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School Days - Shocking Day

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Aug 25th, 2016
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  1. Three weeks later, the situation didn't change. I'd even say that it becomes worse.
  3. In the classroom, everyone except Ted and Nepgear ignores me openly. Perhaps is it due to the fact that I've antagonized the would-be alpha girl ? A girl whose links with most of the class made me a pariah ? Probably, but I don't care. I have my place on the roof, I have people to talk with, and I'm fine with that since I made it last year with only the roof to keep me company. I just hope nothing will happen to them.
  5. The morning train is usually calm, despite the lots of students. I usually manage to get a place with a view on the door, so I can easily see who enters and who exits, in case Ted takes it like once in a while. However, today was a little... How to say... Different ? It began with one person entering the train. One person I didn't expect. She watched left and right, surprised by the amount of people, then decided to stay near the door. Bad move. Really bad move.
  7. Two stops later, the train was full, and the amount of people pushed her near the door. However, I noticed something that made me stood up immediately. An old man, looking like he's in his fifties. With a hand going under her skirt. Whispering things at her ear, making her troubled and unable to act. I had to do something. I couldn't stay sit and watch it all, so I moved to him, making as little noise and pushes as possible, for people to avoid noticing me. And finally I reached them.
  9. "...And everyone will know that the next goddess of Planeptune is a filthy whore who comes in a train without pants in order to be molested by guys like me. Is that what you want ?"
  11. I approached the guy from behind, taking the book with notes she lent me and pushing one of the edges in the middle of the guy's back.
  13. "And everyone will know that you are a perverted old man who molests every girl he can lay his hands on at the first occasion, and the cops will come. Is that what you want ?"
  14. "Who are you ?"
  15. "It doesn't matter. What matters is that you will remove these hands from her and get down at the next station... Unless you want to have your means of bullying girls broken in front of everyone to see ?"
  16. "F...Fine ! I'll go away !"
  18. Good thing the timing was good enough that we reached the station at that time. He went down and ran away, while I approached her.
  20. "Did he hurt you ?"
  21. "I... I... He..."
  22. "...Okay, fine. We're going off at the next station. I know it's not near school, but you need to change your mind."
  24. The fresh air of the morning was really something that helped. I went to the vending machine and pick a can of iced coffee for her.
  26. "Here, drink it."
  27. "...Thanks."
  28. "...Do you want to talk about it ? Or do you prefer to keep it silent ?"
  29. "I... He... He approached me... When there were lots of people... He told me... He told me I was a whore... That I enjoyed it... And that he wanted to enjoy it further..."
  30. "He's a pervert. He told that to reassure himself."
  31. "He told me... I wanted for it... Because I woke up so late... That I couldn't find my underwear... And the others were washing... And Onee-chan didn't left me time..."
  33. She broke into tears, unable to say anything else. Instinctively, I held her near me.
  35. "...No worries, I understand. And I know you didn't want it. As I told you, he just said that to reassure himself."
  36. "But I... I couldn't do anything... Even though I'm supposed... To be the next ruler of here... I'm so weak..."
  37. "You aren't weak. Even Neptune couldn't break out of this without any problems. Good thing I was there, I guess."
  38. "Yes... Thank you..."
  39. "No need for thanks. Just take your time to calm down."
  41. Her grip on me became a bit stronger, as her tears kept flowing. I don't know how many time passed, until a ringing fanfare came out of her pocket.
  43. "Who calls... ?"
  44. "You want me to take it ?"
  45. "Please..."
  47. I took the pink portable she pointed to me and checked it before answering.
  49. "Neptune ? It's Roland. Gear is near me."
  51. "They have reasons to. Gear has been attacked by a molester. We're four or five train stations from school."
  53. "Histy ? Ah, the Oracle Histoire ?"
  54. "Yes !"
  55. "Explain her the situation and ask her to report it to the police, but no need to take care of us. We'll come to school by our own means, it isn't that far anyway and we have to pick a little something on the side."
  56. "I see... Can you give the phone to Gear ?"
  58. I pointed it to her, and she took it, trembling.
  60. "O... Onee-ch..."
  63. Assaulted by the flow of questions and her own unstable state, she couldn't answer, so I picked the phone again.
  65. "She hasn't been physically hurt, but she definitely can't be fine after that."
  66. "...I see... "
  68. Her voice was charged of a painful emotion I never heard before from her.
  70. "Neptune ?"
  71. "Don't worry, I'm fine. Take care of Gear and bring her back to school, we'll meet at the usual place and you'll be able to tell me everything."
  72. "Okay."
  73. "And one last thing."
  74. "Yes ?"
  75. "...I'll always be grateful for you to have saved my little sister this way, Roland."
  76. "...No need for that. I just did what I had to do."
  77. "And I'll remember it. See ya."
  78. "See you."
  80. The call was cut, as I gave the phone back to Nepgear.
  82. "Do you think you can walk a bit ? The school isn't that far, twenty or thirty minutes by walking."
  83. "I... I think... I can..."
  84. "Fine. Tell me if you're too tired, I'll carry you."
  86. As I stood up and began to walk, I felt something holding me. Her holding my hand, to be more precise. I used that grip to help her stood up before beginning the walk. Such a walk isn't a problem when you're used to having walks that last for hours, but I didn't knew if she could endure that. However, the main problem wasn't that - She wasn't recovering at all from the shock. So after two streets and no other options, I took a risk.
  88. I stopped, pushed my back to a wall, and attracted her in my arms.
  90. "...Roland ?"
  91. "I know it's painful. Cry. You need it."
  93. Without a word, she started to cry again, holding herself in my embrace. I held her simply, my head on her neck and my arms around her waist, despite how hard it was for me.
  95. "I'm here. I'm with you. You're not alone."
  97. All I could do was holding her and throw those vain words of support, while she was crying on me. But there was nothing else I could do.
  99. "...Thank you... Thank you... Roland..."
  100. "No need to thank me. I just was at the right place at the right moment."
  101. "Thanks for... Supporting me... Even though... I'm so weak..."
  102. "You are not weak."
  103. "...I am..."
  104. "You got caught at a bad moment and someone decided to pry on it. As I told you earlier, even Neptune probably couldn't get out of it alone."
  105. "...She probably could... She's strong... She's cute... She's kind... And all I do... Is being a nuisance for her..."
  106. "You're not a nuisance, or else I couldn't appreciate your company, and Neptune wouldn't be so worried about you that I heard her worried for the first time. As for the cuteness and kindness, I'd easily say you surpass her in that aspect."
  107. "...You're lying..."
  108. "I don't."
  109. "You're only doing this... To comfort me..."
  110. "I don't either. All I'm doing to comfort you is holding you in my arms and letting you cry, despite how hard it is because I've never been so close to a girl. What I told you is what I think."
  111. "You have... A hard time ?"
  112. "I'm afraid I'm doing a bad thing, honestly. You probably need a little time without physical contacts, don't you ?"
  113. "No... It's fine... You're kind, so it's fine..."
  114. "Does it help you at least, or am I doing the wrong thing ?"
  115. "I'm feeling... Protected... And I... Need it..."
  117. It looks like the pressure was too much for her mind, as she passed away.
  119. "Ow..."
  121. As I caught her, my mind ran at high speeds. I definitely couldn't leave her here, especially with her actual problems, but I needed to be prudent while carrying her because of said actual problems. I finally decided to carry her on my back after some seconds of internal conflict, and just did so right after, both schoolbags in each hand.
  123. The remaining walk was much harder, for many reasons. First, the walk in itself is much more difficult when you're carrying an unconscious girl. Second, you tend to attract people when they notice that the unconscious girl you're carrying looks like the next ruler of the country you're in. Third, there was that underwear problem I settled by going to a small shop and explaining the situation to an understanding owner who helped me choose a plain one I slid in her bag. And last but not least, carrying a girl on your back leads to some... masculine problems, I'd say.
  125. However, I managed to reach the school, one hour and a half after the beginning of the lessons, and with Nepgear still unconscious on my back. And I'm pretty certain lots of students saw me. But the most important being Nepgear's safety, I ran to the nurse's office.
  127. "Excuse me, is someone here ?"
  128. "Yes, can I help you, young man ?"
  129. "Yes."
  131. I went in, dropped Nepgear on one of the beds, then explained everything to the nurse.
  133. "...You did the right thing. Nice work, Roland."
  134. "...Can I ask you to stay near her until she wakes up ?"
  135. "I was about to write a paper for you so you don't have trouble in that aspect, since I think it is necessary for you to stay with her for the moment. I was also about to call her sister and her tutor, for confirmation and safety."
  136. "Go ahead. And thank you."
  137. "You managed to avoid a big problem. If someone needs to be thanked, it's you, but you don't look like the kind of man who appreciates being the center of attention, am I wrong ?"
  138. "You're not."
  139. "I'm going to make the calls, please stay here."
  141. She went to her desk and began the announce through the school speakers. In less than a minute later, Neptune barged in.
  143. "GEAR !"
  144. "She's here, but she's knocked-out. Be calm, please."
  145. "...Thanks for everything, Roland, again."
  146. "Sorry for Gear to be unconscious, but she seemed to have a hard time enduring that."
  147. "...I will apologize to her once she'll wake up."
  148. "...Don't think it is your fault. No one could have expected that."
  149. "I am the ruler of this country, yet I can't even protect my own little sister from perverts like this ?"
  150. "Calm down, Neptune !"
  152. My voice seemed a bit too angry, even for me.
  154. "..."
  155. "I understand your feelings, and you don't want to know how much I want that man's head on a pike, but it isn't the most important."
  157. I looked at Nepgear, still unconscious.
  159. "She may soon wake up. She needs support. From her sister, her tutor and her friends. That is what is the most important."
  160. "...I should hire you as a politician, your words are a bit harsh but the point has passed well."
  162. Neptune smiled to me.
  164. "Thank you."
  165. "...I've heard too much these words today."
  166. "I can understand that. But there's still the fact that you saved my little sister, and the next ruler of Planeptune. And for that,..."
  168. She approached me and planted a small kiss on my forehead.
  170. "...I will never be thankful enough."
  172. She then moved back to her initial position, a bit red.
  174. "I can understand that... But the thing is..."
  175. "Excuse me, Roland ? Nepgear's tutor wants to talk to you."
  176. "To me ? Fine, I'll take it... Hello ?"
  178. A calm voice came from the other side.
  180. "Hello, Roland, I am Histoire, Oracle of Planeptune and temporary tutor for Neptune and Nepgear."
  181. "Nice to meet you."
  182. "I received reports about what happened and wished to express my gratitude for what happened. The worst may have happened if not for your actions."
  183. "I didn't do anything in particular."
  184. "You saved the next ruler of Planeptune from a sexual assault. It isn't hardly nothing in particular."
  185. "I saved a friend who had trouble with a pervert by saying three words and using a book. It isn't hardly anything exceptional either."
  186. "I can understand your opinion, and I will respect that. However, I wish to thank you for your action, what do you want in return ?"
  187. "Let's see... What about catching that bastard and ensuring no one will be able to pull that stunt again ?"
  188. "Understood. The security cameras caught your action and the identity of this man, he will be apprehended and arrested under less than three days. Anti-pervert measures will also be deployed in the incoming days."
  189. "Then it is enough for me."
  190. "How is Nepgear ? Can she talk to me ?"
  191. "The burden of this thing was too much for her, she passed away. I'll be staying with her until then, do you want me to ask her to call you ?"
  192. "No need for it, I'll see her when she'll come back to the Basilicom."
  193. "Okay."
  194. "I'll leave her in your care, then. Be careful about yourself."
  195. "I will."
  197. The phone call stopped just like that.
  199. "So, what did she said ?"
  200. "The guy who assaulted Gear has been identified and will be caught, and measures will be deployed to ensure it won't happen again to anyone."
  201. "...You're a weird guy, Roll, you know that ?"
  202. "...Why ?"
  203. "You are today's hero, and you don't even care. Even though you are supposed to deserve praise, all you do is not worry about this. We don't have many people like that here."
  204. "There isn't many people like that everywhere, as many people enjoy being popular. I just don't. And what I did wasn't because I wanted popularity or something like that. A friend was in trouble and I helped her, that's all."
  205. "To each one's own. But don't think you'll get over this without a reward. You saved my little sister and I'll make sure you'll get thanked for that."
  206. "Is that... A warning or a promise ?"
  207. "Both."
  208. "Okay... Guess I'll be on my guards from now on."
  210. A move from the bed caught our eyes and we saw Nepgear waking up.
  212. "Where... Where am I ?"
  213. "The nurse's office. Everything's fine. Also, you might want to check your bag when you'll be alone."
  214. "Okay... But first..."
  216. She approached from my face, caught it with both hands and planted a long, deep kiss on my lips.
  218. "...Your reward."
  219. "B-B-B-B-B-B-But I didn't ask for a reward !"
  220. "Gear, are you all right ?"
  221. "I'm fiiiiiiiiiiiiine."
  223. With such a big smile accompanying these words, anyone would have understood that no, it definitely wasn't fine. Neptune and I exchanged worried looks, not expecting what just happened.
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