

Oct 26th, 2014
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  1. 26.10 14:21:45 [Disconnect] User [14:21:45 INFO]:[id=<null>,name=MCI,properties={},legacy=false] (/ has disconnected, reason: Disconnected
  2. 26.10 14:21:32 [Server] INFO [14:21:32 INFO]: DerptyCraft left the game.
  3. 26.10 14:21:32 [Disconnect] User [14:21:32 INFO]: DerptyCraft has disconnected, reason: Timed out
  4. 26.10 14:21:32 [Server] INFO [14:21:32 INFO]: EmpathyHeals left the game.
  5. 26.10 14:21:32 [Disconnect] User [14:21:32 INFO]: EmpathyHeals has disconnected, reason: Timed out
  6. 26.10 14:21:21 [Server] INFO [14:21:21 INFO]: 0msk left the game.
  7. 26.10 14:21:21 [Disconnect] User [14:21:21 INFO]: 0msk has disconnected, reason: Internal Exception: Connection reset by peer
  8. 26.10 14:20:55 [Disconnect] User [14:20:55 INFO]:[id=6dafe2a9-17cc-4e36-91f9-3f084ab0bb02,name=Psycho_Babble,properties={textures=[]},legacy=false] (/ has disconnected, reason: You must wait 16 more seconds before logging-in again.
  9. 26.10 14:20:55 [Server] INFO [14:20:55 INFO]: Disconnecting[id=6dafe2a9-17cc-4e36-91f9-3f084ab0bb02,name=Psycho_Babble,properties={textures=[]},legacy=false] (/ You must wait 16 more seconds before logging-in again.
  10. 26.10 14:20:55 [Server] INFO [14:20:55 INFO]: UUID of player Psycho_Babble is 6dafe2a9-17cc-4e36-91f9-3f084ab0bb02
  11. 26.10 14:20:50 [Disconnect] User [14:20:50 INFO]:[id=6dafe2a9-17cc-4e36-91f9-3f084ab0bb02,name=Psycho_Babble,properties={textures=[]},legacy=false] (/ has disconnected, reason: You must wait 21 more seconds before logging-in again.
  12. 26.10 14:20:50 [Server] INFO [14:20:50 INFO]: Disconnecting[id=6dafe2a9-17cc-4e36-91f9-3f084ab0bb02,name=Psycho_Babble,properties={textures=[]},legacy=false] (/ You must wait 21 more seconds before logging-in again.
  13. 26.10 14:20:50 [Server] INFO [14:20:50 INFO]: UUID of player Psycho_Babble is 6dafe2a9-17cc-4e36-91f9-3f084ab0bb02
  14. 26.10 14:20:48 [Server] INFO [14:20:48 INFO]: [Survival] [Ally] <0msk> what is going on??
  15. 26.10 14:20:44 [Disconnect] User [14:20:44 INFO]:[id=6dafe2a9-17cc-4e36-91f9-3f084ab0bb02,name=Psycho_Babble,properties={textures=[]},legacy=false] (/ has disconnected, reason: You must wait 27 more seconds before logging-in again.
  16. 26.10 14:20:44 [Server] INFO [14:20:44 INFO]: Disconnecting[id=6dafe2a9-17cc-4e36-91f9-3f084ab0bb02,name=Psycho_Babble,properties={textures=[]},legacy=false] (/ You must wait 27 more seconds before logging-in again.
  17. 26.10 14:20:44 [Server] INFO [14:20:44 INFO]: UUID of player Psycho_Babble is 6dafe2a9-17cc-4e36-91f9-3f084ab0bb02
  18. 26.10 14:20:44 [Server] INFO [14:20:44 INFO]: Psycho_Babble left the game.
  19. 26.10 14:20:44 [Disconnect] User [14:20:44 INFO]: Psycho_Babble has disconnected, reason: Timed out
  20. 26.10 14:20:44 [Server] INFO [14:20:44 INFO]: wd40bomber7 left the game.
  21. 26.10 14:20:44 [Disconnect] User [14:20:44 INFO]: wd40bomber7 has disconnected, reason: Timed out
  22. 26.10 14:20:41 [14:20:41 INFO]: DerptyCraft ran command Message of the Day
  23. 26.10 14:20:41 [Connect] User [14:20:41 INFO]: DerptyCraft, IP
  24. 26.10 14:20:41 [Server] INFO [14:20:41 INFO]: UUID of player DerptyCraft is 99063d8c-6c64-42a8-a74c-0181ddc2cccb
  25. 26.10 14:20:40 [14:20:40 INFO]: 0msk ran command Message of the Day
  26. 26.10 14:20:40 [Connect] User [14:20:40 INFO]: 0msk, IP
  27. 26.10 14:20:40 [Server] INFO [14:20:40 INFO]: UUID of player 0msk is 9617be30-8d0c-430f-b50a-7434993bf29d
  28. 26.10 14:20:39 [14:20:39 INFO]: EmpathyHeals ran command Message of the Day
  29. 26.10 14:20:39 [Connect] User [14:20:39 INFO]: EmpathyHeals, IP
  30. 26.10 14:20:39 [Server] INFO [14:20:39 INFO]: UUID of player EmpathyHeals is e9920ad3-f957-4873-8559-6c60c0547714
  31. 26.10 14:20:11 [14:20:11 INFO]: Psycho_Babble ran command Message of the Day
  32. 26.10 14:20:11 [Connect] User [14:20:11 INFO]: Psycho_Babble, IP
  33. 26.10 14:20:11 [Server] INFO [14:20:11 INFO]: UUID of player Psycho_Babble is 6dafe2a9-17cc-4e36-91f9-3f084ab0bb02
  34. 26.10 14:20:09 [Server] INFO [14:20:09 INFO]: [Survival] [Advocate] <wd40bomber7> Its still running 100%
  35. 26.10 14:20:06 [Server] INFO [14:20:06 INFO]: [Survival] [Advocate] <wd40bomber7> There's no errors
  36. 26.10 14:20:06 [Disconnect] User [14:20:06 INFO]:[id=6dafe2a9-17cc-4e36-91f9-3f084ab0bb02,name=Psycho_Babble,properties={textures=[]},legacy=false] (/ has disconnected, reason: You must wait 1 more seconds before logging-in again.
  37. 26.10 14:20:06 [Server] INFO [14:20:06 INFO]: Disconnecting[id=6dafe2a9-17cc-4e36-91f9-3f084ab0bb02,name=Psycho_Babble,properties={textures=[]},legacy=false] (/ You must wait 1 more seconds before logging-in again.
  38. 26.10 14:20:06 [Server] INFO [14:20:06 INFO]: UUID of player Psycho_Babble is 6dafe2a9-17cc-4e36-91f9-3f084ab0bb02
  39. 26.10 14:20:03 [Server] INFO [14:20:03 INFO]: [Survival] [Advocate] <wd40bomber7> It's not like the server died
  40. 26.10 14:19:56 [Server] INFO [14:19:56 INFO]: Psycho_Babble left the game.
  41. 26.10 14:19:56 [Disconnect] User [14:19:56 INFO]: Psycho_Babble has disconnected, reason: Timed out
  42. 26.10 14:19:54 [Server] INFO [14:19:54 INFO]: [Survival] [Advocate] <wd40bomber7> See
  43. 26.10 14:19:54 [Disconnect] User [14:19:54 INFO]:[id=9617be30-8d0c-430f-b50a-7434993bf29d,name=0msk,properties={textures=[]},legacy=false] (/ has disconnected, reason: You must wait 31 more seconds before logging-in again.
  44. 26.10 14:19:54 [Server] INFO [14:19:54 INFO]: Disconnecting[id=9617be30-8d0c-430f-b50a-7434993bf29d,name=0msk,properties={textures=[]},legacy=false] (/ You must wait 31 more seconds before logging-in again.
  45. 26.10 14:19:54 [Server] INFO [14:19:54 INFO]: UUID of player 0msk is 9617be30-8d0c-430f-b50a-7434993bf29d
  46. 26.10 14:19:50 [Server] INFO [14:19:50 INFO]: DerptyCraft left the game.
  47. 26.10 14:19:50 [Disconnect] User [14:19:50 INFO]: DerptyCraft has disconnected, reason: Timed out
  48. 26.10 14:19:39 [Server] INFO [14:19:39 INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] (CONSOLE) Kicked 0msk : Kicked for flying (or related)
  49. 26.10 14:19:39 [Server] INFO [14:19:39 INFO]: 0msk left the game.
  50. 26.10 14:19:39 [Disconnect] User [14:19:39 INFO]: 0msk has disconnected, reason: Kicked for flying (or related)
  51. 26.10 14:19:39 [Server] INFO [14:19:39 INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] 0msk failed SurvivalFly: tried to move from -30.98, 80.14, 355.82 to (HOVER) over a distance of 0.0(HOVER) block(s). VL 1500.
  52. 26.10 14:19:30 [Server] INFO [14:19:30 INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] 0msk failed SurvivalFly: tried to move from -30.98, 70.48, 355.82 to (HOVER) over a distance of 0.0(HOVER) block(s). VL 500.
  53. 26.10 14:19:25 [14:19:25 INFO]: 0msk ran command Message of the Day
  54. 26.10 14:19:25 [Connect] User [14:19:25 INFO]: 0msk, IP
  55. 26.10 14:19:24 [Server] INFO [14:19:24 INFO]: UUID of player 0msk is 9617be30-8d0c-430f-b50a-7434993bf29d
  56. 26.10 14:19:20 [Server] INFO [14:19:20 INFO]: [Survival] [Advocate] <wd40bomber7> Double ouch
  57. 26.10 14:19:15 [14:19:15 INFO]: wd40bomber7 ran command Message of the Day
  58. 26.10 14:19:15 [Connect] User [14:19:15 INFO]: wd40bomber7, IP
  59. 26.10 14:19:15 [Server] INFO [14:19:15 INFO]: UUID of player wd40bomber7 is fcd8ecbb-16f6-49d9-aada-05587d2e8b2f
  60. 26.10 14:19:08 [Server] INFO [14:19:08 INFO]: EmpathyHeals left the game.
  61. 26.10 14:19:08 [Disconnect] User [14:19:08 INFO]: EmpathyHeals has disconnected, reason: Timed out
  62. 26.10 14:19:08 [Server] INFO [14:19:08 INFO]: flametwo left the game.
  63. 26.10 14:19:08 [Disconnect] User [14:19:08 INFO]: flametwo has disconnected, reason: Timed out
  64. 26.10 14:19:08 [Server] INFO [14:19:08 INFO]: wd40bomber7 left the game.
  65. 26.10 14:19:08 [Disconnect] User [14:19:08 INFO]: wd40bomber7 has disconnected, reason: Timed out
  66. 26.10 14:19:07 [14:19:07 INFO]: Psycho_Babble ran command Message of the Day
  67. 26.10 14:19:07 [Connect] User [14:19:07 INFO]: Psycho_Babble, IP
  68. 26.10 14:19:07 [Server] INFO [14:19:07 INFO]: UUID of player Psycho_Babble is 6dafe2a9-17cc-4e36-91f9-3f084ab0bb02
  69. 26.10 14:19:04 [Disconnect] User [14:19:04 INFO]:[id=fcd8ecbb-16f6-49d9-aada-05587d2e8b2f,name=wd40bomber7,properties={textures=[]},legacy=false] (/ has disconnected, reason: You must wait 11 more seconds before logging-in again.
  70. 26.10 14:19:04 [Server] INFO [14:19:04 INFO]: Disconnecting[id=fcd8ecbb-16f6-49d9-aada-05587d2e8b2f,name=wd40bomber7,properties={textures=[]},legacy=false] (/ You must wait 11 more seconds before logging-in again.
  71. 26.10 14:19:04 [Server] INFO [14:19:04 INFO]: UUID of player wd40bomber7 is fcd8ecbb-16f6-49d9-aada-05587d2e8b2f
  72. 26.10 14:19:03 [Disconnect] User [14:19:03 INFO]:[id=9617be30-8d0c-430f-b50a-7434993bf29d,name=0msk,properties={textures=[]},legacy=false] (/ has disconnected, reason: You must wait 22 more seconds before logging-in again.
  73. 26.10 14:19:03 [Server] INFO [14:19:03 INFO]: Disconnecting[id=9617be30-8d0c-430f-b50a-7434993bf29d,name=0msk,properties={textures=[]},legacy=false] (/ You must wait 22 more seconds before logging-in again.
  74. 26.10 14:19:03 [Server] INFO [14:19:03 INFO]: UUID of player 0msk is 9617be30-8d0c-430f-b50a-7434993bf29d
  75. 26.10 14:18:57 [Server] INFO [14:18:57 INFO]: 0msk left the game.
  76. 26.10 14:18:57 [Disconnect] User [14:18:57 INFO]: 0msk has disconnected, reason: Internal Exception: Connection reset by peer
  77. 26.10 14:18:25 [14:18:25 INFO]: 0msk ran command Message of the Day
  78. 26.10 14:18:25 [Connect] User [14:18:25 INFO]: 0msk, IP
  79. 26.10 14:18:25 [Server] INFO [14:18:25 INFO]: UUID of player 0msk is 9617be30-8d0c-430f-b50a-7434993bf29d
  80. 26.10 14:18:23 [Disconnect] User [14:18:23 INFO]:[id=<null>,name=Frostspoon,properties={},legacy=false] (/ has disconnected, reason: Disconnected
  81. 26.10 14:18:23 [Server] INFO [14:18:23 INFO]: Seansbar left the game.
  82. 26.10 14:18:23 [Disconnect] User [14:18:23 INFO]: Seansbar has disconnected, reason: Disconnected
  83. 26.10 14:18:20 [14:18:20 INFO]: EmpathyHeals ran command Message of the Day
  84. 26.10 14:18:20 [Connect] User [14:18:20 INFO]: EmpathyHeals, IP
  85. 26.10 14:18:20 [Server] INFO [14:18:20 INFO]: UUID of player EmpathyHeals is e9920ad3-f957-4873-8559-6c60c0547714
  86. 26.10 14:18:20 [Server] INFO [14:18:20 INFO]: EmpathyHeals left the game.
  87. 26.10 14:18:20 [Disconnect] User [14:18:20 INFO]: EmpathyHeals has disconnected, reason: Timed out
  88. 26.10 14:18:20 [Server] INFO [14:18:20 INFO]: MTigges left the game.
  89. 26.10 14:18:20 [Disconnect] User [14:18:20 INFO]: MTigges has disconnected, reason: Timed out
  90. 26.10 14:18:20 [Server] INFO [14:18:20 INFO]: Frostspoon left the game.
  91. 26.10 14:18:20 [Disconnect] User [14:18:20 INFO]: Frostspoon has disconnected, reason: Timed out
  92. 26.10 14:18:20 [Server] INFO [14:18:20 INFO]: Psycho_Babble left the game.
  93. 26.10 14:18:20 [Disconnect] User [14:18:20 INFO]: Psycho_Babble has disconnected, reason: Timed out
  94. 26.10 14:18:20 [14:18:20 INFO]: DerptyCraft ran command Message of the Day
  95. 26.10 14:18:20 [Connect] User [14:18:20 INFO]: DerptyCraft, IP
  96. 26.10 14:18:19 [Server] INFO [14:18:19 INFO]: DerptyCraft left the game.
  97. 26.10 14:18:19 [14:18:19 INFO]: DerptyCraft lost connection: You ran command Message of the Day
  98. 26.10 14:18:19 [Connect] User [14:18:19 INFO]: DerptyCraft lost connection: You, IP
  99. 26.10 14:18:19 [Server] INFO [14:18:19 INFO]: UUID of player DerptyCraft is 99063d8c-6c64-42a8-a74c-0181ddc2cccb
  100. 26.10 14:18:18 [Server] INFO [14:18:18 INFO]: [Survival] [Advocate] <wd40bomber7> Ouch
  101. 26.10 14:18:15 [14:18:15 INFO]: flametwo ran command Message of the Day
  102. 26.10 14:18:15 [Connect] User [14:18:15 INFO]: flametwo, IP
  103. 26.10 14:18:15 [Server] INFO [14:18:15 INFO]: flametwo left the game.
  104. 26.10 14:18:15 [14:18:15 INFO]: flametwo lost connection: You ran command Message of the Day
  105. 26.10 14:18:15 [Connect] User [14:18:15 INFO]: flametwo lost connection: You, IP
  106. 26.10 14:18:15 [Server] INFO [14:18:15 INFO]: UUID of player flametwo is 6f09b9dc-deee-43a5-bd71-3a7f55cb7100
  107. 26.10 14:18:15 [14:18:15 INFO]: wd40bomber7 ran command Message of the Day
  108. 26.10 14:18:15 [Connect] User [14:18:15 INFO]: wd40bomber7, IP
  109. 26.10 14:18:15 [Server] INFO [14:18:15 INFO]: wd40bomber7 left the game.
  110. 26.10 14:18:15 [14:18:15 INFO]: wd40bomber7 lost connection: You ran command Message of the Day
  111. 26.10 14:18:15 [Connect] User [14:18:15 INFO]: wd40bomber7 lost connection: You, IP
  112. 26.10 14:18:14 [Server] INFO [14:18:14 INFO]: UUID of player wd40bomber7 is fcd8ecbb-16f6-49d9-aada-05587d2e8b2f
  113. 26.10 14:18:09 [Server] INFO [14:18:09 INFO]: 0msk left the game.
  114. 26.10 14:18:09 [Disconnect] User [14:18:09 INFO]: 0msk has disconnected, reason: Internal Exception: Connection reset by peer
  115. 26.10 14:17:33 [Server] INFO [14:17:33 INFO]: [Plotworld] [Ally] <DerptyCraft> hi!
  116. 26.10 14:17:22 [Server] INFO [14:17:22 INFO]: [Survival] [Owner] <EmpathyHeals> wb
  117. 26.10 14:17:14 [Server] INFO [14:17:14 INFO]: [Survival] [Advocate] <wd40bomber7> It's got a pink section and a cyan section
  118. 26.10 14:17:08 [14:17:08 INFO]: DerptyCraft ran command Message of the Day
  119. 26.10 14:17:08 [Connect] User [14:17:08 INFO]: DerptyCraft, IP
  120. 26.10 14:17:08 [Server] INFO [14:17:08 INFO]: UUID of player DerptyCraft is 99063d8c-6c64-42a8-a74c-0181ddc2cccb
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