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Paranoia: Subs with a Platypus

a guest
Jun 19th, 2012
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  1. Never tell your password to anyone.
  2. Dom3k:
  3. Friend Computer: We can start now, if you guys want.
  4. Dom3k: Can we?
  5. Dom3k: Can we?
  6. Lectorog: Fine with me.
  7. Friend Computer: I can only go until 6:00 PM EST, though, I promised a friend I would do something with him.
  8. Julius Clonkus entered chat.
  9. Friend Computer: Anyway
  10. Lectorog has changed their name to Aaro-O-IWK-3.
  11. Julius Clonkus: //What's happening here today
  12. Friend Computer: // Paranoia, I'm hosting.
  13. Aaro-O-IWK-3: A game is happening.
  14. Aaro-O-IWK-3: It's happening.
  15. Julius Clonkus: //Well I don't have time.
  16. Julius Clonkus: //Just so you know. Sorry.
  17. Julius Clonkus left chat.
  18. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2: BAD WOLF.
  19. Friend Computer: When we last left off you were flying towards LPFD with saucer meatball subs.
  20. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2: Yes.
  21. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2: And a platypus.
  22. Friend Computer: And comically large cigars.
  23. Friend Computer: So, who is flying?
  24. Aaro-O-IWK-3: // Weiss, I think.
  25. Weiss-O-ELF-3: //as usual
  26. Friend Computer: Weiss tries to start the saucer but the gnine doesn't start!
  27. Weiss-O-ELF-3 tries again.
  28. Friend Computer: Weiss manages to start the saucer
  29. Friend Computer: Suddenly, you recieve an Incoming transmission!
  30. Weiss-O-ELF-3 sighs, and lets it come through
  31. Friend Computer: The transmission appears to be from a Green Intsec officer.
  32. Friend Computer: "Surrender yourselves or we will shoot you down."
  33. Aaro-O-IWK-3: Meh.
  34. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2 Open canopy, fire missile.
  35. Weiss-O-ELF-3 unloads his rail belt on them, alongside fhtagn.
  36. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2: // So apparently my upload speed is capped
  37. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2: // Just went through a shakedown with an acquaintance of mine who is a computer tech
  38. Aaro-O-IWK-3: // Do we even know what we're firing at?
  39. Friend Computer: Fhtagn opens the canopy to fire, but doesn't know what kind of vehicle to look for.
  40. Friend Computer: Weiss manages to spot an Intsec hovertank on the ground.
  41. Weiss-O-ELF-3: "you sure you want to fuck with us, because the last guys who tried got their asses blown up."
  43. Friend Computer: The transmission has ended.
  44. Karlito entered chat.
  45. Karlito left chat.
  46. Weiss-O-ELF-3: Lets play.
  47. Friend Computer: Fhtagn fires a missile a misses. The resulting explosion causes a large crater to the side of the tank.
  48. Weiss-O-ELF-3: So, more tanks then?
  49. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2: Eh, lets just hurry up and fly back.
  50. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2: Not in mood for wasting money
  51. Aaro-O-IWK-3: They'll keep sending things at us and we'll shoot it down. Simple system.
  52. Weiss-O-ELF-3 closes the canopy, and sets off (never shut it off, I assume.)
  53. Friend Computer: You continue flying towards the LPFD.
  54. Friend Computer: Eventually you arrive at the LPFD.
  55. Friend Computer: With intsec on your tail.
  56. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2: Fire super charged las smg burst at htem
  57. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2: // them*
  58. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2: // Lol forgot me
  59. Weiss-O-ELF-3 gets out, and unloads the entire belt of spikes on them. (ZAP)
  60. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2 Fire super charged las-smg burst at intsec chasers.
  61. Aaro-O-IWK-3: // Does the LPFD have a built-in defense system?
  62. Friend Computer: Fhtagn fires a burst of lasers at the Intsec fliers.
  63. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2: //
  64. Friend Computer: Two of the shots hit it, making two holes in it's wing.
  65. Friend Computer: It begins spiralling downwards
  66. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2 Continue shooting down hostiles
  67. Friend Computer: Weiss unloads on a tank, landing seven spike in it.
  68. Friend Computer: The tank explodes.
  69. Aaro-O-IWK-3 gets out his chain lasgun and fires at the hostiles
  70. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2: // GOnna have to teach the kobold some proper railgun SCIENCE
  71. Aaro-O-IWK-3: // What are you talking about?
  72. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2: // Nothing, nothing at all.
  73. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2 FIRE LE LASERS
  74. Friend Computer: One of the tanks fires at the LPFD
  75. Friend Computer: it hits, causing an explosioN!
  76. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2: // That tank pilot isn't smart.
  77. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2: // if we're recharging the sudden overload could frak up the AC power system.
  78. Friend Computer: You can see liquid, which you recognize as the same liquid that is in the cloning vats in R&D.
  79. Weiss-O-ELF-3 grabs a parachute from inside the Saucer
  80. Friend Computer: It spills out of the hole.
  81. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2: No!
  82. Aaro-O-IWK-3: Yeah, that's probably not good.
  83. Weiss-O-ELF-3: fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck.
  84. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2 Runs deeper into the motorpool, and gets ready for a sprint.
  85. Weiss-O-ELF-3 Puts on the parachute, and jumps off the LPFD, and attempts to land on a tank.
  86. Aaro-O-IWK-3: // What all is attacking us?
  87. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2: // Le tanks
  88. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2: / Intsec fliers
  89. Friend Computer: Lands safely, about 5 meters away from a tank.
  90. Weiss-O-ELF-3 fires at the tank's ammo storage.
  91. Aaro-O-IWK-3 looks around the motorpool for vehicles
  92. Friend Computer: Weiss fires at the tank but misses the ammo storage.
  93. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2: Platypus, drop the meatball subs and avenge your comrades!
  94. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2: // Was gonna land on the tank transferring all my force to it ripping it to shreds given 492 metres, but 35% chance of success. Fhtagj
  95. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2: // Fhtang
  96. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2: // FHTAGN
  97. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2 Go to edge of motorpool and fire missiles at hostile tanks.
  98. Friend Computer: A saucer descends out of the LPFD and begins firing lasers from its sides.
  99. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2 is now playing NEOTOKYO°. Click here to join.
  100. Friend Computer: Fhtagn fires three missiles at the tanks, one hits a tank dead on, the other hits the side of a tank, and the third hits a nearby building.
  101. Weiss-O-ELF-3 runs into a neaby building, that Fhtagn hasn't shot up
  102. Friend Computer: The saucer that descended from the LPFD begins spinning very quickly
  103. Weiss-O-ELF-3 ducks for cover
  104. Friend Computer: The various cannons and lasers mounted to its sides begin firing rapidly
  105. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2: //
  106. Friend Computer: It begins flying around the enemy reinforcements, decimating the tanks and fliers.
  108. Friend Computer: Fhtagn fires more missiles at the tanks that are rolling towards the LPFD
  109. Weiss-O-ELF-3: // what do Daleks have to do with any of this?
  111. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2: // Everything.
  112. Friend Computer: One hits a tank dead on, the other two land in front of the incoming tank creating a rather deep pit.
  113. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2 Look for missile canisters.
  114. Friend Computer: Fhtagn returns to the supply room to recquisition more missiles.
  115. Weiss-O-ELF-3 fires at a few of the tanks.
  116. Friend Computer: // *requisition
  117. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2: // Recquisition.
  118. Aaro-O-IWK-3: // requazishun
  119. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2: // Requisition apparently.
  120. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2: // Stupid google, recquisition sounds more appropiate.
  121. Friend Computer: Weiss fires at one of the incoming tanks, causing it to explode.
  122. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2 Returns back armed with MISSILE CANISTER UPGRADE! *music*
  123. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2 Macross missile spam enemies.
  124. Friend Computer: Fhtagn fires several missiles, they land on the street creating a second pit.
  125. Friend Computer: The first pit has been filled in by fallen tanks.
  126. Aaro-O-IWK-3: // Fhtagn, you have terrible aim.
  127. Friend Computer: Robots begin rushing towards the tanks from a nearby building.
  128. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2: // No, I'm just creative.
  130. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2: // The pilots are stupid enough to go in the pits and get stuck.
  131. Aaro-O-IWK-3: // But they'll learn soon enough. I hope.
  132. Friend Computer: The tanks begin firing at the robots.
  133. Weiss-O-ELF-3 fires at the tanks in return.
  134. Friend Computer: Weiss fires at the oncoming tanks, managing to detonate three of them.
  135. Friend Computer: Above, you can see bombers and fliers flying in to assist the tanks.
  136. Friend Computer: One of the bombers crashes into a nearby saucer
  137. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2 Returns with a flak cannon
  138. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2 Fires at the aircraft!
  139. Weiss-O-ELF-3 fires at the fliers, aiming for the cockpits.
  140. Friend Computer: Fhtagn fires a cannon at the aircraft, causing a large explosion.
  141. Friend Computer: Several aircraft are engulfed by the explosion.
  142. Friend Computer: \
  143. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2 FIRE MORE.
  144. Friend Computer: Weiss fires at the several other aircrafts, causing them to spiral downwards.
  145. Friend Computer: Fhtagn fires the cannon once more, detonating the rest of the aircraft.
  146. Friend Computer: Only the tanks remain.
  147. Weiss-O-ELF-3 fires at the tanks.
  148. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2: Where is the platypus?
  149. Friend Computer: Weiss, assisted by Aaro in a saucer, pick off the remaining tanks.
  150. Aaro-O-IWK-3 returns to the LPFD
  151. Weiss-O-ELF-3 finds a way back onto the LPFF
  152. Weiss-O-ELF-3: //LPFD
  153. Weiss-O-ELF-3: //*
  154. Friend Computer: The Platypus informs you that it is lunch time in R&D
  155. Aaro-O-IWK-3 goes to R&D
  156. Weiss-O-ELF-3 goes to check on the damage in the cloning.
  157. Friend Computer: In R&D you see that several of the cloning tubes containing fetuses have been lost.
  158. Friend Computer: None of the animals you created are lost.
  159. Friend Computer: Also both the platypus and Fhtagn are eating meatball subs.
  160. Weiss-O-ELF-3 goes to his Club.
  161. Aaro-O-IWK-3 joins them in eating meatball subs
  162. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2: //
  163. Weiss-O-ELF-3: "I'll be serving drinks at the bar if you need me."
  164. Weiss-O-ELF-3: "At my club, I mean"
  165. Weiss-O-ELF-3: //MISSION COMPLETE
  166. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2: // So then.
  167. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2: // We get monies now
  168. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2: // ?
  169. Friend Computer: // +300 credits apeice
  170. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2: // Only 300?
  171. Aaro-O-IWK-3: // Considering we were never briefed for a mission in the first place, I'm happy we're getting paid.
  172. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2: // We engineered an uber alliance.
  173. Aaro-O-IWK-3: // I need credits.
  174. Aaro-O-IWK-3: // Credits.
  175. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2: // Stopped multiple invasions
  176. Aaro-O-IWK-3: // I am broke.
  177. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2: // And got italian meatball subs.
  178. Weiss-O-ELF-3: //and cigars
  179. Aaro-O-IWK-3: // We could sell the subs.
  180. Weiss-O-ELF-3: //a box for each of us
  181. Aaro-O-IWK-3: // And cigars.
  182. Weiss-O-ELF-3: //OR
  183. Weiss-O-ELF-3: //I could sell them at my club
  184. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2: // R&D has claimed the subs I think.
  185. Aaro-O-IWK-3: // Will you give us some of the profit?
  186. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2: // They were all eating them
  187. Weiss-O-ELF-3: //yes
  188. Aaro-O-IWK-3: // I support Weiss's plan.
  189. Aaro-O-IWK-3: // So is that it for today?
  190. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2: // WE just started basicly.
  191. Aaro-O-IWK-3: // But he needs to leave in 40 minutes.
  192. Aaro-O-IWK-3: // 45.
  193. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2: // 5:14 PM here.
  194. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2: // Timezones and stuff
  195. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2: // Unless its something different, GM.
  196. Weiss-O-ELF-3: //^^
  197. Aaro-O-IWK-3: // Friend Computer: I can only go until 6:00 PM EST, though, I promised a friend I would do something with him.
  198. Friend Computer: // Same timezone as you, Fhtagn/
  199. Aaro-O-IWK-3: // Am I the only CST here?
  200. Weiss-O-ELF-3: //oich, its been awhile since I've played any MMOs...
  201. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2: // East coast.
  202. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2: // Guess we stop here.
  203. Aaro-O-IWK-3: // Eating subs with a platypus and clubbing seems like a good place to stop.
  204. Fhtagn-O-WTF-2 has changed their name to Dom3k.
  205. Weiss-O-ELF-3: later
  206. Friend Computer: Later
  207. Friend Computer left chat.
  208. Pendragon left chat.
  209. Aaro-O-IWK-3 has changed their name to Lectorog.
  210. Dom3k left chat.
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