
Close To The Sun (Brolesita Maybe)

Apr 25th, 2014
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  1. >Sags under her eyes show the true weight of her exhaustion.
  2. >With the winter coming fast after a nationwide crop shortage, ponies from every major city are coming to her for aid. But even after hearing it so many times, she has no solution to their problem, only advice they will loosely follow. She has the power to raise the sun and the warmth and love such a leader should have. But the circle of life is out of her grasp and in nature’s bounds.
  3. >She must repeat this to herself every bad winter. And by Celestia’s count, there have been too many bad winters.
  4. >With little energy left, Celestia takes a deep breath as the final visitor leaves her throne room.
  5. >A smile spreads across her cheeks. A genuine one, rather than the one plastered on her face all day.
  6. >”Raven.” She speaks. “Please, call my makeup artist.”
  7. >”Oh hohoh! Is the princess going out for a night on the town?”
  8. >Celestia chuckles and shakes her head.
  9. >”Of course not. I am meeting with an acquaintance tonight, however. I would like to not look like I’ve had the kind of day I had.”
  10. >”Yes, princess. Right away.” Raven bows before quickly trotting out of the room. A moment later, an entire team of ponies come marching in, ready to gussy you up.
  11. >They waste no time as you are fixed to perfection within a few minutes.
  12. >Once they declare their work finished, they leave as quickly as they came.
  13. >With the grand room now empty, she stands up from her throne and take a moment to soak in the silence.
  14. >It’s rather short lived, as the familiar clopping of metal against marble echoes from the other side of the door.
  15. >The door opens, and Princess Luna struts inside.
  16. >”Sister! What a lovely evening, is it not?”
  17. >”Mm, indeed it is. Are you here to relieve me?”
  18. >”Indeed. I have no reason to keep you on the throne any longer.”
  19. >Celestia begins to trot towards the exit.
  20. >”Thank you , sister. You have a wonderful evening.”
  21. >”Same to you.”
  23. >It’s now dark outside. Celestia’s sun has set and Luna’s moon is high in the sky.
  24. >The long climb to her room is not without merit, as a little something special awaits her.
  25. >She climbs the last step and enters a grand, observatory like room. The floor circles around a translucent, fluid statue in the middle of the room. Towering above Celestia, it’s a moving, ever-changing image of the night sky. Showing bright starts, colorful quasars and the endless darkness of space.
  26. >On the east side of the room, a door in the shape of half of a sun sits, plated in gold and polished to a glossy sheen. Parallel to it, Luna’s door is made with obsidian and adorned in specks of gems to imitate the stars.
  27. >Celestia takes a glance at the beauty of the centerpiece in the room, then enters her own room.
  28. >There’s a great overabundance of marble on everything in Celestia’ bedroom. The woodwork of the bedroom is a dark mahogany and the metal trim of the room is a solid gold. The room has many things. A fireplace, a large desk, a bookcase that’s as big as the one’s in the library. A personal bathroom, a balcony and a large table in the middle of the room.
  29. >And at the table, her human friend, Anonymous, sits patiently with a book in front of him.
  30. “Evening, Celestia.”
  31. >You are Anonymous. You were thrust into this world years ago, as a teenager. Over the past several years, you’ve devoted most of your time to getting accustomed to this world. Much to your initial displeasure, it involved many hours in the library.
  32. >That doesn’t mean you didn’t sneak out or spend a night drinking with a few of the soldiers. But it was a hard life to get used to. However, you’re now accustomed to it. Nearly a decade later and you’ve found the books, while boring, keep you well occupied and even enthralled. To know that the fairy tales told in these books is actually history still befuddles you.
  33. >”I see you’re early, for once.”
  34. “I try to give you at least five minutes to unwind before I come in and ruin that. But since you always give me a hard time about it, I decided to show up when you actually want me to.”
  35. >”Anonymous, please.” Celestia lets out a mellow chuckle before trotting over to a large, new cabinet on the far side of the room. “You help me unwind. Don’t let anything let you think otherwise.”
  36. “I figured you’d like some alone time.”
  37. >”The silence only reminds me of the weight of everything. I think.” Celestia opens the cabinet, revealing a large collection of different alcohols. “And I don’t like to be left alone with my thoughts.”
  38. “Oh!” You mark the page in your book and close it. “It’s going to be one of those nights!”
  39. >”What can I say? You open up with a few drinks inside you.”
  40. “And you spill all over the floor.”
  41. >”Oh shush, you. Hmmm.” Celestia eyes the cabinet up and down in search for the perfect drink for this evening. “How about… a serice ice brandy, from the Warlord Caribou, Swyen Forkbeard.”
  42. “An old fling?”
  43. >”He died two-hundred years ago.”
  44. “Ouch.”
  45. >”And no, I hated him. He insulted me, my kingdom and my subjects the moment I refused to marry his son.”
  46. “Oh. Then, rest in pieces.”
  47. >You hear the clinking of two glasses behind you, as they float onto the table with Celestia’s magic and set themselves on opposite sides of the table. Celestia then takes her seat, before pouring each of you half a glass.
  48. >”Goodness, I could go on for days about how many enemies I’ve made simply by not marrying into their family.”
  49. “I have all night. Um,” You lift your glass. “Cheers.”
  50. >Celestia lets out a bemused hum, then clinks her glass with your own.
  52. >Hours later, you exit Celestia’s room, a little more than buzzed.
  53. >Your eyes feel like they’re burning from how tired you are, but you can’t shake that elated feeling in your chest. The one you get from spending some quality time with someone you connect with.
  54. >You close the door on a gently snoozing Celestia, making sure that click is quiet as a mouse.
  55. >”Human.”
  56. “Ghgyeh!”
  57. >You nearly leap out of your shoes from how quietly Princess Luna snuck up on you.
  58. “Princess Luna! Good, good evening. How’re you?”
  59. >”Why are you coming out of my sister’s bedchambers at this hour?”
  60. “We, uh, just finished talking.”
  61. >”Talking, hm?”
  62. “Yeah.”
  63. >”It’s awfully late to be talking, don’t you think?”
  64. >Yeesh, what’s with the interrogation?
  65. “Yes, which is why I’m leaving for my own room. Now, if you’ll excuse me.”
  66. >You shuffle past Luna and bolt of the staircase. For obvious reasons, Luna has always made you a little uncomfortable. The further away from her you are, the better.
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