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Jan 16th, 2016
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  1. Princess Luna stood in the center of a circular room, adorned with white walls, golden trim, and exquisite wooden furniture only the truly rich could afford. She was currently quite vexed with her sister who had, once again, vanished from Canterlot with no word or clue as to her whereabouts.
  3. Giving a defeated sigh Luna was prepared to give up her search for her sister and leave the mystery be for the time, when a muffled pop and a almost unnoticeable flash of light drew her eye to a drawer on her sisters desk. Covered by paperwork Luna had barely skimmed the massive thing earlier, and decided to try and not be TOO nosy by rifling through the drawers. This though, it screamed to her of an answer to her sisters new vanishing act.
  5. As she made her way to the desk Luna remembered the first disappearances. Celestia had vanished, much like now, from Canterlot Palace but unlike now, not the city itself. The first time she had cornered Celestia in her own room that evening and had the truth from her. With Luna taking more time on the shared throne and working more with the government Celestia had more free time. She had begun sneaking into Canterlot under disguise to enjoy things as a normal pony would.
  7. The click of the lock disengaging and the drawer sliding open brought Luna's thoughts back into the present as she looked upon a small stack of papers at the bottom of the drawer. Levitation the page up from the depths of the drawer Luna sat back on her haunches and began reading. She finished once with a look of slight confusion then jumped back to the start and re-read the beginning. 'A book, and it seems shes using a different spell for disguise, but why?' Luna thought to herself. The almost verbatim scribing on the page must be from a spell as well, why was she questioning Humans and their Ponies that pass through the gates. She can't help but feel there is much more to this than simply a book.
  9. She returned the paper, sliding the drawer closed and re-locking it. "What are you up to sister?" Luna quietly asked herself before informing the searching guards there was no reason to be alarmed.
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