

Mar 28th, 2013
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  1. Bondfriends
  2. (Entry for takenoko’s 19th challenge)
  4. > You are Balder, the pure black earth pony smarty of the Aesir herd- the bravest fluffies ever.
  5. > You lay in The Cave, snuggled up against Gunnar, the oldest fluffy and toughest toughie friend, his red wing settled over your head. His mane is white, and his fluff has begun to grey. He snores lightly.
  6. > The Pale Sky Ball has gone sleepies, and the Bright Sky Ball has awoken. With it brings the pretty songs of feather-friends.
  7. > You look forward to lapping up the water that forms on the grassies this early.
  8. > Greentime has come. It came a few days ago and that can only mean one thing.
  9. > There will be many Bonds made soon.
  10. > In your herd, there can only be brave fluffies. Strong fluffies. Fluffies that aren’t afraid.
  11. > This has been the way of your herd since long before your Dadda and Mumma. Long before now-forever-sleeping-smarty Gorm. Ever since the All-Daddy put your herd here on Midgard.
  12. > Any Aesir Herdmate who wants to take a special friend has to earn the right a special friend.
  13. > Stallions must go out and find for their maybe-special-friend a present, a ‘pwessie’. And they must do this alone.
  14. > This can be anything from a shiny thing, some good nummies, or even a pretty smelling flower.
  15. > If the mare accepts the present, then they become special friends. They are Bonded.
  16. > This makes sure that the stallion is brave, and any babies they have are also brave.
  17. > For mares who want a special friend, things are a lot simpler.
  18. > Mares who want a special friend simply scuffle with a stallion and hold him down on the ground.
  19. > Afterwards, the two are Bonded.
  20. > This makes sure any babies they have are strong.
  21. > In either case, the mare and stallion become special friends as well as ‘Bondfriends’.
  22. > You squirm out from underneath Gunnar’s wing, and trot towards the entrance of the Cave.
  23. > You take a deep breath of the cool air, and then walk out to make poopies.
  24. > You know that Rune is out there somewhere now. He went to find a present for Gerda.
  25. > He left early last bright time and has yet to return.
  26. > You hope he’s alright. He’s a good fluffy, and loves Gerda very much.
  27. > He knows just how long to let the squished berries settle before they turn into the Silly Water.
  28. > After you’re done making poopies, you trot back near the mouth of the cave and, concentrating, draw a shape in the dirt.
  29. > This was something that the last smarty, Sigurd, taught you.
  30. > He called this shape ‘Algiz’.
  31. > When you draw this shape infront of the Cave, the Aesir inside will be safe.
  32. > “Bwight time!” you yell into the Cave. “Wakies!”
  33. > Time to do your smarty thing: grassies to be eaten, water to be drank. And maybe good times to be had, especially if Rune comes back.
  34. ----------
  36. > You are Rune, the light green Pegasus fluffy with a yellow mane.
  37. > And you think you’ve found exactly what you’ve been looking for.
  38. > Ever since last Bright Time you’ve searched grassies fields, the rim of Dark Forest, along the Choo-Choo monster path.
  39. > There was nothing good there- no pretty flowers, no good nummies, nothing.
  40. > Ah, but here…
  41. > Well, wherever ‘here’ is…there are tons of shiny things. As well as a few leggies of metal-monsters.
  42. > And a few things that don’t smell pretty. Bad nummies and maybe some sort of poopies.
  43. > If you were any other fluffy but an Aesir, you’d probably be scared. But you’re not.
  44. > You took your time, wandering the brown and shiny place. Your leggies got a little muddy.
  45. > Then you saw it.
  46. > It was like a long soft thing, but crumply and shiny. A shiny long soft thing. Gerda would love it! This would do for a Bond Present and make her your special friend for sure!
  47. > “Tweasuwe!”
  48. > It lay in a pile of strange smelling stuff. You had no idea what it was. And at that moment you didn’t care.
  49. > You picked it up with your mouth. It tasted funny. Definitely not nummies.
  50. > Then you trotted proudly away with it.
  51. > What luck! You ventured far from friends and the Cave, brave as can be, and found a present for your soon-to-be-special-friend!
  52. > All-Daddy be Praised!
  54. ----------
  56. > You are Curtis, the man with who works at the landfill.
  57. > Well, not really work, but you do take a walk about once a week and make sure nothing ridiculous has been dumped.
  58. > Dead bodies, dangerous stuff. Y’know.
  59. > The job is Tedious Maximus. Seriously.
  60. > But you just saw one of the strangest and funniest things you’ve ever seen in a really, really long time.
  61. > A small fluffy pony off a little ways was sniffing around a giant trash pile. You assumed he was looking for food.
  62. > But then the little bugger picked up a huge chunk of tin-foil after saying that he found treasure and fucked off into the woods with it.
  63. > You practically choked on your coffee when you saw that.
  64. > Oh man, those critters are so frigging stupid. You’ll have to tell your wife about this. She loves fluffies.
  66. ----------
  67. > You are Auda, the blue Pegasus mare with a black mane.
  68. > And you’re sad.
  69. > You’re spending time away from the herd right now. You don’t want them to know that you have deep sad feels.
  70. > You miss Eric.
  71. > A while ago, he took some fluffies from the Aesir herd and went off in search of a place called ‘Spaghettiland’.
  72. > He promised that he would return with a really nice present for you, and that he would be your special friend afterwards.
  73. > He said he would try his best to find a ball or a fun toy. If he couldn’t find that, he would find a pretty shiny thing for you, and if he couldn’t find that, he would carry Spaghetti to you on his back all the way from Spaghettiland, and give big owwies to any dummy fluffy who tried to take it.
  74. > Eric is so brave.
  75. > He could’ve came to you with an acorn stolen from a Chatter Monster and you would’ve taken it as a present.
  76. > You don’t know where he is now.
  77. > And as much as it makes you cry to think about it, you know that the longer you wait, the less likely he is to return.
  78. > He could be sleeping forever.
  79. > You bite your lip and let your tears fall.
  80. > You make no noise.
  81. > You will be brave.
  82. > Because the All-Daddy loves brave fluffies the most.
  83. > And you love Eric the most.
  84. > So you’ll be brave for him, until he comes back to you, or you sleep forever. Whichever comes first.
  86. ----------
  88. > You are Balder.
  89. > And you are eating grassies and leafies with your herd.
  90. > Suddenly, you feel a sudden bump on the left side of your rump.
  91. > You don’t care for that.
  92. > You whip around.
  93. > “Bawdew, Nanna wan be Bondfwend to yoo!”
  94. > Nanna, the pink unicorn with a brown mane looks at you. Cheeks puffing, hoofs stomping.
  95. > It takes you a moment, but then you realize what she means.
  96. > She wants to be your special friend.
  97. > “Yuh?” you say.
  98. > “Yah!” she replies. “Gun put yoo on gwound. Nanna stwong!”
  99. > You’re not sure if you want a special friend yet.
  100. > But…now that she’s said this, you don’t have much of a choice.
  101. > The rest of the herd stop eating and look at the both of you.
  102. > So, you do you smarty thing. You puff your cheeks out and stomp the ground.
  103. > Your herd moves to form a small circle around you.
  104. > “Yoo wan Bawdew as speciaw fwend? Twy it, weak Nanna. Yoo nu take Bawdew down!”
  105. > You like Nanna. She’s pretty.
  106. > But you won’t be pinned.
  107. > As soon as the last of your herd gathers around, Nanna screams “VAWHAWWA!” and rushes at you.
  108. > She slams into you, and you are sent stumbling back.
  109. > Almost immediately, she grabs you by the fluff between your neck and shoulder, and pushes as hard as she can.
  110. > You hold your ground, and smile. “Siwwy, weak Nanna.” You say before you push back.
  111. > She doesn’t budge. She just grunts.
  112. > Your no-nos tingle a little. This happens every Greentime. But unlike most fluffies, the Aesir do not give special hugs to just any mare. Before The Howler came and gave biggest owwies to now-forever-sleeping-smarty Gorm, stallions used to give bad special hugs to mares of other herds.
  113. > Ever since, your herd has done things this way. Only the brave and strong fluffies get to have babies.
  114. > You push a little harder. She still doesn’t budge. But this time you catch a whiff of Good Smell.
  115. > By the All-Daddy, this mare is strong!
  116. > You push even harder. She gives a little ground.
  117. > She won’t beat you! No mare can claim Balder, baby of One-Eye and Freya, brother of Thor!
  118. > With this thought you push even harder…
  119. >…and the world begins to spin as you go reeling past Nanna.
  120. > You tumble through your herdmates and fall flat on your belly.
  121. > You’re dizzy for a few moments.
  122. > You try to get up, but there is a weight on you.
  123. > Oh poopies. She pinned you.
  124. > “Hah! Nanna take Bawdew down!”
  125. > There is some laughing from your herd mates.
  126. > “Fiwwypowa!” Nanna yells, followed by all the mares and fillies cheering.
  127. > …She…took you down?
  128. > …
  129. > You’re alright with that.
  130. > She gets off. “Bawdew now Nanna’s speciaw fwend. Is now Bondfwend! Nanna wuv Bawdew!”
  131. > You get up, shake yourself off, and look at Nanna.
  132. > She looks back at you, smiling.
  133. > “Bawdew wuv Nanna too.” You say, and hug her. “Da aww-Daddeh giv Bawdew guud speciaw fwend.”
  134. > She snuggles in close, and whispers in your ear:
  135. > “Dem no-nos awe Nanna’s now, cowt!”
  136. > This makes them hurt a little, but in a good way.
  137. >…you think you’re going to like being Bonded.
  139. ----------
  141. > You are Gerda, the pure brown unicorn mare.
  142. > You are staring at the beautiful shiny long soft thing that Rune just brought back for you.
  143. > He holds it out to you proudly, before gently putting it over your back.
  144. > It makes a funny crinkle sound as he does so. But the moment he does so, all the other Aesir gasp and comment about how pretty it is.
  145. > “Dis shiny fing is fow yoo, Gewda!” he says. “Wune giv yoo dis pwessie. Wune wan be yoo speciaw fwend and Bondfwend.”
  146. > He moves closer to you. “Cuz Wune wuv yoo.”
  147. > Your eyes get wet.
  148. > “Yus. Gewda wan be bonded to Wune. Wan be speciaw fwend an Bondfwend.”
  149. > Shuffling off the present, you give him the biggest huggies you can.
  150. > He is your brave stallion.
  151. > Afterwards, the whole herd (except young colts, fillies and babies) partook in Silly Water and celebrated the Bonding of you and Rune, as well as Balder and Nanna.
  152. > Rune got to tell the story about how he ventured far and wide looking for the right present, through forest, through bush and along the Choo-choo monster track, until he came to a place filled with bad nummies, poopies and the leggies of metal monsters.
  153. > There he found your present.
  154. > Likewise, Nanna tells the story about how she held Balder down and beat him.
  155. > Balder looked embaressed.
  156. > Nummies were eaten, games were played, the All-Daddy was praised.
  157. > Then, when the Bright Sky Ball started to take sleepies, Brand, the white unicorn stallion with a black mane, started Story time.
  158. > And the story he told was of Thor and the Slither Monster.
  159. > It’s your herd’s favourite story.
  160. > They love it better than the Tale of No-Lips and No-Name-Not-Herd.
  161. > When the Bright Sky Ball finally goes to sleep, the new Bondfriends have special hugs.
  162. > “Enf, enf, enf.” is heard throughout Dark Time, as well as “Feew guud!” and “Wuv Bondfwend!”
  163. > You know this, because you made those noises and said those words.
  164. > As did Rune, Balder and Nanna.
  166. > This is the way of the Aesir, the bravest fluffies on Midgard.
  167. > This is the way your herd chooses special friends amongst each other.
  168. > It is the best of ways.
  169. > And the way most pleasing to the All-Daddy.
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