you started with her.
  637. > Maybe it wouldn't be as hard as you thought!
  638. > You stop at her door, your frame already towering over it.
  639. > You knock on it and wait patiently.
  640. > ....
  641. > That flower bed was pretty nice...
  642. > As well as the frozen river over there.
  643. > Hm...
  644. > The door creaked open slightly.
  645. > "If you're a paparazzi please leave now..."
  646. > She stopped when she realized it was you.
  647. > Then suddenly her pupils shrunk to the size of pinpricks.
  648. > "G-Go away!"
  649. > She slammed the door shut.
  650. > You stand in front of it with your jaw hung in disbelief.
  651. > What was that about!?
  652. > You knock again; prompting a whimper from the other side.
  653. > "P-P-Please go away Anon. I'm sorry for everything we've done..."
  654. "What are you worrying about Fluttershy, I've come to make amends."
  655. > The whimpering stopped abruptly.
  656. > The door opened just a crack, a blue eye peering out from behind the crack.
  657. > "A-Are you serious? I thought you hated us..."
  658. "Never really hated... just... never liked you as much as the others?"
  659. > "Y-You're not going to go big, bad, and blue again are you?"
  660. > Big, bad, and blu-
  661. > Oh... the Wendigos.
  662. "I can assure you that's not going to happen again."
  663. > The blue eye flicked up and down, scanning you for any signs of deceit.
  664. > "O-Okay, give me a second."
  665. > The door closed with a click.
  666. > What sounded like a chain lock was tinkered with on the other side.
  667. > The door opened fully, a hesitant Fluttershy behind it.
  668. > You fold your arms.
  669. "Welp..."
  670. > "Well..."
  671. "Can I uhhh... come in?"
  672. > "Oh! Yes, sorry!"
  673. > She moved out of the way.
  674. > You duck down and step through the door.
  675. > The smell of lilacs filled your nostrils immediately.
  676. > Fluttershy slipped past you and moved into the next room over.
  677. > Some clinking disrupted the silence as she began to prepare something.
  678. > You take another sip of the tea she had made.
  679. > Lemon and some sweet flavor, it was really good.
  680. "Go on."
  681. > She gave a reserved chuckle, placing her tea down.
  682. > "And then he turned into a giant fish and said to Rainbow, 'Things are looking a little FISHY today no?', I couldn't help myself!"
  683. > She gave a petite chuckle to emphasize her point.
  684. > You chuckle yourself, letting your smile grow even wider.
  685. > As it turned out, Flutters wasn't so bad.
  686. > Apparently she was a cave dweller just like you, so the two of you had related right off the bat.
  687. > She was rather fond of this Discord fellow.
  688. > The two of you had been sharing stories for at least two hours now.
  689. "Okay, I've got one. One time I was in a mission in Las Pegasus..."
  691. > You knock over Zoa's king; earning a frustrated grunt from her.
  692. "I win again Zoa, no more stealing crops from the towns ponies."
  693. > "They are tribute!"
  694. > You raise an eyebrow.
  695. > "Oh fine!"
  696. "Nice."
  697. > "Oh my wings? Yes I just recently did them myself, I've been thinking of doing a-"
  698. "I was talking about the chess match..."
  699. > She blushed, turning away from you.
  700. > "I-I knew that..."
  702. > Fluttershy let out another soft chuckle.
  703. > You give her a goofy smile.
  704. "Yup, everytime. She thinks she's all that in the world."
  705. > Flutters shook her head with a content smile.
  706. > "Discord used to be the same way. All it took was a gentle hoof to work things out."
  707. > You quirk an eyebrow.
  708. "As it should now." You lean back into the couch.
  709. "I wish we had done this earlier, you're a delight to talk too."
  710. > "Same to you."
  711. > You frown and furrow your brow.
  712. "I don't think the others will be so easy though."
  713. > "Well, my friends can be a little hard for company. But they're really the best once you get to know them."
  714. > You give a half-assed hum in response.
  715. "Maybe..."
  716. > You get up from the couch, dusting your pants off.
  717. "Alright Flutters, we should do this again some time. Maybe I'll bring Zoa and you can bring Discord."
  718. > She smiled at your comment.
  719. > "That would be lovely."
  720. > Who was next on your list?
  721. > It was 3:15 PM.
  722. > You would have plenty of time to search for the other girls.
  723. > Hopefully if things went as smoothly as they did with Flutters this was something that could be dealt with within a day.
  724. > You still haven't seen hide nor hair of Derpy.
  725. > Hmm...
  726. > Now that you thought about it, after talking to Fluttershy and actually getting to know her you felt less...
  727. > Heavy when you thought about her.
  728. > Like a weight was lifted.
  729. > It was a good feel.
  730. > So...
  731. > Who was next, you had already decided Twilight and Rainbow would be last.
  732. > Which meant AJ, Pinkie, and Rarity were next on your list.
  733. > Rarity most likely.
  734. > AJ would be a tough nut to crack and you still wanted to avoid Pinkie for now.
  735. > Besides Rarity was still fine with you.
  737. > You kick up a thick art canvas.
  738. > What seemed like thousands of needles pierced it, the ends sticking out in a bed.
  739. > You toss the canvas away.
  740. > "Brute!"
  741. "Blue-blooded fool!"
  742. > She used her magic to levitate a nearby mannequin.
  743. > She chucked the whole body of it at you.
  744. > It soared through the air at you in a blur.
  745. > You simply reach up and grab it by the leg; halting its progress instantly.
  746. > You toss it behind you.
  747. > Things had been going well earlier.
  748. > That was until she bought up that she knew you were sorry.
  749. > She didn't let the mane thing go.
  750. > You had tried to explain yourself but all that lead to was frustration and increasingly angry Wendigos.
  751. > Besides.
  752. > "Go back to doing pushups and objectifying women you lug!"
  753. > She had started it first.
  754. > Oddly enough though you weren't angry.
  755. > Maybe a little exhilarated yeah but...
  756. > It felt good to get this out.
  757. > You slip behind the wall, a chair flying through the doorway.
  758. > It exploded into millions of bits as it crashed into the wall.
  759. > You step back from behind it, the white mare already galloping towards you.
  760. > You didn't take her for the physical type.
  761. > In a practiced leap she stuck her hind-leg out, flying forward in a karate like stance.
  762. > You silently run forward.
  763. > Your heavy foot-falls rattled the boutique as the two of you headed to each other.
  764. > Rarity came inches away from your face...
  766. > You nurse the lump forming on your fore-head.
  767. > Rarity sat across from you, her mane frazzled and frayed.
  768. > She leaned against the table like a regretful person with a hangover.
  769. > "Well... certainly felt good to get that all out. This new line was putting a ton of stress on me..."
  770. > You grunt in response; moving the ice pack down to your stiff cheek.
  771. > She wasn't lying.
  772. "How long have you been taking Martial arts?"
  773. > "About six years, I haven't done them in awhile..."
  774. > You grunt again.
  775. "You're certainly good at them."
  776. > "Well I was the top fighter in all of Equestria at one point."
  777. > You raise an eyebrow.
  778. > "Sparring I should say. I never got into cage fights, they were so...icky..."
  779. "Ah..."
  780. > "Why did you come here anyway Anonymous?"
  781. > She muttered 'ow' under her breath and wiped something off of her fore-head.
  782. “I had come to apologize but that went way differently than I had expected.”
  783. > “Well I AM full of surprises darling~”
  784. > You had never seen this side of her before..
  785. > Usually it was all grace and poise with this mare.
  786. > "I must say. That was a rather fun skirmish."
  787. > You let a guffaw escape, despite the pain it bought.
  788. > "What?"
  789. "It's just... I never expected YOU to go and pick fights with somebody."
  790. > You gesture to the mess of her boutique.
  791. "Especially here."
  792. > Ow...
  793. > You move the ice pack back to your fore-head.
  794. > "Well, I can easily pay for all of these damages and to be honest, I've been holding that in for awhile."
  795. "Against me I presume?"
  796. > "Not entirely but yes. Never touch a ladies mane."
  797. "Alright..."
  798. > You shoot a smile at her.
  799. > She smiled back silently.
  800. "It was oddly a pleasure Rarity."
  801. > "Same to you Anonymous."
  802. > You and Rarity had spent a great deal talking afterwords.
  803. > You had helped her clean the boutique will she told you more about herself.
  804. > And you did the same.
  805. > You had managed to get around to your father, earning a rather vocal expression of shock from her.
  806. > Oh well, all you wanted to do was go get the last easy one out of the way.
  807. > Pinkie Pie.
  808. > You were still a little sore about her constant pestering earlier but you would have to look past it now and deal with it today.
  809. > Besides, you felt like she would be one of the easiest to reconcile with.
  810. > You step through the Sugar Cube Corner door.
  811. > The bell rung gently as you stood among the very few ponies in the shop.
  812. > Mr. Cake appeared behind the counter.
  813. > When he saw you he smiled, then gave you a worried look.
  814. "Don't worry about me. I'm fine now."
  815. > "That's what I thought Anon, but I couldn't be sure with the whole... Wendigo thing!"
  816. > You give him a wave of dismissal.
  817. "Already being fixed... is Pinkie still here?"
  818. > His smile dropped, replaced by a heavy frown.
  819. > "She's been mopping in her room all day. No matter what we try to do we couldn't cheer her up."
  820. "I need to see her."
  821. > Mr. Cake bit his bottom lip.
  822. > "I'm not sure it's a good idea."
  823. "Trust me. I can fix this."
  824. > He sighed; rubbing the stubble on his chin.
  825. > "Anybody else and I would doubt it, but I think you're credible. Just go up the stairs and her room is the door decorated with all pink, you can't miss it."
  826. > Good man.
  827. > You give him a nod of appreciation and make your way upstairs.
  828. > Each step felt as if it would break the staircase as you made your ascension.
  829. > You lumber down the hallway, spotting the bright pink door instantly.
  830. > Here you go...
  831. > ...
  832. > ...
  833. > Why did this remind you so much of the Aie fanfics you read back at home?
  834. > Now that you think about it.
  835. > This whole deal was not your...
  836. > Deal...
  837. > You didn't do friendship, you did action and adventures.
  838. > Where was the monster?
  839. > Where was the obstacles?
  840. > You shake the thoughts from your head.
  841. > Whoa...
  842. > You had no idea where that sudden revelation came from.
  843. > You shrug it off and knock on the door.
  844. > No answer...
  845. > You knock again, a little heavier this time.
  846. > A small sniffle came from the other side of the door.
  847. > "Yes?"
  848. > Man, she sounded horrible.
  849. > You had heard her sound like this only once before, when she had that whole 'betrayal' crises.
  850. > You had no part of that of course.
  851. > In fact she had been rather rude that day, you had caught her digging up a couple of rocks.
  852. > You wipe away the memory and knock again.
  853. "Pinkie, It's me."
  854. > The sniffling stopped suddenly.
  855. > "Uh... Uh, give me a second!"
  856. > The sounds of a tin bucket being kicked, a cat screeching, a balloon being stretched, and an elephant bellow came from the other side of the door.
  857. > Just what in the hell was going on in there?
  858. > The door suddenly flung open.
  859. > Pinkie peered up at you, tons of clothes pines sticking from her mane to give it the appearance of being poofy.
  860. > It was the same with her tail.
  861. > You raise an eyebrow.
  862. > The clothespins suddenly popped off, shooting everywhere like a bunch of darts.
  863. > Her mane seemed to compress and went back to being flat.
  864. > It actually looked pretty okay on her...
  865. > "C-Come in..." She muttered not even bothering to look up from the ground.
  866. > She turned and lead the way, hopping up onto her bed.
  867. > You step into the room, pink hues enveloping your eyes immediately.
  868. > It was like stepping into a cutsie, Asian schoolgirls room.
  869. > Pink, pink everywhere!
  870. > Light pink rug, Pink stuffed animals and party tools, pink paint.
  871. > Even the ceiling was pink.
  872. > Pinkie clicked on the pink lamp on her pink nightstand.
  873. > She continued to stare at the ground dejectedly.
  874. > You take a spot next to her, the bed sinking under your weight.
  875. > You were sure she didn't mind.
  876. > She continued to stare at the ground, trying her hardest not to look at you.
  877. > You sigh and fold your arms.
  878. "Pinkie..."
  879. > She flinched upon hearing her name.
  880. > She slowly turned to look up at you.
  881. > Her light blue eyes met yours; a little less excitable than you last remembered.
  882. > "Celestia told me what Wendigos were, I knew about them already before but I never realized what they truly meant... Anon. Do you hate me?"
  883. > You sigh and uncross your arms.
  884. "Not at all..."
  885. > She didn't seem to buy it.
  886. "It's just, you need to know when to listen Pinkie. Just imposing your will on somebody is not going to get you anywhere..."
  887. > You harden your gaze on her.
  888. > She shrunk under it, squirming a little in her spot.
  889. "It may have worked with Cranky Doodle, but it's not the answer. All it does is make things worse."
  890. > "I-I figured after today..."
  891. > You soften your gaze.
  892. "And don't get so broken up over one person being upset with you."
  893. > You pat her head lightly.
  894. "Upset isn't you."
  895. > As you pulled your hand away color suddenly flushed back into her being; her mane and tail exploding into a puff once again.
  896. "Glad to see the old Pinks back."
  897. > She shot forwards and wrapped her hooves around your mid-section.
  898. > You freeze briefly before putting your arms around her uneasily.
  899. > Hugs still put you on edge.
  900. > "I'm so sorry Non'!"
  901. "I-It's good.."
  902. > "Seriously, I can't say it enough! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so-"
  903. > You clamp your hands around her muzzle.
  904. > Her look of surprise soon turned to a bashful nudge in your direction.
  905. > You pull your hands away.
  906. "I'm glad we could settle this."
  907. > You get up from the bed, the pink mattress springing up and throwing Pinkie into the air.
  908. "Now... what do you usually do with your friends?"
  910. > You're nothing.
  911. > More of everything.
  912. > You were silent for now.
  913. > This creature you latched onto, this... 'Anonymous' his emotion was plentiful.
  914. > But the negativity.
  915. > It was fading.
  916. > And you needed more.
  917. > You whisper to your brothers and sisters.
  918. > This creature may not be useful anymore...
  919. > Then...
  920. > You found it.
  921. > A pony named 'Rainbow Dash'.
  922. > 'Hey Anon I signed us up for the Traithlon this weekend!'
  923. > 'Aren't you excited!?'
  924. > Yes...
  925. > This creatures resentment for the pony named 'Rainbow Dash' was nearly plentiful.
  926. > But you couldn't use it.
  927. > Not until he tapped into anyway.
  928. > You watched as the creature fought tooth and nail to get in shape for the Traithlon.
  929. > Along the way he became something more...
  930. > The determination.
  931. > The anguish of its life.
  932. > It was the ultimate source.
  933. > But the resentment was numbed.
  934. > And it held plenty.
  935. > You would need to tap into its source.
  936. "Rainbow Dasssshhhh..."
  937. > Your family joined along with you, constantly chanting the name.
  938. > Figures began to dance all around you.
  939. > Buffalo chanting.
  940. > A fire in a barnyard.
  941. > The creature Anonymous being driven through the water by a large monster.
  942. > His determination to win the Triathlon.
  943. > His ability to push himself above and beyond.
  944. > Yes...
  945. > You stopped chanting; your family joining shortly after.
  946. > No...
  947. > You had a new plan for this creature.
  948. > Given the right push he could be even more valuable than he already was.
  949. > But first...
  950. > You needed resentment.
  951. > And as you found out before.
  952. > This creature held plenty of it.
  954. > Pinkie gave her signature mix of a chuckle and a snort.
  955. > Or as she called it a 'Snuckle'.
  956. > You follow her shortly after; her laughter a little more than infectious.
  957. > As the laughter died down a brief memory flashed into your mind.
  958. > Pinkie lay hidden in the bushes.
  959. > Hey...
  960. > That was you...
  961. > It was during the time the Traithlon was coming up.
  962. > You watch with disbelief as she began to snap a bunch of pictures as you and the ponies raced each other.
  963. > She moved forward; suddenly appearing in the castle.
  964. > Rainbow and Twilight said some things before she handed them a folder.
  965. > She then pulled a box over her head and scuttled off.
  966. > You snap back to reality.
  967. > Your face contorted into a grimace.
  968. "Pinkie..."
  969. > "Vhat?"
  970. > She peered out of her closet, a rubber chicken placed in between her mouth.
  971. > She spat it out and gave you an innocent smile.
  972. > There was no way she had done that.
  973. "Remember when I was preparing for the Traithlon?"
  974. > "Yuppers!"
  975. > Your grimace deepened.
  976. "You came looking for me and tried to apologize.. I have a question. Where did you go after that?"
  977. > This question seemed to make her nervous.
  978. > She gave you a crooked smile.
  979. > "I-I'm sorry Nonny that's a super- duper se-"
  980. "Because you and Twilight seemed rather keen on helping Dash out that day..."
  981. > "A-Anon please-"
  982. > You get up from the bed.
  983. "You're still keeping secrets from me!"
  984. > Pinkie flinched away.
  985. > What were you doing?
  986. > This wasn't like you at all...
  987. > "I-I'm sorry Anon. We're still friends remember?"
  988. > That just made you even angrier.
  989. > For some reason all you wanted to do was yell.
  990. > Calm down.
  991. > Calm down...
  992. > A cold feeling began to tickle the nape of your neck again.
  993. > It was just them...
  994. > But it wasn't.
  995. > After everything these girls had done to you and you were sitting here having tea and making friends with them?
  996. > The cold feeling intensified.
  997. > No...
  998. > No, you were better than them now.
  999. > You were better than everyone!
  1000. > A sharp feeling seared your senses.
  1001. > You clutch your head and fall back; landing on Pinkies bed.
  1002. > The sudden weight caused the legs to collapse from under it.
  1003. > The rest of the frame slammed into the ground, bouncing you along with it.
  1004. > Pinkie became a blur running from the room.
  1005. > 'Hah! You're the best!?'
  1006. > You whirl around and focus on the mare hovering just outside Pinkies window.
  1007. > She gave you cocky smile before hovering back and forth as if she were pacing.
  1008. > 'Please. You didn't even win the Triathlon after all that 'hardwork' you put in.'
  1009. > You clench your jaw, her obnoxious voice already getting to you.
  1010. > It was like a jackhammer pounding away at your brain matter.
  1011. > Twilight soon joined Dash; phasing through the window as if it were a veil of mist.
  1012. > 'You may have gotten big but you're still a wittle baby... I mean who really goes and nearly kills themselves twice to prove a point? An overgrown babbling child I say!'
  1013. > The two galloped forward.
  1014. > They leapt into the air; spreading their wings and soaring around you.
  1015. > Despite the small size of Pinkies room they didn't disturb one thing.
  1016. > 'Loser!!!' Dash shouted.
  1017. > 'Idiot!' Twilight shouted.
  1018. > The world began to bounce to an unheard rhythm before your very eyes.
  1019. > It rocked and danced to some audibly hidden jamboree.
  1020. > You blink a few times trying to comprehend what was going on.
  1021. > Twilghts and Dashes words pierced your eardrums like an air horn.
  1022. > They began to get louder and more frequent, until it was the only thing you could hear.
  1023. > The pain came back; distracting you from everything else.
  1024. > No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
  1025. > You grip the sides of Pinkies bed.
  1026. > And let out a roar.
  1027. > The world was suddenly enveloped in ice around you.
  1028. > The stuffed animals, the rug, the window, the walls.
  1029. > All of it frosted over.
  1030. > And you had only one thing on your mind.
  1031. > You hated this world.
  1032. > You are Pinkie Pie.
  1033. > You gallop down the hall, skidding to a stop at the Cakes door.
  1034. > You needed to alert the ponies in the area that something was wrong.
  1035. > Anon was freaking out in your room and you had no idea why!
  1036. > He even broke your bed.
  1037. > You loved your bed...
  1038. > A slam followed by a roar rattled the hallway.
  1039. > You peer back at your door.
  1040. > A sheet of frost crept from behind your door, decorating the walls around it.
  1041. > You back away and zip down the stairs; the world turning into a literal blur of colors.
  1042. > You suddenly stopped, finding yourself standing on one of the sugar cube tables.
  1043. > The ponies who had been enjoying their meals stared at you silently.
  1044. > What did you come in here for again?
  1045. > Another roar and the stairs began to frost over.
  1046. > Oh yeah.
  1047. "Everypony out!"
  1048. > You had expected everypony to flood out, even the Cakes.
  1049. > But instead they just stared at the staircase and back at you.
  1050. > "But... our food..."
  1051. > What!
  1052. > Were they serious-
  1053. > Oh...
  1054. > That pony had a triple layer lava cake.
  1055. > You wouldn't wan to leave that too.
  1056. "Okay maybe you can-"
  1057. > Anon burst from the staircase.
  1058. > The whole building rocked as his frame slammed down.
  1059. > He slowly picked himself up.
  1060. > "Pinkie... come here Pinkie..."
  1061. > His eyes were enveloped in a sky blue glow, the same glow coming from his mouth as well.
  1062. > "I've got to show you something." He grunted.
  1063. > The way he said that did not settle well with you...
  1064. "Uhhh, no thanks Anon. Say! Wouldn't you like to go on a jog or something?"
  1065. > You jog in place to emphasize your point.
  1066. "Because...uh..."
  1067. > He began to lumber forward, his frame overshadowing your own.
  1068. > Each time his foot connected with the ground a mound of ice would form.
  1069. "I think..."
  1070. > You gulp.
  1071. "You're in the mood for one..."
  1072. > Giggle at the ghosties Pinkie...
  1073. > Giggle at the ghosties.
  1074. > You jump out of the way.
  1075. > Anons fists slammed down onto the table, breaking it in two easily.
  1076. > The ponies all around hoped up and began to gallop from the door.
  1077. > You zip off behind the counter; earning a surprised yelp from Mrs. Cake.
  1078. > You heard a crash followed by a grunt from Anon.
  1079. > You stop and peer back.
  1080. > He ran forward and hopped the counter as well, the whole thing nearly crashing under his weight.
  1081. > The backdoor!
  1082. > You needed to get to Twlight ASAP!
  1083. > You gallop through the kitchen.
  1084. > You skid to a stop and pull off a stray brownie.
  1085. > You pop it in your mouth and smack it against your gums.
  1086. "Mmmmm...."
  1087. > "PINKIE!"
  1088. > Oh, yes, right, running!
  1089. > You scurry away from the brownies.
  1090. > Anons larger frame made it harder for him to move around the kitchen.
  1091. > He crashed into hanging pots and the counters edges.
  1092. > You eventually manage to slip out of the kitchens back door.
  1093. > Whirling around you shut it in order to buy yourself some time.
  1094. > Even though you didn't have a scarf or anything you trudge through the snow.
  1095. > Needed to get away!
  1096. > The door burst open behind you.
  1098. > You saw the pink against the white instantly.
  1099. > You leap from the doorstep, closing distance between the two of you in mere seconds.
  1100. > You were so close.
  1101. > You hop forward in blind fury.
  1102. > There it...
  1103. > You slam into the snow.
  1104. > Was...
  1105. > You pull yourself out and glare around.
  1106. > She was gone...
  1107. > A sound like a jet passing by overhead caught your attention.
  1108. > You look up, seeing a rainbow blur carrying Pinkie away.
  1109. > Oh whatever...
  1110. > It was pointless, you would catch up to them later anyway!
  1111. > You grunt in frustration and stomp off.
  1112. > You didn't need either of them.
  1113. > An hour....
  1114. > A whole hour passed since that fiasco...
  1115. > You rip out a tree trunk with a roar.
  1116. > A not one of them came looking for you.
  1117. > 'You're hated.'
  1118. > 'They don't love you.'
  1119. > 'It's so pointless.'
  1120. > They were right.
  1121. > You had no idea where these thoughts had come from but they were of sound logic.
  1122. > You chuck the tree trunk with a roar.
  1123. > You whirl around and pick up a nearby log.
  1124. > With another roar you hoist it up and bring it down on your massive knee, breaking it in a single go.
  1125. > You toss the halves away.
  1126. > You run up and punch a tree, your fist sinking into the trunk.
  1127. > You pull it away and throw out the other one; forming a dent in the tree.
  1128. > With a frustrated yell you begin to throw as many punches as you can, the trees base slowly splintering away.
  1129. > The whole clearing was decimated...
  1130. > It wasn't even a clearing before you made your way into the Everfree.
  1131. > But you just needed to get all of this rage... OUT.
  1132. > You grip the trunk and rip outwards, a loud splintering accompanying the motion.
  1133. > You toss the half of the tree behind you.
  1134. > 'Laughing at you!'
  1135. > You whirl around and uproot a rock the size of your arm.
  1136. > With a roar you heave it into the frozen lake, shattering the ice instantly.
  1137. > 'Never loved...'
  1138. > You fall to your knees.
  1139. > It was unbearably painful...
  1140. > Your heart hammered in your chest as the voices continued.
  1141. > You fall forwards.
  1142. > A sky-blue, glowing face stared back at you, it was not your own...
  1143. > For a brief second the glow faltered.
  1144. > Then it re-assert itself.
  1145. > 'They hate you Anon, nobody was ever really on your side...'
  1146. > Correct...
  1147. > 'Make them miserable... make them regret every decision they have made.'
  1148. > That was beginning to sound pretty appealing...
  1149. > 'Wreck havoc!'
  1150. > 'They hate you! Return the feeling!'
  1151. > 'We're the truth Anon, you were never loved by anybody!'
  1152. > You pick yourself up.
  1153. > No tears stung your face.
  1154. > And there was no burning feeling of rage deep within your gut.
  1155. > Yes...
  1156. "They want a reason to hate me..."
  1157. > You look back down at the ice frosting over the river.
  1158. "I will give them one."
  1159. > The sound of a twig snapping caught your attention.
  1160. > You whirl around expecting to see a hungry Timberwolf or Bear.
  1161. > Instead all you got was...
  1162. "Rainbow Dash." You grunt.
  1163. > Your voice sounded distorted, like it was passing through an old microphone.
  1164. > A whinny sounded throughout the air; followed by a crack of thunder.
  1165. > Up above a dark cloud full of galloping spirits appeared.
  1166. > Their sky blue eyes danced in the sky as they moved in a circle.
  1167. > The wind picked up as she watched you silently.
  1168. > "H-hey Anon... you're looking pretty..."
  1169. > She muttered something under her breath.
  1170. > Then she steeled herself.
  1171. > "Look! I'm sorry. That's it, that's all I needed to say, we're all sorry for the way we treated you Anon."
  1172. > 'Lies!'
  1173. "And why should I believe that..."
  1174. > She visibly cringed when she heard your voice.
  1175. > "L-look dude. We had already talked about this- you said you want-"
  1176. "I wanted to be left alone."
  1177. > You lumber over to the rainbow mare.
  1178. "By you."
  1179. > "W-Well what if we sit down and talk-"
  1180. "No."
  1181. > You turn away from the increasingly annoying pegasus.
  1182. "You've got an hour before I come back to the town and make you all as miserable as you made me."
  1183. > Dash snorted in annoyance.
  1184. > "Stop the mopey, emo stuff already Anon. You're holding a grudge over no reas-"
  1185. > One of the Wendigos screeched suddenly, snapping Dash from her own little world.
  1186. "No reason huh? No reason she says!"
  1187. > You toss your head back and laugh, the Wendigos joining in as well.
  1188. > You were starting to like these things.
  1189. > "A-Anon come on now..."
  1190. > Your laughter died down, a small chuckle joined with a shake of your head.
  1191. "You can't say anything, you're the worst of them all."
  1192. > Dash groaned.
  1193. > "Okay, so I was a pretty cruddy pony! So what!? We're past all that Anon, we've been past all of that!"
  1194. > You whirl around on her suddenly.
  1195. > She jumped at the sudden movement; nearly taking off into the air right there.
  1196. "We're past nothing! You still treat me like a personal errand boy! And I get no respect for it! I asked for you and the girls to stop! I begged and what do you do!?"
  1197. > You make a wild grab for the mare.
  1198. > She ducked under your swing with a surprised yelp.
  1199. > You right yourself and whirl around, clawing out to grab anything.
  1200. "You."
  1201. > You reach for her head; watching as she zipped just beyond your reach.
  1202. > You upright yourself and throw a wild hook.
  1203. "Kept."
  1204. > Your fist just barely hit her, hitting a tree and sending splinters everywhere instead.
  1205. "On!"
  1206. > You grab hold of her tail and pull her towards you.
  1207. > Dash bucked wildly, shouting something about a 'Plan B'.
  1208. "GOING!"
  1209. > She sent out a wild buck.
  1210. > The world snapped up briefly as her hind-hoof connected with your face.
  1211. > A flurry of lights hovered in front of you before you shook them off.
  1212. > You caught a glimpse of her rainbow colored tail disappearing into the woods.
  1213. > With an inhuman growl you sprint after her.
  1214. > 'Yes!'
  1215. > 'Beat the Element of Loyalty.'
  1216. > 'That will show them you are not to be trifled with.'
  1217. > 'Why stop there!?'
  1218. > 'Why not take all of Equestria!'
  1219. > 'Take it!'
  1220. > 'Take it!'
  1221. > 'Take it!'
  1222. > 'Claim what is yours!'
  1223. > The branches and thick shrubbery of the Everfree did little to stop you.
  1224. > Whether it be that it was dying or your own fueled rage it wasn't going to keep you down.
  1225. > Nothing was anymore.
  1226. > Dash stayed just ahead of you, yelling out insults back at you.
  1227. > "That the best you got Non'!?"
  1228. > You snarl in response.
  1229. > Thwack!
  1230. > A thin branch ran across your head, causing you to reel back briefly.
  1231. "Catch her!"
  1232. > The Wendigos above you complied, swooping down after the mare.
  1233. > Dash managed to dodge their spectral bodies, watching as whatever they touch froze over instantly.
  1234. > She made a sharp right; just barely juking one of the faster spirits.
  1235. > Useless!
  1236. > You take off after her.
  1237. > She made a couple of more sharp turns.
  1238. > Then she broke through the forest line up ahead.
  1239. > You increase your speed and break through as well.
  1240. > Your muscles didn't scream like normal instead you just felt...
  1241. > Numb...
  1242. > You snap your head around looking for the cyan coat.
  1243. > You caught her running down a dirt road towards Sweet Apple Acres.
  1244. > Celestias sun went down; being replaced with the moon instantly.
  1245. > You ignore it and give chase.
  1246. > So what if she went and got Applejack on her side.
  1247. > As far as you were concerned.
  1248. > They deserved whatever was coming too.
  1249. > The chase was a lot easier this time.
  1250. > It had to be without all the brambles and branches smacking you in the face.
  1251. > You were already gaining on Dash, the world a white and brown blur around you.
  1252. > So close...
  1253. > You reach out towards her.
  1254. > When you got your hands on her you wou-
  1255. > What felt like a zap of electricity blasted you in the face.
  1256. > You fall down more out of shock than anything else.
  1257. > The world spun as you rolled and slid across the ground.
  1258. > Rocks and snow dug into your flesh, just barely poking beyond your numbed senses.
  1259. > You manage to halt yourself.
  1260. > With a snarl you pick yourself up; noticing Twilight herding Dash into a nearby barn.
  1261. > You didn't even hesitate to run after them.
  1262. > The barnyard bobbed in your vision as you madly sprinted towards it.
  1263. > Fifteen feet.
  1264. > You couldn't be the hero anymore. You never were the hero.
  1265. > Ten feet....
  1266. > You would make them pay!
  1267. > Five feet.
  1268. > And you would enjoy it!
  1269. > With a roar you throw yourself at the barn doors.
  1270. > The instantly burst open, the bar holding them in place snapping like a twig under your weight.
  1271. > You skid to a stop as you barreled past the door.
  1272. > Where did they go?
  1273. > The barnyard was dark enough to conceal them anywhere...
  1274. > "Now!"
  1275. > Floodlights suddenly filled your vision.
  1276. > You hold your hands up to guard against the sudden change in light.
  1277. > Bang!
  1278. > Your mind was rattled as a bunch of colorful confetti covered you followed by a disorientating explosion.
  1279. > Some thin thing suddenly enveloped your arms and torso.
  1280. > With a sharp tug you were pulled to the ground, right on your rump.
  1281. > The floodlights suddenly moved down and out of your vision.
  1282. > As the lights moved down and out of sight they washed over a pony standing in the middle of the barn.
  1283. > Derpy...
  1284. > You don't even bother struggling against the binds.
  1285. > You look to your right; where the blast had come from.
  1286. > Pinkie stood behind her party cannon, giving you a meek smile.
  1287. > Looking down you saw a rope around your torso; keeping your arms bound together.
  1288. > Most likely Applejacks work...
  1289. > Derpy frowned when she saw you.
  1290. > Without a single word she trotted forward.
  1291. > She stopped a foot away from you.
  1292. > 'She hates you!'
  1293. > 'They all do!'
  1294. > A couple of other figures shuffled into the light.
  1295. > The Elements stood behind the mailmare, staring at you expectantly.
  1296. > 'Break the bonds now!'
  1297. > Silently Derpy galloped forward and hugged you tightly.
  1298. > You freeze.
  1299. > And the numbness began to fade.
  1300. > What you felt now was her warm body pressed against your own.
  1301. > Her breathing...
  1302. > Her mane...
  1303. > It felt...pleasant.
  1304. > "We're sorry Anon..." Twilight said moving a little closer. "Pinkie told us what had happened and we must've been treating you pretty poorly if things turned out like this..."
  1305. > Applejack stepped forward; taking place behind her.
  1306. > "Ah know ah give ya' a hard time but... consarn' it if you don't deserve some respect!"
  1307. > Pinkie took a step up.
  1308. > "Like they said! I'm suuuper sorry Anon and I'll do anything to make up for it!"
  1309. > Rarity and Fluttershy shared a look before stepping forwards as well.
  1310. > "If you felt like you were still being treated poorly I really wish you would have said something earlier Darling. I know this could've all been dealt with before."
  1311. > Flutters nodded in agreement.
  1312. > Rainbow Dash stepped ahead all of the girls; moving in just behind Derpy.
  1313. > "Do I really have to-"
  1314. > "YES!" All the girls said simultaneously.
  1315. > "Okay! Okay!..." Rainbow let out a sigh before meeting your eyes. "I'm sorry for the way we- I mean I've treated you Anon, If it wasn't for me and my stupid pranks none of this would even be happening..."
  1316. > The numbness had disappeared long ago.
  1317. > In fact.
  1318. > So had the cold that kissed your neck.
  1319. > All you could feel was...
  1320. > Warm...
  1321. > You smile warmly at the girls.
  1322. "I guess being mad over something in the past is a little silly, no?"
  1323. > '-are you doing!?'
  1324. > '-ted you remem-'
  1325. > 'Nonymous!'
  1326. > Now that your mind was clear you puff out your chest; the rope loosening up its grip around your chest.
  1327. > That was most likely done on purpose.
  1328. > Derpy slipped away from you; giving you a proud smile.
  1329. > "There you are."
  1330. > You smile back at her and stand to your full height.
  1331. > Whoa...
  1332. > A pulsating pain made itself known in your knuckles, followed by the multiple cuts from the Everfree.
  1333. > It was minor compared to other wounds you've faced.
  1334. > You chuckle and feel your face.
  1335. > It was no longer stiff and cold.
  1336. > Warm blood pumped through your veins; filling you with another feeling than depression.
  1337. > A whinny outside caught your attention.
  1338. > The others frowned.
  1339. > "They're still out there..." Twilight muttered.
  1340. > "This is bad! They're going to throw Equestria into eternal winter!" she galloped past you and Derpy.
  1341. > You and the others followed instantly.
  1342. > The Wendigos swirled around each other overhead.
  1343. > "Mah crops!" AJ shouted.
  1344. > "They're already dead..." Rarity muttered.
  1345. > "Ah know, but these rascals ain't getting them!"
  1346. > She hopped up onto a bale of hay.
  1347. > "Shoo! Go on! Get!"
  1348. > The Wendigos whinnied in response.
  1349. > Derpy frowned and turned to you.
  1350. > "How do you beat a Wendigo exactly?"
  1351. "Uhh... no idea..."
  1352. > You tap Twilights withers.
  1353. "How do we beat these things?"
  1354. > "Uhh..."
  1355. > Twilight frowned silently.
  1356. > "No idea..."
  1357. > Oh, wonderful.
  1358. > "Well do something dang it! They're ruining mah land!"
  1359. > "Maybe magic would work." Derpy suggested.
  1360. > "Maybe we can talk to them!" Pinkie suggested.
  1361. > Normally you would disregard her suggestion but...
  1362. > They had talked to you.
  1363. > The Wendigos were forming a tornado in the middle of the field.
  1364. > Chunks of ice and snow circled around the devastating tube of wind.
  1365. > You would have to be very careful.
  1366. > You silently slip past the girls.
  1367. > Twilight gave a surprised shout but she was quickly silenced by the other girls.
  1368. > Hm...
  1369. > You stop a good two feet away from the tornado.
  1370. > The column of elements suddenly split down the middle.
  1371. > A spirit twice your size emerged from the funnel, whinnying in triumph.
  1372. > You tilt your head up as it came to a stop in front of you; clambering in its place.
  1373. > "Anonymous..." It simply said, an ancient voice echoing all around you.
  1374. "Enough with the pleasantries. I need you too leave."
  1375. > "And just why would we do that? Because we're evil? Because these ponies are the innocent little creatures we're meant to harm?"
  1376. > The Spirit gave a boisterous nicker.
  1377. > "You and I both know that's a lie. The way they treated you... I'm surprised my family didn't awaken earlier..."
  1378. > You frown and pocket your hands.
  1379. > Ow!
  1380. > Your knuckles...
  1381. > You were getting soft.
  1382. "That's not it at all."
  1383. > You look back at Derpy and the girls and sigh.
  1384. "I've got others here that I need to protect, and I'm willing to go to any length to do just that."
  1385. > This earned an amused chuckle from the Spirit.
  1386. > The corners of your mouth tugged into a smile.
  1387. "You've been in my mind, you know how that'll end..."
  1388. > The Spirit went silent.
  1389. > Then...
  1390. > It gave a loud sigh.
  1391. > "You're a cocky creature but that cockiness is backed by legitimacy... Beware, we will make our return."
  1392. > The Wendigos galloping above suddenly dispersed with an echoing whinny.
  1393. > The Spirit retreated back into the dying tornado.
  1394. > The last thing you saw before it faded was its sky-blue eyes, peering into your own.
  1395. > "You did it!"
  1396. > Derpy tackled your back, hardly even making you budge.
  1397. > She stuck to you like putty and began to nuzzle her face into your back.
  1398. "Hey! That tickles!"
  1399. > You managed to get her off and hold her out at arms length.
  1400. "Were have you been all day?"
  1401. > "Uhh.. well I got caught up in a hasty delivery. I accidentally gave Time Turner Mister Cranky's mail and Cranky Mister Bulk Biceps mail. It was terribly confusing and rather embarrassing..."
  1402. > You shrug and pull her back into a hug.
  1403. > You were just glad she showed up when she did.
  1404. > You didn't know what would've happened if you continued to stay like that.
  1405. > "Great job Anon!" Rainbow said slugging your shoulder.
  1406. > You put Derpy down and give her a small smile.
  1407. "Yeah..."
  1408. > She went back to the girls and began to chatter with them.
  1409. > Derpy tugged at your pants leg and nudged her head towards the path to Ponyville.
  1410. "Gladly."
  1411. > You head off with her and pat her head.
  1412. > As you walked away you couldn't help but glance back at the girls one last time.
  1413. > Even though they had apologized...
  1414. > They still felt far from friends...
  1415. > You ignore it and turn back to Derpy.
  1416. > Oh well.
  1417. > Let them think things are fine for now.
  1418. > This would take some time.
  1419. > Especially for the creatures who were so used to solving things in a day.
  1420. > Something black moved along the forest line.
  1421. > You squint as it moved off in a blur.
  1422. > But suddenly Derpy tugged your leg again.
  1423. > "Are you okay Anon?"
  1424. "Yeah... fine."
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